
The Rioter

After the finals of selection of the strongest hero of the year, the result of which was delayed because one of the two finalists had lost her control, a very powerful and dangerous group of villains decided to kill Linda. A young girl who had become the world's strongest hero for three consecutive years before this final. But this year, the situation for her was very different from previous years. ———————————————————————————————- “This is just a summary of the first volume. The story is so big that I cannot summarize it in a few lines.”

Hiro_Esmith · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Strange feeling

She took a deep breath. Linda's morals confused her mind. She could feel the expansion of her lungs every moment and the fresh air flowing through her veins. In the end, with an exhalation, she cleared her soul and mind of negative thoughts.

She walked towards the stairs. She took her hand from the railing next to it and went down the stairs. It was in the middle of the stairs when a middle-aged man suddenly hit Helen's shoulder while rushing up the stairs. Helen was looking at the man's face with her shocked face while holding her shoulder. At first glance, Helen saw the fear and stress in his eyes, how they had taken control of him.

Following the middle-aged man, a guard was going up the stairs quickly behind him. The guard was rather fat and therefore could not be as fast as the middle-aged man, but the sweat he had made showed that he had a lot of effort and perseverance.

"What's Going On?"

Helen was holding the railing tightly and leaning on it. Another man in a white robe was standing at the bottom of the stairs and asked her in a friendly tone, "Miss Helen, are you hurt?"

Without answering his concern, he quickly descended the remaining stairs and stood next to the man, "What happened?"

"It seems that one of the patient's relatives insisted that he should see his patient. They didn't allow him, he entered by force!"

Apart from those two, nurses and even patients had come out of their rooms and were watching these events. Suddenly, the loud voice of the middle-aged man in the hospital rang out: "Bro, I swear to God, I'm his grandfather. I have to see him to know if he is healthy or not. Ahhhhhhh, bro, You are breaking my hand now, damn it, did you catch a murderer?"

The hospital guard held the middle-aged man's hands behind his head and led him down the stairs. He took the stranger into a room. Finally, with the efforts of the guard, this incident ended. The nurses asked the patients and heroes to go back to their rooms and rest. After a few moments, the hall returned to its initial calm.

The doctor tried to start a conversation with Helen: "Well... it seems to be over..."


"Shouldn't you be at home now? Because I heard from one of the nurses that you are only on the morning shift today."

"Yeah, that's right, but for some reason I had to take the evening shift as well."

The man nodded and when he wanted to speak, a thin and polite voice was heard from behind him, "Doctor? Someone wants to talk to you on the phone."

"I'm coming"

Stress and anxiety took over the doctor's existence. With the fear that he had from a few moments later, he was trying to say what he had in mind to Helen: "Umm, you know, I wanted to... how can I say, it's kind of nice to see you now."

He kept standing on his toes and returning to his previous position. He was looking everywhere except Helen's face: "I wanted... I wanted to say... is it possible to invite you to a restaurant tonight?"

Even though he said his words with difficulty and lightened up a bit, he still did not look at her beautiful brown eyes. His movements became less, but he was still worried inside.


Suddenly the man felt empty. He considered himself worthy of having dinner with her just one night. He stared at her with sadness hidden in his surprised face. When Helen saw his sad and shocked face, she completed her speech: "I mean, I will probably take a shift tonight as well. So I can't promise."

He saw a promising light. His sense of fear completely disappeared and was replaced by hope and cheerfulness. "Do you agree to go to the restaurant?" the doctor said with a happy tone.

"Why not, I just said that I most likely won't be able to come today."

"No problem, we'll go whenever you're ready"

The thin and polite voice of a female nurse was heard again: "Doctor, your mother called and said that if you don't answer me in 10 seconds, I won't let you come home!"


He turned to Helen and said with a laugh, "Excuse me, I have to answer the phone."

"Okay sure"

The doctor hurried away from him and entered another room.

