

LUO YAN was about to say 'Uncle Yue', but quickly stopped himself. They were in school. If he acted all chummy-chummy with a teacher, even if one was more of a counselor, it might still affect Uncle Yue's job here. So, he cleared his throat and called out again.

"Teacher Jiang!"

The other stopped walking and turned in their direction. A warm smile quickly appeared on his lips upon seeing them.

Uncle Yue was now using a much smaller and clearer pair of glasses, fitting perfectly on his face. Unlike the old one that didn't even show the beautiful shape of his eyes. It seemed that he's much more confident now after reuniting with Uncle Yi Mu. He perfectly matched the saying 'blooming in love'.

The three of them walked towards Uncle Yue before the other could move in their direction. After all, it seemed rude to let him walked to them when he's a teacher. They greeted him when they arrived in front of him. The other greeted them back with the same warm smile.

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