

The gate appeared ( A gate is a passageway connecting the dungeon and the real world).

This is my first time entering a dungeon. We killed monsters but everytime i fought i always got hurt so priests always heals me. It was time for the boss monsters also known as spectrs.( Every boss monster in every dungeon is known as spectrs.) We opened the door and saw something impossible. Something no one has ever seen before. The dungeon had SIX SPECTRS. And by that time everyone knew this was going to be the END OF THEIR LIVES. Though as paladins we had to fight with our lives but before anyone could do anything the guardians of the door wiped about half of the people for the raid. The remaining survivors treid running away but died. It was just me left i fought run and strived to survive and when i was on the verge of death i saw a message " Do you want to start again. "Do you want to be stronger". Without thinking i click yes.