
The Revenge Of The The Child Of Creation

Amazing. Awesome. We're not the Words that would describe the life of our hero after the Battle of Manhattan. He was out shun. He was betrayed. But the he did not mind as long as his belived soul mate was with him. But the soul mate did something which was a final blow. As if that wasn't enough, half the God council accused him of being a traitor. But was he? His fatal flaw was personal loyalty. But there were some who belived him. It included half the God council. Join him as he travels back in time and gets half from never belived and very unexpected places. Join the hero as he is disowned by his parents, but is adopted by some omnipotent being. To know more read and find out. (Peace out)

Advait3458 · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

Chapter 3. The offer and the situation.

As I was teleported, I felt a wave nausea overtake me and I collapsed on my knees. But wait! Why was everything burning like the Styx?! The answer came when I opened my eyes. I was in the Styx! Suddenly all the burning stopped and I was greated by a voice. "Perseus", spoke a surprisingly nice and sweet voice. I immediately knew who it was. I turned around and saw that I was face to face with the nymph of the river. I immediately bowed. "Lady Styx, it's a pleasure to meet the lady that blessed me. But rest everything apart, I want to know how I am able to breath underwater. Last I checked, Poseidon disowned me." She chuckled before answering, "Still as humble as ever I see. Well the waters don't accept Poseidon's judgement. And before you ask the waters still obey you as their master." She replied smiling. I nodded and smiled back. "Now to the main point. Percy, someone.... higher than all of us.... well he ordered to remove your Achilles spot and as an extant my blessing. Because he is my master I will have to obey him. However I give you a power. To remove someone's oath which he/she made in my name. But to do so will drain a lot of energy and you might die. So do you take the chances?" She asked uncertainly. "Well I don't have anything to lose so why not." I replied smiling smugly. As I said it I prepared for the pain to start. Seeing my strained form, Styx giggled and said that it won't be painful and I relaxed. Boy! I relised how wrong was I to relax. Even though I do not think I could have been able to bear the felling that followed next. I was raging and screaming in agony. Once the felling subdued I was panting for breath. "Really Styx? I guess you were correct. It wasn't painful. It was extreme torture. Though thanks about telling me to relax. I really enjoyed it." I said my voice and speech dipped in sarcasm.

"Well what can I say. Ohh yes! I have some friends who would like to bless you!" She squealed in excitement which got my attention. What? Seriously any help I get to destroy half the council is appreciated. "Who?" I asked simply. But instead of replying I felt myself getting lifted of the river and saw that there were 4 people plus Styx. 2 men and 3 women including Styx. "I belive that would be us" one of the men sighed. I immediately understood who they were. Damm! I was about to be bless by all the rivers of the underworld! Like wtf! And being the smart ,naturally, I spoke something along the lines of 'ohh'. I saw their reactions. The gods of the rivers face-palmed, while Styx broke into laughter which confused me. And seeing me confused and thinking Styx helped me saying that "well you met one of the most powerful beings in the underworld and all you say is ohh". I only grinned sheepishly while they all chuckled. "Pass us your sword, hero." They all said making me cringe but nevertheless I complied. I capped Ripitide and passed it to Styx who took it to the other and they touched the blade and started chanting in greek. Be it my heritage, I knew what they were chanting.

'Εμείς, τα 5 ποτάμια του κάτω κόσμου, ευλογούμε τον Περσέα, πρώην γιο του Ποσειδώνα. Είθε να κουρδίσει αυτές τις δυνάμεις των περιοχών μας με το αξιόπιστο όπλο του. Είθε να χρησιμοποιήσει τις δυνάμεις της Στύγας, του Φλεγέθωνα, της Λήθης, του Αχέροντα και του Κόκυτου για την ευημερία του καλού και την τιμωρία του κακού.'

(A/N : Just so you don't have to worry much, I helped you all with a translation as I know how to speak greek even though I am not one. 'We, the 5 rivers of the underworld, bless Perseus, former son of Poseidon. May he weild those powers of our domains with the trusted weapon of his. May he use the powers of Styx, Phlegethon, Lethe, Acheron and Cocytus for the welfare of good and the punishment of evil.' )

As they finished, there was a blinding glow coming of my weapon and I was forced to shut my eyes as it grew. And the next thing I know? I am looking there was a ring in their hand each. The five rings merged together to form a bead necklace that had 5 of them. I put it on and was thinking of the beads when Styx mentioned the use of the necklace.

" Pull the beads and they will transform into one of the gifted weapons. Pull the blue bead and your sword will appear with the powers of my domains. The grey bead represents the spear of the river Cocytus. The firey red represents a fire shield. The gree bead will make some decent hunting knives blessed by Acheron. At last the yellow bead represents the river lethe. Pull it and use the bow of lethe to make your enemies forget their past." I said my thanks to them to which they nodded and flashed off.

