
Chapter 2

The remainder of the week went by at a snail's pace. The lectures given to our entire class served only to provide the most basic information about the academy, curriculum, clubs, and expectations of students. We met the majority of our potential instructors and most seemed pretty passionate about teaching, however there was one creepy male instructor who seemed to stare a little too long at the female students. He gave me the creeps and I swore to try and avoid his courses at all costs.

I submitted my course request form, taking the bare minimum of courses including basics of math, basics of science, Japanese literature, public speaking, and an art class called 'Using a Perceptive Palette'. It was sold as a class meant to help us open our minds to the world and explore the 'possibilities our existence provides', whatever that means. I was mostly interested because I heard that a lot of the classes are held outdoors.

My club submission form was fully processed and approved. After some thought, Akari and I decided to call it the League of Supernatural Explorers. We wanted the club to be about adventure, since I had a sense that we were about to set off on a wild one, and also to include the supernatural. That was mostly advice from Rias as she had said that, "Making it about the supernatural will make most people uninterested in joining and anyone who might be interested could be a good candidate to join your peerage." I liked the idea of hiding in plain sight after all, so we went for it. Sona and her queen, Tsubaki, got a good laugh out of our name as well.

Speaking of Akari, she and I have never been closer. Mostly because Akari refused to sleep in her own bed now. I sure didn't mind, since she always wore very revealing kimonos to bed. Nothing sexual has happened between us except for kissing and petting, but I had a feeling that that might change soon.

It was now Sunday morning and Sona was showing Akari and I the unoccupied clubhouses that we could choose from. They were all the exact same, so location was pretty much the only thing worth considering. All of the clubhouses closer to the classrooms, library and gym were taken. The closest available clubhouse to the gym was roughly a 10 minute walk at a leisurely pace.

I never minded a bit of a walk, having grown up in cities most of my life, and wanted somewhere more secluded anyways. So when Sona showed us a clubhouse on the edge of the forest that was 10 minutes from the pool and a 20 minute walk from the gym I wasn't fazed at all. In fact, I was quite excited. Access to the forest would give us an outdoor location to train and hide us from the view of other students, and having a location closer to the pool meant we could enjoy swimming in our off time.

"So, what do you think of this one's location?" Sona asked as we approached the front door.

"The location is perfect," Akari gushed as she rushed to open the front door only to find that it was locked.

"Excellent. Let's take a look inside and we can determine if the layout and furnishings are to your liking before I hand the keys over," Sona unlocked the door and led us in.

The interior was nearly identical to Rias' clubhouse, Victorian style furniture and all. The bottom floor held a kitchen, dining area, and a large living room with a massive u-shaped comfy looking couch and a large tv. In front of the couch taking up some space in the middle was a coffee table that could lift up and became a table for those sitting on the couch. The staircase to the second floor was directly in front of the front door on the right side of the hallway. The second floor held an identical meeting room that Rias had led me to earlier in the week, as well as multiple rooms that were currently empty.

"If you have any wish to use these empty rooms just submit a request form and the student council will see to getting them furnished to your liking," Sona informed me as we exited the first of the empty rooms.

I already had a few ideas for what we could use these rooms for, but I'd need to run some ideas by Rias first. I could ask Sona, but I trusted Rias far more than I did Sona. Probably because of the lengths her family went to secure my safety.

Sona showed us the remaining three empty rooms on the second floor before showing us to the third floor. The third floor consisted of a single hallway with bedrooms lining the hall. I counted twenty bedrooms in total and noted that they were all of pretty decent size. Each contained a standard queen size bed, dresser, hope chest, and a closet with plenty of space. In the center of the hallway on the left hand side was a small bathroom with just a toilet and sink to wash your hands, just like the ones that each lower floor had one of .At the end of the hall was the bathroom. This one was meant as a washroom, and it was large. There were two benches and ten lockers against the wall next to the door with a screen that separated them from the door and the rest of the room.

Stepping through the locker area, the room opened up. On the wall straight ahead were five washing stations, each with a hand-held shower head and a bowl with a sponge in it. Next to that was a bathtub that extended down the entire length of wall back towards the door. I call it a bathtub, since that was essentially its intended use, but in reality it was as large as a pool and set into the floor. It had a bench in it that extended along the wall to allow sitting, and jacuzzi jets were placed along all four sides of it and even in the floor. On the shorter ends of the bathtub were two faucets each, probably meant to help fill it faster.

"Oh my," Akari said as she took the place in.

"This room is specifically designed for large groups to bathe together. It helps promote a closer bond and stronger friendships with club members," Sona informed as Akari and I took in the massive bathroom.

"If each clubhouse has this, then why does Rias have that shower area in her meeting room," I asked. I hadn't thought to ask Rias about it when I had been there last time since I had been completely overloaded by what I had learned.

"She says it's because she is so busy that she often only has time for a quick shower," Sona answered simply, though there was a slight smile on her lips that hinted at there being more to that. I shrugged and let it go.

I could already imagine that Akari would want to spend every bath time together now that we had room for both of us. I had to take a couple deep breaths and chase away the images that threatened to pop up in my mind.

"So, what do you think?" Sona asked as we made our way back down to the front door.

"I already have a few ideas for requests. When can we move in?" I asked, Akari squealing in delight at my answer.

