
The Reminiscence of Yesterday

Arshianna Marshall never really had a complete family. So when she had friends for the first time she was willing to risk everything that she has. But what if a dream-like moment turns into a disaster as the truth of the past unfolds.

aclinomania · Fantasie
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7 Chs


"I CLEARLY disapprove. This is absolute nonsense!" One of the council stood up and stopped the other. One word to describe the meeting was, mess.

It all started when the headmistress decided to enroll me here. After explaining how I got passed the barrier. I sighed I didn't even know what they were talking about. All I know now that this is not the world where I grow up in.

I wanted to go out of this room but my feet were too scared to move. Many were debating, and many were disappointed by the headmistress's decision but there were still some who supported the thought.

"Meeting adjourned." The headmistress suddenly said and went out without any other word with her secretary. I also stood up and went out. I saw Luna outside the room and she told me to follow her and I did.

Good thing the hallway was empty. I guess the students are busy doing their own things. I looked around and I realized we were on our way to the headmistress's office.

Luna knocked on the door and the headmistress's secretary opened the door for us and went out. I went inside looking down. Then I heard the headmistress clear her throat, trying to get everyone's attention. So I looked up. I didn't want to look disrespectful.

"Ma?" I looked at the person in front of me. I felt relieved all my worries washed away from me as I hug her dearly. "Oh dear." She said as she pats my back.

"How'd you get hear, ma?" I ask her and she broke the hug and looked at the headmistress. The headmistress then told Luna to leave and she obeyed and went out and closed the door.

"Well I was originally from hear, Shia." She said and I looked at her in disbelief. But she told me she was born on the same place as me? Does that mean I was born here?

"It's a long story. You were also born here. We moved out because your parents wanted to keep you safe since it was never safe here, but I wanted you to find the true in you. I know you wanted to know the truth in our family so this is your chance now, unless you don't want it." She said and I froze, slowly apprehending the words she just told me.

"Our family was one of the elites in this world. Especially your father, he was the third prince in throne. While your mother was a diviner. So when your parents had you everyone knew that you are going to be powerful because of your genes." She said.

"When you were still an infant your parents died protecting you. There were people that wanted to use you against their enemies. Your parents told me to bring you to the other world to keep you safe. But I don't want you to grow without even knowing where you truly came from. I'm sorry I kept this from you I had no choice." She added.

"I don't really know what to say." I said and I looked down. "Can I think of it for a minute?" I said and went outside. I saw Luna stare at me for a minute and I felt her presence behind me.

"Let's go." She said and I followed her.

My thoughts were messed up while I was walking with Luna. I didn't know that it was this messed up. I knew from the start that there was something on our family. Everything's just so sudden. I can't seem to digest everything I heard. I am very tired.

Everything's so messed up. First is how did I even end up here? What even is this place? I don't even know anyone that is from here. Second, this is all so sudden. I can't decide. Yes, I wanted to know why my parents died but what if I mess up.

"Arshianna? Hey." I felt Luna nudge at me taking me back at my reverie. "Sorry about that." I said and she just nodded and opened a glass door that lead to a garden.

I went out first and I felt her presence behind me. The view was breathe-taking while the grass was inviting me to sit down and so I did. I closed my eyes and calmed myself. Letting all my thoughts fly away.

"You okay? You looked so stressed." Luna said and sat beside me staring at the flowers in front of us. "I'm just a little stressed." I said and she just sighed.

"I'm not really good at giving advices to people especially when it's about their emotions. Just relax and think what would be the best for everyone. But there are times we should also take risks. We can't just stay in our safety bubble." She said.

"How'd you know?" I asked. "I don't really know what it is about. But I can determine someone's emotions or what's on their mind. I didn't mean to pry but your emotions are just so loud." She said and I sighed.

"I didn't know that you could also be nice." I said. "Was I a little harsh?" She asked and I nodded. "A little." I answered.

"You know as a Student Council I had to deal with the student's misfortunes. Everything was so heavy. It felt like the whole school was looking at me. I could never mess up, that's what I thought at first. But as time pass I learned that I just need to do my best and go with the flow." She said and I looked at her.

"It must've been hard, isn't it?" I asked her and she looked at me. "It was. But there is nothing I can do other than keep on going." She said and looked around.

"Are you okay now?" She said and stood up. Then it all dawned on me. "But what if I mess up? And I end up having regrets in the end?" I said looking down.

"Well that's up to you. So choose something you'll never regret." She said.