
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Aktion
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44 Chs

“Circus Animals”

Rook now held the two in a dangerous situation, beign able to remove their rings with the slightest movement. Nico raised an eyebrow and moved anyways, considering his hands were prosthetic, and not something one could simply slice off.

Rook tried to slice his finger off regardless, and as he expected it didn't work. Nico took out a pistol of his own and pointed it to Rook, a blank expression on her face.

"Oh no.."

She dropped her knives, as they suddenly exploded on impact of the ground, both Nico and Aku blocking the explosion, as Rook used this to disappear.

"Where'd she go now.."

The two looked around as Rook stood on top of a nearby building, the two looking up at her. She twirled around a grenade by it's pin, smiling down at them.

"I'm afraid I can't let you stop Morell until I'm ready.. Just give it a little wait.."

She dropped the grenade as Nico got in front of Aku, generating a vibration barrier. The grenade's explosion was much larger then expected, as they were launched back, Rook's survival being questionable.

"What the hell… Who was that, and what'd they mean 'until their ready..?' Should we go after them..?"

Aku asked. Nico took his phone out and looked at the radar, as Rook's appearance suddenly vanished. Nico shook his head and sighed.

"I guess we'll just go find Uvie.. Keep an eye out though."

Aku nodded as they instead went to find Uvie. They were much more cautious now, looking around constantly. Despite their cautiousness they hadn't realized the drone following them.

"There's lots to know about you, Ryoto…"

Rook whispered, sat in a watchtower. She'd ve looking through the drone's camera through her tablet, a quiet snicker heard from her.

Nico rubbed his cheek, a slight soreness within it from Rook's earlier kick.

"Man.. That girl can fucking kick."

Aku nodded, pulling his shirt up, a large bruise on his stomach. The two sighed as another circus tent was spotted, much like the one Uvie was first found it.

"In there.. Try not to be hostile to her though.. Last time we diid that she stabbed your friend in the chest.."

Nico stated, Aku sighing, not showing much worry. He seemed very knowledgeable towards Reece's healing factor.

"Yeah.. When I first met Reece was through an injury( her whole skull crushed. Believe it or not, but Morell and Reece's first encounter was through a fight to the death, both of them almost on their deathbed."

Nico chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as they made it to the front of the circus.

"Say.. What was Morell like before.. all this happened..?"

Aku looked down, a slight smile on his face.

"She was very quiet and reserved, though very determined, she'd be on her last leg, like literally on her last leg and still try to succeed.. If what you've said about her is true, I'm gonna get her back."

Nico smiled and nodded, patting him on the back before the two entered the circus. It wasn't empty this time, though arguably worse. The seats, instead of people, sat creepy wooden mannequins, some dressed up some not.

The whole place was a mess, truly. The two looking around cautiously, before being startled, two giant hands coming out from the cieling.

"The fuck is that..?"

The hands began fixing everything, cleaning the mess, and dressing the rest of the mannequins. A quiet giggle heard before the hands retreated.

They two didn't know how to react, looking at eachother before sheugging and walking down to the center of the circus, before many spotlights were pointed at them.


Nico muttered, carnival music beginning to play as suddenly multiple large animals came rushing in, circling the two of them. The ground began to subtle shake as they hurried out of there, going to the back of the circus.

"Besides the animals this place is identical to the last one.. Uvie should be hiding somewhere in here.. She might get mad at me so I suggest you go."

Aku looked at Nico with slightly widened eyes, not really wanting to go, now a acknowledging Uvie's full capability, and that she was likely going easier on him during their fight.


He sighed, crossing his arms before cautiously looking around the backroom, Nico staying behind as he stayed as lookout, finally noticing Rook's camera with shock written on his face.


He pulled out his pistol, firing at the drone, as Rook managed to maneuver the drone well enough to dodge the first few, though it was eventually shot down.


Rook, now having her drone destroyed, stood up and jumped off crom the watchtower, beginning to run to the circus.

"Guess I'll have to sneak around myself.."

She muttered in dissapointment. Nico approached the drone, picking it up before crushing it up into a metal ball, making sure no cameras or microphones were left.

"Now where's Aku with Uvie…"

Aku continued looking around, whistling a tune before suddenly shouting in surprise, Uvie swinging sown in front of his face, hanging from the cieling by her legs as she laughed to his freight.

"Gotcha..! So.. what're ya doing here..?"

Aku took a deep breath, feeling his beating heart as he glared at Uvie, unhumoured. She made a pouty face to his lack of interest, falling and landing back on her feet, as she crossed her arms.

"Let me guess. You're here to gloat about beating me, but I'll let you know I allowed that to happen..!"

Aku chuckled, finding her mannerism quite whimsical as he patted her head, which she'd quickly back away in retaliation.

"No, no.. We really need you to change the world back to normal.. Our friends are in danger and it'd be a lot easier in a simpler terrain.."

Aku said calmly. Uvie raised an eyebrow, questioning just one thing.

"What do you mean 'we'? Are there two of you here..?"

'He flinched a bit, looking behind him as Uvie stroked her chin, looking over his shoulder skeptically, the two startled by a sudden shout.

"Hey, Aku..! Hurry up over there..!"

Nico ran out from the corner, seeming to be panicking as he suddenly rolled towards them, dodging multiple knives that were thrown towards him.


Nico and Aku both ducked, Rook standing vehind him as she threw a knife forth. Uvie froze in place as she spotted the knife thrown to her. She had to speed to react and duck as well, but she just couldn't get herself to move, the knife inches away.
