

zhang lan, a cute and lovable girl but it all changed when she got betrayed by her best friend and husband. What will happen after she got reincarnated back to when she got the marriage proposal from her husband but the worst thing is that he was the one doing the chasing. She caged her heart from love but she didn't know that that cage was breaking slowly for her husband. She wants to fall in love but she's afraid of being broken and betrayed again. ****************** "Mr Tang Jun, let's save our selves the trouble and call off the wedding, you don't like me and i don't like you either so why must we continue it"Zhang lan said as Tang Jun leaned closer to her ears"what if i say i like you"he said rising, she could still feel his warm breath. she doesn't know why but it made her feel at ease with him, she looked at him expecting him to say he was joking but he was looking at her with his cold eyes showing that he was joking and it made her earth thump loudly that she could hear it beneath the eerie silence.

Iyebiye_Success · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs

Chapter 12: What! next week

Both zhang lan and Tang Jun entered the hall gloomy, anyone could sense it because of their aura.

They all pursed their lips together thinking that their talk didn't work well but Tang Qing and Tang zhezhan came here with a mission and they must fulfil it by all means possible and it wouldn't be possible without Zhang lan in it.

They still had enough time to get to improve zhang lan and Tang Jun relationship but it looked like their relationship is far from fixing because they immediately went to their seats while eating, wanting to set the mood, Tang zhezhan talked"so how was it"although he knew that it went bad, he still wants to hear it from their mouths.

"it went great"zhang lan replied leaving their mouth agape but the next word made them shocked"we've agreed to get married"Tang Jun said nonchalantly,

he was still a little bit hurt but he won't blame her for not believing in him after all he was the city most eligible bachelor and all girls were fawning over him but he didn't care, he looked at them like they are gold diggers and that was the main reason why his parents planned this marriage.

He once lied to his parents that he was gay but they didn't believe him and even brought a real gay to him. He made sure that the man never see tomorrow light.

His parents are always ruthless to him teaching him dangerous stuff and a ruthless couple equals ruthless children, he knew they had a reason for coming her but he just don't care but seeing zhang lan ignited something within him, he felt like he had to protect her even do it causes him his life, he felt he owned her big time but he doesn't know where does feelings are coming from.

Meng xuminin looked at zhang lan glaring daggers at her, Tang Jun was hers and hers only and Zhang lan took him away from her again, why must she always get the best.

Tang Jun parents promised that she and Tang Jun will get married after Tang Jun and zhang lan divorce, Tang Jun will take all of the shares in the zhang's empire and become the world most ruthless billionaire and tryant while she will become his wife.

She would make zhang lan suffer and destroy her pretty face.

Just as she thought about it made her mood lighten up as she smiled broadly at zhang lan"zhang lan and brother Tang, i wish a happy married life. Brother Tang, treat my sister well"meng xuminin said cheerfully but she only got ignored by them, she would not let zhang lan to be like this when she gets married to Tang Jun.

"Xuminin, me and Tang Jun parents had a talk when you excused yourself minutes ago, we thought that you and Tang Jun brother can get to know each other and it could be a double date with Tang Jun and zhang lan and i won't take no for an answer"old man zhang said as he turned to look at zhang lan"honey bun, let's celebrate your wedding with the Tangs,shall we?, am so happy because I'll see my grandchildren earlier"he said cheerfully as the cold zhang lan blushed"grandfather,am still a student"Zhang lan said, she hates the idea of having Tang Jun baby in her womb but it seems that her grandfather loves the idea and she won't let him down.

she doesn't want to lose him again, in this life, she would correct all her mistake and will get her revenge on Tang Jun parents for what they made her do, she still had been traumatized by it, she was still afraid of fire uptil now because of them but she will overcome them to show that she isn't afraid anymore even though she might faint through the process.

"Great, you guys can get engage next week, invite a lot of people so they will know that you are both taken"Tang zhezhan said as they all laughed"what!, next week"meng xuminin and zhang lan shouted"isn't it too soon"zhang lan said as meng xuminin nodded supporting her idea"we need you people to let your feelings grow, now let's enjoy ourselves"old man zhang said not wanting to continue the conversation. Tang Qing looked at zhang lan scrutinizing her, zhang lan felt a stare and turned to see Tang Jun looking at her but his felt different than the one she felt now.

Meanwhile Tang Qing felt a sharp pain on her lap and saw that Tang zhezhan pinched her skin and that made her look away from zhang lan. she looked at him with question marks on top her head but he just look away.

The night continued in merriment but three people in the hall were so cold and icing, one was having different emotions while one was feeling guilty and the last one was feeling enmity.

(who do you think where the three cold people.

please comment)

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