
The reset

The destruction of the world through a gas emitted from the North Pole and killing everyone on Earth within a few days, two scientists at the Arctic Climate Control Center are the first to discover the matter, but to no avail. A secret organization that was prepared for similar events prepared secret shelters and selected elite humans to live inside these shelters as the last safe haven for humans from extinction Will they survive inside these shelters?

MrRAE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 36

and breakfast was delayed in all sections for a period of time that was enough to notice Mr. Manson, who reprimanded the director of support, who in turn reprimanded the members of the group responsible for the equipment, who in turn escalated hostility to Melissa and strived to make things difficult for her. She lived all this time knowing that grumbling does not help, especially after what she did on the day that she was almost expelled because of her publications.Generski with Mr. Randy took monthly samples from the air around the shelter and checked the gas concentration in it. The percentage was high every time they tested the satellite images showing the cities as ghost towns.Some thermal images showed the presence of small gatherings of some survivors who built shelters in their homes, and relatively large gatherings of old government shelters. With the passage of time, the number of small shelters has gradually disappeared, as they are not equipped to stay for long periods. All the shelter leaders are informed of the conditions outside the shelters and in the other shelters periodically and with tests Rotating gas levels abroad All of the shelters are working to devise ways, suits and vehicles to move abroad to get some of the needs from outside.There was a problem facing them and it must be solved quickly. Some electrical generating stations operate with nuclear cells, and from satellite images and surveillance cameras, it seems that they will lose control and will explode. All the leaders of the shelters had to dismantle these reactors and put them out of service. Ten years ago, the rooftop governments could not do that because there was no danger and it was not a priority for them. Each shelter must dismantle all the reactors on its continent, or at least in certain areas that can host humans. After the gas was gone, the biggest work was done by Mr. Manson's shelter because it is in the continent of Europe, which contains the largest number of shelters, unlike the continent of Africa, which contains a very small number. Mr. Manson met with Professor Generiski, Dr. Randy, and the scientific research team to come up with a quick way to dismantle the reactors. They will be accompanied by members of the maintenance team with individuals who choose Professor Adam, who is in charge of the reactor at shelter .