"As soon as you'd like. Here is the key to the front door, as well as a set of spare keys for any future club members," Sona answered as she dug into her schoolbag to retrieve a key ring with about twenty more keys dangling from it.

Akari quickly snatched the key ring from Sona, "As your vice president I'll manage the spare keys while you focus on more important tasks."

I nodded my agreement to that and thanked Sona for her help. As soon as she left, Akari leapt into my arms and planted a passionate kiss onto my lips. We stood there in the entryway for a good minute kissing. Akari wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I supported her with one hand under her butt and the other on her back, holding her close as our tongues explored each other's mouth.

When we finally broke apart, we were both slightly breathless but smiled at each other as we stared into each other's eyes.

"What do you want to do now?" Akari asked me with a seductive tone to her voice.

I chuckled at her desire and definitely knew exactly what she wanted but I enjoyed teasing her more, "Well, I'd like to go around the place and decide on what to do with the empty rooms. Then, I'd like to go talk to Rias about a few questions that I have. After that, since it's still only noon I'd like to begin packing up our apartment and move everything over here," I smirked at her as she pouted more and more.

Deciding to cheer her up a bit I added, "And since there are likely things we will need that we don't currently own I guess we will have to go shopping for some things later on."

Akari immediately lit up at that and began pulling me towards the empty rooms in excitement. Girls and their shopping, I thought amused as I allowed Akari to lead the way. We entered the smallest of the four empty rooms and observed the space. It wasn't much bigger than the closet that we had in our bedrooms.

"I think this will obviously have to be our supply closet," I began as I brought my hand to my chin, "We will need to ask for shelving to be placed in here as well as cleaning supplies," I thought aloud and wondered if we would need anything else in here.

Akari pulled a pen and notepad out and jotted down notes for me as I spoke, "A supply closet for cleaning supplies is a great idea. And depending on what cleaning supplies they provide we can always go buy anything that we are missing," Akari added.

Nodding to her, I led the way out of the room and to the next room. This one was about the size of the bedrooms and I already had the perfect idea for this one.

"I think a laundry room would be good here. We can have a couple washer and dryers placed on that wall there," I pointed towards the left wall that bordered the supply closet next door, "And with this window we can attach a clothesline to the nearest tree to dry clothes that we don't want ruined in the dryer."

"That's an excellent idea! And with this being on the backside of the clubhouse nobody would see my underwear on the clothes line except for you!" Akari giggled as she shot me another desire-filled look.

I simply rolled my eyes at her antics and smiled. Leave it to Akari to make even the simplest of things sexual.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, making her giggle again, as I pulled her closer and steered her out of the room, "You and that deviant mind of yours are gonna be the death of me," I joked.

Akari laughed the whole way down the hall as we entered the third largest room that was still empty. It was about half the size of the large meeting room that was identical to the one in Rias' clubhouse.

"I'd like for this to be our teleportation room," I began as we stepped inside.

"It has no windows and is in the middle of the floor plan for this floor, so it'll be the most ideal location. Also, I can't think of much else to use this room for."

"Do we really need a room dedicated only to teleportation?"

"Well, for one thing it's not like we'll have much else to use this room for. And I'd prefer to know that if anyone tries to teleport into or out of our house it will be from right here. I want to ask Rias if there are wards or protections we can place here to help our security."

"Are you worried people will find us here," Akari looked at me worriedly.

"Better safe than sorry," I shot her a look of not being sure. I sure didn't want to wake up with an assassin standing over my bed. There was so much I didn't know about this new life I'd been thrust into that I figured it was best to play it cautious.

Akari simply sighed as she returned to my side, one arm wrapped around my waist for support. I turned to kiss the side of her head before we stepped out and moved to the final room. This one was simply massive and was the same size as the meeting room. As soon as we had entered it earlier I immediately knew what I had wanted it to be used for.

"This is gonna be our weight gym," I informed Akari as I gestured around me, "The long wall there will be floor to ceiling mirrors with squat racks in front of it there and there. On the opposite end of the mirrors will be stations here and here for arms, lats, and rows. In the middle of the room dividing the room in half lengthwise will be racks for weighted plates and dumbbells. And then on the opposite side of the free weights will be various machines for the rest of our muscle groups," I walked around and gestured everywhere to help paint my vision to Akari.

Akari, forever the organized one, began to draw up the floor plan and added notes on what machines we would need. She also mentioned that we should install a bike, elliptical, and treadmill so that if we ever got injured or the weather outside was too rough we could get cardio done inside. Once we were confident in our layout, we moved up to the bedrooms.

"Anything you think we'll need for the bedrooms?" I asked as we stepped into the first one on the right side.

"A bigger bed, for one," Akari sent me yet another look of desire and I couldn't help but grin at her.

"That might be a good idea. Maybe we can have them knock down this wall here and make this room larger as well," I mused, "It is the master bedroom and I'd quite like the extra space, just in case," I grinned at Akari, knowing she'd understand my intention.

She licked her lips and nodded excitedly, "Yes, definitely need that. Maybe a larger closet as well," she added as she checked the closet out once again.

Happy with everything we had, we made our way out of our clubhouse and started walking towards Rias' clubhouse. Akari wrapped both her arms around my right arm as we walked, which placed my arm between her bountiful breasts once again. I couldn't tell if she just simply enjoyed walking this way or if it was meant to tease me, but I certainly wouldn't complain about it.

