
Chapter one



Bold emphasizes anger

(A/N: Author note)

Flashback/Time skip


(ATTENTION: This book does not follow canon, although it does contain canon events. Also Irina, and Kiba aren't here when the berating happens)

Issei's POV :

Last night in the sauna, I displeased Buchou. After that, when I got out of the bath, there was a piece of paper stuck on the door to my room which read "Ise not permitted!" and I couldn't enter my room until this morning. Apparently Buchou slept with Asia. So I slept in the unused room.

It sure was a lonely night. Even when I woke up, Buchou was still mad, and even though she talked to me it was a plain conversation where she didn't give me her smile.The girls also realized it, and everyone asked me "Did something happen?"

I told them that I didn't know, but everyone insisted that it was definitely my fault, and everyone was saying that I'm the bad one.

Well, it probably is my fault... What kind of mistake did I make in that situation? I don't have a clue. I heard that women seek romantic atmospheres, so I think the reason is somewhere there. My action.... was bad, I guess. But, what kind of mistake did I make!?

What comes to my mind are the words Buchou's mother told me when I saw her the other day. It feels like the answer lies somewhere there, but it doesn't mean that the wild delusion I have is possible, in fact, it seems totally off the mark. In my private life, what kind of existence is Buchou to me?... Buchou's mother's words are going around in circles in my head.

Something that isn't a master-servant relationship. One of the answers pops up in my head, but that seems too far-fetched and it's more like a delusion. Also, what should I do if my guess is wrong?

....Again, 'she' appears back in my head.

[It's fun to play around with guys who have no experience with a woman.]

[It was an ordinary date! Thanks to that, I royally bored! ]

[I don't want a rotten brat like you calling my name!]

[You couldn't protect her! You couldn't protect her back in the evening and even now! You really are a pathetic boy ! It's so amusing.]

[Hahahahaha...Do you really think someone will love a low class being like you ]

---The fallen-angel Raynare.

The woman who deceived me. She was my first girlfriend, it's a horrible memory. Because of that experience, I became someone who can't take everything to the last step.I had a nail impaled deep within my heart. Even up till now...I can't get it out. I want to get along even more with the girls in our group, but I stop half way.

....Shit. I'm so weak. I'm so pathetic. I understand that myself, but even so I can't do anything about it. But I want to tell my feelings to Buchou!......When will I be able to move forward...?

....I should stop thinking about it. There is going to be an important meeting in the club room with Azazel-sensei regarding the game.


It was in the afternoon after school, after the meeting in regards to the rating game had concluded. Azazel and Rossweisse left because they still had things to do as teachers.

Issei Hyoudou was sitting on the couch in the Orc, and his master Rias Gremory was reading some documents from the meeting. Things were not going too well between the Gremory Princess and her pawn Issei Hyoudou, since Issei still views her as his master and not someone as his equal.

Issei: 'Buchou still hasn't returned to her good mood yet, I don't understand what I did wrong in the sauna. Hmm, what should I do now? If I don't reconcile with her before the game, I'm scared that it might cause difficulties. Should I apologize?.....it seems like she won't forgive me unless I acknowledge the cause but... I don't know the cause of it!'

Issei silently pondered over what had happened. As he reflected on his situation, searching for an answer to the problem, Issei noticed a magic circle materialize before him on the coffee table; it was a communication type. Just as he was about to speak, Koneko glanced at it and immediately recognized who it was from.

Koneko: "Phoenix?"

From the magic-circle a holographic image was projected and a young woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Ravel appeared. She appeared to be in her early twenties, possessing the same blonde hair and blue eyes. The only difference was that her hair was elegantly styled, adorned with various ornamental pieces. Despite her youthful appearance she gave off a high-class and respectable atmosphere.

Ravel: "Mother?!" Ravel was completely taken by surprise, she didn't expect her mother to call.

Issei: 'Ravel's mother? So that means she is the current head of the house of Phoenix, which also makes her Riser's mother. She's really pretty and looks like she is in her twenties. Since she is a devil, I don't know her real age... But she certainly looks like Ravel!'

???: "Hello Ravel. Sorry for the sudden call. I couldn't get any time, so I ended up calling at this hour. In the human world in Japan, It's still school time right?"

Ravel: "Y-Yes, it certainly is, but why did you call all of a sudden?"

Rias walked over to the hologram

Rias: "Hello Lady Phoenix. It's been awhile. Is there any particular reason for the sudden call?"

Lady Phoenix: [ Indeed, but first I should introduce myself. Everyone, my name is Layla Phoenix, the current matriarch of the Phoenix Family. Is the red dragon emperor, Issei Hyoudou here? If so, may I speak to him? ]

Issei: "Yes Lady Phoenix, I am here, do you need something from me?" He responded with a respectful voice, but he also felt a bit nervous, Issei didn't want to embarrass himself or Rias.

Layla: [ Hello to you too. This is our first time meeting like this, isn't it Issei Hyoudou, the Sekiryuutei. I apologize for introducing myself like this. ]

Issei: "N-No there's no need to apologize, it's a pleasure to meet you. S-So do you have some business with me.....?"

Layla: [Yes, I thought I should greet you properly.... Normally, I would go and greet Rias who is in charge of the Hyoudou residence and the academy which my daughter will be home-staying at, but there were reasons why we couldn't visit.....]

Rias: "It's fine Lady Phoenix, I understand how busy you are. Your words are more than enough, please rest assured that Ravel will be safe."

