
The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero

It was an end of the Crises war. but the victory archieved was too costly, and it seems like it wasn't over just yet. But the Over- Monitor hasn't given up yet, he still has one more card to play. And his was a wild one.

vtorx_0867 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Under the Moonlight II: Let's be Monsters

Clark twiddled his toes staring at the stars, while under the gaze of the female monster who had let out her jacket leaving only the white shirt underneath that revealed her absence of chest –not like he would ever tell her that.

From experience he knew what ones chest size could do for a woman's esteem.

Squeamishly, He tried tuning in the sounds of the alien tropical, but he immediately winced as discordant racket of the crickets, frogs, alien night prowlers, and of course, mosquitos, assailed his hearing.

Hissing slightly, he drew a bemused look from Rimuru who then chuckled at his seemly strange antics. Her chuckle was so contagious that even the Light God involuntary joined in as well.

Yeah, I must have looked strange just now.' He sarcastically thought, while the slime turned back looking up.

"So… heck of a day, huh." Rimuru abruptly muttered suppressing the light jovial ambiance. Turning to look at Clark, she continued, "Seriously, let's forget your neoteric Elemental King status for a moment, cause from your kryptonian powers, to that crazy death beam, not to mention that bug like creature…"

Turning to Clark, Rimuru snapped his fingers. "You know, I was going to ask you that. But all this things kept happening so I pushed it back. But, that thing, the projection that appeared today… was that what I think it was?"

With a wry smirk, Clark placed an elbow on his lap and rested the side of his chin against his palm, regarding Rimuru. Truly she's different.' He thought. From the way she talked, it spoke of her lack of fear, even though she should have been the one most traumatized. He idly wondered for a moment, if she was that inured, or it was as a result of her past-self, that influence her so. Before shaking his head.

Focusing back on the girl with bright yellow eyes, he said. "Yep, your presumed thinking is accurate." With eyes glowing sickly yellow, he lifted up his free palm and with another glow concurrent to the one his eyes held, he manifested on his hands the phantom manifestation of Parallax.

Immediately the noisy tropical died down in a forced hush. Deep within the forest all animals with all instincts, primal monsters with based killer natures, all scrambled for a place to hide. Something had been released out of hold, and whatever it was could, would kill them, if they so much as remain idly where they are.

Back town, almost all the denizens and new companies, elementals and named-monsters, awake or those it patrol, all at once froze up, as a chill washed through them. Some huddled in their beds for more warmth, while the ones awake warily looked around trying to spot what sort of abomination was watching them.

But for Parallax, it remained oblivious to what his appearance had occurred as it frolicked on the palm of its creator, cawing cutely.

Rimuru too felt the same fear he experienced earlier today, he stood frozen staring at the creature that held the capability to roast the entire continent for breakfast. But still he felt that while this sensation was synonymous bacck when Parallax had first appeared, this time it felt more muted in a way.

"I've still not comprehended the true capabilities of this power." Clark said idly staring at the emotional entity, who let out a pleased cry as it flipped. "But still I can at least mute the terror inducing effect to the best that I am able to."

"So this is the muted mode." Rimuru whispered dryly as he looked at the lush forest. Even he had noticed that quietness that accompanied the yellow entity appearance. "Well, I would hate to see what would happen if it was released for real." Just its passive aura was too OP, it's full blast might be capable of killing him.

[New Unique Skill acquisition, Stalwart, attained.] Great Sage suddenly said.

Rimuru shook back in surprise. 'Eh, Stalwart? What's that?'

[It is a Unique Skill that guards against all forms of mental assault, and reduces any mental conceptual attack against Master to a quarter of its potency.]

Rimuru regarded the new Skill. If this had been given to him before all this was happening, he would have complained to the high heavens about how useless it was. But now…

He looked at the dragon bug again. While the fear itself was still not yet gone, to him now it felt dulled to a reasonable degree.

At least now, it feels like I'm standing before Veldora, rather than looking into the eyes of certain death. But still to think that just enduring in his presence was enough for me to be rewarded with a Unique Skill… let's just be thankful it was only me that faced the effects.' He griped.

But still, a mental Unique Skill was better than none. With this he could now fully observe the entity before it.

'Great Sage, can you run a scan on this thing.'

[… My apologies Master, but I'm afraid I cannot. As a result of it belonging to a Skill of a higher rank.]

Humming, Rimuru allowed himself a droll smile as his sapient Skill answer did not bring him down much. While it's still a shame, I shouldn't be surprised that Lanterns are going to be classified as an Ultimate Skill.' But that just brings about one question.