Akari drew quite a few stares as we walked across campus together, enjoying our walk along the path that wound itself through the field in companionable silence. She was eight years older than me, yet despite our stressful lives she still held onto her youthful beauty. Now that I knew better, I attributed that to her being a devil. Even so, her body was far more mature than most girls on campus and drew many envious looks from the women we passed.

Along the path were various neatly trimmed bushes and flower beds which added a sweet aroma in the air. Some students relaxed on the benches along the path or took shelter from the sun in the shade of the various trees that dotted the field.

While some read books alone or quietly chatted with friends in small groups, there were also a few larger groups enjoying group activities together. I could spot a few frisbees being thrown about, as well as what looked like a four-square with a long line of people waiting their turn.

I grinned at the liveliness of the campus and looked forward to completing my classwork for the year as quickly as possible. Before long we reached Rias' clubhouse and rang the doorbell to let them know we were there.

"Oh, it's just you," Koneko greeted us in her usual monotone, deadpan voice.

"Nice to see you too, Koneko," I smiled at her as she led us in, "Is Rias here? I had a few questions for her,"

"She's just upstairs in the meeting room. Feel free to head in," Koneko informed me as she plopped down on the couch in their living room.

Akari and I climbed the stairs and entered their meeting room. Nobody was here currently, but we could hear the sound of running water coming from the screened off area of the room on the far side from the desk.

"Rias?" I called out, "Are you here?"

"Yes! I'm here! Just give me a minute," Rias called back from the other side of the screen.

Akari and I shrugged as we took a seat on one of the lavish couches and waited patiently for her to join us. After a moment, Akari patted my shoulder and pointed towards the screened off area.

Noticing the blush creeping over her skin, I looked towards where she gestured and could now see the shadowy outline of Rias' body on the screen. We could perfectly make out the swell of her sizable assets and her shapely behind as she slowly ran her hands up and down her body.

"Oh my," Akari whispered as she stared at Rias' form. I could notice Akari's nipples hardening through the fabric of her kimono and could feel myself begin to awaken below the waist. Akari's hand slowly ran up and down my thigh, clearly excited by what she was seeing. Her thighs squirmed together as she let out soft mewling noises.

Perhaps I shouldn't have teased her as much as I had today, I thought. Before I could pull Akari's attention away from what we were seeing, another shadowy form appeared on the screen with Rias. This one was about the same height and just as well endowed as Rias, except her breasts obviously curved upward before ending in the erect points of her nipples.

The two forms melded together as they began washing each other and I quickly realized that that must be Akeno in there with Rias. I gulped audibly, causing Akari to look my way.

"Leo," Akari whispered needily to me. Having been turned on past the point of return, I'd just make sure to listen for the sound of the water turning off. I quickly scooped Akari up into my lap and kissed a light, teasing trail from the top of her cleavage up her neck to a spot just below her ear on her jaw line. I knew this was an erogenous zone for her and she awarded my efforts with a needy moan as she began to grind herself into my lap.

Lifting my head up slightly, I pulled her by the back of her head into a kiss and immediately began to explore her mouth with my tongue. Akari's moans deepened as my erect cock began to strain against my pants and she grounder herself along it.

I am unsure how long we became lost in our desire for each other but eventually two giggles pulled us back to reality. At some point I had pulled Akari's kimono open and was aggressively palming her breasts. We both ended our kiss and snapped our heads to look in the direction of the giggles.

Standing there clad only in towels that tightly fit their bodies was Akeno and Rias, their wet hair dripping a small amount of water onto the floor behind them.

Oops, was all I could think.

"Are we interrupting something?" Rias grinned at me as Akeno wrapped Rias' hair up in a towel. Once done, Rias returned the favor before both women turned back towards us.

"To be fair, you're the ones who just showered together and gave us a great shadow show on the screen there," I replied smoothly as I dropped my hands from Akari's tits, allowing her to fix her kimono, and rested my hands on the top of her ass.

Both women before us blushed deeply before sauntering over towards us and sitting down on the couch in front of us. Rias crossed her legs, causing her towel to ride up and expose both of her creamy, white thighs. Akeno, on the other hand, sat next to Rias with her legs spread just a little bit to draw my gaze to between her legs. The shadows of the room blocked me from seeing anything, but her smirk told me that she noticed my gaze.

Akari quickly swung around and sat next to me again, though she was practically sideways as she hid her embarrassment in my shoulder.

"I suppose since we caused your excitement I can give you a pass this time," Rias teased as she placed her right hand on Akeno's thigh, causing Akeno to shiver slightly.

"So, are you two…" I trailed off, waiting for either of them to finish it for me.

Akari lightly slapped my chest, "Leo! You can't just-"

"We are very close," Rias cut her off with a smile, but didn't elaborate further.

Shrugging and seeing her answer for what it was, I decided to move on to the reason that we actually came here.

Clearing my throat I addressed Rias, "Anyways, we came over with a few questions about our clubhouse."

Rias accepted the shift in topic with a smile, "What can we do for you?"

"Well, I want to make one of our empty rooms our teleportation room. Considering our past, I feel like security is going to be important. So, I was wondering if there is a way that I can have wards set up so that the only place someone could teleport in or out of our house is through my teleportation room. Also, I was curious if there was a way to have me able to sense when and who teleports into my house."

