
The Renegade's Fire

Once again her screams were muffled by his hands and her attempt to move was inhibited by his massive body pressing his weight on hers, pinning her low to the ground. "Will you just shut-up" he whispered in her ear as the steps became louder "I'm trying to help you!" Confused, Ruma did as she was told and listened to the men stomping in their direction. "This isn't a good idea, I mean it's the King's estate. I just don't know.. " Another deeper voice quickly responded as the footsteps grew louder "Stop being a little whelp! You're a strong handsome brute of a thug! And by the time we make out with the lot, the riches will be ours and the Michaelson's will have burned. Ha!" Ruma tried not to make a sound while listening but could help the sound of shock that escaped her. "You really think I'm handsome Ollie?" The first voice whined back The first one replied "Of O'course Riley you're the most handsome mug around. If ye weren't a little bastard I'd a kiss ya and that might not even stop me!" The men laughed and walked by without even seeming to detect the interesting duo's presence. Once they were gone, the 'gentlemen' finally climbed off of Ruma and watched her as she struggled to get up. "You know it's not very gentlemanly to assault a lady without telling her your reasoning! One may think you were an evil, malicious attacker of sorts.." She pouted realizing she sounded slightly ridiculous. Apparently, the event of today had worn through her usual cool demeanor. The gentleman finally regained his composure, looking down on her from his abhorrent height of his. " First of all I was protecting you, 'My Lady'" He stifled a chuckle as Ruma scowled at him "Secondly" His eyes became dark, and his posture changed as if he were some type of predator as he stalked towards her " Who said I wasn't evil or malicious" "Haha," She said chuckling nervously, trying to hide her discomfort "If you were any of that you wouldn't have 'protected' me as you say" Ruma stood her ground, eyeing his tall frame as he came toe to toe with her small one. He looked down with a grin plastered on his face, he reached up, grabbing her chin forcing me to look upwards. Her heart seemed to want to beat right out of my chest, racing for dear life. "How do you know I'm protecting you for the right reasons?" Ruma tried to look away from his clouded hazel eyes, in hopes of not being swallowed up by them. But it was hopeless, "How could there be any wrong reasons?" she whispered out. He smirked, surprising her with a light kiss that set her nerves endings ablaze "Oh Hermosa" she blushed as he played with a piece of her hair, holding her close to his hard chest. " You are so naïve" *************************************************************** Ruma Delgado, princess of the kingdom of Deloria is set to marry the abominable Prince Kent Michaelson of Mordad only to have her life thrown into upheaval when suddenly kidnapped from the Michaelson estate. As the circumstances of her kidnapping and the reality of her world come to light, Ruma finds that she must change and ask herself a simple question. Was her safer way of life really a way to live? Risking death and disgrace, Ruma sets off on an adventure to turn the tables of her reality.

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

Amora woke up dizzy. As she sat up the world seemed to spin around her, and the groggy tiredness that lingered threatened to pull her back.

"About time you woke up!" A hand slapped her back, causing her to groan. Glaring at the tall man, Amora hissed "What the hell! I'm not dealing with you until Ike feeds us" and then proceeded to bury herself in her blankets. Garrett's giant hands roughly caught hold of her, causing her traitorous body to ignite as shivers ran through her body. "Nooooo, I'm sleeping you bastard!" He laughed as she fell to the ground with a thump, in her heap of blankets.

Crouching her caught ahold of her face and gently lifted her chin so her eyes could meet his darkened hazel ones. "Come on Sweet Dragon, is that all you have in you" She let out a growl and gave into the small surge of fire to ran through her. Garrett lept back, his laughter bellowing throughout the room, as flames shot from her lips towards him. Amora continued to glare at the outrageous comrade, determined to keep her sour expression despite the warmth that was bubbling in her "FOOD FIRST"

Garrett chuckled, rolling his eyes as he walked out the door "One would almost think that you used to be a princess"

Amora let out a war-cry, sending a pillow towards the pain before he darted out of the room, leaving her to get ready.


"So" Amora looked up at the hazel-eyed man across the table. The room was loud and bustling with activity and the wonderful smell of Ike's omelets. She wasn't sure how she ever saw this room as apart of her prison. She chuckled, she wasn't even sure how she could've seen these people as menacing kidnappers. Well, aside from Garrett. "Now that you've had your food, we should get down to it."

Amora looked around "Down to what?"

Garrett sighed, rolling his eyes as he said "Oh I don't know, how about the decision that you were supposed to have made by now"

Amora's face was completely blank.

Garrett sighed "Remember, you completed basic training. You had a ceremony and everything! Now you have to..."

He waited, gesturing in hopes that she might light up with recognition. Instead, her face fell into an annoyed expression, lifting a brow she said "You're going to be waiting a long time buddy"

Garrett glared "Are you staying or leaving. That was the question, a question that one might take just a little more seriously."

Amora already knew her answer but then again, she had her chance to annoy him just as much as he and the stupid way he made her feel did. "Mmm what are my choices again" He just looked at her, his eyes screaming frustration "What the raid took a lot out of me" She shrugged.

He huffed and went into "Well if you stay, you can either stay as a knight or support. You'd be going on raids with us, honing your gift, interacting with our people, learning our ways-"

She yawned "Yata yata yata" He glared "I can't believe you were royalty"

She giggles and he continues "If you were to leave..." He paused as if thinking something over. Clearing his throat he quickly recovered "If you were to leave, you could either choose somewhere in one of the kingdoms, aside from your own, to hide out in. None are very tolerant of our kind but there are a few communities here and there that will accept you as you are."

She nodded, attempting to look as if she were thinking it over as he continued "And if you were to leave for Aradia, our home, you would be off tonight." She jolted up "Tonight?" His face fell, turning somewhat serious compared to the annoyed yet happy man from a minute ago "Yes, you need to pack your things and after a week's journey you should be there." He fidgeted as he continued "Its really a beautiful place, once you get used to the fact that its heat and sand. We can be ourselves there... and I'm sure that being an elemental and all, the people will love you..."

Amora rolled her eyes, taking another bite of her eggs she said "Who said I was going?"

Garrett stiffened, his composure slowly returning as his carefree attitude quickly took over as his brief bout of seriousness faded "No one did, but I'm already sick of seeing your beautiful face around this place Dragon. How will the other Knights ever compete?" Amora scoffed "Were you sad that I'd be leaving Weasel?" Garrett straightened in his chair, taking on an offended expression as he coughed "Hardly, less time with you is less time with Riley attempting to help me with my burns"

Her smile brightens as the warmth bubbles and rolls through her "Awww you would have!" Garrett glared "I'm done with this conversation"

Amora swivels around, facing the guys "Ike! Wouldn't Garrett miss me if I were gone!?" Ike grinned, "The poor lad would be weepin like a lil babe" The room burst into laughter, covering all of Garrett's protests as they all did their own impression of him after the thought of Amora's absence.

Looking around the room, Amora could say that she truly felt like she belonged somewhere.