Just what was Clark's real power?

What was its limit? Was there even a limit? So many question raced around the evolved slime's mind. But he didn't ask as that would be just pushing it.

Clenching his fist, Clark withdrew the Spectrum entity back into him. The air regained a little warmth, but still for the first time since thousands of years, the Great Jura forest refused to regain its stringent glory.

Deep within his soul, the kryptonian could feel Parallax petulantly pouting in his mind, but he just sent it some of his warmth and it went back jauntily frolicking.

Parallax is apparently easy to please. Good to know.' Clark thought amused.

"Wow… that really is something." Rimuru commented in awe. While he would admit to the fear he felt, the main factor of another DC classic entity becoming a reality was just too cool.

To the kryptonian who then took to fancy the stars once more, he asked. "So, how does it feel to be a Yellow Lantern?"

"How does it feel?" Clark made a show of skimming himself, "I don't really feel any different…" He paused tilting his head, "Although there is one thing… when I had put on that ring, there is this palpable emotion that stirs within me."

Looking downwards he continued, "It's like a voice that had no sound, like, it was speaking directly in my soul. That everything is lesser, that I have the right to rule everything, and everything that is lesser than me is under my control." He looked at the slime, "I honestly don't know what to call it. But do you have any idea, what it is?"

The female monster face contemplative for some seconds, before lightly jerking and turning silent, she looked at Clark deliberatively, "I think that's probably a feeling of Superiority."

"Superiority." Clark tested the word. It sounded vile to his ears, but within him, it was the final piece of the puzzle. "Superiority … how fitting, it sounds like something meant for a villain." And that was the final strike.

"Rimuru," He began. The tranquil darkness gained more weight, the moon entered a cloud and the night turned darker. "Tomorrow I'm leaving."

"Huh…" The girl face turned flummoxed, "What do you mean by that, Clark?"

Placing his hands back to support his weight, the Light God looked up not wanting to see the eyes of the girl who provided him with such goodwill, "You heard me, tomorrow I'm leaving Jura Tempest Federation."

Turning fully, Rimuru titled his head. He knew that there would have been ramifications on what had occurred today, both with his people and Clark, but still he never expected this. "Bu-But where will you go then? Because trust me when I say this, this world is very big, with a vastness that surpasses the Earth by a ridiculous margin. How will you even begin?"

But if Rimuru expected his question to quell the tide in Clark heart, then he was wrong. Even with the dim light provided by the town and the sky. The slime saw the lips of the Light God expand into a small smile.

"That makes it even better, there'll be lots of place to see, novel sights, a whole new world outside this sea of green. I don't need to begin, I'll just wander where the beautiful colors call me to."

Ah~ he's really determined about his decision.' Rimuru noted observing Clark's eyes. Once more, Rimuru told himself that his decision shouldn't be all that surprising. Sighing, the slime mulled over what he was supposed to say.

Pragmatically, letting Clark leave was the best for him and his people, it is the only reasonable action that should be taken for the safety of his people. But…

I am so sorry…

Aggressively Rimuru rubbed his eyes with his fingers. It still wouldn't sit well with him to do so. But the question is how was he supposed to talk to Clark about it? In his past life he wasn't a therapist, but a simple contactor.

But that was when he had a stray thought…

But… I'm not just that am I?' But that was just crazy. Was the word he had of his idea.

He hadn't even tried it yet, but still that might help him communicate with Clark. But then when he thought of the possible caveats that may come with it…

Well at least he actually sees me as a girl, so there shouldn't be a problem.' He thought.

Activating his Unique Skill, he explained to Great Sage, who agreed to it but not before she informed him of what might happened when it is done.

[Master are you sure?]

'It'll be temporary, so whatever might happen will not affect me much. Do it Great Sage.'

It was some seconds later then the Skill replied, [I understand Master, brace yourself. You might be feeling a little bit different when I'm done.]

Clark juddered whirling to look at his fellow OtherWorlder whose hair obscured her face, with a bemused look. He didn't know what just happened, but he could feel it. The air around her just became completely different.

"So does that mean you're going to just give up then?" The humanoid monster asked.

Without giving him time to pounder, Rimuru shot a question at the kryptonian that shook him to the core.


"I said are you just going to give up, Clark?" Rimuru raised her head revealing her yellow eyes, it struck Clark once again how different it was compared to a minute ago. "All because of some mistrustful looks, you're just going to run away, is that the answer you're going to take you go out to the world."

