
The Rise Of Hydra God

Lee Sung is an orphan without a home or family, at the age of 5 he learned to kill and steal and grew up in a slum where aggression is common. But since that day it's not the same. Author : hey, i'm Celina i write this story because i love reading and write, this my third story so please help so this become decent. Thanks for Reading

IsseiVeskitos · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

Hello everyone, this is one of my first work and English isn't my first language, but I will try my best to improve.

I will improve with time and after my skills improve, I will come back and rewrite some chapters at the start..

The starting chapters will be a cringe, i am new to this, but I can promise you that there will be changes in way of writing. I'm a noob author so I am still learning.

Have a good day <3

In this world, where ki and supernatural powers exist, it is the strongest who survive and the weak who beg for food, survival, clothing, water and die.

Lee Sung is one of the weak in the world but the only difference is that he was raised by an injured ex-cultivator who can't fight anymore and was let go by his guild but even with his formerly, he couldn't become a cultivator because of his poor talent but he has become a powerful murderer for normal people.

His village was between two mountains and a large forest where the trees were 40 meters high and rank 1 to 3 monsters were common.

The further you go in the forest, the higher the trees become and the monsters become stronger.


A teenager with a knife cuts the throat of a man and steals his money.

"Wow, I got 200 putans from that bandit, maybe I should destroy their gangs, I'm pretty good at assassination after all hehe" said Lee Sung

Lee Sung is a teenager who lives in a slum where everything is allowed and where aggression is common.

At the age of 5 he committed his first murder.

He always dreamed of being born in a rich family to be able to cultivate but hey it's only a dream.

He searched the dead body and found a mana stone as a necklace, he found its magnificent so decided to put it around his neck instead of selling it

The next day, the gang of the man he killed yesterday was looking for him..

"He's the one who killed my brother, caught him"

"That Bastard"

"Kill him"

"No, we're going to attack him like we did to his adoptive mother, it's been a long time since we had a sex slave and he's rather handsome hehe" said the bandit leader, drooling

Lee Sung scared by his words started to run faster and headed for the forest, he knows it's very dangerous and his biological mother forbade him to go there but it was the only way to escape the bandit

One of the bandits threw a dagger at him in the leg which made him suffer but endured.

He started running again towards the forest where they could not do anything because the bandits are too afraid of monsters like any normal person.

But Lee sung is not a normal person and still ran forward in the forest then stopped to walk said

"Fuck, I'm going to kill them all and avenge my mother"

He was sure he could handle a level 1 beast but no more.

While hiding in the forest, he gradually advanced and came across a status of stone woman who seems to have the same necklace as him.

He touched her and suddenly a surge of ki filled his body

[New user accepted]

[The merging with the system has been completed]

[Say "statut" to learn more]


Name : Lee Sung

Race : Humain (Hydra Humanoïde)

Strength: 4

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 3

Agility: 6

Ki : 0

Talent :

- King of Monster :

Being able to forcefully subdue the beasts and if you kill them you are able to take their abilities but After utilisation you lose a part of your humanity

Competence :

"What?! did I just find a legendary artifact!??"

"whatt is Hydra Humanoïde??"

"What i'm the King Of Monster ??"

Suddenly a Electric Goat jumped on him to try to kill him, he narrowly dodged death but his arm was seriously injured, electrocuted and burned by the electric goat.

Lee Sung took out his dagger and repeatedly stabbed the goat who bite his hand with electricity in his mouth, Lee Sung endured the pain and ended up killing him and passing out without seeing the blue windows in front of him.

[New skill attribute: Shock (f) (growth)]


Lee sung woke up with a start to see his wounds completely healed and looked at the blue windows then tried to contract the lightning in his hand which worked and made him very happy.

"I have a huge artifact and with no talent but I have a competence, I need to start cultivating it now to get stronger using the monster mana cores."

After removing the mana cores from the monster's head.

He began to cultivate, to empty his mind and all thought, to be empty and connected with his surroundings.

After that, he decided to go home in secret but after looking at the blue window that said

[The body is getting stronger and the soul too, you are going to the first stage of being human]

[Your stats increase by 1]

"I finally became a cultivator..." Lee Sung cried with joy and left to go home and leave everything until tomorrow

In this world there are several stages of cultivation and each one has 5 levels and there are Human Stage, Superhuman Stage, Monster Stage, Sky Stage, Sky God Stage, Immortal Stage and after that, this just a legend.

Lee Sung is only human stage and level 1 out of 5 but now he is powerful enough to be called superhuman in addition to being able to craft lightning from his body and the fact that he know how to kill and how to fighting with a dagger gives him an advantage.

Lee-Sung arrives in what looks like a trash can but it's what he calls home..

He take the 600 putan which he saved by stealing from bandits and decides to destroy this organization that killed the one who raised him then went on an adventure to cultivate.

Just before the future destruction of the organization, he trained to use shock for 1 week.

He can now move it around his body and has grown strong enough to knock out a grown man, he is a little disappointed but knows it takes work and patience to move on and get stronger.

He is thin due to malnutrition, so he does not have much physical strength but can move and is very fast.

He learned to become an assassin who acts in the dark and then now, he has become 2 times stronger thanks to his breakthrough and arrival in the world of cultivation..


Name : Lee Sung

Race : Humain (Hydra Humanoïde)

Strength: 9

Dexterity: 6

Stamina: 9

Agility: 12

Ki : 4

Talent :

- King of Monster :

- Being able to forcefully subdue the beasts and if you kill them you are able to take their abilities

- After utilisation you lose a part of your humanity

Competence :

- Shock (F)


The next day he went to where the bandits live and do all sorts of horrible things.

Lee Sung hid in front of the bandit's house, he silently killed the guard with a stab mixed with chock which burned his flesh and prevented the blood from flowing.

Then, he advances to the house, kills the bandits little by little and spoils them and finally comes across the leader of the bandits who was not a cultivator, but scare Lee Sung who is a cultivator instead of running away there. tail between his legs, Lee Sung rushed at him with his chock-laden fist which stunned the man.

the man threw a big punch at Lee Sung which sent him flying.

Lee Sung decides to use Shock at full power which burns the enemy's flesh and stops his heart in his tracks.

After stripping the house of bandits he found a better dagger of average quality and 10,000 putan which is enough to live 5 years with these 600 putan added.

After preparing his business, he left to make the Soma desert a perfect place for new cultivator.