

New Orleans: 9:59pm, January 4th:

The Bioship had flown us to the designated area where the Krolotean Zeta energy was coming from.La'gaan mentally commands the camouflaged ship over what appears to be an abandoned junkyard along the Bayou.....but looks can be deceiving.I trace the longitude and latitude of the trace and pinpoint it to a toolshed within the junkyard."That's where the Zeta energy is coming from." I say to La'gaan and Beetle who gaze at the shed."A toolshed?It's barely enough room for one Zeta tube in there." La'gaan states as I shake my head and run the diagnostics and stats again."There is no other explanation or location....it's down there." I say to him as he groans and leans back in the pilot seat."I knew we got the soft gig." He says as Beetle scoffs and leans back in his own chair, a happy and content look on his face."And yet, I'm ok with that, hermano.Yes I am.....yes I am.Yes.I. Am!" Beetle starts off softly before his voice turns to one of frustration and annoyance....but what confuses the shit out of me and La'gaan is that fact that he seems to be arguing with someone....that someone being neither me or La'gaan.I shut my open mouth and narrow my eyes, I press my 'R' insignia and communicate with Mal."Gamma Squad to Cave.We're in position." I say as I hear Mal's voice come back through.Very good, Gamma.All Team and Justice League units are in place and ready.Go time." He says as I nod to the other two.They nod back and head to the rear end of the ship.The Bioship opens a door for us as we drop down, I open my cape so I can slow my fall....Beetle powers his jet thrusters and wings to a low but powerful setting as not to cause any strenuous sound.La'gaan simply drops and rolls forward to carry his momentum.....causing little to no sound as well.

We hide behind some wrecked cars, gazing at the toolshed.I nod to Beetle who forms a sonic cannon on his arm, he unleashes a controlled sonic wave at the shed which obliterates it....leaving shards of wood, metal and a large dirt tench in the wake of its destruction.La'gaan drops down and inspects the destroyed shed, even from back here.....I don't see any kind of tech that resembles a Zeta tube or platform."Congratulations, Blue.You took out an actual toolshed." La'gaan quips as he shows us a half destroyed toolbox before throwing it away.I frown my brows in confusion as I alert the cave."Gamma to Cave.There's no Zeta tube or paltform here.No Kroloteans, no hidden entrance.Nothing." I say as I await Mal's reply."Hmm, Watchtower is still receiving trace Zeta radiation from the site." He says as I pull open my hologram computer and pinpoint the radiation.....it says it where the shed was a minute ago.....a thought enters my head as I filter to the tomographic map.....my eyes widen when seeing the trace coming from below the water line."Confirmed....the radiation signature is coming from below the water line." I say to Mal and Blue before looking down at La'gaan."You're up." I say as he nods and leaps over to the water's edge and dives in.Me and Beetle wait for La'gaan's word of confirmation.....it doesn't take long at all."Better get down here, minnows." We hear La'gaan say over our comms as we nod to each other.Beetle forms an underwater respiratory breather over his face as I pull my cape off and pull out my own breather.We five into the water and swim down to where La'gaan is.He moves some seaweed and poits towards a clear cut tunnel with a metal door at the end.The door seems to me malfunctioning which always a current to form through the small gap left by the door.I signal La'gaan to take point as we swim through the hole.

La'gaan looks back at me as I point to the door.He nods and smiles with glee.His shoulder tattoos glow a bright blue as he starts to grow in size, becoming a hulking fish behemoth.His spiked fins become larger and more defined, his teeth grow bigger and his face contorts into a snarl.He swims to the door and forces it open, me and Beetle swim up to him....all of our eyes narrow when seeing the alien corridor before us.Blue and I swim past La'gaan who shrinks back down to size and follows behind us.I see a light from coming from the end of the cooride and to my relief, their seems to be the surface of the water or an air pocket and either of them would be favourable right now.We breach the surface...and I once again, curse myself for jinxing it.Our eyes widen when seeing the massive base that the Kroloteans have built.Even from down here in the water, I can see at least three or four Zeta platfroms.The nasal chitter and screeching of dozens upon dozens of Kroloteans can be heard as we make our way out of the water and to some cover.

I glance around our cover and I see a Krolotean with a red sash around, bark and screen orders to other Kroloteans, must be the leader of something.So Kroloteans are being Zeta'd away and I just think that maybe, just maybe....we should ahev called for some back up before coming down.Just to at least be safe."Gamma to Cave.We hit the motherload.Huge base.Alien tech.Four...possibly five Zeta platforms.And more Kroloteans than I can count." I say Mal, who soon answers back."Acknowledged.Well send back up.Lay low for now and await back up." Mal says and as soon as he finishes speaking, an alarm starts to ring throughout the base."Uh, that may be a problema, I say." Beetle says fearfully as we turn to him, pointing at something.We follow his trajectory and see a giant video screen and to our shock and horror.....it's of us.Me and La'gaan turn our ways away and see the camera behind us.....damn.We turn back when we hear and see the leader Krolotean screeching and pointing towards us.Every single Krolotean stops want they are doing and charges towards us.....a massive horde of pissed off aliens.....coming right for us."Soft gig, huh?" Beetle says with sarcastic anger to La'gaan, and I can't help but agree with him.Damn La'gaan with the soft gig bullshit and damn me for jinxing it.I shake my head and stand up straight, pulling out my quarter staff.

Mount Justice:

No P.O.V:

Mal stands within a circle of hologram screens as he tracks the progress of all the raids."Beta to Cave.We found a Zeta platform, the kind Strange described.There were two Kroloteans here, but they Zeta'd away before we could apprehend them.No human captives though." Bumblebee alerts to Mal as he crosses out another platform from Eastern Europe."Acknowledged.Destroyed the platform and report back." He orders back as another report comes through....this one from Nightwing."Alpha to Cave.One platform, now non-opertional.One Krolotean escaped.Zero abductees." Nightwing reports as Mal checks the progress of the other squad, mainly the League."League units are getting the same results.Relative small bases with one or two Kroloteans.None of them have abductees either.Seems that Gamma squad were right and have the main base of operations." Mal says to Nightwing."And how is Gamma's progress?" Nightwing asks as Mal sucks in a breath."Uh.....yeah.About them...."

Krolotean Base, New Orleans:

P.O.V Change: Tim 'Robin' Drake

The horde comes charging as I tighten my hold on my staff."Form up.Blue, provide support from the air.La'gaan, target the Zeta support structures." I say as they pop up."Si, hermano." Beetle says as he flies up above us and La'gaan cracks his knuckles."Stay liquid, minnows." La'gaan says as we meet the horde in the charge.I use my quarter staff with expert and brutal effectiveness, taking many Kroloteans out with every swing of trh staff.A Krolotean jumps at me from behind but I'm able to here it coming as I duck under it and fire my grappling hook at it.The grapple pint punctures it through the shoulder, earning me as screech of pain from the alien as I pull it balc and swing it around, taking out dozens of Kroloteans from the twirl.I release the Krolotean from the hook....turning AKC to see another massive group of Kroloteans circling me.They all charge me but I drop a smoke pellet and grapple to the second floor, befuddling the Kroloteans down below.Now with a smaller space of me to narrow the line, I can effectively take out the Kroloteans, one by one.I notice down below, La'gaan has grown to his hulking size.His size and strength is more than enough for the dozens of Kroloteans that are jumping onto him, trying to take him down.He roars in fury as he rips a piece from a Zeta platform and uses it as a bat, swinging it about and take out heaps of Kroloteans.Beetle has no adversaries to give him trouble....his armour, weapons and ability to fly are more than enough to keep the Kroloteans from outnumbering and overrunning me and La'gaan.Two lines of Kroloteans are coming at me from either side of the walkway....I press a button on the staff....the ends of the staff open up...showing a battery, that is releasing a small but powerful charge of electricity from either end.The Kroloteans charge against me, hoping that their numbers will be enough, but I've been trained by Batman and Nightwing...they teight me that a number is just that.A number.At first, they taught me how to fight six men.Now, they teach me how to fight six hundred.....and these aliens are nothing compared to the training that I had to take and the scenarios that I had be honed to prepare against.With the electric charge at each end, my staff is proving effective with shutting down the Krolotean assualt onto me, but I can't keep this up forward.I swing the staff a 360° hit that took out about 5 Kroloteans.I leap from the walkway and drop three small bombs on the walkway.I grapple away from the explosion which collapses the walkway and takes the Kroloteans with it.La'gaan is ripping up everything and anything in his way, the Kroloteans haven't seemed to learn that while in his hiking form, La'gaan can take punishment and add that pain into his anger.....which feeds into his strength.It's not ideal since it drains his magic at an exponential rate but as of right now its proving very effective.