Rias thought for a moment before answering, "Yes it is possible," she began but paused for a moment, "However, it is a level of magic that none of us can achieve. Especially one that allows you to know who teleported into your home. The great thing about devil magic is that it is largely intent based. So as long as you have the creativity and drive to do something you can do it. The tricky part is whether or not you have the power necessary to achieve what you want."

Damn. I was worried that might be the case. If I couldn't properly secure my house then when it came time to rejoin devil society anyone could figure out where I live and attack me and my peerage.

I think Rias could see the concern on my face as she quickly spoke up, "I could always ask-"

Rias was interrupted by a flash of red light. We all turned to look towards the other end of the room and noticed the newcomer to our conversation. A handsome man with long, red crimson hair like Rias' tied back in a ponytail stood before us. He had a neatly trimmed half goatee and sharp blue eyes.

"Father," Rias finished, slightly stunned at his sudden appearance.

"Daughter, so good to see you," Zeoticus Gremory said as he stepped forward, "Do you often entertain guests in such a state?"

Rias and Akeno quickly grew red in the face as they remembered that they were still wearing just their towels.

Zeoticus laughed heartily at the, "Do not fret, I am only teasing. As it happens, I was hoping that I could speak to Leo and Akari privately," he requested.

"Of course," Rias replied before standing and leading Akeno out of the room.

Zeoticus thanked Rias and took their place on the couch in front of us. He sat there for a few minutes, appraising me as if he was looking for something.

"You look so much like them," he said simply.

Those simple words were enough to bring tears to my eyes. My desire to learn more about my parents quickly made me forget about my curiosity as to why he was here. Zeoticus must have seen something in my expression as he quickly spoke up.

"I heard your conversation with my daughter and I would be happy to install the wards that you asked for. But, there is something else I'd like to talk to you about."

"Thank you, Lord Gremory," I responded quickly.

"Please, call me Zeoticus. At least in private like this."

"Zeoticus. Sure."

"Anyways, I wanted to let you know about your high-class devil ceremony. You see, when every high-class devil touches the monument that marks them as one, they are given an intense impression. That impression gives them a feeling for what will help them build the power of their peerage. Usually, a trusted mentor is there to help the new high-class devil interpret that impression."

"For example, I was there for Rias' ceremony and her impression was one of trust, friendship, and loyalty. I was the one who held you and placed your hand upon the monument to mark you as a high-class devil. As soon as you did I was overwhelmed with a powerful emotion. Leo, to build the power of your peerage you must rely upon love. The mutual love shared between you and the members of your peerage will strengthen you all."

"Wait, so I have to fill my peerage with people that I love? And who loves me back?"

Zeoticus chuckled, "Well, not exactly. You see, by simply being in your peerage they will come to love you and you them. All you have to do is foster that love and make sure that you choose peerage members that are compatible with each other. Your biggest struggle will likely be fostering the love they share between each other."

"Why does it sound like you are telling him to build a harem," Akari asked from my side, her hand finding mine and squeezing tightly.

Zeoticus laughed fully this time, "I supposed I am, in a way. The unfortunate truth is that whether you like it or not, members of Leo's peerage will come to love him and he them. If you try to fight it it will only weaken you all. I know that it is hard to hear Akari, but it's the unfortunate truth."

"The good news is, there have only been a few peerages built on the love shared between its members. Those peerages tend to be powerful ones. Love is an extremely powerful emotion, after all. There are few things one wouldn't do for their loved ones." Zeoticus finished with a pointed look at me.

My mind immediately drifted to the sacrifices my parents had made to ensure my safety and not for the first time I wished that it hadn't been necessary. I desperately wished I had them to guide me. Akari must have sensed my emotions because her hand squeezed mine a little bit harder to comfort me. I squeezed back to thank her for her being here and refocus on the conversation.

"So how do I do that? Make people fall in love with me?"

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. All you have to do is choose people who are compatible with you. People who you can build a family with and love, and everything that all of that entails. Trust me, when you meet someone of interest you will know."

He gave me a moment to absorb his words before he continued, "I also want to give you this," Zeoticus reached into his pocket and pulled out an object the size of a book that was wrapped in leather, "This is your family's grimoire. It will help you learn to control your family's power and can only be opened by one containing your blood. That being said, you would do well to place it in a safe place when you aren't using it."

Ignoring how he managed to pull such a large object out of his pocket, I reverently accepted the book and stared at it deeply. This held the secrets to my power, to my family. I couldn't help but wonder how long ago it had been since my own father had held this book. Had he been as unsure and clueless about his abilities as I was now?

"Leo," Zeoticus said, pulling me from my thoughts, "You have a long road ahead of you. It will be some time until you return to devil society. Focus on empowering yourself and building up your peerage. Hopefully you reach a level of strength that I can bring you with Rias and her peerage to the Underworld to visit this summer. But until then, this book will teach you everything you need to know about how to use your powers and strengthen your ties to it."

"Thank you, Zeoticus. Truly. I don't know how I could ever repay you, for everything," I replied.

"No need to, Leo. Knowing that you can carry on your family's legacy and that you honor your parents with every breath, every action you take, is more than enough for me."

