
The Rise of Liang: A Xianxia Journey

Liang is a thirteen-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a powerful cultivator and leaving behind his mundane life in a small village. When a group of mysterious black-robed men arrive to recruit new disciples for their sect, Liang sees this as his chance to follow his destiny. Despite protests from his family, Liang sets off on a journey of training and discovery, where he learns to control his qi, harness the elements, and wield a sword. However, with great power comes great danger, and Liang soon finds himself facing rival sects and ancient demons. Will Liang's determination and talent be enough to make him the greatest cultivator of his time?

saif_dine · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Sect's Secret

Liang spent the next several years training with the black-robed men. He learned to control his qi, harness the elements, and wield a sword with deadly precision. He also made many friends among the other disciples, who admired his talent and determination.

As he progressed through the ranks of the sect, Liang became aware of a strange undercurrent of tension and secrecy. The elders of the sect seemed to be hiding something, and there were rumors of forbidden techniques and hidden treasures.

Liang's curiosity was piqued, and he began to ask questions of the other disciples. One of them, a young woman named Mei, confided in him that she had heard whispers of a forbidden library hidden deep within the sect's mountain stronghold.

"I've never seen it for myself," Mei said in a hushed voice, "but I've heard that it contains powerful techniques that the elders don't want anyone to know about. It's said that only the most trusted disciples are allowed to enter."

Liang's heart raced with excitement. He knew that this could be his chance to uncover the secrets of the sect and gain even greater power. He resolved to find a way into the forbidden library.

He spent several weeks observing the movements of the elders and the other disciples, searching for any sign of an opportunity. Finally, he saw his chance.

Late one night, when most of the disciples were asleep, Liang slipped out of his quarters and made his way stealthily through the darkened halls of the stronghold. He avoided the patrolling guards and made his way to the hidden entrance to the forbidden library.

With a surge of adrenaline, Liang slipped through the entrance and into the dimly lit chamber beyond. The shelves were lined with ancient tomes and scrolls, and the air was thick with the scent of incense.

As he began to explore the library, Liang realized that Mei had been right. The books contained powerful techniques and forbidden knowledge, including the secret to unlocking one's full potential as a cultivator.

But as he delved deeper into the library's secrets, Liang became aware of a dark presence lurking in the shadows. He sensed that he was not alone, and that something dangerous was watching him.

As he turned to leave, Liang felt a sudden, searing pain in his back. He gasped in shock as he realized that he had been stabbed with a poisoned blade.

Liang stumbled towards the exit, his vision blurring and his limbs growing weak. As he collapsed to the ground, he saw the figure of a masked man looming over him, a wicked smile on his lips.

"You should have stayed in your quarters, little disciple," the man hissed. "Now you will pay the price for your curiosity."

With a final gasp, Liang slipped into unconsciousness, wondering if he would ever awaken again.