Beetle fires beams of sonic waves around the bases, which sends hordes upon hordes of Kroloteans flying.But more and more Kroloteans just keep on coming."Bien, pequeños monstruos alienígenas.Enough playing around!" Beetle shouts as two, six loaded, rocket launchers form on his shoulders.He fires all twelve rockets around the the base, which does some serious damage to the Zeta platforms and the main control hub.I look up and see the leader, pointing to Beetle with a clear look of horror on his face.He screeches something in his language and all of trh Kroloteans stop and stare at Beetle...before running away in fear.The remaining Zeta platforms, that somehow are still operational, take groups of Kroloteans and they Zeta away for safety."Wow!They really don't like you!I'm a little jealous" La'gaan shouts out as he shrinks back down to normal, now utilising his combat skills and training to deal with the Kroloteans still on him.I grapple over to where La'gaan is but I'm tackled in the process.I'm able to throw the Krolotean off of me but I land with a thud in the flor, my staff also being thrown from my hand.I get to my feet with a groan and gaze at the Kroloteans surrounding me.They screech and snarl at me as I holster my grapple gun.I smirk and crack my knuckles before stretching my arms out, the telltale 'bring it on' sign being used with my fingers.The Kroloteans charge me as I focus my stance and prepare.The first Kroloteans is caught by me and thrown into a group of three, taking them out.Another Krolotean comes and I dodge his leap at me face, I side kick on his way down which sends him flying.I expertly maneuver myself against the horde.Using every defensive technique in my marital arsenal.Krav Maga, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Karate, Taekwondo, Judo.... everything.The Kroloteans are being battered around by hip toss, cliches, counter kicks and strikes, however one Krolotean is able to latch himself onto my car and take me to the floor.....the group rushes ahead and covers me....their tiny fists hammering away at me.I try to defend as much as I can but there are too many of them.But dheure light at the end of the tunnel....and it's a tiny gap for my leg to get through.I push my leg out and batter a Krolotean away, with new room to move around...I push the Kroloteans off me....striking hard to their temples, solar plexus and windpipes....the very, very, rough places to get hit.With only three Kroloteans let on me, two at my lower torso and legs and one near my head.....I kick the knee out of the one near my leg, taking him out.....I elbow the one on my torso, effectively knocking him out.....I bend my body up and sidewards, pulling my knee up and kneeing the last remaining Krolotean in the head.I kick up to my kick and pull my grappling hook out, pulling my staff back into my waiting hand.The Krolotean that i kicked the knee out was limping his way over to me but I flicked the button and hit him with an electrical end.....shocking his nervous system so much that he lolked like one of those old cartoons.He falls to the ground in a slightly, smokey heap as I look up and see the leader Krolotean still screeching, his arm doing the 'come on, get moving' sign.

I see the leader doing something on the screen, maybe putting in a command or sending out a call for help."He said what?!" Beetle calls out as La'gaan kicks a Krolotean several feet and into the water."I said I'm jealous.....you deaf or something?" La'gaan calls out as Beetle looks down at him."What?No!Not you!That Hef over there!" Beetle points to the leader as my eyes widen."Wait!You can understand this screeching?How?!" I call out as I batter more Kroloteans away with the quarter staff."I-I don't know, exactly.But I can.Hef is ordering all the Kroloteans to Zeta off world.He's setting the base to self destruct in four minutes!" Beetle shouts out as my eyes widen at the implications.....off world, leave us here, base blows up...dead.Yeah, not going to happen.I look up and see that the countdown has already begun."Then we're leaving.I'm ordering a tactical retreat.....anything else I need to know?" I ask as I head towards the water, Beetle flies down and lands next to me as La'gaan runs up and joins us."Si.He said something about sacrificing the playthings down below?" Beetle says confusingly as I ponder for a moment."Playthings?" I question aloud when it hits me."Oh crap.The abductees!" I shout out as Beetle leans towards me."Three minutes 30, ese.Then boom!" Beetle emphasizes as I narrow my eyes."Nightwing said no unnecessary risks to the squad.....but this is necessary.Below!We have to get down below!" I shout as La'gaan's eyes trail off and he points to something."Over there!" He states as we turn and sees tubes of some kind, with Kroloteans climbing out of."Beetle on point!Clear us a path!" I command as Beetle forms his thrusters and wings."Clearing a path!" He repeats the command and blitzes forward.His arms come together and form into a bartering ram, taking out dozens of Kroloteans in the process.

Me and La'gaan slide down after Beetle who comes out and knocks out a Krolotean with his ram."Grab him!" I say to Beetle who folds the ram back into his arms and grabs the Krolotean, shaking him awake.The alien tries to get away but Beetle has a firm grip on him."Tell hi where we can the find the abductees!" I tell Beetle but before he can do so....someone calls out to us."Hello?Is someone there?Please get us out!" We race over to where a massive cage is standing with about 6 to 8 abductees caged within, one of them I recognise as being the Secretary General Tseng."It's Robin." "The Boy Wonder!" Two of the abductees say ad La'gaan and Beetle follow up behind me.Their eyes widen in fear as they spot La'gaan."Ah!More aliens!" "Get away!" Tseng and a female captive cry out as La'gaan and Beetle join me."Hey!We're not aliens!" Beetle shouts back before looking at the Krolotean in his hand, who states back at him with an unamused expression."Ok, well, he is.But we're not!" Beetle says pointing to the Krolotean before himself.I ignore his rant and face La'gaan."Get this open!" I tell him as he enlarges in size which frightens the captive more.He roars and pulls the massive the cage open, freeing the abductees.The abductees make their way out as Tseng offers his apologies to La'gaan."Thank you.We didn't mean to-." Tseng starts but La'gaan waves him off."It's fine.I get that a lot, chump." He says jokingly as he used his greater height to lean over the smaller man, a wide smile on his face.

"Ask him the fastest way out." I say to Beetle, pointing to the Krolotean."Dude, I might understand him but that doesn't mean for a fact that I speak-wait, seriously?Well, what are you waiting for?" Beetle starts to say before breaking off his speech path as if he is speaking to someone else, like before.He, has....problems."Blue's an....odd little fish, isn't he?" La'gaan questions me in a confused and worried tone and once again....can't help but agree with him.Beetle communicates with the Krolotean in the same nasal screeching and clicking as the aliens.The Krolotean replies and turns his head in a direction.Beetle turns and speaks to us in the Krolotean language, which throws me off guard but he shakes his head."..I mean, this way!" He says as he points to a corridor and runs down it.La'gaan, the abductees and I follow close behind him.

The corridor, according to Beetle, was a secret exit, just in case the Zeta platforms were disabled and or destroyed.These aliens may be annoying little pests but at least they are smart enough to think ahead.The corridor led to a door which led back to the main door that we entered from."Take a very deep breath, you're gonna need it." La'gaan says to the abductees as he dives into the water.The abductees do so and follow after the Atlantean.They are followed by Beetle and the Krolotean as I pull the rear.I put my breather on and dive into the water...coming out to the main door, which La'gaan breaks through with his enlarged form.I hear a middle boom as I look back and see a column of bubbling water coming at us.I turn and swim at a faster pace, which makes the abductees, Beetle and La'gaan do so as well.We make it past the door and put of the hole before the bubbling water can send us for a wild and life threatening ride.

We breach the surface as I look around and do a head count.14 abductees, one Beetle, one alien, one boy Wonder."Wait....where's La'gaan?" I call out as I look around for him but he breaches the water in front of me."That's right!Gamma Squad rules!" He cheers with his arms held up high as I sigh in relief.We did it....the base is destroyed, the Zeta platforms disabled and the abductees saved.....plus, a captured Krolotean that we can interrogate....plus, no one died.All in all, a good night."Uh, Rob?" Beetle says to me as I turn to him and see him staring and pointing up to the sky.I follow his trajectory and a pit falls into my stomach.Coming out of the silhouette and whiteness of the moon, comes the entire Justice League.Every name you could list, flying down toward us.Superman, Manhunter, Wonder Woman, the Hawks.I hear the swirling vortex of Red Tornado as me and Beetle wince and see him, along with Zatanna, Icon, Shazam, Captain Atom, Rocket and Black Bolt.Green Lantern flies down with a green platform construct with some of the non fliers of the League.Plastic Man, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Black Lightning.And finally, Doctor Fate hovers down with a yellow ankh with Aquaman, Flash and...Batman.Part of me secretly hoped, however unlikely, that he wouldn't be here.To make it worse, the Super Cycle comes flying in with Nightwing piloting, Crystal and Wolf in the front seat, Batgirl and Bumblebee in the back seat and Raven and Cassie flying beside them.Dick states down at us with a steady, steely gaze as La'gaan, Beetle and I glance at each other and look up....awaiting the lecture that we know we're about to get.Dick's gaze drops into one of amusement as he crosses his arms and leans on the Cycle."Dude!Way to get your feet wet!" He calls out as I smile at his joke, referring to his reasoning for making me field leader.....and the predicament that me, La'gaan and Beetle find ourselves in.....drenched in sea water with a burning alien base behind us.....yeah, it was a good first time at being leader.I hope for a softer gig next time, though.