Helen also decided to go to the other side of the hall, but she hadn't gone far when she suddenly passed through the entrance door of the hospital

and left. She was taking big steps and her head was down. She stopped and leaned against the wall. Her eyes were about to pop out of joy. She held her hands in front of her mouth and was breathing rapidly. She felt strange. Her heart was not calm and was beating harder and these heavy beats made it harder for her to breathe. After a few moments, she removed her hands. She had a big smile on her face that showed her white teeth.


"are you afraid of me?"

His body was like the bark of a tree. There were bright green streaks in different parts of his body, which created a frightening beauty in the darkness.

Her breathing was louder than before. She was holding her steel sword tightly in her hand and was pressing it. At the same time, she said with her harsh tone, "Cut the crap. What are you?"

A big grin covered his entire wooden mouth. His green eyes were staring at the surprised face of the young girl. He said in his thick voice, " I'm the one you will fear for the rest of your life." And suddenly it lost its green glow and became one with the blackness there.

Linda was sitting on the bed, while her feet were touching the floor. She had her hands in her hair and was looking at the floor with her cold blue eyes. From the cool breeze that shook the curtains and the sunlight that was not very hot, it was clear that this exhausting day was coming to an end. As always, the hospital was immersed in a sea of absolute silence. Every moment that passed there, Linda lost more of her spirit and energy.

"If I stay here, I'll be depressed." She whispered this sentence in a low voice. He remembered the words of the man who had come from the organization: "Until then, you will continue your normal life routine. »

She put her hands on her knees and slowly got up. She left her room. Her eyes fell on a guard who was sleeping on a chair by the wall in the middle of the hall. She went towards him. The guard was sleeping by the door of a room. Linda knew at first glance that the room was for the young boy for whom she was admitted.

She looked at the guard to make sure he didn't wake up. Then she pushed down the door handle to enter the room; But the door was locked.

A hand came on the guard's shoulder and shook her violently. The guard raised his voice in a panic and said: "Earthquake...earthquake..."

"Don't be afraid, it's not an earthquake, I am."

The startled eyes of the guard were staring into the bright blue color inside Linda's eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on his heart.

"Oh, is that you, Miss Anderson? I was having a stroke."

"Do you sleep while on duty?"

The guard was shocked and was looking for a convincing answer, but he couldn't find anything.

"Ah... I, I, you know, it's so quiet here that one falls asleep" and then he gave a not-so-beautiful chuckle.

"Anyway, why are you here?" Linda said.

"Oh… I was ordered to make sure that no one entered the room without permission. It seems that this man is currently forbidden to meet."

"Forbidden to meet?"

Meanwhile, a young man in a light blue hospital uniform came towards them. His left hand was broken and that's why he was casted. He had no hair on the sides of his head, but in the middle he had a lot of hair that was combed upwards and he also dyed them cream. On his neck and near his shoulder he had tattooed the letter "S" with a snake coiled around it.

The guard was still talking to Linda: "Yes. At first they wanted only you not to be allowed to meet him; But after a stranger claimed to be one of this boy's relatives and wanted to forcefully enter, they decided to prohibit the entry of anyone except the medical staff into this room.

"Oh, Miss Anderson. I never thought you'd end up in a hospital." It was the same man's voice with cream hair. He smiled sarcastically and stood facing him. After a few moments, he lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "You must have come to finish the job!"

His voice was not so quiet that Linda could not notice it. She widened her eyes and looked at her with an angry face and said, "What did you say?" She fisted her hands and took a step closer to him. Suddenly, the guard got up from the chair and stopped her and tried to calm her down: "Ms. Anderson, be calm. This is not a good place to fight. You have to give people the right, you wanted to kill a hero. This is not something that people can easily deal with. Do you want to make things worse?"

The disgusting smile of the guard made Linda even more angry. So much that her heart wanted to break her jaw. But in the end, she left with that hateful look and used the stairs to go to the upper floor.

At this time, the stranger leaned against the wall with his broken hand and said to the guard, "Oh man, I

never liked this girl. With her father's money, she is becoming the strongest hero every year, and she's also proud. Pity for that beauty, which belongs to this girl!"

"Forget her ,man, she's not worth getting upset over. How's your hand?"