I nodded to him, but was otherwise at a loss for words. My thoughts drifted back towards the grimoire in my hands and my parents. So lost in thought I was that I missed Zeoticus' farewell as well as Rias and Akeno rejoining us in their meeting hall.

Akari's hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality. She had a concerned look in her eyes and looked like she wanted to ask me a question, but I shook my head. I could talk to her later.

"Well, my father said that he would set up the wards you wanted. In the meantime, would you like me to teleport you over to the student council house? You could submit your requests for changes before you leave to pack your apartment up," Rias suggested.

"Thank you, I'd really appreciate that," I replied, smiling at Rias. I owed so much to this family. I would make sure to support them in whatever they need in the future.

"Here, take this. Once you are done packing your house up, simply say my name while you are holding this and I can teleport you and all of your belongings to your new house. My father should be done with your wards by then," Rias said as she handed me a torn piece of paper with a runic circle drawn on it.

"Will do. Thanks again, Rias."

"Of course. Let me know if you need anything else. Always know that my peerage and I are always here to support you."

"Though it might not mean much right now, know that you can always count on me and mine," then I suddenly had a question, "Rias, I noticed that your father looked, well, young. Like, way too young to be your father. How is that?"

"Once a devil reaches the age of maturity, 18, their aging process slows significantly. Think about it. We can live for 10,000 years. After our first 18, our aging process slows so that we appear to be in our 90s as we approach 10,000 years old."

I stared at her stunned. It explained why Akari hardly looked older than me and how Rias' father looked so young. Wait, was that why he had paused and commented on how I looked so much like my parents? They can't have looked much older than me, right? I shook those thoughts away.

Akari and I made our way over to the student council house after a quick goodbye. We met with Tsubaki who took down our notes for what we needed and accepted the floor plan for our own personal gym. She informed us that it might take a few days, but they would place us at the top of the list. After thanking her profusely, she helped teleport us over to our apartment so we could begin packing up.


"What do you think?" Zeoticus asked us as we appeared in my teleportation room. A series of interconnected blood-red runic circles covered every inch of the floor, walls, and ceiling of my teleportation room.

"It looks amazing," I replied, staring in wonder at the room, "I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Nonsense, I just finished not too long ago. Now, if you step over here, I simply need you to place a drop of your blood right in the center of this runic circle."

Zeoticus dragged me over to a corner of the room where a series of small runic circles were. I quickly bit down on my own thumb and ignored the pain as I squeezed a drop of blood out of my now bleeding thumb pad. Zeoticus flared his magic for a moment as I did so, causing a flash of red light to fill the room before it settled. The runic circles changed from being blood-red to pitch-black. When I observed them closely I noticed small wisps of black smoke drifting off of the circles into the air.

"I have just passed ownership of this runic array to you. Nobody will be able to take control of it from you unless you flare your magic into it as I have just done while they place their blood in the same spot," Zeoticus explained, "Now, if you have anyone touch this circle while you flair your magic in the same manner they will be given access to teleport to and from your house freely. Go ahead and try with Akari."

Akari stepped forward and placed her hand in the center of the small runic circle. I was still new to devil magic, but Akari had explained the basics to me a few days ago. I focused on the aura of magic in the air and focused on the center of my palm as my focal point. Letting the magic inside of me flow towards the focal point, I focused my intent on what I wanted.

A flash of light appeared in the room, though it was so dark that it was more a pulse of darkness than anything else.

"Good job! Akari can now use your teleportation room freely. You'll notice there is one more small circle here. This one operates the same way as what you just did, however this one enables whoever is keyed to it to know who uses your teleportation room. Keep in mind that anyone other than you has to be in the building to know this information. Only you alone will be able to sense this information without being here."

"Thank you, Zeoticus. For everything," I replied before keying Akari to the final circle. I then gestured Zeoticus to the middle ring and allowed him to key himself to be capable of using my teleportation room, "If you ever need anything please just ask."

"Thank you Leo. I look forward to our houses working together for the betterment of devil society in the future. Oh, before I forget. If you ever wish to unkey someone from the wards, all you have to do is touch whichever one you want them unkeyed from and flair your magic. You don't need them present to do so. Finally, when the teleportation is activated, everything in this room will be teleported."

I filed that information away for later as Akari and I began moving our belongings out of the room and into the hallway. Zeoticus helped as well, and in no time at all we had emptied the teleportation room. After saying our farewells, Zeoticus returned to the Underworld. Akari and I then spent the next few hours moving the boxes of belongings to the rooms where they belonged, but didn't start unpacking. We were both far too tired at this point to do that.

Seeing that the sun would be setting soon, we teleported over to Rias' house. Appearing in the meeting hall, I noted that her entire peerage was present.

"I apologize for the intrusion. I just wished to ask you Rias if you could teleport with me back to our house. I'd like to key you into the wards so that you can teleport to my house if the need arises."

"No worries, we were just finishing up our meeting anyways. I'd be honored to do so," Rias replied. We ended up bringing Akeno along as well and quickly keyed them in. After seeing them off, we repeated the process with Sona and Tsubaki.

I may not fully trust them just yet, but Rias appeared to so I figured I could learn to as well. This was merely the olive branch to ensure that we could all work together, since it was explained to me that it was rare for multiple peerages to work in such close proximity.

Akari and I both fell backwards onto our bed with a sigh. We were completely wiped from having spent the entire day running around.