No P.O.V:

On an alien platform, a Zeta beam forms before revealing four individuals. Adam Strange, Miss Martian, Superboy and Beast Boy. The youngest of the group gazes around in amazement before racing off the platform. Superboy and Miss Martian walk with Adam Strange to the upper level where a view of the planet can be seen. The planet is orbiting a much larger gas giant planet with two moons orbiting their own. The planet is lined with enormous mountain ranges that dwarf the tallest on Earth. Strange plant life covers the plant in a mixture of jungle, rainforest and savannah environments...nearby the Zeta platform is an enormous city of white that gleams in the night light of the planets moons and stars. Superboy, Miss Martian and Beast Boy stare in amazement at the city and beautiful landscape of the planet. Adam Strange smiles at their reaction as he stands beside them. "Zeta Squad, welcome to Rann."

Rannian Jungle, Rann: 4:48am, January 5th, 2016:

P.O.V: None

The alien jungle of Rann was tranquil, the sounds of creatures scurry about their lives echoed through the dark purple leaves of the trees.Two reptile-like birds are kneading at something in the ground, when a mechanical blast is heard in the distance, and the rumble of something big coming their way.The birds fly for safety when four individuals come bursting out of the foliage.One of them was a young Rannian woman with a jetpack, another was Miss Martian, using her telekinesis....she uprooted two trees to clear a path for the third and most peculiar individual, a green cheetah with a red and white collar around its neck.Following close behind, is the last member of the group, Superboy.He lands with a thud and goes to leap after his comrades but is blasted in the back.The clone grunts in pain as he is sent skidding along the dirt.Superboy manages to get his bearings and sees another blast rocketing over his head, this one hits the Rannian woman in the jetpack, causing it to malfunction.The woman panics from the damaged electrical wiring and the fluctuating jet power.She unclips from the pack and free falls to the ground as the pack explodes.Seeing her fall, Superboy leaps and catches her but is blasted once again.He groans out another cry of pain as he and the woman are sent flying, Superboy maneuvers himself to shield the woman as he crashes into the dirt, creating a small trench.Miss Martian and the cheetah stop and go to turn back and help their allies, but a glancing blast nearly takes Miss Martian out.She and the cheetah fly for cover, looking to find another way to help.Superboy and the Rannian clear the dust from around them as they look up and stare shocked at the large mechanised, walking, alien tank that comes out of the foliage.The mech levels it's cannons at the duo as Superboy grabs the woman and puts himself in front of him, shielding her completely.The mech locks onto them and fires a blast at them.The force of the impact and resulting blast sends the duo flying towards a cliff.They tumble and try to grasp onto something but they both go over the edge.Superboy grabs the woman's arm and digs his fingers into the rock, slowing and halting their descent.Superboy pulls himself up and glares menacingly at the approaching mech."This is...not...how the mission was supposed to go." He vexs mentally as the mech locks all of its weapons onto Superboy, hoping to take out the cloned hero...permanently.

Six and a half hours ago:

Sardath's Laboratory, City of Ranager, Rann: 10:17pm Earth Time, January 4th, 2016:

P.O.V: Connor 'Superboy' Kent

"Whoa.I'm totally walking on an alien planet!Wow, sis, you must say that like...every day on Earth." Gar says enthusiastically as he basks in the sight of the Rannian city that Strange called Ranager.I curl my lip slightly at the wonder that Gar is experiencing here....and while I do find the planet to be very beautiful, it's not the focus on why we are here."Actually, I kind of do." M'gann mirthly states to Gar as she ruffles his hair."Wait, we can breathe the air here, right?" Gar says illogically as he holds his throat in worry.I was going to make a sarcastic comment about the fact that we've been her about ten minutes and none of us are suffocating but I reminded myself that Gar is just a kid and doesn't need that kind of attitude pointed at him.....maybe in a few years, maybe.

"Adam!Adam!" We hear a strange accented woman call out Strange's name as we see two Rannians come towards us.Based on their remarkable similarities to humans and body structure, I assume them to be a man and a woman...best not to say anything if I'm proven wrong.The woman speaks Rannian to Adam who awkwardly greets the woman and the man."Uh great...I think.Zeta Squad, these are my Rannian partners...Sardath and his daughter...Alanna." Strange introduces us to the Rannians, but both me and M'gann notice the affectionate tone and gaze that Strange is projecting to Alanna.I gaze to my side and see that M'gann is doing the same thing.I turn away sharply to avoid her gaze and the awkwardness.....I'm also glad that it was Hard that was chosen as the squad's third cause anyone else would have caught on.....very quickly.

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Stange steps away from the Rannians as he attempts to introduce the three of us."Uh, Sardath cho Alanna....'Rannian'...Miss Martian, Superboy.Ooh, Beast Boy.Leps, Earth." Strange introduces us in Rannian but I can guess that he doesn't have a very good grasp on the language, not yet at least but I can tell that he is getting there.Sardath and Alanna bow their heads in greeting."Rannian'...Earthlings." Sardath says before continuing in Rannian, though I detect a word that sounds a lot like 'Zeta', but since none of us have any idea what he said, we turn to Strange, hoping for a translation."Heh, sorry, squad.I'm still figuring out the language.This is usual where we start playing charades." Strange says as I shake my head."Well, this is got more complicated.Got any other ways of communication?" I ask Stange who shrugs his shoulders.Very helpful...very helpful, indeed.I hear a groan and I see Sardath and Alanna holding their heads, like they were hit by a massive migraine.I glance at M'gann and see her eyes are focused and glowing green.I turn back when she stops and Sardath and Alanna speak."Ooh...what was that?" Alanna speaks in perfect English as I narrow my eyes and tighten my grip on the bag, that hangs off my shoulder.

"Such an odd sensation." Sardath says in English as Strange approaches them in amazement."Wait, you're speaking English!" He says, but M'gann pulls him back."No, they're not.But I linked us mentally.And I'm serving as a...psychic translator.We speak English, they speak Rannian but all now hear the language that they understand." M'gann explains to the trio as Sardath smiles."Amazing.The possibility to understand complex language, decipher it and translate it to your own.The possibilities are endless." Sardath says in amazement as Alanna turns to Strange."It will make communicating so much easier." She says while gazing up into Strange's eyes.I look away from the obvious attraction that the two share...and in that moment, I hear what sounds like sirens nearby and I see that I'm not the only one either."Perhaps we should take this inside." Sardath advises as he gestures to a set of doors."It is wise to use caution when harbouring Earthlings." He says in a foreboding tone as we all follow him.I feel a pit form in my stomach at his warning though.I know that the League is on a watch list in this corner of the galaxy but I didn't know that it was this bad...to the extent that even having anyone from Earth is considered taboo.Have to be careful when travelling around here.

We exit out of a lift into Sardath's lab as Gar spots a reptile looking bird at the far end of the laboratory."Alien Animal!Cool!" Gar immediately runs out of the lift and toward the bird."Sardath, have you learned anything more about why Earthlings are unwelcome on Rann and the surrounding systems?" Strange asks Sardath as we arrive at a computer terminal.Sardath sighs before turning to us."The Rannian Science Command is xenophobic in general.Which is why my research into interplanetary Zeta beam travel has been conducted....quietly." He explains as I feel the pit forming even larger.Bad enough that he is sheltering us, with the League's reputation in the negative but now with the supposed 'governmemt of Science's that this planet has...with xenophobic ideals has really put all of us in a precariously dangerous situation, especially for Sarath and Alanna.It's best we get this mission over and done with and get the hell out of here before we are caught."That's why you haven't reported the theft of your technology." Strange says in realisation."Exactly.If Science Command learned that I had made it possible for aliens, especially you Earthlings, to Zeta here to Rann.The consequences would be dire...for myself and my daughter." Sardath says as I ponder to myself about something that is bugging me."I still don't get it.Why the big hate for Earthlings?How do they even know any Earthlings to hate?" I ask them, playing the part of ignorance.Alanna presses the device that Strange brought with him on the Watchtower, the device beeps open and reveals the six images of the missing Leaguers."I assume Adam showed you this.We're still unclear on the details." Alanna starts to explain with Sardath following her up."Science Command is not inclined to share intelligence with its people." Sardath says as Gar rejoins us...I notice that he has the alien bird on his arm...and that his head has shifted to match the bird...that is both cool and disturbing to look at.... emphasis on the 'turb.

