
The Revenge Road of King of Martial Dominance

traveled through time to Danning and came back to life inside the tomb of King Ba Wu. After escaping the grave, he not only faced pursuit from the court and various forces but also had to help his wife, Qin Muge, the King of Martial Dominance, reclaim everything step by step. Luckily, he awakened a system that made him more invincible the more famous he became, and stronger the more blame he shouldered.

hao_ace · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Grudge-bearing map

"I'm back," said Chu Yunyun, her voice as clear as a lark, her skin so pale it seemed devoid of blood, as if she, too, feared the light. She raised a hand to shield her eyes and stepped slowly into the room from the sunlight outside.

The girl, similar in age to Chu Xisheng, had a standard oval face with willow-leaf eyebrows. Despite appearing very weak, there was a hint of sharpness in her eyes. Her black hair was simply tied back with a red string, and even in a plain white cloth dress, she couldn't hide her graceful demeanor.

Chu Xisheng looked at the girl before him, his gaze somewhat bewildered. His experience of crossing over should be the most bizarre among all crossers. Even now, when he recalled it, he felt absurd, as if it were in a dream.

Three months ago, when Chu Xisheng woke up in this world, he was buried with this girl in a luxurious royal tomb. Using a strange spell, they had died and come back to life, returning to the mortal world together, hiding their identities temporarily in Xiushui City.

Neither of them wanted to acknowledge the absurd forced marriage manipulated by others, and because of the spell, they were bound by life and death. So, for now, they referred to each other as brother and sister.

The whole process was almost as magical as the stories in "One Thousand and One Nights".

After Chu Yunyun came in, she first tidied up the door curtain, blocking all the sunlight coming through the crack in the door before turning around.

Seeing Chu Xisheng leaning against the kitchen door, staring at her with a fixed gaze, she couldn't help but blush slightly, her eyelashes fluttering as she looked away uneasily. "Are you steaming fish? I could smell the aroma of fish from afar. Are you finally willing to spend money today because you got the inner gate quota from the martial hall?"

"Thankfully, yes," Chu Xisheng replied, coming back to his senses, his gaze also slightly embarrassed. He took out the newly acquired inner gate token from his pocket and casually tossed it over.The token was made of wood, with Chu Xisheng's name written on it, and the edges were adorned with copper, with a few unique runes engraved on it.

He smiled wryly and put the chopped firewood into the stove. "For the sake of this thing, we've been toiling away for a full three months and even owe some favors."

However, Chu Yunyun's eyes showed a hint of joy, her tone calm. "There's no other way. This is the fastest way for you to enter the inner gate. Your talent is only slightly better than others', so under normal circumstances, it would take at least six months to master the Wind Chase Knife technique. Whether you can pass after six months still depends on the mood of the examination instructors."

She glanced at the token and then looked slightly puzzled. "Why is there a silver leaf on it?"Under Chu Xisheng's name, there was an engraved silver bamboo leaf.This was a symbol of the Zhengyang Martial Hall, representing the status of inner gate disciples.

Inner gate disciples of the martial hall were distinguished by whether they had no leaf, one leaf, or three leaves.The more leaves, the higher the status, and the closer to the true transmission. They can have better teachers, treatment, and resources in the martial hall. Newly passed disciples of the martial test generally have no leaves, only those who rank at the top in both performance and talent in the inner gate martial test, and are under the age of fourteen, can become one-leaf disciples.

"This is a long story, you go wash your hands first," Chu Xisheng lifted the lid of the pot, and as a cloud of white vapor rose, a rich aroma instantly filled the room. Chu Yunyun's gaze was also drawn to it, and when she saw the steaming sea bass in the pot, she couldn't help but swallow.

After a moment, the two siblings sat face to face at a square table, with two plates of food on the table, one plate of sea bass, and one plate of boiled water spinach.

Chu Yunyun sat upright like a javelin, keeping her spine straight. She held her bowl, and every movement of her chopsticks, every lift of her hand, was precise and orderly, with an air of elegance.Chu Xisheng didn't care about any rules about not talking while eating. He talked about his experiences in the morning while eating.

When only the bones were left in the plate of sea bass, Chu Yunyun raised her eyelids."Blood awakening before the battle? This kind of thing does happen frequently. However, the second son of the Long family also practices fast knives. You were able to wound his hand before he could draw his sword, your bloodline talent is remarkable. If I'm not mistaken, what you awakened should be the Lightning Pursuit Hand, the most suitable talent for practicing the Wind Chase Knife!"

There was a hint of interest in her eyes as she put down her chopsticks. "Now, try slashing at me with a sword."Chu Xisheng felt somewhat helpless, but he still hesitated to draw his knife from his waist. Still using the "Empty Cave Wind" style from the Wind Chase Knife Technique, the blade flashed like a white ribbon as it slashed towards Chu Yunyun's throat. Due to switching to a "Hundred Refinements Light Steel Knife," he felt that his blade speed had increased by twenty percent compared to the morning.

However, what followed was Chu Xisheng seeing Chu Yunyun on the opposite side extending two fingers and lightly pinching, easily catching his knife. Her fingers were tender like spring onions, but the strength was like iron pliers, making his blade unable to move.

