

zhang lan, a cute and lovable girl but it all changed when she got betrayed by her best friend and husband. What will happen after she got reincarnated back to when she got the marriage proposal from her husband but the worst thing is that he was the one doing the chasing. She caged her heart from love but she didn't know that that cage was breaking slowly for her husband. She wants to fall in love but she's afraid of being broken and betrayed again. ****************** "Mr Tang Jun, let's save our selves the trouble and call off the wedding, you don't like me and i don't like you either so why must we continue it"Zhang lan said as Tang Jun leaned closer to her ears"what if i say i like you"he said rising, she could still feel his warm breath. she doesn't know why but it made her feel at ease with him, she looked at him expecting him to say he was joking but he was looking at her with his cold eyes showing that he was joking and it made her earth thump loudly that she could hear it beneath the eerie silence.

Iyebiye_Success · Teenager
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Betrayal

A young woman probably in her early thirties was kneeling in the front of a large villa. she was a pretty lady with red eyes which proves she cried a lot, she looked at the gate with null eyes, she had been crying and shouting on top her lungs but the gate showed no signs of opening.

she won't give up that easily, all her five years of courting and seventeen years of marriage won't go to waste. Her grandfather death won't go down the drain.

Zhang lan tears dropped again as she thought of her grandfather, he died for her protection.

So no matter what happens, she would enter the villa, she stood up with determination burning fiercely in her eyes. she walked towards the gate and banged it loudly, she won't let go her twenty one years of devotion go to waste because she was accused of murder.

When her grandfather passed away, she knew it was planned but didn't dig deeper but when Tang Jun mom died, she was suddenly blamed. she started causing some crowd to gather around her looking at her as if she's a mad person, Zhang lan didn't care about the curious looks she was geeting but continued banging as the tears continued falling.

The gate started opening igniting some hope within Zhang lan, but her hopes diminished when she saw two body guards coming out,they were well built, with one look, one will know that they went through some series of training.

They walked towards Zhang lan making Zhang lan heart to palpilate. she felt unsecure as her right eye lid twitch and it was said that when ever your right eye lid twitch, something bad is about to befall you.

Zhang lan subconsciously step back but the body guards came forward and held both her arms fiercely earning a cry of pain from her.

They threw her out on the street and without a word, walked back into the villa. The people watching left feeling that the drama was over. Zhang lan looked at the gate as she gave up, she didn't even bother to stand up.

A light shone brightly as she heard a horn, she turned to look as she saw a trailer heading her way. She squinted her eyes and saw an unfamiliar figure at the driver seat and meng xuminin at the co-pilot sea, the driver show no signs of stopping as he ran over Zhang lan.

Zhang lan not expecting that flew from to the other end of road, she was covered in her own pool of blood. she was almost loosing consciousness when a figure came to her."look at the bitch now, not so perfect now. Now nobody can stop me from marrying brother Jun, and our baby boy will be alive without this bitch"the figure said.

Zhang lan heard the voice and figured out that the voice was meng xuminin. Zhang lan was clutching her stomach but meng xuminin slapped her and kicked her pained stomach as all the breath left her.

Zhang lan closed her eyes as she died but not before swearing to exact her revenge.