"I am going to go clean up, Akari. I think it would be best to push the shopping trip off for another day. I'm sorry we didn't get around to that today."

"It's okay. I'm sure you'll make it up to me somehow," Akari smiled mischievously at me. Not taking the bait, I quickly retreated from the room and made my way to the washroom. Stripping myself of my clothes, I made a mental note to get a basket for dirty clothes placed in here.

I stepped into the washroom proper and immediately went to the bathtub. Turning all 4 taps on, I tapped my foot as the tub quickly filled with hot, steaming water. Turning all 4 taps off, I turned and approached the washing stations. As I was about to sit down on the stool in front of one of the shower heads, I heard the screen to the lockers get pulled aside.

Akari was standing there completely naked, her hand covering her lower half's modesty shyly. "I, uhh… was hoping I could join you?"

"Akari…" I trailed off, taking in the sight of her form. Her skin was flawless, milky white and unblemished. Standing at only five feet, four inches, her figure was incredibly impressive. Her full, heavy breasts seemed to defy gravity as they stood proudly on her chest. She had small areolas and short, perky nipples that were fully erect. Her stomach was flat and toned, displaying her efforts to maintain a healthy figure. Her waist was thin and flared outward as her hips could only be described as 'birthing hips'. Her legs were toned and shapely and ended with feet that were both small and adorable.

She stood there waiting for my answer as I took her appearance in, this being the first time I'd seen her completely naked. Her left hand covered her vagina from view and her right hand rested on her hip as she looked at me nervously, chewing her lip slightly.

"Of…of course you can," I answered stiffly.

She smiled slightly and nervously made her way over to me, "Here, let me do that."

I numbly nodded and sat down in the short stool in front of the shower head. Akari turned the shower head on to a warm temperature and ran the water across my entire body. Once done, Akari grabbed the shampoo and began to massage my scalp. Her efforts felt heavenly as I relaxed into her touch, leaning back until I realized that her breasts rested atop my shoulder. Heat began to rise up my body as a shiver went down my spine at the feeling of her soft skin on mine.

I reveled in the feeling of her gentle massage and the softness of her breasts as my cock slowly began to rise. Once she finished with my hair, she carefully rinsed it by tilting my head back, giving me the perfect view of the underside of her chest. I stared in fascination as she worked the shampoo out of my hair.

Once done she then scooped up the soap and a hand towel and began to lather it with soap. She then began to scrub my body gently as she lightly placed kisses on my neck and head.

I was in complete bliss as Akari took care of me. The sensation of her scrubbing me was unparalleled and I wished that there wasn't a towel between her hand and me. I closed my eyes and let myself be overcome by the sensations of her lips on my skin and her softly massaging my body. I was now fully erect but was too lost in the sensation to cover myself.

When Akari leaned forward to scrub my legs, her boobs bounced forward and slapped against my shoulder as she worked, causing my cock to jump in excitement. Akari giggled at my reaction as she slowly finished up scrubbing me with soap. Soon, there was only one place left and I blushed just thinking about it.

"There's just one place left," Akari whispered in my ear as she swung around me, kneeling in front of me. Her eyes were on mine as she slowly reached forward and placed her hands on my thighs. She slowly spread my legs before sliding her hands towards my crotch, smiling at the soft moan that escaped my lips when she reached the base of my shaft.

Akari dropped her gaze to focus on scrubbing me clean as she used slow, gentle strokes up and down my shaft. Her left hand gathered some soap from the towel before cupping my balls and gently kneading them. I was pretty sure I had never been harder in my entire life at this point and wished that this could never end.

Eventually, it did and Akari grabbed the shower head and slowly rinsed me off. She shifted me around a bit, ensuring that she got every square inch of me rinsed off before replacing the shower head back on the holder.

She then leaned in real close to me and whispered, "It's my turn to wash up Leo. Will you help me," right against my ear.

I stood up fast enough to almost knock her over. I caught her and gently guided her to sit on the stool as I grabbed the shower head and carefully ran water over every inch of her body. My hands practically shook as I reached for the shampoo and began to work up a good lather. As gently as I could, I started at the end of her hair and slowly worked up towards her scalp. Once I had worked the shampoo into most of her hair, I gently threaded my fingers into her hair and began to lightly massage her scalp. Her mouth was slightly open as she sighed in contentment at my effort. I took my time making her feel just as good as she had me before tilting her head back and carefully rinsing the shampoo from her hair. Her eyes were closed but a deep blush was creeping up her chest to her cheeks.

Once done with that, I lathered a new hand towel with soap and reached forward to begin lathering the soap onto her. I placed my left hand directly on her shoulder to steady her and began to gently scrub her back. I followed her example to help her relax by placing gentle kisses on her neck and back of her head as I worked my way lower on her back.

When I finished her lower back, I focused on her wide hips and shapely ass. I'd be lying if I said I didn't squeeze her ass through the towel a few times as I washed it, causing her to moan lightly.

Moving back up her body, I cleaned each of her arms one at a time before letting them fall back to her sides. Then, I kneeled at her side and began to wash her legs. I tried my best to focus, but my eyes kept drifting back up to her chest. Despite my distraction, I quickly reached her first foot. Scooting backward, I placed her foot on my knee and gently massaged it as I worked the soap into it.

