
The Return of the Undead

Toby_Akinboyewa · Horror
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2 Chs

The Awakening

11:55 pm

We get to the tomb site few minutes to midnight. The cold is sipping into my body from the long ride we had on our bicycle. I zip my jacket up to prevent more cold.

I open my bag pack and bring out two torches, giving one to my brother. The whole place is as silent as... Well... We are in a graveyard, so. We walk through the graveyard as we follow the map to lead us to our "treasure".

The air is misty and fog starts to cover our view, but we had come this far and won't back down now.

The sound of a bird chirping scare the hell out of Kelvin, he almost jumps out of his boots, literally. As if being in a graveyard at almost midnight wasn't enough, a bird crowing in the dark night drove him nuts, but I don't mind as I move past everything that stood in my way

"Hurry up" I whispered in a husky voice to my brother who is lagging behind

I bring out my camera and start recording when I see, no, hear something whoosh past me, I whirl almost immediately. I stop, not sure of what I heard.

"Did you hear something" I whisper to my brother

"No... Wait, did you hear something?" he whispered back, fear in his voice. He is probably thinking those witchy stories were true.

"No, I was only pulling your legs" I lied, forcing out a strained laugh

All the stories with what he is currently experiencing now is enough reason for us to be on our way back home, one more draw at the straw and that's it, he would have me on his shoulders running all the way home if necessary

I can't let that happen. We are almost close to completing our... Well, my mission and plus I'm not even sure so bonus points for me.

We finally get to where the tomb is and enter, with ease. The gate is already rusty and a little push is all it took

"X marks the spot" I said absentmindedly. I Look at the coffin in awe.

"Finally, so this is what it looks like". I know he is also as stunned as I am as he rubs his hands on the coffin.

I open the coffin and alas! We see the body of the old supernatural whose story had been terrorizing the city

Something looks strange though

The body is still intact, he has been dead for close to two decades and his body is still fresh, like he is only sleeping.

The wind starts to blow very hard and the sound of birds chirping so loud fill the entire place.

It stops, it finally stops as sweat trickle down the face of Kelvin.

"Probably the wind that spooked them" I said to reassure him that everything was alright.

We focused our attention back on the coffin only to find out that the body is no longer there!

The heavy wind starts to blow again when we heard the chiming of the church bell and fear grips me.

"We have to get out of here" I hear Kelvin say, panic in his voice

We are about to make a run for it when suddenly our torches stop working. I hit mine against my palm so hard, still nothing.

We start running in the dark, praying for a way out of this misery.

"What sort of mess have I gotten us into" I think to myself as we run, run for our dare lives. Whatever it is that came out of that coffin is definitely out to get us. The wind becomes stronger and I can feel it's presence following us, stalking us. It is everywhere like... An evil spirit! I should have listened to those horror stories.

Kelvin stops abruptly and I run into him, tripping both of us to the ground. We quickly scramble our way back up and I want to scream for us to keep going. When I finally see why we stop, I feel a pit in my stomach. We are Lost!


We are trapped!

There is a gigantic wall blocking our path. We have been running in the dark, scared to death that we didn't realise we have gone the wrong way. We turn, thinking to run the same way we came and hopefully find our way back when we see something, a shadow.

"Stay behind me" Kelvin whispers to me and I move sheepishly behind him. It looks like it was on fours, like an animal. The shape starts to form into that of a human.

The man in the tomb!

I hope, pray, in the nineteen years of my existence, I have never prayed not even after my dad died. I pray to anyone, anything, a higher power perhaps, to save us from this treacherous night.

We back away slowly as the shadow begin to draw nearer when my back hit the wall.

Oh God please help us

I close my eyes, trying to control my breath. Kelvin is still in front of me, his arms are poised, stretched out and his knees slightly bent, protectively, as if he is going to attack anyone or anything that comes out of the shadows.

I'm such a coward.

Few hours ago I was making jokes about ghosts and evil spirit, and now I could only watch like a wounded lion. I think I feel my hand hit something on the wall.

A door knob!

We had ran in opposite direction from where we entered and I am glad to find that the crypt has two entrance.

I slowly open the door which creaks so loud. I cuss under my breath. My brother notices it and gave me a what-the-fuck-is-that look.

"it's a door" I whisper to him defensively "C'mon, let's get out of here". Whatever it is that is after our heads must have heard the noise as the shadow draws nearer towards our direction. I yank the door wide open as we make a run for it. We just keep running and pray to God to show us the way out.

The monster is already getting close to us, we can't see it but we can feel it in the wind, the way the air suddenly becomes cold and frightening.

We are almost at the exit of our misery when I hear a thud from behind. Kelvin has fallen and is clutching his left leg. His leg has been caught up in a trap and it looks really bad.

"Go!" he screams at me, half pleading, half commanding. I rush back to him, the monster on our tail. He pushes me back

"Run, get out of here" he screams at me, tears in my eyes. I turn and run away, tears pouring down my face. As I run, I hear screams, hear him begging for his life as the monster drags him into the dark night.

I finally get out, soaked in sweat, blood and tears. I only feel the pain after I stop running, My left arm is bleeding.

Slowly I drag myself to my bicycle and ride home.