
The reincarnated tree wants to slack

A Office work died at the age of 25. He lived a "average" life just waiting to retire.isn't it fitting he became a tree.

Nina_Damon_2294 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Life as a tree or not

Shit I'm over powered

It has been few bays and I have found out some key thing adout my current situation.

1: I'm in the world of the higher beings the higher plane (Gods, dragons, angels, fairies, and many many more beings)

2: There is a war going on between the Demonic land and the higher plane (well lets not get involved with that)

3: I am the world tree/god tree a tree that conects all the magic and skills of all existence Basically I am magic it self.So I am The biggest fish.... cool

4: I am In the book The Curses Revange.It was a book that revolve around a namless character. H was call a curse For being of Demon blood. He was killed by the prince of the gods the only person he trusted and vowed to never trust and get their revange. In the end he killed all the gods and became demon king.)(to be honest it was a very boring book it HAD NO COMEDY NONE NONE AT ALL IT WAS SOOOOOOOO depresssing ug)

5:Gods are jerks(to be be real I all ready knew that)

... no no no no no I don´t want to be a tree or even a god tree or what ever.I wanted to retire with my cat and relax.I am only a office worker leave me out of this god dame drama aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... Wait It said have fun on my stats sooooooo mabye I CAN RELAX yes yes yes I will be a lazy tree THE LAZYS TREE OUT THEIR HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!..... I think I am going insane.


Years have past and I sould get a medal on how lazy I have been. I sleep and sleep it is the best.The war thing that is none of my business is still rageing on( still not going to get in involved) From what I hear it is going poorly many higher beings have died reture to be a part of me.The demonic land has not faired much better may of tehm have died of to returning to me, but hey it's not my problem is it?


Years have past like I mean so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so many year it has been over 190,000 trillion years and this supid war is still going one the Dragons, fairies, angels,and many many types demons have died of in this war because so one made wepan to distroy immortals (although it will not work on me he he he I can still be lazy).If you think I am sad adout the beaths of them NO! They are so so so loud like I knew your in a wars but can you be queit the their so loud I just want to sleep Humph.)


A few years have past and well the wars is over.... and so is existences.The god of demons and the god of gods were fighting at the ended of the war and the combinatine of the power bistroy everything IT WAS SO LOUD IT WOKE ME UP BE QUEIT! The blast also kill all of the higher beings and demonic race's. Ugh I guess it is up to me to fix this*sigh* I move on of my leaves and existence is back, but this time the higher beings and bemonic need to stop beings so LOUD.Anyway time to sleep yay.


A few years haves past the higher plane my home has changed more galixy like.My looks have also changed I look like a glowing white tree that is conected to all of existance. I guess That what happens when you sleep in he he he. well what ever I bet it is nothing.As I said that the higher planes shock then I fell unconscious.....As I open my eye wait eyes am I human I again I make a mirror.I look at my self I Have almost white pale skin , My eyes were a a glowing silver color with a bash of gold.The hair went down to my ancals and was a glowing silver,I was around 5/11 foot.I was very skinny but I had a out line of abs. I look at my face I look divine in every aspect I look prettyer than the gods them selves, But then I notest something.....I'm naked aaaaaaaaaaa I quickly made some PJ's and sat down.I that though of something do I still haves my power? I Open by stabus and I was releaved .


Name: World Tree/The lazy Tree/?????

Level: error6542954

idems: what ever is needed or wanted

skill:What ever is needed you can do / everything

note: just have fun


I looked up from my stabus and saw a kid he look around 19 he look at me with a shocked( he look familiar wait HE THE MAIN CHARACTER NO NO NO I AM NOT GETTTING INVOLVED WITH HIM NO NO NO) exprestion his eye almost coming out of their head( wait is he ok maybe I should ask).I look at him and muder " hi what y....." the boy look a me the ran screaming."well that was rude" I sate.( well at lest I wont have to del


The boys? pov:

I was going to the forest of the world tree to get some of the fruit of immortaily.This was the only time I would be aloud to set foot in the world tree Forest.The higher being only gets to come here once to become immortal.I have hear many story of the world tree and the power it weilds it is a truily powerful being.I look up at the tree.It is a truily amazing thing.....As I look bown the world beggins to shake.everythng that is was shacking the I looked up and the world tree was GONE.I run to the tree to see what happen, but I bid not expect this.A women no a man in a completly white outfit.His hair was a beautiful silver color, he was the picture of perfection.Who is this person then I saw it his eye his eyes were the color of the world tree leaves.Then it came to me HE IS THE WORLD TREE OH MY GOD.Then he look at me and in a eligent voice he mumbled something that I could not hear.....Then a though came to me he is the world tree right then he is a all powerful being....Oh my god I am going to died Dame my luck.I looked up at the being in fear as they inched closer so I ran.I ran and ran until I got as far way as I could( screw being immortal I don't want to died).I looked back and they were not following me thank god.....Wait can the world tree even become a person WAIT IF THEY COULD DO THAT THIS HOLE TIME WHY BE A TREE.( well no time to think adout it I need to tell someone adout this).


Pov: The higher beings

Tobay is the bay that the youngling get their furit of immortalitly.A plant that only grows in the higher plane.It is a magical fruit made by the extra magic of the world tree. As the younglings were adout to go into the forest someone showed up

Boy: wait wait wait up for me

That BOY ran up.Dame why did he have to be hear on this amazing day. That Dame curse has no reason to be hear just leave! Then the king speechs in a ruff vocie.

King: young one you are not alowed here. You are a mix blood of a lowly demon and a lowly Dargon you are not permited here.

Boy?: I may be a weak person and a mix blood, but I am still a higher being ju...

Random HB: no you are not you are a Demon a curse on our land.

Another Random HB: he is a curse we sould just kill him here.

All the higher being: yea kill the Curse.Kill the Curse Kill the Curse Kill the Curse.

King: Silence!

( the area went silent )

King: ( sigh ) Boy you are not aloud to go in to the forest of the great tree you are not even at level 1000 yet.

Boy: ( a fake smile apears on their face) my king please let me go I may be weak and a mix blood but I very fast learner. If I was given a chance

king:( In a booming voice) Begone

(Tree: he he he begone thought he he he. Hey you thought I would not be a part of this part of the story think again. I am the main character bitch! I can do what I want he he he.)

( the boy left in a huff)


The boys pov:

These god are turly evil I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate them

(Angery was boiling in side me hate hate hate.Than a rock comes flying at me I look in the derection of the rockin anger came from ,and what I see make my anger fade away)

prince: hey Demon

Boy: Oh shut up Alona ( throughing the rock back at him)

prince/Alona: ok ok chone ( he says has be catchs the rock)

Boy/chon:( sigh) It chon not clone

prnce/Alona: I know I know ( he said as he snickered)

Chon: anyway what are you doing here? you should at the ceremony.

Alona: yeah yeah , but I wanted to give you something ( he said a he pulled a ball out of his pocket)

Chon: what is that?( as he tilted his head to look at the ball )

Alona: this is a tozan at teliportaion ibem it will teliport you in to the forest

Chon: Really

Alona: anyway you should get going( he said snickering and tost that ball at me.Then he zanished)

Chon:( pick up the ball) yaeh I sould get going (I said that as I was teliported into the forest)


higher beings pov:

I youngling were adout run in to forest, but then the world shacked.As we looked up The The The WORLD TREE WAS GONE.

( tree: why is everyone so god Dame loud I trying to sleep )