Akari moaned louder this time as I focused my thumb on the bottom of her foot before finishing up by massaging each toe individually. I then moved to her other foot and then worked my way back up her other leg before stopping at her hip. Once done with that, I slid the towel across her waist and washed up her stomach.

I was practically salivating as I approached the underside of her chest. Once the towel reached just under her breasts, Akari thrust her chest forward slightly as if to give me permission. So, being the gentleman that I am, I spent the next 10 minutes paying careful attention to every micrometer of her wonderful globes.

After a while, Akari giggled and opened her eyes to see me openly staring in wonder at her amazing chest.

"Leo, I think they're clean now," she said huskily, "besides, there's one more spot to go."

Those words awoke me from my reverie. My eyes dropped to between her legs as she slowly opened her legs up, revealing herself to me.

Once again I paused to take in the view of her perfectly shaved pussy, her lips wet and slightly puffy. I gulped as I slid the towel down her stomach and gently worked the soap across her lips. I looked up at her face, gauging her reaction to make sure I was doing it right. She smiled at me for a moment before she moaned loudly and thrust her hips forward involuntarily as my hand brushed across her sensitive clit.

I repeated the action of sliding the towel across her lips multiple times before I brought it up to the shower head and rinsed the towel off. Tossing the towel aside, I picked up the shower head and began rinsing Akari off. I retraced my steps from washing her, except this time I ended with her magnificent breasts.

I watched in fascination as the water washed all the soap off of her chest, revealing her perfect tits to me once again. Once she was spotless, I placed the shower head back on the hook and turned the water off.

Akari stood and wrapped her hand around my shaft, her soft delicate hand caused me to moan slightly at her touch.

"Come," Akari said as she led me by my dick towards the bath. After testing the temperature she had me step in first before following me in.

I sat on the bench with my back to the wall and Akari sat herself in my lap, facing me.

"Akari," I began, but she placed a finger to my lips.

"I know that we have been building to this for a while now, but I want you to know how badly I want this. Even knowing that soon I won't be the only woman in your life, I want this. I want to be your first and you mine. I've loved you for so long that it was getting difficult to hold myself back around you. After so long of you not making advances towards me I was beginning to worry that-"

I cut her off by sealing her lips with mine, my hands dropping down her backside to cup her bubbly ass cheeks.

I broke the kiss off and looked her in the eye, "Akari, I've loved you for so long too. I never made any moves on you because I was too stupid to realize that you weren't just trying to tease me. I mean, you were obviously teasing me, but I never realized that you wanted more from me. I'd be honored to have you as my first."

Akari giggled at my words and kissed me again when I finished, "We have a lot of lost time to make up for," she said lustfully.

She lifted her hips suddenly and lowered herself onto my cock, my shaft laying flat against my lap as she began to rub herself across it.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this. How many times I fantasized about ambushing you in the bathroom and just taking what I wanted," Akari leaned forward and breathed into my ear as soft moans began to escape her again. I could feel her hard nipples against my chest as her large breasts weighed heavily on me.

"I would have loved that, you know," I chuckle slightly as I begin to grope her ass, relishing the supple flesh beneath my fingers.

"Oh, Leo. I want you so bad," Akari moaned as she lifted her hips off of my dick slightly, allowing it to stand proudly at her entrance.

"Fuck me, Akari. Claim me as yours."

Akari lowered herself onto me slowly, her breathing shuddering out of her as she took me fully to my base. Once there, she caught her breath and rested her forehead against mine.

"Oh my gods, Leo. I feel so full right now. I'm yours. Forever and always yours," she moaned and I once again captured her lips with mine.

She began to slowly rise up off my dick until just my tip remained in her. She then leaned back slightly and placed both of her hands on my shoulders. With a loud, sultry moan she began to bounce on my cock.

Her new posture placed her tits perfectly in front of my face and I basked in the pleasures I was feeling. Her pussy gripped me so tightly it almost hurt and her softly bouncing tits slapped against my face in a way that was almost overwhelming.

Akari used one hand to lift one of my hands from her ass and to her tit. She then squeezed her hand around mine, causing my hand to dig into her soft, pillowy flesh.

"Please play with my tits, Leo. They're yours now. Enjoy them however you want," she begged as she began to pick up her pace. She was now bouncing on my cock hard enough to create a slight slapping sound despite the water and the water was beginning to slosh up the sides of the wall.

I happily obliged her by bringing my other hand to her other breast and aggressively groped her fantastic tits. I squeezed them, pinched them, pushed them together, and played with them every way I could possibly imagine as I luxuriated in the feeling of playing with my first set of titties. After a bit I couldn't resist any longer and squeezed them together and shoved my face into them, motorboating her boobs like my life depended on it.

She giggled at my antics for a moment before it turned into a loud moan as she began to approach her own climax.

"Oh, yes! Yes, Leo! Play with me! I love the way you fill me up! I love that you are enjoying my body so much," she screamed in pleasure as she reached her maximum tempo. Her bubbly ass slammed down hard against my lap as she sought to drive me up into her as fast and as hard as she could. Her breathing became erratic and a never ending stream of moans began to ceaselessly leave her lips.

I caught one of her nipples between my lips and began to suck aggressively on the small bud. I used my tongue to scrape it gently against my top teeth, eliciting louder moans from her that practically became screams.