"But we have learned, that there was an incident on the planet Rimbor, involving Earthling criminals known as the Justice League." Alanna says as me and M'gann perk up slightly at hearing a name.Rimbor.That certainly helps narrow down where the Leaguers went during those sixteen hours but unfortunately, Sardath did explain that Science Command often doesn't share information so it's possible that Sardath and Alanna don't know what happened, only who was involved."I assume you are not associated with these outlaws?" Sardath questions us which breaks me from my train of thought."We are not members of the League." M'gann says with a hint of truth and faux anger in her voice.While it is true that we aren't, to play the part of being disgusted with the League, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.I subtly glance down at my missing insignia and grit my teeth at this lie that we have to play.My name is Connor Kent.The Superboy.Clone, adopted brother and protege to Superman, Earth's Strongest Defender.I feel a sense of pride with being his brother, his student and....to have this fake anger and disgust at him, and the rest of the League leaves me feeling disgusted with myself....but then again, this is the job.I might not like it but it has to be done.Sarath nods at M'gann's words and gestures to the screen, showing the six Leaguers."Only these six were on Rimbor.But since then, the Kroloteans have posted planetary watch alerts for every criminal in the League." Sardath says as we perk.uo at hearing the Kroloteans being mentioned.Strange taxes over and grabs onto Sardath's arm, earning an uncomfortable and annoyed gaze from the Rannian scientist."The Kroloteans.That's who stole your Zeta platform tech!They used it to secretly invade Earth.Which is how they found out about the other Leaguers.Strange says in realisation as Sarath pulls his arm free."I know.I told you that the last time you were here." Sarath says sarcastically as Stanage slaps his forehead."Of course.Kroloteans.Right.I thought hat was just the Rannian word for 'theft'." Strange embarrassingly explains but Alanna waves him off."Might as well be." She says with a growl....obviously no love lost between the Rannians and the Kroloteans."Yeah.Krolotean culture revolves around stolen tech.We get that, but the question remains.What do we do about it?" I ask them as Alanna's eyes widen, almost like she remembered something."My father's Zeta shield.That can help."

She presses the device as the images change to a planetary display of Rann and Earth."I can perfect the design.Your primitive Zeta tubes would still function within the confines of the Earthling atmosphere.But unauthorised travel to and from other worlds, will become impossible." Sarath explains as we see the image of a 'zeta beam' being projected from Rann to Earth but Earth now has a shield barrier around it, emphasising Sardath's words."In short, my shield will prevent more Kroloteans from invading your word via Zeta beam.While trapping any still entrenched there." Sardath finishes as M'gann speaks up."And in the meantime, Adam tells you that you've located the Krolotean Zeta platform here on Rann." She questions Sardath who nods."Indeed.But the jungles of Rann can be dangerous.You Earthlings will need a guide." He says as Alanna steps forward."I'll go, father.You must complete your work on your Zeta shield." She says to Sardath who reasonably argues back."But transportation out of Ranager is not without its risks, Alanna.We need to disguise these Earthlings." He says, pointing towards us.I've had enough of this 'earthling' talk."I'm sorry but enough of the Earthling thing.It's not entirely accurate.Like, I'm half Kryptonian and Miss Martian is....well....Martian." I say in annoyance."You came here from Earth, did you not?" Sardath says with a slight condescending tone as I nod."Well, yes...but we're not.....nevermind." I say in defeat.We don't have time with this debate and if I'm being perfectly honest....he's logic is far better than mine.


Alanna was able to fit me and Strange out in hooded Rannian robes.It's not perfect but it's certainly better than what we originally had.M'gann had shifted to resemble a Rannian woman while Gar had shifted to the alien bird that he saw before.Alanna led us to a monorail of sorts, saying that the jungle rail line would be the best option of getting to the Krolotean site without having to traverse the dense jungle.Both Alanna and Strange had also brought jetpacks for transportation and as a way to escape if things went bad.I hear a screeching sound coming as I turn and see the monorail coming to a halt in front of us, we make our way abroad, Alanna and Strange sit on the station side while myself, M'gann and Gar sit on the other side."We should be fine now." Alanna says via mental link but before the doors can close, they are pulled open by two uniformed Rannian men."Unless the Rannian Science Patrol comes in for routine ID checks." Alanna states in annoyance at the two patrolmen as they walk away from where we are, but it's only a matter of time.And none of us are particularly keen on starting a fight here."I'll create a diversion, lead them off the train." Stange says as he pulls the jetpack out of his bag but Alanna grabs his arm, halting him."No!It's not safe." She says with worry in her voice as Strange smirks at her."You're the jungle guide, remember?I'll ditch these guys and circle back to your father's compound.Help finish the Zeta shield." Strange explains as I gaze at the pair of them, Alanna moves her hands to cover Strange's own.An understanding and lovingly gaze being broadcast between them."Be careful." Alanna says worriedly.I softly glance at M'gann and see that she has a sad look on her face.She notices my gaze and looks away, the mental link conveying a small ping of regret and shame.I look away after feeling that emotion, leading to my own feelings of regret....and shame.I hear a small chitter as I glance over and see Gar looking between us, a sad expression being made on his animal face, feeling of sadness also being projected through the mental link.

My thoughts are broken when I hear the patrolman coming this way but to my surprise...Strange shoots up to his feet, his arms raised high above his head."Beware the Jabberwocky, my son!The jaws that bite, the claws that catch." Strange says dramatically as we all watch in bewilderment at the scientist and his antics."Beware the Jab Jab Bird and shun the flumiest Bandersnatch." He continues to dramatize before reaching forward and gripping one of the patrolmen noses."Got your nose." Strange says in a childlike voice before racing off the train."No time to say hello!Goodbye!I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" He says finally before running off the platform, with the pissed off patrolmen chasing after him.The train doors close as we begin to move."Jabberwock?Bandersnatch?" Alanna asks in confusion as me and M'gann look at each other.How the hell do we explain Alice in Wonderland to an alien?"His last name is Strange." Gar mirthly states with a hint of logic in his voice.Alanna raises an eyebrow at the changeling but nonetheless accepts his answer.

It was a while later, after the train had cleared the city, that we had merged onto the jungle tracks.The majority of other Rannian passengers were long gone, leaving only the four of us.Alanna was inspecting the device from before, tracking the Zeta signal of the Krolotean base."We're getting close." She says before closing the device and pulling her jetpack out.Meanwhile, me and M'gann had been in an awkward silence since Strange had left.Both of us knew that we felt each other's emotions and feelings when watching Strange and Alanna.It brought back memories...memories of a simpler, happier time.A time that we moved on from, a long time ago....or so I wish.I hate to admit it, but I do still....love her.I wish I didn't, I wish that I could forget about what we had and just be friends and teammates.It would make everything so much easier....but I can't.M'gann had been there for me ever since the beginning.I have been through everything with her at my side.To forget about all we went through, all the joy, all the laughter, all the pain, all the hurt....all the regret....it wouldn't be right.I couldn't do that...not to her."Hey, sis...remember that time you and Superboy visited me in Quarc?He picked flowers that were really poisonous Sumac?" Gar says as I glance over at the duo, a happy and playful smile on Gary's face.M'gann's face curls up slightly in fondness of the memory but she drops it quickly and looks away."That was a long time ago, Gar." She says as Gar nods his head."No...ted.But you remember, right Superboy?" Gar them asks me in a teasing tone as I turn to him and see him smiling...knowing exactly why as to what he is doing....and I want no part in it."How much further, Alanna?" I ask the Rannian who pulls the device out and checks it."We're close enough....now." She says as I nod.We get up and make our way to the double doors.Alanna readies her jetpack as M'gann shifts back.I kick the doors off the hinges before making room for Alanna, M'gann and Gar to fly out as I jump down to the ground after them.I land with a thud on the ground, kicking up dirt and small rocks from the reverberation.Alanna lands beside me as M'gann hovers down.Gar chirps and lands with a flourishing backflip, shuffling back to normal in the process.Alanna holds the device up and nods her head."This way." She says as we follow after her and I shrug off the Rannian robes and put them in my pack.

