
Chapter 1

3rd Person POV

The sound of chirping birds could be heard thru the window of the seemingly brown haired womansleeping in her pink bedroom with a pink pajamas.


The wind blows a little of her hair in her nose which cause her to be ticklish, she annoyingly yanked her hair off her face and turn the other way around. She then toss her blanket, and her pillow to find a good spot to sleep. 'atlast' she foundherself deep in sleep again.

Riiiiing! Riiiing! Riiiiing!!

'wtfffff!' she inwardly sighto herself, cursing early in the morning huh?' but goddamn it!! Why cant the gods just let me sleep MOREEE im tireddd as fck!! Huhuh' she reach for her phone beside her bed, her eyes still close.

Tap* Tap* Tap*

"WHERE THE FCK IS IT!!" now shes fully awake.

Riiiiing! Riiiing!

She sit on her bed and grab her phone. 'Annoying' she thought to her phone.

'10:30am' "WHAAAAAAAAT!?? its already late this morning?! Time flies so fast" she said.

The girl then look around her room 'What a mess' she sigh to herself again for the second time this morning.

Comics, junkfoods, empty canned juice, cd games, psp were scattered on the floor.

Then she scan for her pillow and blanket it was near the garbage can. 'Argh!!!!!' why the f is it doing there?!' then she just remember what cause 'it'. She kicked herself up, and pick her pillow and blanket then shake off the dirt. 'iww' she cringed at thought of using it.

"i should probably wash it off. Yep definitely."

She then turned to her 'Cleaning mode'. It only takes her 20min. To clean her room. 'hah... Spotless clean. Im so proud of myself' she thought.

She walked to her bathroom and Look in the mirror.

Brown frizzy hair, big round face due to her big forehead, small nose, small brown eyes, and full lips. Her name is Preah milton. 25 years old, single and jobless. Below average looks. Poor.

And pitiful. (the above picture: Preah Milton)

She was recently fired by her boss saying she was 'Not good enough' for the position.

She was not slacking off, actually she was a hardworker.

But her boss, cant seem to be please about being 'just' hardworking.

She lacks skills and shes not smart. In this competitive company, she just cant seem to move up.

Her boss were too much for her to handle. Always shouting at her, mocking her, degrading her, humiliating her like shes too much of an idiot.

She hated it. She doesnt want ANYONE looking down on her. She hated her situation.

No one sided with her. Not even her coworkers which she considered as friends, that no matter how busy she is, she's always there helping them in anyway she can, and yet.

Dont get me wrong, the one she hated was herself and her situation, NOT those people.

She just cant bring herself to hate them. Infact, she hated herself for not doing anyting that time. She already knows that those people are all ROTTEN to the core, But she just let it all be.

Because she herself is aware of the fact that its all true and She hated herself for not meeting their expectations.


She look in the mirror.

Tears were suddenly pouring, and she found herself crying as she hugs herself, 'we dont want to disturb our neighbor right? It would be really embarassing. Shh shh its okay its okay. Were going to find a better job next time oryt?' she said to comfort herself.


"OKAY!!" "Oh right!!" "Fightiiiiing!" she exclaimed as she raise her fist up in the air while she turned to get her speaker and turn on for some anime music.

Then she started singing her buttoff and grooving -.-

(really. What a bipolar girl )

Yeah~ yeah~ singing in the shower!~ ladadi dada dadi~ jump! Jump! Yeahhhhhh!!

(So much for being so loudand embarassed, her neighbor can hear her singging like a madman)

Then suddenly,

her soap fell on the floor and she slipped


she hit her head really hard that she died that instant.

What an idiot *facepalm.

T.T to be continued•••