"You're, you're wrong."

The Demon Slime tilted, "How Clark? It seems like you don't know the significance of what your presence means in this world, so allow me give you a little lecture." She turned to him fully.

"In this world. Power has always been rated and classified according to their threat levels. Most people in this world are always rated as E-ranks, common monsters as well." She pointed her thumb back. "The hob-goblins and goblinas were also rated E-rank back at their former racial status. E-ranks, well are inconsequential as they do not hold any influence on the grand scale, callously you could even say they do not matter at all."

"From D to C-ranks, any with such power class are introduced to strength above the norm, especially the C-ranks. Think of Bane, only with more versatility and power amps, you could even compare them to a fully equipped contingents on special circumstances."

Clark shook at the image portrayed, but Rimuru wasn't through yet.

Giving a mirthless chuckle, she said. "If you really thought that those ranks even matter then you're in for a rude awakening. Real strength you see, comes from B-ranks and above. B-ranks are filled with characters who could bend steel like lather, destroy an able foundation with just one simple blast, in our other worldly terms, you could even compare just one of them compared to dozens of tanks only that they possess more speed."

"Then the A-ranks," Rimuru slowed, reminiscing the war against the orcs back when they were frenzied. Looking back, she was proud of the strength that her subordinates possessed, but candidly speaking it was terrifying, and it only affirmed to her of their estrangement from her perceived normality.

"The A-ranks are comparable to nukes, just one of them possess the capability of wiping out an entire town comfortably. Bullets to them more like harmless pebbles. Unlike the others where they could be fought with numbers, to defeat an A-rank, it's to bring another A-rank or nothing."

"And then there are those too powerful to be classified as A-ranks, but too weak to be considered S-ranks, like myself." Lacing her hands, she looked at Clark intently.

"I would rather not flaunt my strength, but I can honestly say this, if I wanted to I can wiped off a well-armed country off the map. A-ranks I call them nukes right? But to me, all I need is one snap of fingers." She snapped her fingers. "And whoosh… all gone."

"Finally there are a group of individuals, so powerful that to people like me, they might as well be gods. Countries perish at their whims, multiple continents endangered of being restructured at their rage, and the world trembles when they decide to fight… they are the S-rank, beings like you, Clark." A lone finger pointed at him as she explained.

"You see the fear in the eyes of the people in town, but what of the world out there? Remember back when I introduced you this morning, that magicule aura you emitted back then. Those at E-ranks will die immediately by that."

"Not by you doing anything physically, only with your emotions, you decided the life and death of someone. So tell me Clark, are you going to just give up like that? Because those eyes of fear are going to be with you no matter where you go, or what you do."

Clark clenched his fist so hard it turned white, his eyes gaining a low red glow that didn't seem to perturb the woman before him. "I know…" He muttered in low breath.

"I know all you said was correct, in case you've forgotten, I was the one who did all those things at the mountain ranges, so I have an idea on what I am capable of." Destruction at his whims, was the tacit message.

"But still, do you know how it feels like to be looked like that? You say that as a Special A-rank you could wipe out an entire country, but with what emotion do your people look at you. Joy, respect, admiration, adoration… but me." He growled as the temperature around both occupants shot up, and the roof which they sat upon began to turn yellow. "Like I'm nothing but a monster, a freak. This powers, this gift, I thought with them, I could do something. That I can become Superman," He shook his head, unintentionally letting out his closely guarded wish.

"But no I'm not him." He lifted his arms baptized in yellow flames, "My powers aren't even like him for crying out loud. But do you think that I'm leaving because of them?" He laughed humorlessly while the flames fizzled out.

"All my life, I've been different from the others. My name, my appearance, even my tendencies. I've been hazed brutally by others, but I learned never to give a damn what they say about me. Rimuru, what I'm afraid of is what I see when I look at myself. It doesn't matter that I'm now a Light God at my core, I'm still Clark Kent the human. But in this world it's a little different when I look at them, they see me in such a way that it makes me afraid of what I'll become later on." He sighed.

"I have people waiting for me back home, I have my parents, friends, Laurie… They are the only ones who I care of how they see me. That is why I have to go, before the image conjured of me here decides to insidiously paint my mind, and mold me into a different creature."

I can see where he's coming from.' Rimuru remarked empathically while nodding. It was always a little voice that plagued her every now and then.

Did she adapt to this world a little too fast?

Her discovering of her inhumanity, her meeting with Veldora, and most importantly her reaction to her first kill. Well that huge snake was trying to kill me first.' Rimuru rationalized.

