
The Renegade's Fire

Once again her screams were muffled by his hands and her attempt to move was inhibited by his massive body pressing his weight on hers, pinning her low to the ground. "Will you just shut-up" he whispered in her ear as the steps became louder "I'm trying to help you!" Confused, Ruma did as she was told and listened to the men stomping in their direction. "This isn't a good idea, I mean it's the King's estate. I just don't know.. " Another deeper voice quickly responded as the footsteps grew louder "Stop being a little whelp! You're a strong handsome brute of a thug! And by the time we make out with the lot, the riches will be ours and the Michaelson's will have burned. Ha!" Ruma tried not to make a sound while listening but could help the sound of shock that escaped her. "You really think I'm handsome Ollie?" The first voice whined back The first one replied "Of O'course Riley you're the most handsome mug around. If ye weren't a little bastard I'd a kiss ya and that might not even stop me!" The men laughed and walked by without even seeming to detect the interesting duo's presence. Once they were gone, the 'gentlemen' finally climbed off of Ruma and watched her as she struggled to get up. "You know it's not very gentlemanly to assault a lady without telling her your reasoning! One may think you were an evil, malicious attacker of sorts.." She pouted realizing she sounded slightly ridiculous. Apparently, the event of today had worn through her usual cool demeanor. The gentleman finally regained his composure, looking down on her from his abhorrent height of his. " First of all I was protecting you, 'My Lady'" He stifled a chuckle as Ruma scowled at him "Secondly" His eyes became dark, and his posture changed as if he were some type of predator as he stalked towards her " Who said I wasn't evil or malicious" "Haha," She said chuckling nervously, trying to hide her discomfort "If you were any of that you wouldn't have 'protected' me as you say" Ruma stood her ground, eyeing his tall frame as he came toe to toe with her small one. He looked down with a grin plastered on his face, he reached up, grabbing her chin forcing me to look upwards. Her heart seemed to want to beat right out of my chest, racing for dear life. "How do you know I'm protecting you for the right reasons?" Ruma tried to look away from his clouded hazel eyes, in hopes of not being swallowed up by them. But it was hopeless, "How could there be any wrong reasons?" she whispered out. He smirked, surprising her with a light kiss that set her nerves endings ablaze "Oh Hermosa" she blushed as he played with a piece of her hair, holding her close to his hard chest. " You are so naïve" *************************************************************** Ruma Delgado, princess of the kingdom of Deloria is set to marry the abominable Prince Kent Michaelson of Mordad only to have her life thrown into upheaval when suddenly kidnapped from the Michaelson estate. As the circumstances of her kidnapping and the reality of her world come to light, Ruma finds that she must change and ask herself a simple question. Was her safer way of life really a way to live? Risking death and disgrace, Ruma sets off on an adventure to turn the tables of her reality.

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Ruma lay awake that night, thinking about the moments after. She ran her fingers over her tender scar, thinking about how he had held her. He was gentle, tender, sweet, almost loving.

Then... He just got up and walked away. No scratch that, he got up and ran away. As if he were afraid of being so close to her.

Granted, she had set him on fire in the past, but this was different.

She jolted up as someone pounded on her feeble door. She ran to open it before the poor wood caved in. "God Dammit!" She shouted, opening the door with a creak, "Are you trying to break the door down?!" She glared up at the small man in front of her.

Ike grinned, flashing his yellowed teeth at her. "For the lady."

Ruma looked down to see the pile of clothes he held for her. Giving him a tight smile, she grabbed the clothes and shut the door, grumbling a thank you. As she pulled on the black trousers and fitted green blouse, she couldn't help but roll her eyes as she noticed the tightness of her clothing.

Although the top was fairly loose with sleeves that fell just off her shoulders, the darker green corset cinched tightly around her waist. She stretched and moved, trying to find some excuse to wear her dress once more, but found that although tight, she could move any way she wanted.

After strapping on her boots, she grabbed her dark green cloak and headed for the door.

Garrett barged in before she could open it, grunted a greeting at her, and dragged her out into the room. "Took you long enough," He grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, ready to make a snide comment when she realized that the room was now filled with strangers. She looked up at Garrett's collected expression, "Garrett, what is this?" He bent down, gripping her shoulders tightly; he whispered into her ear, "It's time for your new start; you can't keep your name, so today, you're going to finish out your training with me and start your new life."

She tried to keep the shock off of her face as Garrett turned and addressed the crowd, "Brothers! Sisters! It is almost time for our raid; we will be heading out to North Wood Passage. But before we go, let's toast to our new Sister here!"

Ruma watched in awe as the authoritative man's expression lit with a broad smile, lifting drink from the nearby table and into the air along with the strangers that filled the room with their cheers. Looking at the lot of them, she couldn't help the warmth that bloomed in her chest and the smile that flitted over her expression as the feeling of belonging overcame her.

"Today, she starts her new life with our people, whether it be in our motherland..." He looked down at her with shining eyes. "Or with us..." Her heart jumped as the unspoken question filled the space between them.

Clearing his throat, he turned back to the crowd. "Either way, today, our Sister will be joining us to complete her training with us."

Her eyes widened, "Excuse me?!" She shouted in a frantic whisper, gripping his muscled arm tightly.

He ignored her, continuing his speech, "We have reclaimed the soul of the fire elemental! Today she will train among us! Today-" He looked down at her with a smile that warmed her from her head to her toes, irradicating the panic slowly consuming her. "She will rejoin her people."

She squirmed as Garrett gripped her shoulders tightly, "Garrett!" She shouted in a murmur. It was only when she looked away from the smug man's face that she realized that the strangers had begun placing their hands on her. She looked up at Garrett with wild eyes as the strangers gently place their palms on her and their neighbors. She jumped as Garrett's breath tickled her ear. "We're welcoming you into the community; just go with it..." He turned back to the crowd, tightly gripping her shoulders. "State your name, young one."

Remembering Garrett's words from before, she knew that she could no longer be Ruma, the silent and strange Princess from Deloria. Daughter of a King and Queen and sister to her complaint brother. Eternal Fiancé to the Prince of Mordad.

Today she had to become someone else.


Garrett's eyes twinkled down at her "Welcome Amora, the fire of our people, to your family, your people, your home"

She smiled as the room filled with the cheering of her new family of strangers. She turned, surprising the tall man as she enveloped him in her small embrace. Warmth bloomed through her as the feeling of contentment filled her.

Her new beginning was finally here.