
The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

After an unforeseen circumstance, Kayn is abruptly transported back in time, accompanied by someone he once considered his most significant foe. As he delves deeper into the past, Kayn discovers the truth behind the events that led to his betrayal by both his guild and allies, as well as the agonizing reality of being abandoned by those he was sworn to protect. Fueled by a deep desire for retribution, Kayn vows to take matters into his own hands and right the wrongs of the past, proclaiming his intent to become a Kingmaker and shape the future according to his own vision. Additional tags: #ReincarnatorVersusReincarnators Want to contact me? Add me on Discord: AlywaysLying_OnBed #2418 You can also join my Discord Server by leaving a comment asking for the server link. Want to show your support? You can vote for this novel, leave a chapter comment or paragraph comment, suggest some ideas (preferably in the latest chapter), give this novel a review, recommend my novel to your friends or people that you know, give it a vote or golden ticket, or just simply send a gift to this novel. Note: I release 1 chapter a day, consistently. If you want more, you can join the discord server for further updates regarding such matters. If I ever missed a day, I always make sure to recover those lost days by either mass releasing or releasing 2 or more chapters in a single day.

AlwaysLying_OnBed · Fantasy
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326 Chs

The Truth

Chapter 1: The Truth

Kayn expressed his dismay with a soft murmur, his gaze feeble as he fixated on the space ahead of him. Gripping his sword tightly, he found himself confronted by the sole surviving God dwelling on the 1,000th level of the towering structure known as the 'Tower.'

Remarkably, this God too appeared battered and wounded, similar to Kayn's condition.

Currently, Kayn found himself standing on the pinnacle of the 'Tower,' having successfully ascended all 1,000 floors. Triumphantly, he had vanquished every God within the immense structure, save for a lone figure who remained—the ultimate God known as Natas, the God of all Gods.

"Kayn, I must acknowledge your exceptional strength and unwavering courage. Across countless millennia that I have resided within this 'Tower,' you stand as the sole individual who has managed to reduce me to such a wretched and pitiful state," Natas commended with a mixture of admiration and bitterness.

"I don't need the praise of someone like you!"

"Hmm, I suppose I comprehend your sentiment. Nonetheless, I cannot suppress the sense of admiration I hold for a truly commendable warrior like yourself. It is truly lamentable that the humans on Earth are destined to lose someone of your caliber," Natas conceded, a hint of regret lacing his words.

"Cough... I hope you don't categorize me with the likes of those beings," Kayn coughed out, a profound sense of unease settling within him at the mere notion of sharing any resemblance to the inhabitants of Earth. Undoubtedly, there existed a compelling reason behind his aversion.

"Oh, I sincerely apologize. I had nearly overlooked the ingratitude exhibited by those individuals towards a magnificent and honorable hero such as yourself. Despite all that you have selflessly accomplished for their sake, those selfish beings chose to abandon you in your moments of need. If only they hadn't rushed you into entering the 'Tower' prematurely, perhaps the course of events would have unfolded differently. It is a pity to witness their foolishness and lack of wisdom," Natas expressed his empathy and disdain for the people's actions.

"Tch! Spare me your attempts to absolve yourself and the other gods of responsibility!" Kayn retorted with bitterness and accusation.

"Eh? Naturally, the blame does not rest solely on our shoulders," Natas responded defensively.

"Don't jest with me! Who, then, was responsible for luring those individuals into betraying their own kind in pursuit of personal gain and profit?!" Kayn exclaimed in frustration and anger.

That's right! The blame lay squarely on the shoulders of the self-proclaimed Gods. Their actions were the cause of everything he had diligently built throughout his entire life being torn asunder. Consequently, he was forced to prematurely enter the 'Tower' and fight his way through the treacherous journey, starting from the 971st floor all the way to the remaining floors, the 990th to the 1,000th. It was within these uppermost floors that the Gods within the 'Tower' reside.

"When the realization dawned upon me that something was amiss, it was already far too late for me to rectify the situation and set things right..." Kayn whispered softly.

How did all of this happen?

Just where did it go wrong?

To the best of his recollection, he had meticulously executed every task, leaving no room for failure and ensuring that the collective efforts of everyone involved were not squandered in vain.

But still, why… why did things not develop in the way he expected them to?!

"Oh, it's all coming back to me now!" Kayn exclaimed, his mind flooded with the painful memories he had been desperately attempting to suppress while battling his way toward this very moment.