-----Time Skip To 5 Minutes-----

There was a flash of bright light and the 7 good Olympians appeared before me. I immediately dropped to my knees and bowed low. "My lords and ladies. I humbly thank you for your support at the throne room. But why did you belive me when I said that I am innocent. Not that I mind." I asked the present gods still kneeling. I was suddenly pulled up and hugged by ..... yeah! Got that right. My favorite Olympian Hestia (also a small <read : large> crush but don't tell her).

"My, my Perseus. I supported you because you returned me my throne. And ummm..... how can I say this.... I might sort of l-lii-like y-yo-ou." She said blushing heavily. And that's it. I knew it was the end of the world. The longest lived maiden was saying that she liked me. I think the others must have seen me releasing imaginary smoke from my ears as they all started laughing. And then all of them started explaining their reasons to me.

Hades - You respected me, gave me my throne, befriended nico and treated him equally.

Apollo - You saved Artemis and you are my awesome cousin. Also you see how awesome I am.

Yeah apollo and his thereatics.

Hermes - You saw what I did was because of a reason and gave Luke what he deserved.

Dionsyus - You kept your promise and kept my son Pollex safe.

Hepheateaus - You honored Charles and Jake.

"Also someone had us ordered to help you." Hades added. All the while I kept holding hands with Hestia. And just so you don't think me as child molester, she was in her 17 year from. But unlike everyone I noticed that Artemis was very quite till now. I nudged Hestia and she leaned so I could speak in her ear. "Hey why is Artemis so much silent? What has happened? " Hestia just laughed and was about to say something when I noticed a woman standing in the shadows. I quickly pulled one of the beads and my bow materialized in my hand. I pulled the string and the next second the arrow appeared. I was about to fire but the lady came our laughing at my alertness having her hands raised in surrender.

I raised an eyebrow. And I saw that the lady looked familiar to Hestia. Relisation struck me and I bowed at the queen of the titans. "Grandma Reha " I politely greeted.

"Rise Perseus. I am here to say that I have watched you since the beginning of your life. And I am impressed. So I think I can say that I approve of you with my daughter. And as a gift for my most favourite grandson I give you the scythe of Kronos. And sorry Artemis but you are 2nd. Also Perseus, I would like to say on behalf of my 2nd favourite grandchild, that she like you very much but cannot tell you as she is very shy. So take care of Hestia and Artemis." Saying this the lady of motherhood left in a flash, leaving us all shocked to say something, with me a happy Hestia, a master scythe, and a blushing Artemis. I decided to talk to Artemis and dragged her to a corner, alone. "Artemis? My lady please answer me. Are you alright? What Lady Reha said was correct?" I bombarded her with the doubts of my life. She said nothing but just blushed a deep gold, which by the way looked cute, and nodded. I again asked, " Are you alright with Hestia? I mean you don't have to agree but still I cannot play with your feeling like that." Again, no reply but a slight change. She hugged me and sobbed in my shirt. I hugged her back. And so she started speaking. "Thanks for caring, Percy. And I don't mind as long as you are with me." She said uncertainly

"Of course my moon. For eternity." I smiled to which she grinned and I tried to remove myself from the hug. The key word is TRIED. She hugged me tighter and I laugher saying, "Liking my hugs too much? "

"Shut up" She grumbled. I again laughed and said smugly, "make me" I would like to say that she failed but man! I cannot lie! She just tiptoes and kissed me on the place that left me flustered. I would like to say that my life happily progressed from there. Boy! How wrong I was! I had to wait for 5 more years and another war. But I think I had been able to bear it. Anyways, as we walked back I walked hand in hand with Artemis I saw Hestia's head drop. I looked at Artemis who nodded and I smiled back. I approached Hestia and asked the question that must be bugging her. "Hestia are you OK with Artemis? I know you might not agree. But know this I will try to keep you both safe and happy. " Hearing me her face rose and she smiled so much that I thought that her face might split into half. And then she KISSED me. And hugged me, might I add. As I was enjoying this happy movement, I remembered that someone had said them all to help me. I turned to Hades who was now talking with a lady in a dress decorated with flowers. I smiled at them and they smiled back. I guess Persephone also supported me. Great. "Uncle you said that someone is there who asked to help me. Who is it?" Before Hades could answer a woman appeared besides me, scaring the crap out of me. "What the Hades!" I screamed (later I was told that I screamed like a girl. But hey! I got scared.) "Perseus" uncle scolded.

"Sorry, uncle" I apologized and someone *cough Hermes cough* snickered. I turned to the lady and asked the million darchama question, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"