
Surprise visit (3)

"It has to be off while your parents are here. Your mother might enjoy the sight of us being affectionate," Ian said, not letting go of Scarlet's hand.

"Why do you mostly speak of what my mother will enjoy and not what my father will? Shouldn't you focus on the harder parent? The one who might jump over the table to strangle you if he doesn't like something you said," said Scarlet.

She continued to say, "My father is protective of me. After trying to stay out of my marriage, he won't sit back and let someone he believes isn't good for me stay by my side this time."

"Scarlet, do you think that I am trouble?" Ian asked as everything would be fine as long as Scarlet knew he was a good person.

"Yes," Scarlet answered honestly. "Why do you look offended? You bring me nothing but trouble when you visit. Outside of that, you've done nothing to warrant me thinking you are a bad person. To me at least. Robert would say differently if he could speak."