Gar decided to jump ahead, swinging onna vine to the front of the group.While I'm happy that he is finding all of this really amazing, we can't let his attention span get in the way of the mission.Curiosity killed the cat and all that superstitious hocus pocus."Whoa.Now that is some prime alien souvenir material." Gar says as I see him looking at a pretty, pink flower.He goes to grab it but Alanna reaches forward and grabs his tail."Wait!" She says as she pulls him back from the pant, causing Gar to drop onto his chest."Hey!Oww!" He says in pain and annoyance but Alanna ignores him in favour of picking up a stick and throwing it at the flower.It is then that I notice that the flower is surrounded by a purple-like bog that grabs hold of the stick....releasing has like a blurp...the gas ignites into a pink flame.I hold my nose when I'm hit by the smoke of the flame.Gar gets up and reels back from the flower and the bog."Blue sand bog.Deadly.Basically, if it looks pretty, don't touch." She reprimands Gar who nods his head."Noted."

Following from the big incident, we continue towards the signal when I pushed some foliage out of the way...revealing what appears to be an old, decrepit building....in the middle of the jungle."Alanna?" I ask the Rannian who checks the device and low and behold...we have found them."This is the place.By Graceful Rann...it's much bigger than I anticipated.How could something this size have been built without Science Command knowing about it?" Alanna asks but none of us give an answer.There are many variables and factors that are going into play that there might not be one definitive answer but from my experience....if something this size is being built without a 'governmemt' knowing about it, then it's either one of two things.One, they are willing conspirators and let this happen....or they were blackmailed into letting it happen.There are many other reasons but they are the most likely."I'm going in.I'll send you an image of where to rendezvous." M'gann states as she pulls her hood up and goes invisible, flying up to the building unseen and unhindered.

P.O.V Change: M'gann 'Miss Martian' M'orzz

Flying up to the building, I phase through the structure and glance around.My eyes widen at seeing that the base is far larger then what the outside depicted.The floor of the base goes lower than the ground outside, revealing that the base has multiple levels and quite possibly crawling with hundreds, if not thousands of Kroloteans, not to mention the six massive Zeta platforms that surround the command centre.I look around for a way for the others to get in, looking up.....I find it.I fly up and telekinetically open what appears to be a giant rotary door."I found your entrance." I say one the mental link.I hear Connor grunt in exertion, the falp of Harm's wings and the quiet engine of Alanna's jetpack.I look up and see the three of them there and waiting.I gaze around and see that they isnt any Kroloteans keeping a close watch on us."All clear." I say as I carefully levitate Connor and Alanna down from the hatch and over to one of the large pillars with Gar flying close behind me.Gar shifts frommthe alien bird into a monkey as we all gaze at the command centre, o do notice Alanna has a look of horror on her face."Six Zeta platforms?" She says as I concur with her thoughts.With so many platforms, the Kroloteans could effectively launch an attack or a ground force invasion at any given moment, and anywhere in the universe if they connect smaller platforms to this one.Which is exactly what they did with Earth.This is the the mother base."Not for long.These are small target explosives.They should permanently disable the platforms without causing any damage to the base.Three minute triggers will give us time to get out before the Kroloteans know what hit them." Connor says as he pulls the six small explosives out of his pack.I levitate them out of his hands and pass three of them to Gar."Beast Boy and I will plant them.You two wait here, and prepare to evacuate." I say as I fly down to the command centre and send out my three explosives.I notice Gar using his monkey agility and small frame to quickly plant the bombs and get away before any Kroloteans manage to spot him.

"All set!Now, let's blow this popsicle-." Gar starts to say but he is interrupted by a loud alarm ringing throughout the base.I fly away from cover just in case we've been spotted as Gar goes the same, scurrying away from the Zeta platform and hiding underneath a crevice.I look a true command centre and see a Krolotean with a green sash over its torso.The small alien is barking and screeching orders to the other Kroloteans....and to my shock, the rotary door that the others entered through, opens up and the large spire of the command centre, raises up through the hole.....cutting off any escape for the others."Our escape route is blocked.We're trapped in here with the bombs." Alanna states as the spire beams a bright yellow colour, with the Zeta platforms doing the same thing.Someone is coming through the Zeta.Six of the platforms beam with Zeta radiation, revealing scores of more Kroloteans....one of them wearing a similar sash as the other one, only red instead of green.Must be a chain of command of some sort.The new Kroloteans screech furiously, their cries echoing throughout the base.Something must have happrned back on Earth, something that scared these Kroloteans so bad that they're only option was to retreat."Yeah.Trapped with the bombs.....and a lot of angry company." Connor follows up Alanna's statement as I start to think of what to do.I look at the two commanders as they are talking....with our escape route blocked, we will have no choice but to barge out the front door."New plan.When the bombs go off, use the chaos to charge for the front door, I'll cover you."

P.O.V Change: None

Superboy and Alanna nod at Miss Martian's plan and quietly and carefully, they make their way to the door."And then, we blow this popsicle-AAH!" Beast Boy starts to say as he walks to the door but he is sent flying when the blow nearest him, explodes....setting off a chain reaction in which all the bombs go off.The Kroloteans screech in surprise and terror at the unexpected explosions but they seen get their bearings when their eyes trained onto the downed Beast Boy."Gar!Are you alright?" Miss Martian calls out in fear for Beast Boy, but the young hero groans and rubs his head."Yeah.Yeah, I'm good.Go!" Beast Boy states with a determined and pissed off tone as he shifts from his monkey form, into that of a mountain silverback gorilla.With his new found size and strength...Beast Boy bathers away Kroloteans who are bewildered by Beast Boy's transformation.The green gorilla roars a challenge at the horde, beating his chest in a dominate display of power.

Superboy leaps down to aid Beast Boy who is starting to get overrun with scores of Kroloteans."Gar, we have to get out of here!" Superboy says over the mental link as he roars and rips a chunk of metal out of the floor and uses it as a bat, battering away Kroloteans.Beast Boy bathers more Kroloteans away but some are climbing up his back, biting and clawing at his skin.He grabs one Krolotean and throws it away.He shifts in a polar bear, now armed with sharpen fangs and claws....Beast Boy claws Kroloteans away and bucks the ones on his back off."Go Superboy!I'll cover your six!" Beast Boy says to Superboy who claps his hands together.The resulting shockwave takes out a collective of Kroloteans, giving the two superpowered heroes a chance to escape.Miss Martian opens a path way to the front door, allowing Alanna to fly through and out of the base."The path is clear.Come on!" Miss Martian shouts in worry as Superboy leaps to the where she is startioned.Beast Boy shifts back and forth between forms as he is getting hit on all sides.His polar bear form is knocking Kroloteans aside.Some of the aliens fire small balsters at him, causing him to shift in a crocodile to take some of the barrage.He is uninjured by the barrage and is sent flying onto his back.....shifting into a cheetah, he makes a back for the path.But he is blocked off by the red sash Krolotean.....in a giant mech tank.The Krolotean barks orders as the horde converge on Beast Boy."M'gann?Connor?A little help here!" Beast Boy shouts for help as he is being overrun again bynthe horde."Garfield!" Miss Martian and Superboy say at the same time as they fly and leap to the side of their comrade.

Beast Boy is trying to hold out from the assault but the numbers game is working in the Krolotean favour.He shifts from a gorilla, a bear, a wolf....tiger, lion, bull, rhino.....hawk, to try and escape, but the Kroloteans are able to overpower him and bring him down.As a grollia, Beast Boy is tackle by a dozen Kroloteans and their collective wright takes him down.With the Kroloteans seeing their adversary down, their hop onto him and begin beating him.The red sash Krolotean watches on in amusement at the downed hero."Get off me!" Beast Boy states mentally as he continuing to fight and batter the Kroloteans off of him but for everyone that he hits off, another three replace it."Hold on, Gar!" Superboy shouts as he lands with a thud and begins punching and kicking Krolotean away from Beast Boy and off the platform.M'gann comes and tries to levitate the Kroloteans off Beast Boy....she is nearly hit by a large blast from mech tank.Losing concentration of her invisibility, the red sash Krolotean spots her and points towards her, causing Kroloteans to converge on taking her down too.Back with Beast Boy, he is kicking and punching a hole to get out of but the Kroloteans continue their assualt on him.They manage to get him onto his chest and face and push down onto him, keeping his arms and legs locked, as they continue to beat him."Stop it!Stop it!" Beast Boy pleads mentally as Superboy roars in fury at seeing being attacked.M'gann snarls and rips one of the disabled platforms and throws it at the mech, causing the red sash Krolotean to leap out of the tank and away from the collision.Beast Boy roars in his grollia from as he tries to power through the Kroloteans but they don't let up."Get....off.....ME!!!" Beast Boy roars, mentally, in fury as he grips his hands into tight fists, and his eyes turn from their joyful, happy green.....to a crimson, blood red.He body begins to shift and mold into a brand new form that neither Superboy or Miss Martian have ever seen before.Superboy's eyes trail up as the new form goes bigger and bigger.Miss Martian's eyes widen in realisation of what Beast Boy has become.The Kroloteans that were on Beast Boy, find themselves sliding up from the massive uptake in mass and size that Beast Boy has taken on.The red sash Krolotean backs up in fear for the new creature that the green one has taken on.

