
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Aktion
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44 Chs

“Fall To The Worst”


The red haired man atood up, Nico Ryoto's return had came. He stared over to The Devil, unsheathing his sword as demonic hands rose from the blade.

Everyone there seemed surprised about his aword, as nobody's actually seen it yet besides him and The Leader.

"What's that little toy you got there?"

The Devil asked mockingly, getting back up as he dashed towards Nico, his claws bursting into flames as he went for a quick strike.

Nico held his sword forth, before swinging at The Devil, the hands restraining him in place. Nico gave him a cold glare before grabbing his wrost, and snaping it in half.

"Let's see who you are now."

The Devil lost concentration to his ring, his illusionary disguise wearing off. Everyone looked in anticipation on who it could be, Nico slowly making the demonic hands disappear from his sword.

He came to a sudden surprise, his eyes widened as a shiver went down his spine, staring directly at The Devil, a familiar red hair seen.


Lite and Riku looked in surprise, both having their acquaintances with Ratio. Ratio looked down to Nico with a chuckle, as Nico's face went from surprise to anger.

He dropped his sword and began throwing powerful punxhes, knoxking Ratio around with each one. Everyone seemed surprised to his random outrage, Riku gesturing for Misty to restrain him.

"Nico, we need him alive!"

Lite yelled out to Nico. Misty's hair sprouted out like long black tendrils, reaching out to restrain Nico's arms, though it only ended with him grabbing them, and tossing her away.

"Nico, calm the fuck down!"

Mari shouted, Nico going on an onslaught against Ratio as she dashed forth, her sword's rocket activating. She swung towards Nico at high speeds as he ducked under it, countering with a punch to the gut.

Ratio was already knocked out of the count, as everyone ran in to jump Nico. He looked to all of them, before clapping his hands, electricity firing out as a shockwave, knocking everyone back.

"Don't fucking stop me..!"

He picked his sword back up, holding it between both handd as he stabbed it down to Ratio's neck. Lite quickly shot the sword to just barely miss, following by dashing to him and kicking him in the neck.

Nico stumbled forth, but quickly pointed his palm to Lite, unleashing a flurry of bullets. Royce returned as he dashed in the way, blocking the bullets with difficulty.

As Nico was occupied with firing his bullets, Riku and Misty used their tentacles and tendrils to wrap him up, Misty gaining a purple aura around her head as she raised a truck up with her mind, slamming it down upon him.

He bursted out of restraint and sliced the truck in half, both sides sliding out of the way from him. He then sliced his own abdomen, blood leaking out, well everyone was confused by this action.

He held his fist up, his ring glowing a bright red as everyone's eyes widened, quickly running away, unknowing what to expect from Nico's ring.

The Leader had returned, stopping Lite on confusion as she struggled around escessively.

"Lite,what's going on?!"

She pointed back at Nico, who'd gained a red aura, charging up energy around himself.

"Nico's gone crazy, he's using his ring..!"

The Leader shook his head, letting Lite continue on her way as he ran towards Nico, his ring glowing yellow as he charged up his vibrations.

The ground cracked around Nico, his red energy bursting out as he held his sword up in a reverse grip. Just before The Leader reached him, he stabbed his sword into the ground.


Red energy rose from the ground, burning anything it touched, as the ground was destroyed. Red beams then shot out rapidly, The Leader unable to do anything as the beams shot through him.


Lite yelled out, everyone watching from afar as The Leader wwas filled with holes through him. Nico's attack ended as he regained his sense, holding his head.

"I feel a presence.."

Nico peaked through his fingers, slowly looking down to see The Leader, laid on the ground, large holes shot right through his body, beyond repair.

Nico's eyes widened as everyone rushed towards him. Nico didn't know what to do, he had just killed an ally without a second thought. He reached down and picked up The Leader's ring,, examining closely.

"What'd I do.."

Everyone arrived, though stopped in realization pf what Nico was holding.

"Nico, don't put that on, you'll die if you wear more then one!"

Mari shouted out, Nico unable to hear her, as if in a trance. He slowly lifted his hand, sliding the ring on his middle finger, the wind suddenly blowing around as it was hard for everyoen to stay on foot.

Red and yellow energy shot out his body, as if his two rings were fighting eachother, Nico agonizing in pain. Everyon didn't know what to do, they could barely stand let alone walk closer.

A storm came suddenly, lightning shooting down rapidly as Nico's body cibrated, leaving him looking like a blur. Shockwaves were fired out, mixed with red beams as everyone focused on dodging them, Nico yelling out in pain.

One last wave was shot out, though it didn't knock anyone back, instead turning off all the power in the city for a few seconds. Everyone cane back to bormal as Nico shivered, looking down to his hand, now carrying two rings.

"Wh-What.. How..-"

Mari questioned, it was supposed to be impossible to wear two rings. Her talking, however, startled Nico as he quickly ran away.


Lite called out to him, reaching out, though it wasn't worth it, Nico needed time by himself. Everyone walked to The Leader, his dead body laying there.

"This is horrible.. and to add onto it I believe that other ring wearer got away."

Royce said, lifting The Leader's body up. Riku then spoke up, approaching them.

"That ring wearer was Nico's brother, Ratio. Back on the island they seemed like a great duo, a typical brother relationship, y'know. Why would Ratio do this all…"

Mari sighed, shaking her head as she sheathed her sword.

"We shouldn't worry about any of this all. We need to figure out where Nico's going, and how he's wearing two rings.. what if he could wear more? So many questions…"

They all surrounded The Leader, taking a moment to mourn.

Nico walked up the hills, holding his still bleeding abdomen, dispair written on his face. He made it to the top of the hill, his house stood at the top.

He slowly stumbled to the front door, knocking on it. Quickly his mother came, opening it as she quickly went to scolding him.

"Where have you been for the last few says!? You suddenly disappeared with no wo-"

She looked into his eyes, sensing his emotions as she slowly frowned, then noticing his injuries as she quickly helped him in.

"What happened..- Nico.."

She sat him down on the couch, rushing to the washroom as she came back with a first aid kit, quickly coming over to wrap up his injuries.

Nico glanced to his mother, as she glanced back, before noticing his rings, her eyes twitching, Nico acknowledging this.

"Mom, I reunited with Ratio, but… he tried to kill me.. I'm alive, so is he but.. I killed someone."

Her eyes widened as she stopped, wanting to break into tears, she didn't know how to intake any of this.

"Mom, you never tell me anything about Dad, Ratio, or any of my relatives.. What are you keeping a secret from me."

She looked down, sighing before sitting beside Nico, acing her hand on his shoulder.

"There's actually.. a lot I need to tell you, I just never knew when.. But, it's time you know the truth about yourself, your family, everything."