He was once hailed as the foremost Hero of the human race, and bore the weighty title of 'Hope of Terran,' a symbol of the aspirations and dreams of all humankind residing on Earth. Furthermore, he wielded the mightiest guild known as 'Mischief,' firmly grasping it within the palm of his hand. For decades, this formidable guild had valiantly shielded the planet from countless incursions emanating from the imposing 'Tower.' They had led the charge in conquering its levels, standing at the forefront alongside thousands of formidable heroes within their organization and their steadfast allies, forging a path of triumph until they reached the 970th floor.

However, on a fateful day, while he was engrossed in rigorous training, diligently preparing for the daunting task of conquering floors 971st to 980th of the 'Tower,' a tragic event unfolded within his guild without his knowledge or prior warning.

The seeds of this tragedy were sown by the insatiable greed harbored by a select few members of his guild. Strangely and abruptly, they voiced their reluctance to continue their quest of conquering the 'Tower,' citing that doing so would hinder their ability to amass further personal profits. In essence, these individuals, better characterized as "Fake Heroes," had not embarked on the arduous climb of the 'Tower' with the genuine intent of saving humankind from its clutches. Instead, their sole motivation had been to exploit the situation for their own selfish gains.

Over the years, he had become keenly aware of the presence of numerous Fake Heroes and Greedy Guilds. These entities grew increasingly disgruntled with his rapid progress in clearing each floor of the 'Tower,' as it invariably hindered their own self-serving interests. Some of these individuals even resorted to public outcry, openly expressing their desire for Kayn to cease his rapid ascent or, at the very least, slow down. They argued that all Heroes should unite and work together, claiming that the task of clearing the 'Tower' was insurmountable for their guild alone. However, it was evident to him that this proclamation masked their true intentions. Their motives were far from cooperative; their primary goal was to impede his success and afford other Heroes the opportunity to catch up, all in the name of self-preservation and their own selfish agendas.

The guild 'Mischief' had ascended to unparalleled heights, surpassing every other hero and guild in existence. In fact, even when considering the combined might of all the heroes and guilds on Earth, it remained an insurmountable force that couldn't be challenged—at least, that was Kayn's understanding. This was precisely why other guilds desired for 'Mischief' to halt or slow down their progress. It would provide an opportunity for these rival guilds to bolster their own forces, swiftly closing the gap between them. Once they believed themselves to be on equal footing, they could openly engage in conflict, no longer fearing the overwhelming dominance of 'Mischief.'

Unfazed by the words of those Fake Heroes, he remained indifferent to their pleas.

Why should he pay them any heed?

He was fully cognizant of their true motives, having witnessed his parents being mercilessly slain by the menacing creatures that emerged from the 'Tower' right before his eyes. That traumatic incident had awakened his latent powers, propelling him on the path of becoming a Hero. From that fateful day onward, he pledged to save everyone and bring an end to the 'Tower' once and for all. Nothing could deter him from ascending to the final floor and putting an ultimate end to the malevolence that plagued them.

However, to his great surprise and dismay, even the heroes from his own guild and his trusted allies began to reveal similar self-serving beliefs as those Fake Heroes and greedy guilds who were solely motivated by personal gain within the 'Tower'. These were the very individuals who had fought alongside him throughout his journey, and without their support, his ascent through the 'Tower' would have been an arduous task. He had placed unwavering trust and faith in them, never once doubting their loyalty or considering the possibility of betrayal. He had willingly exposed his back to them, relying on their friendship and camaraderie.

Just how mistaken he was…

Ultimately, the allure of the enticing profits and benefits promised by aligning with the Gods of the 'Tower' proved too enticing for his fellow heroes and trusted allies. It was this temptation that led them to not only betray him but also turn their backs on their own kind. Their greed and desire for personal gain triumphed over their loyalty and commitment to the cause they once fought for together.

If it wasn't for the Gods, then…

"I acknowledge that we, the Gods, indeed interfered with your plans, which ultimately led to the betrayal of your friends and allies. However, you are gravely mistaken if you believe that it was solely our fault for the unfortunate events that befell you," Natas stated, shaking his head. "Remember, even until the very end, you did not enter the 'Tower' and ascend to the final floor by yourself. It is inconceivable for one person to accomplish such a feat, especially when considering the significant impact on your mental fortitude,"

Upon hearing Natas' words, Kayn's expression instantly turned solemn, his mind flooded with a blend of bittersweet memories. He reminisced about the unexpected companions he had encountered, individuals he never could have anticipated would choose to fight alongside him willingly until the very end. These memories carried both joy and pain, a reminder of the profound connections he had formed and the sacrifices made by those who had chosen to stand by his side.