The guard and the man started talking to each other and forgot about this incident. At this moment, on the stairs somewhere far away from the eyes of the two, Linda was listening to the two of them with a sad face and a cold look and thoughts full of hatred. But without doing anything extra, she continued on her way.


A middle-aged and fat man was sitting behind the table and listening to Linda's request.

"I want to go back home. I feel better now and I don't think I have a reason to stay here."

A card was attached to the right side of his chest and it contained a small photo of him and information that revealed his identity to everyone. He is considered the most important person in this hospital. He put his hand under his chin and said to him with a tired look, "Well, it's not a problem. You can go anywhere you want, there was no need for him to come to me."

Linda said in surprise, "That's it? I thought it would be much more difficult now that I want to go somewhere."

"You are free to go anywhere you want, except Mr. Hiro Smith's room." Then he smiled.

Linda was suspicious of him, but still decided to leave the hospital. With the same hesitant look, she said, "Okay ... umm, where are my things and my sword?"

"Inside the closet in your room. If you probably don't find it there, ask a nurse to find it for you. But before going, please go to the accounting department to sign the leave form."


When she reached the second floor, her eyes fell on the guard's chair, but he himself was not there. Without stopping, she walked away from there and went towards the room that was at the end of the hall. There was less silence inside the room than in the hall, and that was because of the voices of people walking in the outside area of the hospital and the ambulances that were constantly carrying patients. But if the balcony door was closed, these voices might not have been heard. However, she found a small closet that was on the floor next to a refrigerator that was a little bigger than the closet.

When she opened the door, she saw her belongings neatly arranged there. As if all she had with her before coming to the hospital was a sword, a special belt to keep it, and a bag like a wallet.

She took the small bag and looked inside. There were several bank cards and a photo of herself inside. She had a serious look in the photo too. She put the wallet in her pants pocket and this time she took the special belt and tied it around her waist. The belt looked very thick and heavy, but Linda could easily wear it without any problem. Then she went to a metal holder in the shape of a rectangular cube and attached it to the right side of the belt.

While she was busy connecting it, she heard a strange sound like wind blowing behind her. At first, she thought that she could hear the wind because the balcony door was open. But a little later, she heard a young boy's voice behind her.

"Oh damn ... She's here. Didn't you say she went out? "

Linda remained motionless. She could feel the danger. As her hand was on the belt and she was attaching the holder, she glanced at her sword which was in the sheath and inside the closet.

Suddenly, at the speed of the wind, she bent down to take her sword from inside the closet; But the teenage girl who was standing next to that stranger boy extended her palm towards him. The same wind-like sound was heard again. Something like a black hole formed in front of Linda and was pulling her into it. It was black inside and had purple halos. But the suction speed was not high. Linda's reaction was faster and she was able to pick up the sword and pull herself away from the black hole. With one jump, she reached right next to her bed. She quickly pulled out her sword and pointed at it, but after a few moments she realized that it did not have a blade. However, she asked them: "What the hell are you doing?" Who are you?"

They both had purple hair, but the color of their eyes was different. It was black for the boy and green for the girl. The young boy, who was almost twenty years old and was wearing a black jacket, laughed and answered him, "They call us Red Moon!"

Suddenly, Linda reached for her belt and quickly took out a steel blade from the holder. As Linda was installing it on her sword, the purple haired girl with a black metal mask covering her mouth and nose extended her palm towards her again. In the blink of an eye, another black hole was created behind Linda's head, but this time it did not pull her in; But someone else came out of it. Linda's eyes were on her sword, but she could feel the presence of another person. She could feel a dagger coming towards her to cut off her head.


Author's note: For your better understanding and imagination, dear friends, at the end of each chapter, a series of additional information about the characters and the story will be told.

Central Hero Management Organization (CHM): The task of this organization is to monitor the actions of all heroes. This organization is the place to determine who is qualified to be a hero. All information about heroes and their families is stored in the information archive section forever. Also, this organization is the main responsible for holding the selection competitions of the strongest champion of the year. This organization is located in the capital of Epard country, Pradian, and its current president is the current president of the country.

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