
Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Four days later, I and Jessica started dating after giving her my honest reply about her feelings for and after much talk, we finally kissed each other that faithful day and ever since then, things have been moving smoothly, "Good morning baby boy" she called out to me after she noticed I'm awake, "how was your night sweetheart?" I asked with a smile and leaned forward to kiss her forehead, she came over to spend time with me for some days and I can't help but feel so happy because we do a lot of things together and her food does taste so delicious. "my night was awesome, let me brush my teeth and prepare breakfast for you if you want to go to work today" she said, "forget about my job, I'm the manager and i can go anytime i want so there is no big deal about that" I replied with a smile while she walked away from the room slowly

   I kept on staring at her fresh buttocks until she left the room, laid back looking so happy, I finally have a girlfriend and she loves me more than any other thing in the world, I later stood up to brush my teeth and after that I went downstairs to help clean the living room when my phone started ringing, I quickly dashed back to my room when I heard the sound of my ring tone and I'm not even sure if the phone that is ringing is actually mine because we both have the same ring tone but when I picked up the phone from the bed, i saw my aunt's name on the person calling

It's been a while since I last spoke to her, perhaps she misses me so much, "good morning my sweet aunt, how is life going?" I asked with a smile, "it's going fine Andrew, are you going to be at home today?" she asked. "yes of course, I'm not going to work today but is there any problem?" I asked, "not really, I and my fiance would like to pay you a visit today, we will arrive at your place by twelve noon so be ready for us" she said and hung up immediately.

   What she said right now was actually shocking and I don't even know what she intends to do at my place or does she want to ask my about my plan on getting a girlfriend, I haven't told her about Jessica yet because I feel there is no need to start spreading the issue when our relationship is gradually growing, "who was that?" Jessica said, throwing me out of my thought zone, "oh it was my aunt, she wants to pay me a visit so she is asking if I'm at home. "That's great, what should i prepare for them?" she asked with a broad smile

"Prepare anything that comes to your mind and i know you will make it delicious" i said and walked out of the room to resume my duties downstairs. We rounded up with the house chores and eventually ate our breakfast few minutes later and now we both walked outside to observe the whether, "isn't this great?" she asked while resting her head on my shoulders" I simply smiled while we kept staring at the bright clouds before our eyes met the sun, "oh shit, better go inside now before this hot sun fries my eye" i said and dashed inside while she still stood there. On getting to the living room, i switched on the television so that we could watch lovely romantic show and it didn't take long before she joined me and while the show was going on, see placed her legs on my thighs and gently used her hand to massage it.

   This started giving me some sexual urges but I have to control myself and act like it's nothing, being single for long triggers my urge with every little romantic gesture. We kept on watching the movie for some hours when I heard a car honk at my gate, I peeped through the glass windows to see what is happening and I was surprised to see my aunt's car so I quickly picked up my phone and instructed my gate man to open the gate and allow them pass, thank God I now have a gate man who will take care of my gate.

I would have been forced to stand up from my comfort zone if not for the gateman, "I'm pretty sure that's your aunt" Jessica said with a smile while standing up to arrange herself and cover her exposed body parts. I heard a knock on the door and when i rushed down to open it, my aunt embraced me and she started shedding tears, "I miss you my boy" she said softly, "I miss you too aunt and I'm really happy to see you again" I replied. She walked inside while I gave Mr Stanley (Her fiance) a tight hug, "it's nice to see you again" he said and we both walked inside.

  The both of them were shocked beyond words when they saw Jessica sitting on the couch, perhaps they were expecting that I will be alone, "good afternoon sir, good afternoon ma'am" she greeted the both of them and they responded gently. "oh, sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier but since you guys are here, perhaps I should spill the beans, meet my new girlfriend Jessica" i said and this made them relax a little as they both took their seats on the couch. "Jessica, meet my aunt and her lovely fiance, they have been more than a blessing to me ever since i knew them" I said 

"Wow, this is a good news indeed, finally you have a girlfriend by your side, I thought you weren't going to find one with the way you kept shying away from most girls" she teased and we all burst into laughter but I noticed that Mr Stanley was not really happy to see my girlfriend and Jessica on the other hand has been avoiding eye contact with him for some minutes, what are they trying to hide or do?. "I kept looking at them but I don't seem to understand the reason why they are avoiding each other but Jessica went to the kitchen to bring their food and she placed it before them and added, my aunt was so full of joy and she started eating right away while uncle Stanley kept observing his food.

   "Uncle Stanley do you like my new girlfriend?" I teased while trying hard to get his attention because he is becoming too quiet for my liking, "oh, see is beautiful" he replied looking so uncomfortable as he managed to pick up his spoon and eat, she however prepared jellof rice and salad for them and my aunt seems to be enjoying hers like no man's business. I walked out of the living room to urinate in the toilet and after few minutes, I came out of the rest room only to find my uncle Stanley standing by the door, "is anything the problem?" i asked looking a bit confused but he simply smiled and went inside the toilet to urinate himself, something is definitely not right here and i won't rest until I find what's wrong 

We both walked back to the living room and I met my aunt chatting with Jennifer in a friendly and lovely manner as they kept laughing at each other, "seems you have grown fond of her already" I teased my aunt, "you know I can't help it when I come across beautiful and kind ladies like her but I and my fiance have a special news for you and i know you will be quite pleased" she said. I quickly sat down to hear what they had to say because I'm a man who like surprises only on rare occasions though, "what is the surprise then, please tell me all about it" I pleaded as they both looked at each other's eyes while giggling silently, "okay, here is what brought us to your house this beautiful afternoon" she said and brought out a card.

