
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 40 - Everyday connection

Okay, I'm already feeling better today... there was a temperature of 38.4 ... but it seemed to have passed.


—"So it's... a mutation?" — The woman's tone made it clear that she didn't understand anything. The armored car was driving ahead of our small convoy and easily pushed the infected, while I was using telekinesis to remove cars from the way. It was after several such machines that Kiriko asked this question.

While I was bringing various weapons from the arsenal to the cars, the woman decided to find out about this fantastic, for ordinary people, power. Well, I told the truth that I assume this is a mutation in the brain. It was there before, but apparently, the virus that got into my body spurred its development, well, or just seemed to have removed the lock. I can't say anything more specific without a laboratory and tests.

— "I think so." — I nodded to the woman and threw the two-ton car aside so that it would not interfere with our driving. Of course, what I am doing now could be called a meaningless occupation, since an armored car would have coped by itself, but I also need to develop control and the ability to use abilities.

— "And also... Felix-kun." — the woman began cautiously, choosing her words. —" You... you killed people." — the woman said, carefully watching my reaction, she was clearly afraid that I would react negatively to the question.

—" I understand what you mean... no, I don't feel anything." — I sighed and turned to Rei's mother. Tadashi also listened attentively to our conversation, but he was clearly tired. After all, too much has happened in the last day and so many deaths ... not everyone can bear it without consequences. Yes, even the fact that they almost did not react to the death of criminals says something. More precisely, it was clear from their faces then that they were shocked, but panic did not follow, since civilians could still be in danger. —"I've already had the death of a piece of trash on my hands, if you remember."

— "But then it was an accident." — the woman objected. —" Don't think, I'm not accusing you of anything. It's such a difficult time right now... and I don't like it. I don't like that teenagers have to kill as if a war has begun... although it seems that it has begun." — the woman said and with a slight smile ran her hand through my hair. —" I remember when Rei first introduced you to us, you've grown a lot since that time."

—" I remember that day too." — I smiled lightly. — "I'm sorry that you had to see this…"

—" Don't say anything." — the woman put her hand on my shoulder. —" I can understand you. As much as I would like to admit it, I am still a servant of the law, but then… Either we survive, or they survive. Either they kill us or we kill them. And there could be no other option, and it seems that with all this madness, such a choice will often come across."

— "Yes, and there is already no law." — Tadashi gasped, holding onto the steering wheel. —" Perhaps it is still in the army, but the army is there, and we are here."

—" Is the army intact?" — I asked.

— "Where will they go… Yesterday we received messages from them, they were going to the southern border of Tokyo, but then... the connection seems to be jammed. But as I understood, the army, of course, lost many people, but quickly mobilized and adapted to the changed. But that was yesterday, and today I don't know anymore. After all, everything can change in a couple of hours, this was proved by the changed themselves and their unexpected appearance."

These words made me think about what happened from a different angle, if earlier I was just trying to survive and help my loved ones, now ... indeed, somehow the virus spread quickly in different parts of the world. No, I am more than sure that Umbrella is involved in this one way or another, but what is the point of turning a huge number of people into beings who want to taste human flesh? Overpopulation? It's not funny, the place is still full, as well as resources, if you distribute them correctly.

I don't believe in the spread of the virus due to an accidental incident, then it would have happened locally in one city, and not in different parts of the world. This is clearly a planned attack, I just don't understand the reason ... however, sometimes it makes no sense to think for a long time, since madmen have their own way of thinking and it is difficult to predict. But the fact that I acquired my abilities because of the virus suggests that there may be other "lucky ones", even if this is just a theory for now.

— "Almost there." — Tadashi whispered, tightening his hands on the steering wheel. — "I hope everything will be all right."

—" It will." — Kiriko nodded confidently. Soon we arrived at something similar to a post. Previously, this road to the mansion was free, but now there was something like a checkpoint, that is, a checkpoint, and, apparently, they were already waiting for us. Dozens of armed men were ready to shoot at any moment, and a man with a grenade launcher I knew was standing a little to the side. These are people armed with weapons that my uncle collected. And they were ready, most likely because of the type of armored car, you can't take it so quickly with the weapons they have.

They blocked the way from the side of the road, then from the side from where more people can come. The lying corpses of the infected confirmed this, after all, there is a residential area nearby and apparently some infected people reached this place, but did not go further.

— "They're serious here. " —Tadashi muttered, clearly impressed by what he saw.

—" We need to go out and show our intentions, don't make people nervous." — his wife pressed him.

—" I'll be the first to get out, I know one of them, he worked for us back in New York and was in our security. It's better for him to see a familiar face. " — I said and started to open the door, which alarmed the fighters.

