In the world of Murim, legendary assassin Chen Liang, known as the Silent Shadow, dies after failing to defend his Hidden God Sect. Reincarnated as Li Wei, a 15-year-old disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, he retains his memories and vows revenge. Excelling rapidly, Li Wei masters advanced techniques and wins the sect's annual competition, becoming the Sword of Mount Hua. Taking in three talented disciples—Jian Yu, Mei Lin, and Liang Shen—Li Wei prepares them for the prestigious Conference of Warriors organized by the Murim Alliance. Initially dismissed by guards, they are recognized by Zughe Jang, an influential figure from Li Wei's past life. At the conference, Li Wei's disciples are impressed with their skills, though only Jian Yu reaches the finals. When Jian Yu is cheated out of victory, an enraged Li Wei intervenes, displaying his formidable power. He defeats the cheater and his ally from the Crimson Lotus Sect but is stopped from killing them by Zughe Jang, solidifying his reputation as the righteous and powerful Sword of Mount Hua.