Beast Boy's gorilla fur has changed into a scale like skin.The gorilla head as molded and elongated into a massive head and snout, filled of banana sized teeth....built solely for biting and tearing.Beast Boy body has grown to a monstrous size, far larger than any other land animal in his repertoire of animal knowledge.A massive, muscular tail forms that joins to a set of massive, think legs that end in feet with three huge toe claws.And lastly, the gorilla's arms shrink down to small size that they like out of place on the massive animal, two fingers with small claws are the only appendages that the animal's arms have.Beast Boy had shifted into one of the most powerful, feared and legendary animals that have ever walked the Earth.An animal, that for millions of years, was the top predator of its environment and the apex of all apex predators.He had shifted....into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.Tyrant King of all dinosaurs.

Shaking his head side to side, Beast Boy had gazed around at the scores of Kroloteans.His gaze turning from confusion and pain from the new transformation to one of rage and instinct.Rearing his head back, Beast Boy unleashes a thunderous roar that has not been heard for 65 million years.

Superboy and Miss Martian watch in amazement and shock as their green comrade, their brother in arms....turn into the greatest and most famous of all dinosaurs.The green T-Rex's roar echoed so loudly that Superboy had to cover his ears in order to keep them from bursting.The Kroloteans fled in terror of the massive predator, while some still tried to fight but the green dinosaur was not in any mods for games or humour.Swinging it's massive tail, Beast Boy was able to knock down and send Kroloteans flying from the tail swing.One Krolotean fired his weapon at the Red but it only made the animal more mad.Roaring in fury, Beast Boy grips onto the ledge that the Krolotean was on, the strong jaws and teeth of the dinosaur proving too much for the alien metal and it gives way.The Krolotean screamed in terror as it fell to the ground.Beast Boy swings his head back and forth with the metal ledge and throws it away, resulting in more Kroloteans being taken out.Releasing another roar....the Rex charges for the Kroloteans who cut their losses and make a break for it.Many Kroloteans dove out of the way of the rampaging dinosaur, particularly because of it's massive feet.

Superboy and Miss Martian leap over and try and talk to the green dinosaur."Beast Boy?Gar?Can you hear me?" Miss Martian call.ojt mentally to the Rex but she and Superboy are unprepared for what hits them next.Loud....noise starts to ring in their ears as they try to block out the ringing."Rip.Eat.Hunt.Flee.Sleep.Breed.Fight.Rip.Hunt.Eat.Breed.Sleep.Flee.Fight.Fight.Fight.Fight." The ringing noise gives way to words but what confuses Superboy and Miss Martian, is that the words are not spoken like someone is talking.Not proper speech or rational, constructive thought....but rather a collective noise of feelings and emotions that make the words.The words are describing what Beast Boy is feeling internally on a subconscious level.....hardwired into his brain and mind.Miss Martian's eyes widen when realising that the words are not thoughts....but instinct, made into thoughts.Beast Boy is not in full control or even aware of what is happening.For all intents and purposes.....it's an actual T-Rex that is fighting, not Beast Boy.

"M'gann!You have to get through to him!" Superboy shouts, mentally, to Miss Martian who nods at his reasoning."I'll try but his instincts might prove too strong...I'll give it a try but be ready in case he doesn't listen." Miss Martian says as Superboy nods affirmatively, understanding what he must do if Beast Boy can't be reasoned with.Miss Martian breathes in deeply and telepathically connects with the Rex's mind, gritting her teeth at the loud ringing that is being transmitted between the two of them."Gar?It's me!M'gann!" Miss Martian shouts loudly which causes the Rex to shake its head in confusion and pain at hearing a voice in its head.Turning sharply, it's red eyes gaze at the green woman, floating in mid air.The Rex snorts out a breath and roars at the woman, hoping to frighten the woman away but Miss Martian doesn't budge from the roar."Gar!I know you can hear me....listen to my voice.You need to change back!" Miss Martian pleads to the Rex snarls and charges her.Its eyes narrowed and its feet causing small earth shaking rumbles throughout the base.Miss Martian takes a deep breath and readies herself for what is about to happen.The Rex lunges, it's maw wide open...ready to devour the Martian."Garfield!" She shouts with such power that it literally breaks through past the Rex's instincts.The Rex drops to the ground, completely dazed from the mind attack.The dinosaur starts to shift and shrink down to human size, leaving any trace of its presence to the bite marks on a broken legde and the many footprint indentations on the metal floor.Beast Boy groans as he gets his bearings together and comes too, only to find Superboy and Miss Martian gazing down at him.Hints of worry and trepidation fill their eyes."M'gann?Connor?What's going on?What happened?" Beast Boy groans confusedly but before either hero can answer him....screeching of Kroloteans echo through the base, reminding the older heroes that the Kroloteans will be cback now that the T-Rex is gone."We'll explain later.But right now, we have to get out of here.Can you walk?" Miss Martian asks to which Beast Boy nods.The three herosles make their way out of the base, with Superboy running out in front, Miss Martian flying behind him and Beast Boy shifting into a cheetah beside her.

As they leave out the front door, the red and green sash Kroloteans gaze gratefully at the fleeing trio.The red sash growls and screeches at the green sash Krolotean who bows its head.The red sash races over to another mech tank that is being prepped to take off.The Krolotean hops into the cockpit and kick starts the tank, chasing after the three heroes.

P.O.V Change: Connor 'Superboy' Kent

We ditched the Krolotean base and met up with Alanna who was very woozy and disoriented."Alanna.Are you ok?" I ask her as M'gann lands beside me and Gar shifts into a monkey, hoping onto M'gann's shoulder."Yes.I'm ok.What happened before.I heard Beast Boy yell at the Kroloteans....then silence.Then I'm hit with this noise, this ringing in my ears.Words that don't make much sense.I heard a roar, the likes that I've never heard before." Alanna explains as M'gann and I gaze awkwardly at each other before looking at Gar."What did I do, guys?" Gar asks with a trepidation and fear in his voice but I shake my head."Doesn't matter.We need to get back to Strange and Sardath.Which way do we go?" I also Alanna who nods and points in a direction."This way.Follow me." She says as Gar jumps off M'gann and shifts back into a gorilla, and me and M'gann follow behind Alanna.

"Where did all those Kroloteans come from?" Alanna questions as M'gann answers her."Earth, most likely.Out teammates were set to their Earth bases about now." Gar follows up M'gann with his own question."Can't you just translate their thoughts and find out for sure?Or even translate the language like you did with Alanna and Sardath?" Gar asks, which he has a point."Their minds are too alien and their language is a mix of sounds and vocal displacements, not constructive speech like English or Rannian.It would take hours, maybe days for me to decipher their language, let alone learn it physically." She reasons back to Gar who nods."Hmm.Noted." He says as he goes to step but groans in pain which catches our attention."You ok?" I ask him as I help steady him."Yeah, I'm ok.I don't know, but I feel like I've been run over by a train." He says which makes me and M'gann worry about him.He turned into a dinosaur.That shouldn't even be possible but he did it nonetheless....what's worse, is that he doesn't even remember turning, nevermind attacking or doing anything as the Rex.He sustained quite a beating from the Kroloteans before he shifted so maybe it's that, but it could also be the dramatic shifting that took place.Usually, Gar has the same easiness to shift into animals as M'gann and Manhunter do with their own shape shifting.But this time, it sounded like bones were breaking and molding back together.Muscles and skin were being stretched, shredded and pieced together to form the Tyrannosaur.I've never seen Gar go through a transformation like that.Ever.