— "Get out of the car slowly and don't give us a reason to start shooting." — he said clearly. —" Identify yourself and the purpose of arrival... the whole convoy." — he asked questions.

— "John, you're as menacing and gloomy as usual... however, nothing new." — I answered, showing myself to his eyes.

— "Felix?" — he obviously recognized me and pointed something with his hand, and his fighters lowered the barrels down. —" Boy, you've grown a lot over the years, but your hair is giving you away. Where have you been all this time? Mrs. Alice has not been herself since her daughter's arrival, which I found strange... but as soon as I found out that you didn't come, I immediately understood what was the matter." — he said as I came closer. —" Although your father gave us orders to keep a close eye on the situation and that you might show up and, apparently, he was right." — the man stretched out and shook my hand.

— "You can assume that I just stayed on the road of life." — I smiled at him. —" I have people from the police station with me." — I pointed my hand behind my back.

— "Good cars will come in handy." — he nodded, thinking for a moment and shifted his gaze from the armored car to me. — "You know how to surprise, okay, let's go to your parents and Roman, they are responsible for everything here. Just tell the arrivals to wait for us to check everyone for the presence of infection, you know." — I just nodded at his words. Quickly explaining to Rei's parents that they had to go through a small check and then they would be passed on without any problems, to which they made a little grimace, but nodded in agreement. Not to understand that these are quite necessary procedures at such a time, only not at all reasonable individuals can. Yes, even me, but they quickly examined me for any signs of a bite, which, of course, were not found.

Here the estate is two hundred meters away, so this split can be overcome on foot without any problems. And as we walked, I noticed various people with guns patrolling the area, nodding to John and watching me closely. Even closer to the house there were various field tents from where dozens of people looked out.

—" Welcome, Roman." — John spoke into the walkie—talkie, there was interference and immediately a response from Roma. — "Survivors from the police station have arrived to us and Felix is among them, end of communication. "— he reported to him.

— "Felix?!" — Uncle's voice sounded loudly.

— "Yes, yes, it's me. "—I said into the walkie-talkie John held out. — "We're almost at the gate, so we'll talk now." — approaching the main gate, John knocked on them.

— "Yes?" — a voice called from above. — "John? Is your watch over yet?"

— "Felix has arrived." — he nodded at me. — "Let's open it."

— "That's right." — the man from the other side said smartly and the gate began to open. There were cars that I hadn't seen before, and a familiar bus parked a little to the side and…

— "Brother!" — the ringing voice of the sister sounded, so much so that many turned in the direction of the young lady who jumped out of the mansion. The girl seemed to sense me in her gut and immediately ran in the right direction and with great hope in her eyes wet with tears. — "Bro!" — she shouted even louder, finally noticing me and her speed increased, and a meteor flew into me, almost knocking me down ... well, more precisely, she could have knocked me down a while ago, but now I have clearly become stronger. — "Brother, "sniff—sniff", Felix ..." — she hugged me hard. — "You're alive... you're healthy... brother." — There was so much joy in her voice that John even awkwardly turned away and walked away.

— "Alicia." — I hugged her tenderly, how I missed her that's why... and I was very afraid of losing her. — "I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

—" Brother... the scoundrel... wanted to leave his most beloved sister alone... these were the most difficult hours in my life. " — she said, still hugging me tightly. —" I... we... were so worried. It's so good that you're safe, brother. " — the girl started crying again and she pulled back a little to look into my eyes. —" Your eyes have become even more expressive... bro." — timidly she said the last and with the same timidity gently pressed her lips to mine. As if we both have not too much experience in kissing, so at first, when we moved on to a deeper kiss with the tongue, I was a little confused, but I still responded with similar fervor. This tender and sensual kiss, which turned into an even deeper kiss, made some people whistle... those who did not know that we were siblings.

—" Ahem, ahem." — I heard someone coughing... and a natural one, squinting a little to the side, I noticed an uncle who was trying to clear his throat from what he saw. —" Children, well, you and... ahem, we'll talk later. Felix! " — said the uncle who came up to me and took me in his arms with his huge hands. — "You're alive, just as I expected! What can stay with you? "— he asked a rhetorical question, and then looked at the red Alicia. — "Your sister couldn't find a place for herself, like all of us... but she was absolutely nothing, you should have seen her sad face, which had lost its colors." — he chuckled. — "Let's go to your parents there and tell them everything... okay, okay, stop looking at me like that, take it for yourself." — Roman said, seeing how Alicia was looking at him. She just wanted to snuggle closer to me, and he was in the way…

—" Sis, I'm glad you got there without any problems." — I stroked this cutie on the head.