
Chapter 3

As usual I was going to treat myself to a decent coffee on my way into work, so I would stop as I always do at a convenient local cafe, in fact the very same cafe where I took the plunge and performed my first ever asshole act. As usual at this time on a Monday morning, with many others on their way to work, all with the same idea, all of the parking spaces close by were full, except for the one reserved for persons with a disability and displaying the appropriate disability card or sticker. Looks like I will need to park a distance away and walk. No wait a minute, I am now an asshole, so I will do what every asshole would, I parked in the handicap park, then boldly walked into the cafe as if I owned it. As I purchased my morning shot of caffeine, the young woman at the counter then handed me a couple of "get a free coffee vouchers" as I was the one hundredth customer of the morning. Back in my car I took out a special notebook I had purchased for this very purpose and entered the asshole act, noted I had been rewarded and what that reward was. After all this is a serious scientific experiment to determine the validity, or not, of Ferris's 1st Law of Assholes.

Upon arriving at my place of work, I parked in my allotted space, and being rather junior in the pecking order, it was way over in the far reaches of the car park. Today, at least it wasn't raining, so this was not too unpleasant. Of course the useless prick who had attained the position that deservedly was mine, had one of the prime, handy spots, under cover near the main entrance, right next to the spot next to the prick, his father's golfing buddy, that not only arranged for him to be places in this position, but had me covering his ass by making me do most of his work as it was beyond his ability. As I enter my place of employment and as I am about fifteen minutes early as always, so I head into the break area to have another coffee. In the corner one of the receptionist, Allison, is having a heart to heart with her friend, one of the administration personnel. She was a pretty little thing and I had asked her out a couple of times, but she was not impressed by the likes of me. I was just an underling, she had her eyes further up the food chain, James Fredericks, was her target. She was busy telling her friend how wonderful James was and how in love with her he was, treated her so well, he could be the one for her. James had been away this weekend, she told her friend so I did not get to go around to his place as usual, as he was helping his sister, in the nearest town over, shift into a new apartment.

I had seen James at one of the clubs over the weekend a meeting place for players on the prowl, sitting on James's knee was a platinum blonde with big tits barely staying inside her blouse. They were all over each other and left together. It wasn't too hard to work out what they had planned next. James eventually turns to work, over an hour latter than he is supposed to, but for him that's quite normal. He does not look ready for a day of productive work, he looks quite shagged out. not surprising as he has most probably spent the weekend keeping the big breasted blond well serviced for a large part of it. Before I had started down this path to being the complete asshole, I would have kept my nose out of it and prepared myself for the grumpy mood he would be in, along with doing all of his work as well as my own. But as I was no longer the nice Bill Ferris, but the new asshole version, I had to capitalize on the opportunity before me. As I had seen him as he climbed out of his car, I made sure I arrived near Allison, the receptionists desk about the same time as he did. "James you devil. You super stud. That blonde you picked up on Saturday was hot. You practically were screwing her in the club. The way you were all over her did you screw her in the car park or did you manage to last until you got her home." I loudly proclaimed. Another victory for the asshole approach. James had arrived with a red rose for Allison, which she started hitting him with. "You cheating asshole, you said you loved me." She bellowed at him at him before storming off.

At this point I had already been rewarded for my small asshole act. I had seen the smile knocked off two faces, Allison, the receptionist who considered me to be too far down the food chain to bother with, had just found out how much her target man actually didn't love her, and James had been caught at what he always did, cheating. At this point I had my notebook out to mark in another positive outcome in support of the asshole theory. Then a random set of coincidences all aligned to deliver bonus points. The CEO of the company walked in the door, along with the lackey who had hired James, his golf buddy's son, to show an important prospective new client around the place. This possible client was well respected in the local community. Both him and his wife, who was also been given the tour, were well known for their stand on good family values. The CEO, who was rather annoyed at this little display in front of important people, instructed his lackey to bring Mr Fredericks and Ms Jones to his office at 11 am after he had finished showing his guests around. I had tried the asshole approach on only a few occasions, already I had benefited.