Even so…' She still wondered if she was supposed to feel more about the way she killed and devoured it. She could say it was as a result of her age, but that would only be a white-faced lie. It wasn't that she enjoyed the kill, no-no. To most of her enemies, she had always asked for their surrender and to settle things amiably, she was always one for peaceful dialogue.

It was only a matter of necessity, either them or her…

Her eyes widened as she reached that point. Ah~ so that's what it is?' Standing up to her feet, Rimuru now knew what the main reason for Clark's fear is.

Looking at the kryptonian who gazed at her confused, she sighed with a smile. You truly are Superman.' She knew what to do now.

"Get up, we're going out."

Clark raised a lone eyebrow puzzled. "Where?"

"You'll know when we get there?"

Even as the kryptonian stood up, he was still confused on the sudden outing, "But now?" He pointed up, "Don't you see its night?"

"Oh come on don't be a baby. You're an S-rank being, I don't think there's much that can harm you in this continent much less forest. Or is it…" She paused with a faux gasp, "You're actually afraid of the dark."

"You!" Clark eyebrow twitched, before dropping his head down. "Alright, I'm coming." The smirk Rimuru wore told Clark that her cajoling was effective. He swore a little, while a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go."

Both Light God and Demon Seed slime levitated off the roof, and shot away into the forest in low auditory rumbles.


"So seriously where are we going Rimuru?" Clark asked from her flank. He could have easily overtaken her, but as he knew not the location, he opted to follow her lead.

Also, while flying under the rays of moonlight was kind of cool, he should at least have an idea on why she wanted to go out.

She replied to him without turning back. "Let's just say you're going to help me answer some questions." With a beat of her wings, she abruptly swerving right, cutting out of the forest entering a swampy area into an unfamiliar mountain-lowlands.

Looking down, Clark observed that just some feet above the ground was permeated in mist. He was about to ask why he was brought here, when Rimuru decided to stop in the air.


The slime looked at the ground intently as she nodded her head, "Hmm, this will do." She whirled to Clark, "We're dropping here." And then she free-fall.

"Ah!" His heart almost jumped in fear that was until he heard her childish laughter. Of course for someone strong enough to destroy a country, a free-fall was simply nothing.

Sighing Clark looked up at the scintillating sky, moaning. "I swear you both are just the same." His mind went to his dare-devil girlfriend.

As he landed he threw a dry look at the slime who stood some feet away from a depressed earth while trying to appear innocuous but was betrayed by her amused eyes.

"What?" She looked seemly bemused, but on her face was a smirk.

This girl might be more conniving than I thought.' Clark thought as he was forced to revise his opinion on his fellow OtherWorlder.

Breathing rashly, Clark looked down as his sandals pressed into the soft earth. And the mist hung in the air, but it didn't hinder his visibility, "So why are we here?"

"Don't be in a hurry, all in due time." Rimuru replied. She moved forward with Clark trailing behind her for ten meters. "Remember what you said of being afraid of what you would see when you look into the mirror?"

Clark narrowed his eyes, but still nodded. "Yes."

"Good, now let's do a little practical… Aha, so there you are." She incanted, while looking at a particular spot. She looked back at Clark, "Just wait here I'm about to show you a little something."

Clark folded his arms and didn't reply but Rimuru took that as her answer. She moved over to the spot she was looking at and lifted a finger, a small light began to glow until it's luminesce brightened the entire range.

'Villa, what is that on her hand?' Clark asked his A.I while looking at the source of the sudden light in wonder.

{It's magicule Clark. She is sending the magicule in her body to her finger.}

'Ok~ should I be concerned by that?'

{Something on this level. Hardly.}

'… ….' Well someone's preening~

The increase in brightness stopped, with what remained on her finger was a tennis ball sized orb of light. She crouched turning her finger upside down and the orb sank into the earth.

"Magicule, you see is something rather extraordinary." She said, standing up. "Depending on how you use it, you can achieve many things, from formulating Ultimate level spells or even as a form of intimidation. A monster magicule level of my caliber could actually give someone madness if one stays too long in my vicinity, so that is why I always withhold it in." She giggled at Clark's disturbed face.

"Oh, you might be wondering, why am I saying this?" She smiled at Clark, and then the earth around them began to tremble. "You see there was this little something I was supposed to deal with some time ago, but since it wasn't at the top of my list so I just let it be. But talk about perfect timing."

Stones displaced at the kryptonian's feet. He looked down at he heard loudly, the sound of something crawling up, below them. And whatever it was very big.