My thoughts are broken when I hear distance whirring, mechanical rumbling and trees snapping.Something is coming our way."They're following us." I say as I turn and focus my thermal vision, I see two giant mechs, similar to the one that was within the base, coming towards us."Move!" I shout to the others as the ground in front of me is blasted by cannon fire.Alanna flies ahead with jetpack with M'gann close behind her.Gar shifts into a cheetah and follows them as well.I leap to keep up with the pack but I'm blasted in the back by a blast.I land with a thud and look up to see Alanna free falling to the ground, her jetpack exploding above her.I leap and catch her but I'm blasted again...it doesn't tickle and it's for sure, pissing me off.I maneuver myself to land on my back with Alanna on my chest to cushion her from the impact.I land and my body forms a trench in the ground.We go to get up but a mech comes through the foliage and fires another shot at us, I shield Alanna but were sent flying over the cliff, I grab her arm to keep her falling as I dig my fingers into the rock, halting our fall.I pull us up to the level ground as I stare hatefully at the approaching mech."This is not how the mission was supposed to go." I glance really quickly downwards, gauging how far the drop would be.I look back at the mech that is fast approaching me, deciding to take my chances, I drop down and pull Alanna close to me.I land with a thud and push back up in a leap, putting a few hundred metres between me and the mech.I put Alanna down as I focus my hearing on the mech...it's not as close as it was but it's certainly gaining distance."In here." Alanna nugdes me and points out a small cave to hide in.We make it past the hanging leaves and hug the wall, watching as the mech stops right outside....we wait with batted breath but relax when the mech continues on its way, passing us by.

"Superboy, Alanna, are you-." M'gann says but I interrupt her."We're ok.Date, for now at least.You?" I reassure her as I focusing my hearing and thermal vision.I find M'gann and Gar sitting in a tree, with being M'gann invisible and Gar as the alien bird from before."We lost them." M'gann says as I breathe a quiet sigh of relief."Now, can we blow this popsicle stand?" Gar says with a hopeful tone."Now, we stay put.Give their patrols a chance to move on.We'll meet up below the monorail when it's here." M'gann says assertively."And we regroup with Adam and my father to determine what to do about this Krolotean base." Alanna says as I nod and look out into the jungle."M'gann...be careful." I say, before going to sit beside Alanna."...you too, Connor." M'gann says softly as I do a double take and glance back at the jungle....I hang my head and rest my hand on the rock wall, exhaustion is starting to catch up to me."So.....how long were you and her together?" Alanna speaks aloud as I turn to her, shokcekd that she was able to piece it together....not that we didn't try and hide the awkwardness between us.To much to ask to leave out personal issues behind.Seeing no way for me to talk my way out of Alanna's question, I sigh in defeat and turn to her."All my life." I say with regret.

"You want to talk about it?" She asks as I grip the wall tightly and turn away from her."No." I say before mentally slapping myself for sounding harsh."Oh, can she hear us?" Alanna asks worriedly as insigh and walk over to her, sitting beside her."It doesn't work that way.The translation's basically automatic.She's not conscious of what we say our loud." I say as I pull my knees up and rest my elbows on them, gazing up at the cave's ceiling."So, let's talk.I live light years away, so you'll probably never see me again.Makes me the perfect confidant." She says as I glance at her.I sigh when I realise that she's probably right.It is unlikely that we'll see each other again.....and Dick has told me to seek therapy with Black Canary about....this.I told him that I need to delay with it on my own terms, but it's moments like this that I wish I had shallowed my pride and listened to him."It-It's complicated.And weird." I say before looking away.....uhh, this is embarrassing."Hey, I have a crush on an alien from another planet so who am I to judge?" She reasonably states and I can't help but agree with her."You asked for it.You see, I'm a clone.Force grown in the span of a few months to look like this." I say while gesturing to myself."M'gann somehow saw I could be more.She, along with another friend of mine...Matt...always said that I could be more than the weapon that I was created to be.That I could something that o could choose for myself.Live how I want to live." I say as Alanna nods in following."Complicated, sure....but sweet.Go on." She pushes as I sigh once again."M'gann's a shapeshifter.To her, looks are...clothing for the mind inside.Easy to change.But I'm the opposite.It's become clear the processes used to create me had a side effect.I don't physically age....I'm not immortal, I'm aging internally, but I'll always look-." I say as she gestures to me, from head to toe."This good?" She says teasingly as I rest my head against the cave wall."A blessing and a curse." I say with a slight tone of spite."Sounds to me that a shapeshifter would be perfect for someone suffering from your.... condition." She says with slight awkwardness.

"I used to think so.But anyway, she's with La'gann now.He's kind of a jerk and loud mouth...but he's good to her." I say with acceptance.I might not like La'gaan, but I can see that she is happy with him....while I wish she and I could work things out, it jajt won't.And I love her too much to make her unhappy.It's corny and cheesy....but it's true.I would never do anything that would hurt her like that."Well, it's obvious she still has feelings for you.Perhaps she regrets leaving you for him." She says, referencing La'gaan but I shake my head."That's the thing, Alanna.She didn't leave me....I dumped her." I reveal to Alanna whose eyes widen at my revelation.I look away from her and narrow my eyes, hating myself for what I did....but...."She left me no choice." I say finally, ending the conversation.Alanna nods her head and goes quiet, processing all that was said....while I gaze out of the cave....hoping that if things were different, maybe we could have worked it out.But life is cruel and unfair....it doesn't play by your rules....and now, we make due with what we have.

P.O.V Change: M'gann 'Miss Martian' M'orzz

Sitting against the tree, I watch as the mechs make another pass, past us.This is the fourth time in the last ten minutes, it's really starting to aggravate me.I see Gar fly from his perch, onto the branch where I'm positioned.My lips stretch into an evil smile as an idea pops into my head.I go invisible and leave Gar alone....and wait."They're gone.Way to lead a mission accomplished.Up high, sis." Gar says as he shifts back into his normal form, turning back with his hand raised high.His happy and joyful mood drops when he realises that I'm gone.I creep up behind him, slwoly and carefully....as to not startles him prematurely.I fly ahead and wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug."Ugh, what was that for?" He complains but I couldn't care less about his complaints, I wouldn't change this moment for the world."Ha, nothing.Family prerogative." I say as I run his hair, he break free from my grip and makes a swing for it."Ha....you'll never catch me now, sis!" He shouts joyfully as I fly after him."Ha, ha, ha.Slow down, Gar!" I shout after him but his experience and skill with swinging is proving good enough to just keep ahead of me."Come on, M'gann!Race ya to the monorail." He says as we weave through the trees."Why couldn't you get the power to listen to your adopted sister?" I say out loud which Gar seemed to find hilarious."Maybe I should get into an accident.Another blood transfusion, more transformation powers.....I might even become a full Martian!" He shouts as I shake my head mirthly at his dark joke.It's a sort of understanding between us.The accident was a life changing moment for Gar's life and while most people would have bad memories of the day....Gar and I had come to an understanding of what happened and why it had to be done.And so it became a running gag between us.

I came around a tree and my eyes widened when I see Gar.....his body is more human-like compared to his more monkey appearance.His tail is gone, his spikey hair has flattened.He looks as he did when I first met him, but green."Gar?" I question as I fly down and stand beside him, my hand on his shoulder."Garfield?" I question again but he doesn't budge.I follow his eyes and see an open pond with a waterfall cascading down into it.My eyes narrow when I see the waterfall and pond....it's giving me a sense of déjà vu.I kneel in front of Gar and level my hands against his cheeks...focusing my telepathy on what he is thinking.The mental image that is shown is of an overturned car in the middle of a pond....with a waterfall cascading down into it.Gar, with green skin, was watching from the foliage, as his mother...Marie Logan, was crawling out of the water, blood dripping from her face and head, her left arm was limping loosely, completely broken and a shard of glass had punctured her side, near her liver.She looks up and reaches out to Gar.Before he can go to approach her, a large shadow is cast over Marie.The shadow is revealed to be a tall, muscular, blonde hair, man with torn black jeans on, black combat boots, a plain grey shirt and thick red-brown jacket over the top.The man has long, blonde side burns down his cheeks and thick, unkept, shoulder length hair.But what was most unusual and terrifying about the man was the killer instinct in his eyes, sharpened canines and long, thick claws at the end of his fingers.

The man stands over Marie and drops to a knee, his hand gripping her hair and pulling her up, exposing her throat."G-Gar..." Marie whimpers quietly as her hand is still outreached.Gar watches in terror as the man brings his other hand around and....rips Marie's throat out.Her larynx is exposed to the cool, watery air of the pond and the sand and dirt beneath her is turning red with her blood.The man unceremoniously, drops her head to the ground, her eyes completely void of life as she gives one last exhale of breath....before nothing else.Marie was dead.The man gets up from his knelt position and wraps his hand on his jacket.He goes to turn away but his nose sniffs...the man raises his head, as if catching the scent of prey.Gar, terrified, shifts for the first time into the tiniest thing that his subconscious mind can think of...an armadillo.The little animal curls up in a ball as to hide from the predator sniffingbuim out.The man grunts and snorts out an annoyed breath of air before jumping on all fours and racing off into the jungle.

