
Normal is overrated

Eric had a relatively normal day ,he went to work as usual although he did get some strange looks from his coworkers as well as them distancing themselves from him, he didn't care all that much . He had decided to strive for a normal life but that didn't change the fact he liked to be by himself, through out the entire day Eric had a feeling that something bad was going to happen but he couldn't figure out what.

Eric finished his shift and went to the same diner he had gone to everyday before deciding to just drive around. Eric kept driving until he some how arrived before Rose's school ,when Eric arrived he saw a strange seen . Two men in suits when bringing Rose out of the school, he didn't know them but he instinctively felt something was wrong . Eric got down and began to head towards them , as he got closer he saw one of the men's lips moving, his eyes began to glow activating his enhanced hearing .

Man in suit: "we obtained the girl and are heading to the rendezvous point."

Eric immediately understood what was going on . The men were after him but had decided to go for Rose and probably Elise so as to get him , he rushed in without the slightest hesitation alerting the agents to his presence. The agents pulled out their guns firing at him but with his animal like reflexes he managed to avoid them taking out the guy holding Rose .

Eric: turning to Rose "Hide!!!"

Rose quickly run back into the school to hide , the surrounding parents had also grabbed their kids and hurried to escape after hearing the gunshots and the school staff was quick to call the police. Eric made an attempt to snap the neck of the guy under him when he was shot in the shoulder causing him to roll away to avoid gunfire , just because the bullets couldn't kill him didn't mean they hurt any less .Eric got up once more looking at the two agents as his wound began healing forcing the bullet out, at that moment Eric saw more men in suits arrive all armed and he knew he had to go all out.

Eric's face began shifting and his face gained more wolf like features, his black glistening claws slowly came out as he stood showing his canines before he let out a beastlike roar. His roar sent shivers down the spines of many , the agents who were coming at him came to an abrupt halt as well as many of the people still present . Some of the people took out their phones and began recording. The agent all leveled their guns at him but didn't dare to take another step closer. One of the agents who seemed to be the leader took a deep breath and then began speaking.

Leading Agent : " X-1 surrender now! you have no chance what so ever to escape!"

Eric:" who says I want to ."

Eric's words caused the agent to be momentarily stunned , but a moment was all Eric needed . Eric leaped right into their midst and before the agents could react he was in their midst reaping their lives. The agents began firing back but it was useless , Eric moved way to fast that more of the bullets hit them than him. Their numbers began to dwindle and in a few minutes Eric was the last man standing , the remains of the agents all around him nourishing the grass below and transforming the once vibrant green into a bright crimson red.

The glow in Eric's eyes disappeared as his features began to shift back into his human form . He once again looked like an average human, albeit covered in blood as well as hiss clothes being filled with bullet holes. Eric stood there for a minute to catch his breath after calming down he began to shout for Rose .

Eric : "Rose ! Rose! Rose ! it's me you can come out now."

After shouting and searching frantically for a few minutes, Rose came out of her hiding spot and seeing her Eric felt as though a huge stone had just been lifted of his heart . His expression softened and he knelt down to hug her.

Eric: " Are you okay?"

Rose: "Mhm" the little girl held on tight as she responded.

Eric proceeded to carry her and left the school, he placed Rose in the truck and just as he was about to enter his truck a phone began to ring , looking around, he found out the phone was among the dead agents . He hesitated but eventually moved to take the phone and answered it.

???: "Hello X-1"

Hearing the voice Eric stiffened , he knew that voice and would remember that voice no matter what.

???: "I see you remember me, I'm glad . I have spent a long time looking for you ever since you run away and was beginning to think I would never see you again. I was happy that you decided to stay...."

Eric : " where is she ?"

???: " I assume you are talking about your new lady friend. No need to worry, she is safe with me , I would have never thought you would attempt having a normal life, haven't I always said normal is overrated. I taught you better than....."

Eric: "If you touch a single hair on her..."

???: "yeah, yeah, I know . Do not worry nothing would happen to her you see you have a tendency to always run away so think of this as insurance to make sure you don't run see you soon X-1"