Chu Xisheng wasn't surprised at all, only because the woman in front of him had an extremely significant background. If it weren't for Chu Yunyun currently being heavily injured, plagued by curses, her true essence sealed, and her martial arts almost completely crippled, she would still be one of the top figures in the entire Great Ning Dynasty.

"Indeed, very fast!" Chu Yunyun's eyes sparkled. "I am more confident now! With your current talent, coupled with what is hidden inside the Zhengyang Martial Hall, you can enter the Formless Divine Sect in the shortest time possible."Her pair of azure eyes were calm and clear, containing an indescribable brilliance, seemingly enduring through eternity.

Chu Xisheng listened thoughtfully, knowing that being an "inner disciple" was just the beginning. Chu Yunyun's goal was to reclaim everything starting from the Zhengyang Martial Hall step by step, while his own objective was simply to survive and live freely in this world."Tomorrow is crucial," Chu Yunyun continued, "According to the customs of the Zhengyang Martial Hall, all newly promoted inner disciples must spend two days in the 'Scripture Pavilion' of the martial hall, studying martial arts classics and selecting the martial arts techniques they will cultivate in the future. When you enter the pavilion, start by memorizing the visualization diagram and secret medicine for Memory Nourishing Gong. Then, go to the eastern corner of the sixth floor of the Scripture Pavilion and memorize the totem depicting the ferocious beast 'Yazi.' Remember as much as you can."

Chu Yunyun's expression turned solemn. "This is your only chance before reaching the seventh rank. Normally, inner disciples of the martial hall are not qualified to enter the sixth floor of the Scripture Pavilion. Only on the first day of admission are the rules different. The Formless Divine Sect has always had a tradition of testing disciples' opportunities. They will open the first to sixth floors of the Scripture Pavilion on the first day, so you must seize this opportunity."

Curious, Chu Xisheng couldn't help but ask, "Why do I need to memorize this Yazi diagram? What's special about it?""I'll tell you the reason later," Chu Yunyun replied firmly.Her expression grew even more serious. "Remember, you must memorize that diagram. It's crucial for both of us, a matter of life and death! You don't need to worry about the other martial arts techniques in the pavilion; I know all ten of the Formless Divine Sect's external transmissions and can teach you."

Chu Xisheng could only suppress his doubts. In martial arts matters, Chu Yunyun was the authority, and listening to her was never wrong. The relationship between them was unequal; whatever Chu Yunyun said, he could only comply. However, he trusted her completely."If she wanted to harm him, there were at least a thousand ways she could do it, and he couldn't defend against them all.

At least for now, they were in the same boat, depending on each other for survival. Their relationship was closer than that of blood siblings, after all, they had shared the same coffin.Chu Yunyun was about to say something when she noticed Chu Xisheng had also put down his chopsticks. She hurried to tidy up the dishes: "I'll do the dishes today."Her expression was solemn, her movements cautious, as if she were holding onto something extremely precious.However, just as she was taking the dishes to the kitchen, a pottery bowl in her hand cracked with a 'crunch,' and pieces scattered all over the floor.

Chu Xisheng watched silently.His "sister," once possessing unparalleled martial arts skills in the seven provinces of Danning North, was now only left with physical strength due to injuries and internal poison curses. Whenever she got nervous, she couldn't control her strength, often leaving a mess while doing chores.Chu Xisheng sighed and went to fetch a broom from the corner of the room: "Let me do it. You sit and don't move. Pottery has become expensive lately. A bowl costs sixty wen."

Chu Yunyun felt somewhat frustrated, with a hint of unwillingness in her eyes, but she had to comply and step aside.Feeling uncomfortable just standing by, she decided to help out and turned to get her belongings."Do you want to do the laundry?" Chu Xisheng seemed startled, lifting his head with a wary look at Chu Yunyun. "In the past three months, you've washed your clothes three times, but you've broken nine items. Go put the clothes you brought in the washing tub, and later, when we move to the martial arts school, I'll help you wash them."

He sighed as he swept the floor.Who would have thought? Chu Xisheng, a department manager of a prestigious listed company, has now fallen into the role of a family cook."I want to try again," Chu Yunyun said, biting her lip nervously, clasping her hands together tightly, the blush on her face spreading all the way to her neck.Among those clothes to be washed were her intimate garments.

Then she slightly moved, noticing the latter part of Chu Xisheng's statement: "Move to the martial arts school? Why move? It's nice living here.""The rent here is five taels of demon silver a month, enough to buy two bottles of Yanghe San."Chu Xisheng shook his head. "Ye Zhichun gave us the key to the utility courtyard in the east wing, saying there are two vacant rooms there. There's also an empty space in the backyard for me to practice martial arts. After we move, you can help me adjust my sword technique. I felt a bit off during my morning practice."

Ye Zhichun always thought he had exceptional insight, far beyond ordinary people's.Little did he know, he had a martial arts master by his side, teaching him the most advanced martial arts secrets and the fundamental principles of swordsmanship.Chu Yunyun's eyes brightened slightly. She felt like she wasn't so useless after all.