"Your own kind, the humans, have often regarded them as nothing more than societal trash and a blight upon society, labeling them with derogatory names such as villains. Yet, ironically, when you were in dire need and called for assistance, it was precisely those individuals—cruel, despicable, and seemingly evil—who rose to the occasion as the only heroes who stood by your side. Would you like to know the reason behind their unwavering support?" Natas inquired, though he intended to provide Kayn with the answer regardless of his response.

"Why?" Kayn questioned, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

"Because they chose to," Natas replied in admiration. "Just as those heroes who betrayed you made the choice to be tempted by us, we also attempted to tempt your new companions who stood by your side. We offered them greater rewards than what was initially given to the previous heroes, even presenting them with the opportunity to become gods like ourselves. However, in the end, they chose to believe in you and remained resolute, refusing to yield to our temptations, even in their final moments,"

Kayn stood in silence, his mind grappling with the weight of Natas' words. Although a part of him yearned to disagree, he found himself unable to conjure any counterarguments. He was not one to speak simply for the sake of saying something. Furthermore, deep within himself, he acknowledged the undeniable truth that Natas had spoken.

Indeed, deep down, he had already known the answer to Natas' question long before. He had harbored the understanding within himself, yet a part of him was hesitant to fully embrace it. By asking "Why?" he sought confirmation from an external source, someone who could lay bare the truth before him. He needed the unfiltered honesty from another to confront his own fears and doubts. Without that external validation, he would continue to deny the truth, clinging to the hope that perhaps he was mistaken.

It is indeed quite remarkable and even amusing how he managed to ascend so far in the 'Tower' and defeat numerous Gods, despite grappling with a myriad of complex emotions within him. For many others, such inner turmoil could have proven to be a fatal weakness, impairing their judgment and hindering their ability to react in critical situations. However, his resilience and determination allowed him to rise above his emotional challenges, pushing through adversity and accomplishing feats that seemed insurmountable to others.

Natas observed Kayn's current demeanor and surmised, "Judging by your reaction, it appears that you had already arrived at the same conclusion as I did even before our encounter,"

As expected of Natas, he could easily see through the truth.

"Hmmm..." Kayn murmured, a sound of affirmation escaping his lips as he tightened his grip on the sword. At that moment, he grasped the reason behind people's inclination to embrace beautiful lies over ugly truths. He understood why some would willingly deceive themselves, opting to remain oblivious to harsh realities. There are instances in life when self-deception offers temporary solace, shielding them from the harshness of the painful truth.

Truth be told, Kayn had already discovered the answer to that question from the very day he witnessed the demise of everyone who had accompanied him on his journey. Since that fateful moment, he had been consumed by a maelstrom of emotions, including pain, regret, disappointment, and rage. Over time, these emotions intertwined and fused together, eventually manifesting as an overwhelming sense of hatred. It had become a core part of his being, driving his actions and fueling his determination to confront and overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

However, harboring feelings of hatred towards the very individuals with whom he had shared decades of experiences and endured countless trials and tribulations was not an easy task. Regardless of his capabilities, it proved to be an immense challenge for him to embrace such intense animosity. As a result, he found himself continually denying the truth, unwilling to fully confront the depth of his emotions and the reality of the situation. The inner conflict and the bond he had formed with those individuals made it exceedingly difficult for him to accept the truth and allow himself to succumb to hatred.

In his relentless determination to resist hating those who had betrayed him, he diverted all of his pent-up hatred towards someone else: the enemies he encountered along his arduous journey towards the final floors of the 'Tower'. Consumed by his own emotions, he became blinded by the intensity of his hatred, ruthlessly eliminating anyone who dared to obstruct his path, regardless of their strength or power. With each ascent, his fury propelled him higher and higher within the 'Tower,' until he found himself standing face to face with the last remaining God, Natas.

