
The Mystery Man

Scarlett looked up to see the ashes, while she was celebrating her victory the man stared at her and gave her a warm smile. She noticed and felt her heart flutter but the next moment she thought to herself "who is this man?", "We make a good team you know" as he was leaving she screamed "WHO ARE YOU?" the man turned his head and said "oh right I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Blake, Blake Laurier, and you?" "Scarlett Woods" "I see, A pretty name for a pretty lady" he said while Scarlett blushed. As he was walking away Scarlett pulled his shirt softly "hm? oh? you've already fallen for me?" Scarlett suddenly let go of his shirt and said, "W- WHAT n- no..." but she knew she was lying to herself.

"I want to know more about you and the akhi spirits" she said "oh alright" said Blake "I'll start by introducing myself a little more then. As you know, my name's Blake. I'm the God/ King of creation which makes me a power holder. I'm 26 and I work as an animator, I animated a few anime's like Noragami, Tokyo Ravens, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Wotakoi etc. what about you?" Scarlett thought to herself how talented he was and admiring him as he animated a few of her favorite anime's. "Well my name is Scarlett Woods. I'm the Goddess/ Queen of destruction. I'm 25 and I work as a software engineer." "Oh that's nice... do you want to know anything else..my queen?" he said in a soft voice, "oh uhm the akhi spirts, are they different for you?" she asked. "Well yes, they are different for every God/Goddess" Blake replied, "oh right.." Scarlett said. But then it hit Scarlett, what if they have another mission to finish off another spirt or demon or whatever they fought.

"I forgot to ask by the way Mr. Blake when there's another thing to fight how do I know?" she asked curiously, "Here, take this, it will notify you when something is out there and no need for formalities please" saying as he handed over Scarlett a device, "its called a noter". "Oh okay thank you..Blake" she said. "We better get back to our offices before our bosses notices we're missing" said Blake, "oh yeah" said Scarlett. They both went to their offices and continued their work. It was about 10 pm, Scarlett was finishing up on some work, she was all alone because she insisted on working extra time. But, suddenly Blake appeared out of no where. "Oh hey there princess :)" he said, Scarlett standing there stunned and shocked she asked "how'd you do that?", "did you forget that you had an akhi spirt for transport?" he said in a teasing way, "you have that too?" she asked, "Well yes, it's a necessary and common spirt for every God/Goddess" he said.