
The Renegade's Fire

Once again her screams were muffled by his hands and her attempt to move was inhibited by his massive body pressing his weight on hers, pinning her low to the ground. "Will you just shut-up" he whispered in her ear as the steps became louder "I'm trying to help you!" Confused, Ruma did as she was told and listened to the men stomping in their direction. "This isn't a good idea, I mean it's the King's estate. I just don't know.. " Another deeper voice quickly responded as the footsteps grew louder "Stop being a little whelp! You're a strong handsome brute of a thug! And by the time we make out with the lot, the riches will be ours and the Michaelson's will have burned. Ha!" Ruma tried not to make a sound while listening but could help the sound of shock that escaped her. "You really think I'm handsome Ollie?" The first voice whined back The first one replied "Of O'course Riley you're the most handsome mug around. If ye weren't a little bastard I'd a kiss ya and that might not even stop me!" The men laughed and walked by without even seeming to detect the interesting duo's presence. Once they were gone, the 'gentlemen' finally climbed off of Ruma and watched her as she struggled to get up. "You know it's not very gentlemanly to assault a lady without telling her your reasoning! One may think you were an evil, malicious attacker of sorts.." She pouted realizing she sounded slightly ridiculous. Apparently, the event of today had worn through her usual cool demeanor. The gentleman finally regained his composure, looking down on her from his abhorrent height of his. " First of all I was protecting you, 'My Lady'" He stifled a chuckle as Ruma scowled at him "Secondly" His eyes became dark, and his posture changed as if he were some type of predator as he stalked towards her " Who said I wasn't evil or malicious" "Haha," She said chuckling nervously, trying to hide her discomfort "If you were any of that you wouldn't have 'protected' me as you say" Ruma stood her ground, eyeing his tall frame as he came toe to toe with her small one. He looked down with a grin plastered on his face, he reached up, grabbing her chin forcing me to look upwards. Her heart seemed to want to beat right out of my chest, racing for dear life. "How do you know I'm protecting you for the right reasons?" Ruma tried to look away from his clouded hazel eyes, in hopes of not being swallowed up by them. But it was hopeless, "How could there be any wrong reasons?" she whispered out. He smirked, surprising her with a light kiss that set her nerves endings ablaze "Oh Hermosa" she blushed as he played with a piece of her hair, holding her close to his hard chest. " You are so naïve" *************************************************************** Ruma Delgado, princess of the kingdom of Deloria is set to marry the abominable Prince Kent Michaelson of Mordad only to have her life thrown into upheaval when suddenly kidnapped from the Michaelson estate. As the circumstances of her kidnapping and the reality of her world come to light, Ruma finds that she must change and ask herself a simple question. Was her safer way of life really a way to live? Risking death and disgrace, Ruma sets off on an adventure to turn the tables of her reality.

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Over the past few months, time seemed to move in a blur for Amora.

Every day was fast and thrilling, filled with everything she'd ever really wanted from the people she loved. In the mornings she'd laugh around the table with the rest of the knights, eating whatever Ike had cooked up that day. Later she and Marlo, the only other woman here, would work on her combative skills and have a good time. At night she would sit outside, looking up at the stars while practicing.

They had been on at least five raids in her time there, giving back the sum of the extra taxes that Mordad forced anyone that was gifted or mutated to pay. Every time, Amora was reassured by her decision to stay by seeing the smiling faces of her new people.

The only thing that had been really missing, was Garrett. After she had agreed to stay, Garrett had been pulled away, leaving Marlo and Saunders in charge of her oversight. They were wonderful but...

For some reason or another, Amora couldn't help but think about him constantly. She had made friends, but none of them ever made her feel the annoying warmth that made her into Amora rather than Ruma.

Amora sighed, pulling at the grass while looking up at the patterns in the stars, it was almost as if her past and present selves were two different people now. Ruma was cold and calculating, her entire personality, a facade that would keep her out of the line of fire. She had to push down every inkling of true emotion to keep the fire from taking over. Yes her family loved her. In their own ways...

Her father tried to help her suppress her 'gift', whether it was for their image or his daughter, Ruma chose to be ignorant. Her mother showed her love by teaching her how to survive. And her brother, his love for her was secret; shown in the form of small gifts here and there and sympathetic looks. According to their Father, a King's weaknesses should never be broadcasted to the world. Ruma's brother was to be the next king, his love for her would be a weakness.

Her family's love was complicated.

Her image was complicated.

Her relationships were complicated.

Even her thoughts were complicated.

Ruma didn't live, she survived, she was dead inside.

But Amora was full of life. Yes, her life was full of complications and danger but it was never complicated for her. She finally got to live, brandishing her power and helping others. Loving anyone she wanted to and showing every emotion without fear. There was even a peace that had never been there before.

She nodded, that was why Garrett was so important to her. He helped her become Amora and stole her away from the life that held her hostage. He gave her all she could've wanted...

Amora sighed as she fell flat against the grass, looking up at the small threads of fire her fingers left behind in the air "So why do I feel like I'm missing something?"


Marlo shoved her way through Amora's door, jumping on top of the peacefully sleeping woman. Amora was up in seconds, fuming at the mouth as she tossed a hysterical Marlo onto the floor "Marlo! What the Hell!" Marlo yawned dramatically "What's wrong sleepy dragon? Did you wake up on the right side of the bed?" Amora threw the blankets off of her and stood "First of all don't call me that and second of all I think it's the wrong side of the bed you little nightmare" Marlo plastered on her best-offended expression "Well first of all Miss upity, the right side of my bed is the wrong side of the bed to wake up on and two I am a fucking wet dream"

Amora gave the tall, blue-eyed, blonde a once over "I'm still going with nightmare, has Ike made breakfast yet?"

Marlo shrugged "About an hour ago" Amora's eyes widened "But I ate all the pancakes already" Amora glared that the willowy girl "I'm going to burn you alive"

Marlo rolled her eyes "I lived a good life, and damn those pancakes were worth it"

Amora let out a war cry as Marlo let out a screech, the two launching themselves at each other as they locked into an intense battle as they 'fought' with one another. "When in the hell did I say you could ruin my house!?" The girls looked up at Saunders, both quickly attempting to untangle themselves before the old man caught wind of the broken dresser in the corner.


They darted past him, running as fast as they could to the safety of the outdoors.

"Sparring inside, who the fuck do they think they are. Little brats, young people these days. IS THAT DRESSER BROKEN!? MARLO! AMORA! GET YOUR SCRAWNY-"

Thankfully, they made it out the door before the insults came flying.


Huffing and puffing Marlo and Amora collapsed onto the ground, just outside the hostile house. "So" Amora gasped out "Why did you wake me up anyway?" Marlo rolled her eyes "Other than the fact that the sun was high in the sky? We have a listing." Amora breathed out "Another raid? When do we leave?" Marlo shook her head, laying back against the grass, uncaring of how it stuck to her "Not a raid, this one's a little different" Amora's face scrunched in confusion "What else is there?"

Marlo smacked her across the head "Plenty more, they'll brief us once we're at Odessa." Amora's eyes widened as she turned towards her friend, propping herself up "Odessa is practically the center for rebels. They're not at all discreet either, are you sure that's the smartest move here?"

Marlo shrugged "They may not be knights but they're our people, and they need help. Besides, there's been reports of some strange activity involving water whenever there's a revolt in the town." Amora nodded "They think that they found another elemental" Marlo nodded as Amora smiled "Off to Odessa we go then"