

Indra the youngest son of the two Primordial Gods Ran and Raya reincarnates after getting killed by his own elder brother Asura who envied him. Asura kills his brother and family including his father the ruler of heaven to become the new king. Asura now the king of heaven waits for the return of his brother whose soul escaped to the mortal realm.

Clement_Osei_6060 · Aktion
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52 Chs


Vanessa starts thinking about how Liriel was able to know her original name before she comes to a conclusion.

Vanessa:You people no the entire Gyousei are.....

Liriel:You can't say it can you? Well is because of what he did on our names. Well knowing you you might have figured out the person already Helen.

Erza:Mom!Why can't you say it?

Vanessa: I don't know is like the words are stuck in my mouth. I know their name but I can't say it. It must be him.

Vanessa starts to think about how even she cannot reverse what is happening to her.

With Derek as a hostage Liriel demanded they hand over Arvitha body but The Queen refused and waged war against the two. Every Witch in the entire realm heard the Queen's message and they all jumped at Liriel and Nacoya ready to attack them but.... Nacoya threw a dice on the ground which landed on a six. Six meant instant death and as such spikes emerged from the ground and pierced through the body of every Witch within a 50m distance. After witnessing such power all the Witches were overcomed with extreme fear.

Liriel:You didn't have to go that far.

Nacoya:Hey it wasn't my fault though. once it lands on a number I can't change the cause and effect.

Hey Queen tell your people to stand back we are going to take care of this. The rest of Division eight backed Noct up and they jumped from the castle landing straight on the ground.

Vanessa(in her thoughts):That kid...No those kids there's something different about their fates. Is almost as if they are linked to that one boy but all their efforts will be in vain. Afterall the most dangerous man hasn't even moved. Liriel that bastard just standing there and acting all cool but once he decides to fight is over.

I do not want to fight against kids so why don't we just...

Noct interrupted Liriel and tried to punch him but his attack didn't even manage to reach Liriel. This was because Liriel converted Negative energy into positive energy creating a barrier of hostility between him and his opponents or anything he deems hostile. With this opportunity Nacoya threw his dice one more time and it landed on four. Four allows him to select with one or two weapons from a collection of 22 legendary weapons. Nacoya chose the twin-paired sword. With this he nearly sliced Noct's chest in half but he was able to react in time and dodge the attack before it could land a fatal blow.

Lucy tried to transform Nacoya blades into a blant sword but since is an Ego sword with it's own will, it was able to resist Lucy power. The backlash from this gravely affected Lucy causing her to cough out blood and falling on her knees.

Roy was able to determine the opponents power the first time he laid eyes on them but this motivated him to fight even more. Roy instinctively entered full battle mode. In this form his upper and lower body is covered in a lightening armour with his forehead gaining two extended lightening horns, His feet is covered in lightening boots which allows him to move at light speed. In order for his brain and body to comprehend such speed and power, his cells evolve to his current level in order to catch up with his explosive power. Therefore he's able to process lot's of information within seconds. Roy moved so fast that his body created a duplicate which punched Nacoya before he could even react. According to Nacoya that one hit was like being punched a thousand times with the same force. Nacoya tried to catch up to Roy's speed but he couldn't. Roy became so fast that he begun to hit Nacoya before he could even notice the damage he took seconds later. At this point it was as if Roy was about to win until...

Roy: What's happening is as if my entire body is being stretched and transformed into light particles.

This was because In order for one to move at Light speed their body must have a weight equivalent to Zero and a friction barrier capable of protecting their body from bursting into flames . But in Roy's case his body was repeatedly evolving its cells to keep up with his speed, brain function and allow his body to generate a protective aura. All these functions generated lot's of strain on his body and as he kept on moving so fast that he started to transcend light itself, his body started disintegrating inti light particles. Roy noticed this change and tried to decelerate his body speed as fast as possible. This sudden reduction in speed caused his body muscles and cells to break down giving Nacoya a chance from him to slice a hole Roy's abdomen.

Liriel:Did you kill him?

Nacoya:I saved that kid. His body was about to disintegrate into light particles and because he tried to decelerate faster than his body should he would have exploded. I only did him a favour by knocking him out so that his body could gradually reform.

Shinsui was now the only one remaining. He just stood there closed his eyes and Telepathically summoned every spirit in the Realm. With the spirit as his aid he used a Secret technique of the Beastrin family. This technique allowed the user to merge spirits/Beasts together but the backlash was extremely fatal. Even though Shinsui knew the risk he took his chances and used every ounce of power in him to Merege his own beast and the spirits together creating a Giant Kaiju called the Endless. Liriel Noticed the power of the Kaiju and decided to intervene this time around. Liriel ability was called the Axis. This allowed him to manipulate and deny some parts of reality, Convert two types of energy (Positive and Negative) into one creating an Integer. With this power, Liriel denied the reality whereby Shinsui had created the Kaiju. By erasing that reality from existence everything was reverted back to zero as if it never happened. A weakened shinsui was left dumpfolded by what he saw before he collapsed.

At this point it was left with the Queen, Erza,Derek and Noct. The Queen looked at Erza and Said,"Would seeing your friends die allow you to embrace yourself. If not then you really are Selfish"

Erza started to remember how she couldn't save her friends the last time and had to watch them die Infront of her but she won't repeat that same mistake again this time because these people are like her Family. Erza stood up from the ground and partially accepted her Witch power (The Negative side of Rin Energy). Her hair became longer than what it was originally, She gained a pink-red Witch hat, the same was with her attire, under her eyes were three dots indicating her lineage. With her hate for his mother and enemies her Negative side had become extremely strengthened.

Erza took one step and before Nacoya realised his heart was in her hand. Nacoya tried reaching out to it but Erza crushed it right Infront of him thereby killing Nacoya. Liriel who witnessed this tried to attack Erza but it was too late. Erza had already sliced his head off with just a swing of her arm.

After defeating her opponents, she turned and looked at her mom and she said,"You are next".

Are Liriel and Nacoya really dead?Will Erza allow her dark side to fully take control of her?What will happen to Erza's friends and What will happen to Erza's mother?

To be continued