
The Beginning of Madness

Powers and spirts exists in the world or at least this world... people who have powers in this world are called the powered people. A twenty five year old girl who works as a software engineer Scarlett Woods wakes up to the sound of her alarm ringing "ugh another day" Scarlett said. As she was waking up she saw the akhi spirts.

The akhi spirits are originally from Japan, nobody believed in them though. The akhi spirits have powers and can cast spells. They give these powers to certain people known as the powered people. They are at least 1000+ years old. Their stories were popular in Japan and were told to children as children stories.

Scarlett was horrified by the akhi spirits and screamed but her voice did not escape her lips. One of the akhi spirits the spell spirit casted a spell upon Scarlett to prevent her from talking, speaking or screaming. The spell spirit said, "Don't even try to scream as a matter of fact talk or speak. Anyways we're the akhi spirts sometimes known as the spirits of Japan, you might of heard of us. We give powers to people but we need a new power holder (the person who holds the powers of the akhi spirts). And we chose you Scarlett Woods."

Just as the spell spirit finished her sentence she released the spell casted upon Scarlett. "W- what I- I thought the akhi spirits were a myth... I guess I don't have much of a choice to be your power holder", said Scarlett. The destruction spirt said, "right one more thing our group of akhi's is the destruction group." What? there's more spirts out there? Scarlett asked. Indeed there is replied the transport spirt. "I never heard of there being groups..." said Scarlett, confused. "By the way Scarlett you are the queen/ Goddess of destruction as we are the destruction group" said one of the weapon spirts. (weapon spirts are spirts that turn into weapons when their name is called out).

Scarlett was shook and confused "The...The queen/ Goddess of destruction?!" she said in a terrified voice.