"If you permit, I have one final question for you," Kayn addressed Natas with a resolute voice. With great effort, he summoned his waning strength, straining to pull the sword from the ground. Once freed, he raised it high, the sharp edge aimed directly at Natas. It was a symbolic gesture, conveying his intent to unleash a final, devastating strike once he received the answer to his question. At this stage, the outcome no longer held significance, for deep within his heart, he knew he had given his all for the sake of humanity.

"Very well," Natas responded in acceptance. He didn't mind granting Kayn this final request, as he held genuine respect for him. In fact, he was even willing to offer more time for preparation if Kayn desired it. However, it appeared that Kayn was determined to bring an end to everything at this very moment.

The unwavering determination and decisive nature exhibited by Kayn were among the reasons why he commanded such respect. Kayn's resolute character left no room for doubt or hesitation, instilling a sense of admiration in those who observed him. It was precisely because of this steadfastness that no Gods had ever attempted to persuade Kayn to cease his pursuits. They recognized that once Kayn had set his mind on a course of action, he would tenaciously see it through to the very end, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. Only an individual of such unwavering resolve was deemed worthy of his profound admiration.

"Why did you and the other Gods make them betray me?" Kayn, having accepted the truth regarding the betrayal of his friends and allies, now sought to understand the motivations behind the gods' influence in their betrayal. He directed his question towards Natas, acknowledging his lack of awareness regarding the gods' role in orchestrating the betrayal.

He had been grappling with this very question ever since the betrayal took place. Even as he ventured alongside his new companions, he relentlessly sought answers to the motivations behind the Gods' actions. Why did they orchestrate such a betrayal? The question plagued his mind, and while he may have developed certain assumptions, he yearned to hear the answer directly from one of the Gods themselves. By doing so, he hoped that the fog of uncertainty would dissipate, and he would finally gain a clearer understanding of the Gods' true intentions.

Upon hearing Kayn's question, Natas's expression unexpectedly shifted to one of regret. He took a moment before responding, his voice tinged with remorse. "From the very beginning, everything was merely a form of entertainment for us. We would seek out individuals whom we deemed suitable, sponsoring them to become stronger. Once they reached a certain level of strength, we would provide them with missions and tasks, purely for our own amusement. These tasks included slaying powerful monsters, engaging in competitions with other Heroes, and even carrying out acts of violence. This cycle continued for countless years, and we held the belief that this dynamic would persist indefinitely between your kind and ours."

Natas continued, his regretful expression deepening as he elaborated on the changing circumstances. "However, a significant shift occurred when you led a group of heroes to reach the 900th floor. At that moment, we Gods no longer saw you as mere instruments of our entertainment. Instead, you became swords poised above our heads, unpredictable and capable of delivering a fatal blow at any given moment. The terrifying aspect was that we were the ones who had forged these very weapons and afforded them the opportunity to confront us directly,"

"And to compound our concerns, some of the heroes we had sponsored began to defy our commands under your influence. They not only refused to heed our instructions but also openly challenged us, encouraging other heroes who were under the same God to disregard our orders as well,"

"Following that realization, we understood that the situation could no longer be treated lightly. As a result, the Gods convened a crucial meeting to discuss your actions and their implications. Ultimately, it was concluded that your actions constituted a declaration of war against all the Gods. Immediate retaliation was deemed necessary to curb the threat before it escalated further,"

"In other words, it has now become a battle for survival,"

"So, how did you do it?" Kayn's curiosity got the better of him, and he interrupted Natas once again, unable to contain his burning question. He wanted to understand the methods the gods had employed to persuade his closest friends and allies to betray him.

"I know I originally asked for only one last question," Kayn began, "but I am compelled to know: How did you gods manage to manipulate even those closest to me into betraying me? How were you able to sow doubt and turn them against me?"

Natas acknowledged Kayn's desire to delve deeper into the matter and assured him that he would provide the answers he sought. "Indeed, we were well aware of the immense influence you wielded, not only among the heroes but also among the general populace. We recognized that defeating you would not be an easy task, particularly considering our confinement within our respective floors within the 'Tower',"

Natas recounted the difficulties they encountered in attempting to sway other heroes to their cause. Their initial attempts to coerce cooperation through force proved futile, as Kayn's influence and reputation held sway over negotiations. Likewise, offering material possessions or promises of power held little appeal, as the heroes believed they could acquire such rewards by ascending higher within the 'Tower'. However, through continued negotiations, they began to grasp the depths of the heroes' greed, which presented an opportunity for manipulation.