  I took the card from her and kept looking at it so see what information is on it and I was shocked beyond words, they are finally getting married, "this is great!!!!, can't believe you guys are getting married tomorrow, this is awesome" I screamed and jumped with excitement. "yes, and we would like you to be our special guest tomorrow, you can equally come with Jessica here, I'm sure she wouldn't want to miss an event like this" she said and this made Jessica to smile a little but uncle Stanley's face wasn't so bright and I suspect that something is wrong somewhere but I will eventually ask him about

"I'm happy for you ma'am, you deserve to be loved and I pray that God will bless your marriage beyond your wildest imaginations" Jessica said with a smile and rushed to hug my aunt with so much love and compassion but this time, I saw the way Jessica looked at uncle Stanley with hatred in her eyes, they kept staring at each other like demons before they say back on the couch while showing fake smiles to my aunt, "it's gonna be great and tomorrow is going to be the biggest day of our lives" Stanley said and kissed his wife on the lips, "I will definitely be at the event, I will follow the address here" I replied.

  "Yeah, Andrew I would like to talk to you about something very important if you would spare me some of your time" he called out to me softly, "why not?, I have all the time in the world so what do you want to tell me?" I asked looking a bit curious. "I would like to say it privately so let's go somewhere private for now" he replied and stood up from the chair, I took him to my room and shut the door so that no one would hear or distrub us and the room is sound proof so anyone who tries to eavesdrop will only be wasting his or her time, "so what do you want to tell me Mr Stanley?" I asked after closing the door, "that girl in the living room, where did you meet here and how did you guys start dating each other?" he asked 

I was surprised to hear that question though because i wasn't expecting it at all, I thought he wanted to tell me some things regarding his marriage, "i met her in a house party that i organized some days ago, hope no problem?" I asked. He sat down on the chair close to my window and stared at the ceiling of my room for some minutes before he finally regained consciousness, "Andrew there is a big problem but before I explain it to you, i want you to give me your word that you won't discuss anything about this after we leave this room" he said, now I'm beginning to get scared because i don't know what's going on neither do I know what he wants to say but why would he want me to promise that I won't say anything about what he wants to say outside this room.

  I'm pretty sure he won't be saying this if it was a pure thing but now that he mentioned my girlfriend in hi ßg it, I just have to listen to him, "alright then, you can say what's in your mind and I give you my word that it won't leave this room" I assured him. "Andrew, I have watched you for some years and I have found out that you are a good and man and it would be wrong for me to deny you of this important information" he said 

"alright then, tell me all about it and stop keeping me in suspense because I don't like it at all" I replied looking a bit angry this time because the girl has done nothing wrong, "your girlfriend is a big time prostitute and I have slept with her once" he said. My ears stood up like someone under intense electric shock, my body remained still and my heart beat somehow reduce, "are you okay?" he asked after noticing my reaction.

   "Tell me you are joking, you must be joking right now, stop pulling my legs uncle" I teased but the look on his face expressed disappointment, he looked like someone who was madly disappointed and i couldn't help but get frightened by his looks, "am I smiling or does this sound funny to you?, she is a big time prostitute in one of the popular clubs in Lagos and i have heard so many stories about her and the way she nearly killed a rich man who tried to dupe her after having sex with her" he said 

"Stop it Stanley, i refuse to believe what you are saying ad there is nothing you can do to change it, she works as a receptionist and I have even gone to her work place to pick her up before so what are you trying to say here?" I screamed at my uncle, "Andrew please believe me, do you think I would want to destroy your relationship for no just cause?" he asked, "yes and that's what you are trying to do now, how can you just start accusing a lady who is innocent when you don't even have a single proof" i screamed out loud and kicked my table but the pain was sharp and sat down on the bed while my hands on my leg 

  "I know you won't believe it when I tell you and that's why I barely delete pictures on my phone, let me see if I can restore some of the pictures from the cloud storage" he said and brought out his phone while I looked at him with anger in my eyes, I'm so disappointed by this stupid allegations, no wonder he kept staring at her ever since he got in here, "Yeah, this is the video of us together after we had sex that fateful night" he said and gave me his phone so that I can watch the video, I was shocked beyond words when i saw Jessica laying down on the bed naked

I can't believe what I have just seen, they kept on kissing each other in the video while uncle Stanley kept romancing her breast, tears flowed from my eyes and I have him back the phone and buried my head under my pillow, can't believe i have fallen in love with a prostitute, "so you are cheating on my aunt right?" I asked and this scared the hell out of him.

  "Not at all Andrew, this video was recorded few years back and I haven't even met your aunt by that time" he replied with a shaky voice while i stared at him with my eyes looking so red