"Rimuru, what did you do?" He asked warily.

"Me? Nothing." She said, "All I did was just wake someone up earlier than it planned."

With a loud boom, the earth meters away erupted with geyser force. Clark tried to keep his jaws shut and his back dry at the loud sound of hissing that followed. He was just about to fly away when Rimuru decided to catch one his hand.

"Wha-What are you doing Rimuru?!"

The slime rolled her eyes, "Show some spunk, do you really think whatever is inside there can actually harm you?"

Show some spunk, she says.' Clark eyes erratically twitched. What the hell does she think he is?!

{You can do it Clark, I believe in your bravery.} Villa cheered.

Not you too!' Clark wailed. It was in times like this, that he ponders on the bravery of some his favorite comic characters. It's not about courage, its common sense.' Such a sense dictates whenever one meets something scary. Run…

When the originator of the hisses revealed itself and came out. Clark was just one second away from releasing the full power of the Omega Effect upon it.

"What. The. Fuck?!" He screeched.

It had the width of a commercial airplane, and even from the half that revealed itself showed that it was approaching skyscrapers. It had dirt ridden brown scales decorated its body, and its head had the likeliness to that of a python.

"Snake?" Clark muttered trying his very best not to obliterate the thing before him, as he was afraid of collateral, and as to why Rimuru had decided to bring them here. Cause I swear if the reason isn't good. I will punch her, courtesy be damned.'

"The correct term in this world would be an Earth Wyrm." Rimuru corrected with her hands corporally arranged behind her, while she leisurely sauntered to his side, not minding of the giant monster she had summoned.

The earth wyrm hissed and its chassis writhed in the hole it made shaking the surrounding. But Rimuru explained like it wasn't there.

"What you see before you is one of the magical monsters at the lowest position of A-ranks. It might look big to you and scary too. But in terms of intellect, even a baby is a hundred times better, it has no magical properties apart from its loud hissing." The earth wyrm hiss pierced the kryptonian ears much to his annoyance. "It's only good for destroying and sleeping, repeat. The only thing it got going for it is its large size and abnormal defense that requires Mythril to pierce it."


"It's a special kind of metal, but it is practically useless to you." Rimuru brushed off. But then her voice took on a serious tone as she continued.

"Even though I've been treating this monster with utter disregard, it is still an A-rank monster. From how long it has lived, you can be sure that it has claimed a lot of lives, innocent, young, old, male, female… And if I let it go out of the goodness of my heart you can be sure it will destroy a lot more."

She faced him, "So what do you think should be done to the earth wrym? Should I kill it?"

Instinctually Clark wanted to say 'yes.' It had no intelligence, so it could not be reasoned with, but there was a deeper meaning to the question.

"I'm afraid of what I will see, when I look at myself in the mirror."

Clark clenched his fist. It was morally right to stop this creature from killing, one could say it was heroic. But in doing so, he would be its condemner.

Rimuru gave an unperceivable nod, and then turned to look at the monster who was now registered the two beings that stood before him. "Clark, please activate your barrier." She said somberly.

Clark lowered his head, he knew what she was about to do. But couldn't find himself, capable of stopping it. With a flash, a wide transparent dome covered them. "It'll only stop things from coming in, but not from going out." He informed her.

"Thank you." Rimuru lifted her dainty hand pointing it at the earth wrym, its sinuous body lashed down in a strike. And then she flourished, while calling out.

[Water Blade.]

A thin blue arc sprang forth from her hand rapidly gaining in span, with only but a small thum the blade passed through the earth wrym without resistance seeking the cloudy night sky. While the earth wrym still continued its approached, the upper portion of its body separated from its lower portion and crashed down sending reverberations. And what landed was the head of a deceased monster, unknowing of its demise.

Crimson life liquid gushed from partitioned steam raining down blood.

"Clark," Rimuru called, the kryptonian curved his head to look at her staring at the rain of blood. "Am I an evil person?"

"No you're not?" Clark shook his head.

"But why?" Rimuru looked at him revealing yellow eyes that had grown pale, "Back in my past life, I don't think I have it in me to even murder so callously. But now here am I nonchalantly discussing not minding what I've just done. Doesn't that mean that I am different? That I am no more me?"

Clark pursed his lips. This was exactly what he had been afraid of.

"I'm afraid of what I will see, when I look at myself in the mirror."

But was she really wrong to do what she did? No, for the alternative was worse.

"No… you are not evil, Rimuru."

