
The reset

The destruction of the world through a gas emitted from the North Pole and killing everyone on Earth within a few days, two scientists at the Arctic Climate Control Center are the first to discover the matter, but to no avail. A secret organization that was prepared for similar events prepared secret shelters and selected elite humans to live inside these shelters as the last safe haven for humans from extinction Will they survive inside these shelters?

MrRAE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 18

commanders and few soldiers may become a problem in the future. The service staff always needs any possible assistance.Well, let's leave the chat aside for now. I want you to work with the maintenance team. Some engineers told me that the filters that are supposed to purify and purify the air of gases in this shelter are not equipped to deal with this gas. We want you, your team, and the maintenance team to deal quickly to install filters that can deal with gas, or We all perished with you less than two days until the gas reaches here. During this time, new filters must be invented, tested and installed throughout the shelter. All this in a short and simple time. It is a move now. This will guide you to the workshop of the maintenance team.The professor moved to the maintenance workshop and found Dr. Randy there, reviewing with the maintenance team some maps of the filter sites.Professor: I will explain to you the results of our research and tests regarding gas. First, what matters to us is that it dissolves in water and decomposes into harmless elements. We will work with this principle. The filter should contain a chamber containing water through which the air from outside passes into the water, and then the gas decomposes and the rest of the air is withdrawn. We will start with a simple design.The design engineer started drawing suggestions and reviewing them with the rest of the team. The first filter was printed and installed in the size of the test sample. The laboratory mice were placed in a tightly closed glass box, the filter was installed in it and gas was passed through it.The mouse was exposed to gas and died within a few minutes. The test was reviewed and the mouse's autopsy was reviewed and it was found that the gas was not completely dissolved and that part of it reached the lung of the experiment sample. The modification was made by adding other filters to the filter model.Experience No. 2The second filter was designed, new parts were added, printed and installed, and the second experiment was conducted. The test sample lasted longer, but eventually diedThe sample was studied and dissected, and it was found that the reason was lack of oxygen.The third experience Filters have been reduced and the water chamber volume has been increased. The new form was designed and new modifications were added, printed and installed. The test was conducted, the sample lasted much longer, but eventually died due to exposure to gas in a small proportion. The time in front of them is about to end. They must, within a few hours, complete the design and experiments and start installing them in more than 100 filter holes at the level of the shelter, and they must be manufactured first, and this will take a lot of time.The professor suggested installing two filters of the last model in each slot instead of one, as it allows the passage of oxygen and gas in small proportions, with the presence of two filters,