"During the course of our negotiations, we gradually unraveled the extent of their greed. This newfound understanding allowed us to exploit their desires to our advantage," By exploiting the heroes' insatiable hunger for power and personal gain, they were able to gain the upper hand and turn them against Kayn.

"We initially believed that the Villains would be more susceptible to manipulation due to their perceived wickedness. However, we quickly learned that many of them displayed remarkable virtues, surpassing even some Heroes. Moreover, their tightly-knit societal structure posed a significant obstacle, as the consequences of defying the hierarchy were severe, including death,"

"With this realization, we redirected our efforts toward the Fake Heroes, those driven by their insatiable greed. Manipulating them became relatively easier given their desire for personal gain. However, we understood that even with their cooperation, it would not be enough to ensure victory against you,"

"Utilizing the Fake Heroes as intermediaries, we gradually established ties with the covetous guilds that held a grudge against you. Tempting them proved to be a formidable task, but the moment we offered them assistance in defeating you, they readily embraced our cause without hesitation,"

"Having garnered the support of the Fake Heroes and the guilds antagonistic towards you, our focus then shifted towards persuading the Heroes within your Guild and your allies. We understood that their participation, though not guaranteeing victory, would serve to delay your progress and grant us additional time. With that time, we could fortify our forces on the remaining floors, impeding the ascent of your remaining allies within the 'Tower',"

"Indeed, we found ourselves in a situation where we couldn't reclaim what had already been lost. Our only recourse was to employ any means necessary to safeguard what remained. We sought assistance from your kind, albeit at a great cost, with the understanding that preserving our existence required such measures,"

"What we didn't anticipate," Natas added, "Was that it would be your guild itself that initiated contact with us. They seemed intent on ensuring our acceptance, granting us an advantageous position in the negotiation. But what truly caught us off guard was their proposal: they offered to assist us in overthrowing you from your guild, pledging their support in not only defeating you but also in bringing about your demise,"

"And there's more to it," Natas continued in a voice filled with hesitation. "Do you know who ordered them to approach us? It was... your closest confidant, someone you trusted with your life. They were the ones who orchestrated this plan, seeking to overthrow you and align themselves with us,"

"The Executives," Kayn muttered with understanding. "They vanished during a time of internal conflict within my guild, only to reappear later and unveil fabricated stories about me to the world. In a single day, my reputation was tarnished, and I was transformed from the greatest hero to the greatest villain, even surpassing the notorious number one villain who had dismantled four organizations within the World Leaders Alliance. Adding to the tragedy, some of the Executives met mysterious deaths shortly after the revelations, with the blame unfairly falling upon me."

"The Executives may have appeared to be the ones who betrayed you on the surface, but they were merely pawns manipulated by the true masterminds," Natas clarified. His expression turned somber as he disclosed the shocking revelation. "The true masterminds behind everything were your wife, Isabella, and her father, Nicolas, the President of the World Leader Alliance. Isabella, your wife, was secretly planted by her father with a hidden agenda from the beginning—to kill you if you ever went out of their control or once you had served your purpose."

Kayn's world shattered in an instant as the weight of the betrayal and the revelation of his wife and father-in-law's involvement crashed upon him. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the deceit, his body weakened, causing him to release his tightly held sword. However, before the weapon could fall far from his grasp, an unseen force lifted it back into his hands.

In an astonishing turn of events, Natas, who had stood at a distance just moments before, appeared mere inches away from Kayn. Blood slowly trickled from Natas' lips, forming a smile of relief on his face.

Kayn's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized that his sword had pierced Natas' heart, causing a stream of golden-colored blood to flow from the wound.

"Why…?" Kayn was unable to believe what just transpired in front of his eyes.

"Now is not the right time for us to talk about this," Natas whispered into Kayn's ears before the both of them were covered in white light.


If you've noticed that Chapter 1 has changed, that's because I've edited everything to make its quality better. I'll be editing the rest of the chapters as well in the future in order to further improve the quality of the writing in accordance with the suggestions I received from some of you. It will be slow though since I am updating my novel every day. Of course, the changes will not affect the original content. The story will still remain the same, I am just improving the writing.

If there's anything you want to suggest, feel free to drop a comment in this chapter. I'll see to it what I can do in the future.

AlwaysLying_OnBedcreators' thoughts