The slime lifted her head to look at the kryptonian, placing a palm against his face, her lips pressed in a straight line. "In this world, the laws of morality and order are skewed. The only thing that matters is one's own Power. Soon you will face a situation like mine, where to save others, you have to destroy one. And unlike mine your enemies will be looking exactly like you. Human."

"For me, Jura Tempest, is my home. Its citizens are my family. I am not one to so callously murder, but for my people." Clark looked into her eyes and saw something deep and dark. "I will be the devil to my enemies. Do understand Clark? Whoever have any nefarious plans against my people I will slaughter without mercy... So what does that make me?"

A chill passed through his spine, with the answer slipping right out of the kryptonian's mouth. "A Monster…"

"Yes a monster," She smiled. "But you seem to be missing the context. In this world unlike last, the law does not dictate to those with Power. If I decide to destroy something, the only way one could stop me is if they send someone on my level. And that also includes you. You want to be Superman fine, but to do so you must become a monster."

Clark shook, "A monster?"

With a laugh, Rimuru released her hand placing it behind her back. "Superman, we both have read the comics, for all the lives that he have saved, do you think that there aren't some that have looked at him in fear?" To the slime it was amusing to use comic books in such talks. But this calls for some kindred spirits, no matter how fictional.

Well I am already dealing with Clark here, who should not exist, so that's null.' The slime mulled.

Clark's now eidetic memory, conjured colorful images of General Lane, Amanda Wells, Lex Luthor… For all the good that his comic counterpart did, there was always some that feared what he is and what he might become.

"But don't you see…" Rimuru drew him back. "Even he had your fears. But what did he do? He focused on who he was supposed to protect."

"But…" Clark turned back watching the hovering mist. "If I decide to become a monster… that means I'm consigned to live a life, where I'll only be given looks of fear."

This was said more to himself than to Rimuru. Like he said before, while he doesn't care about what others think, to live like that, where all looks at him with such dreadful eyes. It's disheartening.

Rimuru later on will not know what came over her, but staring at Clark's back slouched in such a resigned manner, filled her with such emotions, that before she knew it.

She was hugging him from behind.

"I won't be afraid of you."

"Rimuru," Clark startled turned back. "What are you doing?"

But the slime only repeated. "I promise you Clark, no matter what I will never be afraid of you."

Clark wanted to refute her, that she shouldn't make promises that she couldn't keep, that the future was uncertain.

But then he was reminded of today. Where he was met with eyes filled with terror and fear, where he was even met with adoration.

She was the only one who looked at him normally. Not Clark Kent the Light God, but Clark Kent the human…

A chuckle evolved into full blown laughter as Clark shook his head, "It seems like I really can't win against you can I?"

"You got that right buster." Rimuru beamed at him. The moon revealed itself as the haze around them cleared, to the Light God, it gave the slime before him a special charm.

If only I didn't have people waiting for me back home.' Clark thought ruefully as he stared into her eyes. Sighing he decided not to give it any thought.

"Let's go back."

"Yeah, but before that." Rimuru walked to the earth wyrm, transforming into her gelatinous form, she absorbed the entire earth wyrm.

[Species Form, acquired. Racial Trait, Scale Defense acquired.]

Yeah thought so.' She looked at Clark who shot her a queer look.

"Where did it all go to?" The kryptonian observed her dubiously, when she rubbed her belly. "You've got to be kidding me."

Rimuru shrugged, "It is a world of magic." And blasted off.

"What was I supposed to expect." Clark muttered, following right after her.


The moon served as a lamp for the two monsters who returned back to the monster town.

"So Rimuru, about what I said about leaving back then…" Clark began as he felt a little awkward on what he was about to say.

"Yes~" Rimuru gestured him on.

Sucking in breathe, he continued. "I've decided to stay for a little longer. I want to give it a little try if I can be able to make your people see me as they see you."

"After my post my as Leader?" Rimuru teased.

The kryptonian rolled his eyes, "You know it's not that. If I can make your people see me just as favorable as they see you, then I'm sure I will be ready for what this world has to offer."

The slimed hummed, "If that's what you want."

"Yeah, I'm sure of it."

The Demon Seed slime bumped the kryptonian, "Race you?"

Clark raised an eyebrow, "Really that hungry for another lose."

The slime grinned, "Don't be so sure about that. So on the count of three."

Clark readied himself, but at two the slime shot away. "You!" he widened his eyes at the brazen cheating, but then it changed into a grin. "I'll show you what it means to race a kryptonian." Streaking in hot pursuit.