"I'm so close, Akari. Please don't stop," I said around a mouth full of titty as I sucked hard onto her breast, attempting to pull as much of it into my mouth as possible.

"Yes! Oh! I am getting- oh! - so close too, Leo! Ohhhh! Cum with me Leo. Unleash your seed deep inside of me," she begged.

"Won't you get pregnant?" I asked. I wasn't exactly against the idea of creampie-ing her, however I felt like it was probably a bad time for her to get pregnant.

"Oh! Don't worry, stud- oh! - the odds of that are- moan - like one and a thousand! Please, Leo. Fill me up! I want to feel your seed inside me!" Akari begged more.

I can't lie, I was enjoying her dirty talk and the way she begged for more.

"I'm close, Akari. If you keep going you are gonna make me cum inside of you. Is that what you want?" I teased her. The reaction to my words was immediate and apparent. Her moans became actual screams of pleasure now.

"Yes! Cum inside me! It's the only place good enough for your seed!" she declared. Her breasts now bounced so wildly that they slapped my face heavily. I leaned forward to be between them and began to thrust upward into her, matching her pace and timing.

"Make me cum, Akari. Go ahead. My seed is all yours. Take it," I said between her wet tits.

"YES! OHHH! I'M CUMMING, LEO! OHHHHHHH," she tilted her head backward and screamed in pleasure at the sky.

Her walls clamped down onto me like a vice grip as if they were attempting to milk my cum out of me. Everything became too much and I clasped both of her tits in my hands as hard as I could as she slammed herself down one last time on my lap.

My cock exploded inside of her as spurt after spurt of my cum filled her inside. Her scream became something primal and I growled in pleasure as I unloaded everything I had inside of her.

As we both came down from our orgasms, Akari shivered in pleasure as she raised herself up off of my cock. She sat back down on my lap with her pussy lips on my still hard shaft as she wrapped her legs around me and enveloped me in a hug with her entire body. I could barely breathe from between her heaving breasts but I didn't mind. I basked in the softness of her skin and the afterglow of such a powerful orgasm as we both caught our breath.

It wasn't long before Akari began to slide along my shaft once again, ready to go.

"Akari, as much as I'd love to let you fuck me to death right here, I'm beginning to overheat and my hips are starting to hurt," I said from between her breasts as I alternated kissing the insides of them.

She giggled lightly at my words, "Well come on then, stud. Let's go break in the bed."

Akari led me out of the washroom and to our bedroom. We left a trail of water down the carpeted hall but neither of us cared.

I have no idea how long we had sex but the next thing I truly knew besides pure pleasure and bliss was feeling incredibly dehydrated, tired, sore, and fulfilled.

I was lying on my back with Akari snuggled up against me, her head tucked up under my chin and resting on my chest. We were both breathing heavily and I could feel her heavy breasts pressed up against my side.

I lowered my head to kiss the top of her head and elicited a giggle out of her, "Akari," I said to get her attention.

"Yes, lover," she asked me with a smile as she looked up at me.

Our eyes met and I knew exactly what I had been struggling to say that I wanted to for the last few hours.

"I want you to know that you are more than enough for me. Whether I end up having a harem or not, all I'll ever truly need is you," tears formed in her eyes at my words but no tears fell.

"It's not my goal to build a harem. I'd be lying if the idea of having a bunch of women as beautiful as you lying in bed naked with us didn't excite me. But I just want, no, need you to understand that all I've ever wanted, and will ever need, is you."

Tears finally did start to fall from her eyes, but they were accompanied by a wide smile, "Oh you. I didn't know you were such a romantic," Akari said before she slid on top of me, her hair once again creating green, silky curtains around us.

"Thank you. I might not be excited at the prospect of sharing you, but after everything that's happened to you I'd be lying if I said that you didn't deserve to be surrounded by a loving family," she kissed my lips gently for a moment before pulling back.

"As long as I'm by your side I'll be happy. And besides, I was your first so I'll always have a leg up on any other women in your life." It was my turn to tear up as I stared at the beautiful, glistening green eyes above me.

"I love you Akari. Forever and always," I whispered to her before lifting my lips to hers, sharing a passionate, sweet kiss with her.

"And I love you too, Leo. Equally."

Suddenly, her hips began to gyrate on top of me once again and she grinned slyly at me. Yeah, I guess I had one more round in me. For her? I'd give anything.

Man, it's great to be me, was my last thought before I succumbed once again to complete and total pleasure.


SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: So, we finally got our first explicit scene after quite a bit of teasing. If you would prefer that I section off explicit scenes somehow please let me know! I can also section of spicy scenes like the one with Rias/Akeno earlier in the chapter. I want to make sure that the reading experience is smooth, which is why I didn't section anything off, but also provide an opportunity for readers not interested in explicit content to skip past it since explicit content is not the focus of this story, but is added rather as fluff to hit a little extra on that [slice of life] tag(which I went back to Chapter 1 and added because I forgot it). I hope you guys enjoyed the build up to Leo and Akari's first time. If you guys only read this one section of my author's note, that's fine by me, but I hope everyone sees this.

Anyways, that's a wrap on Chapter 2. I plan on placing my author's notes at the bottom of the chapter rather than the top since I know many don't bother to read them, which is fine. This way they won't distract from the story.