
Chapter 644: Trip to London, The Godfather, Monetary System

After securing the functioning of the radar, the next important task was to install these radars on warships.

Whether it was the previous battleships or aircraft carriers, or even medium and small warships, as long as the size and space allowed, such radars would be installed.

Fortunately, radars did not take up too much space. Except for the small vessels of a few hundred tons, warships of over a thousand tons generally had space for such radar installation.

Even the construction of Hercules-class and Hurricane-class aircraft carriers had to consider the design of radar installation spaces.

The radar was crucial for enhancing a warship's combat capability; warships equipped with radar were significantly more powerful than their counterparts of the same classification.

While the Ministry of Defense became busy with radar experiments, the Palace of Nations at Saint Arthur Castle also suddenly bustled with activity.