Gar peaks out of his animal form and shifts back.He walks out of the jungle and kneels down beside his mother.His tears are dripping down and mixing in with the blood, his body gives out and he pulls his mother close to him, cradling her head in his lap.I break the mental image and I hold Gar close in a comforting hug, his tears streaking down onto my skin and clothes."Oh, Gar....I'm so sorry.I should have been there.Done something.But it's not your fault.You couldn't have stopped Queen Bee....or Creed.I miss you mom, too.And I promise you, Gar.....Queen Bee and Creed will pay for what they've done.You have my word." I say with a growing promise as Had sniffs away his tears and nods his head.We start to head for the monorail but from out of nowhere, Gar is hit by a Krolotean blast.I go to defend him and myself but I'm hit too.All I see before darkness takes me is the Krolotean mech standing over me and it's claw hand reaching out to me.

P.O.V Change: None

Miss Martian and Beast Boy are picked up by one of the mech and is placed in a holding compartment.The mechs turn and start heading back to the base.The red slash Krolotean contacts the green sash Krolotean, saying that they have captured two 'metas' and to prepare for departure.The green sash Krolotean nods at the order and begins ordering the Kroloteans to prepare the base.A tumble is heard as the ground around the base begin breaking apart and the base....starts to raise.It is revealed to be a giant ship rather than a base.

Back with Superboy and Alanna.Superboy is gazing at the monorail with his enhanced vision."We're close.I can see the monorail from here." He says to Alanna who's eyes widen.She speaks but rather then hearing English, all Superboy hears is Rannian."Miss Martian isn't translating." Superboy says, realising that something is not right."M'gann.Do you copy?" Superboy says via mental link but receives no answer back."Something's wrong." He says aloud as he runs out of the cave, pulling Alanna along with him.The Rannian is confused by his behaviour but nonetheless, follows after the cloned hero.Superboy focuses his eyes and finds the two mechs that they ran from before.With his infrared vision, he is able to spot the two signatures of Miss Martian and Beast Boy in the rear mech.Leaping behind the mech, Superboy grabs one of its legs and pulls it back, ripping the leg right off... crippling the mech.The other mech turns when hearing the mech being damaged but it's attention is caught off guard by Alanna running out in front of it, screaming and throwing sticks and stones at the mech.Enraged by the daring Rannian, the Krolotean within the mech gives chase after Alanna.Alanna is able to skillfully maneuver healed through the jungle and dodge the cannon blasts of the mech.Her eyes spot a blue sand bog and an evil smirk form son her face.She slides down a crevice and jumps off before reaching the bottom, grabbing onto a vine that is hanging above the bog.The mech, not knowing about the bog...or the crevice, continues its chase and loses its footing in the crevice and slips down into the bog.The bog grips the mech before setting the whole mech on fire.The Krolotean opens its command pod, just as Alanna whistles down at the smaller alien.The Krolotean leaps from the burning mech onto a vine, his life being spared a fate far better then that of his mech.

Back with Superboy, using the severed leg, he beats two other legs out and hammers down on the mech, completely disabling the machine.Leaping to the command pod, Superboy breaks it open and pulls out the red sash Krolotean which cries out in shock and panic before being thrown away by Superboy.Turning to the holding compartment, Superboy pries it open, revealing the two knocked out, green heroes.He grabs hold of bothnof them and jumps to the ground, softly and carefully.Alanna comes running and joining up with Superboy.Superboy lay's both heroes down but Miss Martian, subconsciously, grips onto him tightly."Connor..." She whispers softly as Connor looks sad at hearing her.He carefully removed her arm and passes her to Alanna, the Rannian woman cradling the downed Martian.Beast Boy groans as he come too and see the half destroyed mech, Superboy, Alanna and.....Miss Martian."Whoa...what happened?" Beast Boy says worriedlynas he kneels down in front of Alanna.

Before anyone can say anything, they hear the roar of an engine and look up and see the Krolotean ship gaining altitude above them.The Kroloteans, however,ardent just keen to get off world but to leave with a one last word of blaster fire.Small cannon turrets on the ship's underside begins blasting the unsuspecting group.Beast Boy shifts into an elephant, the larger frame and tougher hide shielding Alanna and Miss Martian whiek Superboy pulls the downed mech.Beast Boy, seeing what Superboy had planned, shifts into a gorilla and helped him with the mech.Beast Boy shifts back into his normal form and hugs the mech behind him."They still trying to capture us?Or is it just a bitter revenge thing now?" He questions with annoyance and tiredness in his voice as Superboy bends down to his level."Either way, we discourage them.Game?" He asks the younger rhero who smirks evily and cracks his knuckles."Oh, I'm totally game." Beast Boy as Superboy smiles and turns to Alanna."Take care of her." He says while gesturing to Miss Martian for which Alanna nods.

Superboy grabs Beast Boy's arm and swings him around before throwing him up at the ship.With the momentum of the throw, he shifts into an elephant and crshees through the ship's hull, startling the Kroloteans on the inside.Superboy leaps up at one of the Cannon's and breaks one off before grabbing the other.He drives his other hand into the hull.He breaks the last cannon on the turret before throwing it at another one, completely destroying it.Superboy swings along the hull before jumping up through the hole.Beast Boy had shifted into a gorilla nad grabbed hold of a mech and thrown it at the retreating forms of the Kroloteans."Kid.You just might change my mind about monkeys yet." Superboy says mirthly to Beast Boy who hoots gleefully.

As the duo were trading up the inside of the ship, down below....Miss Martian was coming too.Alanna pleads for Miss Martian to wake up."Rannian.....wake up!" Alanna shouts as Miss Martian wakes.She gets up to her feet and gazes around, trying to make sense of what happened."Alanna.What happened?" Miss Martian questions the Rannian who holds her hands together."Thank goodness that you're alright.You and Beast Boy were captured but we rescued you." Alanna explains to Miss Martian but their conversation is cut off when two Kroloteans come running out and wave their arms, trying to get the ship's attention so they can get picked up.The red sash Krolotean is pulled by a telekinetic force and is held out in front of Miss Martian who is staring coldly at the Krolotean.Miss Martian forces herself into the Kroloteans mind, causing him to spasm from the forceful invasion and his cries to quieten down to a whimper....pure fear and terror racing through the alien before his mind.....snaps.Miss Martian closes her fist and the Krolotean's arms give out and hang loosely to his side as drool starts to build up and leak from his mouth.Alanna looks on in wonder, curiosity and fear as she is trying to make sense of what is happening with the alien and what Miss Martian is doing to him.

Miss Martian calls forth the sash which snaps off the Krolotean before she unceremoniously, drops him to the ground.The alien moans quietly before going silent but if heard closely, shallow breathing can still be heard.Miss Martian gazes at the sash in her hand before walking away, not giving the Krolotean a second look."What just...." Alanna questions but chooses to keep her worries and questions to herself.

Back aboard the ship.Superboy had flung a mech into an engine component of the ship, causing further risk and damage on the ship's capability and integrity.Superboy hears two Kroloteans on a computer bench, looking at a schematic of the ship.Superboy wobbles when he feels the ship starting to rise higher and higher."Time to go!" He shouts to Beast Boy as he jumps down to the ground, Beast Boy follows behind as he shifts into the Rannian bird.Superboy lands with a thud as Beast Boy comes down and shifts back to normal.Both them and the two women gaze up and see the Krolotean ship blitzing across the sky as it's breaks into hyperspace....leaving Rannian space for good.Superboy breathes a sigh of relief and turns back, seeing Miss Martian up and about."You ok?" He asks as she nods and holds up the red sash."Fine.Got this for Beast Boy." She says as Beast Boy's eyes widen and races over and grabs the sash, inspecting every nook and cranny of the material."Souvenir.Sweet." He says happily as Superboy clenches his fist and glances around."Where did you...?" He starts to say but he eyes find the Krolotean that the sash originally belonged to....and he is being dragged away by the tier Krolotean.Superboy's horror filled eyes turn to anger as he sharply faces Miss Martian."M'gann, what did you-." He begins to say angrily but she cuts him off before he can finish."Nevermind that now.We have to get back to Earth." She first states mentally before speaking aloud.Superboy doesn't say anything, only his angry expression and clenched fist says all that needs to be said."I know what the Justice League did on Rimbor.I know what happened during their missing 16 hours."