Layla: [Thank you Rias, I'm truly sorry for having you take care of Riser after the rating game, and having you look after Ravel. Also Issei Hyoudou, please especially look after my daughter.]

Issei: "O-Of course, I'll do my best to take care of Ravel, and everyone else will help too."

Layla : [Yes. Of course, by entrusting my daughter Ravel to Rias and everyone else, she will have no trouble at the school in the human world But, that's exactly what I meant, I would like to ask of you is different from that. Will you please protect her so no weird pests would come near her? By having The Red Dragon Emperor who has gained many achievements next to her, both my husband and I can feel assured.]

Isaei: "Weird pests...?" 'Oh, she's telling me to look after Ravel so no guys would come near her in the human world? "I understand. I don't know how much I can do, but I will protect your daughter!"

When Issei said that, Lady Phoenix made a bright expression.

Layla:[I thank you very much. And Ravel?]

Ravel "Yes, Mother."

Layla: [You know what you must do? You have to support Rias, and you have to listen to your seniors, on top of that you have to deepen your relationship with Issei. As the daughter from the house of Phoenix, work very hard so you don't tarnish the name of our house, okay?]

Ravel: "Of course!" her face was flushing red.

Issei: 'I wonder what's up with Ravel? I don't know why, but Ravel has her face red, and it looks like she is filled with spirits..'

Layla: [And lastly, Issei Hyoudou.]

Issei: "Y-Yes ma'am?"

Layla: [I hear that your dream is to become a High-class devil.]

Issei: "Yes, it is....And?"

Layla: [My daughter is currently my [Bishop]. I traded with Riser. Please remember it very well. My daughter is free. She is my [Bishop]. She doesn't belong to Riser. Very well?]

Issei: "Yes I understand."

[My business here is done. Rias, Issei, and everyone, please forgive my sudden introduction. And it's time now. Ravel, behave in a manner where you won't make any shame as a lady.]

Ravel: "Yes mother."

Layla: "See around Rias, and stay safe everyone."

Rias: "Of course Lady Phoenix." The magic circle disappeared then Rias all of a sudden decided to go out, which Issei and the other club members present notice. Issei then asks.

Issei: "Are you going somewhere President?"

Rias looked at him with a sad look, Issei flinched, he did not know exactly what happened, or why she was still sad.

Issei: "Is something wrong, President?"

Rias: "Issei I need to know, would you protect me?"

Issei: "Yeah, Of course, I'd die for you president."

Rias: "What about Asia?"

Issei: "Huh, yeah I'd protect her too."

Rias: "And Akeno?"

Issei: "Duh totally, why wouldn't I? Still though, why are you asking, something up?"

Rias: "Issei, tell me."

Issei: "Yeah what?"

Rias: "What am I to you? How do you see me?"

Issei: "Um-"

Rias: "Just answer me already."

Issei: "Okay well let me think, you're the president-

Rias: "You idiot!" She ran away from the room crying.

Asia: "Rias wait! I can't believe you, Issei you're horrible, why can't you understand her feelings?!" Asia ran out of the room after Rias.

Issei: "Wait I don't understand, what happened, why are Asia and Rias angry?"

Akeno: "It's natural that Rias and Asia are angry."

Xenovia: "Even I, who is dense, know that you did it wrong."

Koneko: "You are the worst!"

When they all said this, Issei felt as though his heart started to crack, then he looked at Gasper.

Issei: "Gasper, do you think I'm a bad guy too?"

Gasper: "Yes I think you are, you made the President cry."

Issei was hurt by this and was about to leave the room to go after Rias, until Akeno stopped him.

Akeno: "Don't you dare! The current Issei will fail to see this situation and will only hurt her more." That comment made Issei very angry, he didn't understand what he had done wrong, and he was trying to figure it out but no one would let him talk. He simply ran out of the club room, and as he ran away from the orc building he head tears in his eyes. Everyone at school saw this and was wondering what happened to Issei, some looked at him with pity, and others said he deserved it.

Issei didn't know, and didn't care, all he knew was that he wanted to get away from the orc as fast as possible. Eventually he found himself in the park, the very same park that he was killed in by Raynare. He sat down on the fountain and tears began to fall from his eyes as he remembered that fateful day. Rias had always been there for him, supporting him and giving him a reason to live. But now, hearing her say those words, Issei felt like his whole world had come crashing down. He couldn't understand why Rias would say such a thing, and it filled his heart with a deep sense of betrayal.

Issei: "Why did they say that to me? All because I couldn't say her name?! She was the one who told me to call her Bucho. I've fought tooth and nail for her and the rest of them, and this is how they repay me? I've nearly died several times - Raynare and the fallen angels, Riser, Kokabiel, Vali, Kuroka, Loki, and Fenrir. I fought a God and nearly died in the process; if it wasn't for Ravel giving me the Phoenix tears, I'd be dead. And finally, the dimensional gap; I was ready to give up being a devil just to save her, and I nearly died in there. I've put my life on the line several times *voice cracking* I've even sacrificed my limbs literally. I helped them overcome their traumas, so why couldn't they see mine? And how could she say that about me?"

All he could think about is how nearly everyone berated him, why did they turn on him like that? What did he do to deserve such treatment? Is this karma for being a pervert? Did they ever stop to think that maybe he is still haunted by the ghosts of his past just as they were? Even before he became a devil, people constantly looked down on him, he was never taken seriously even his own parents didn't take him seriously. He thought found a home with the ORC, but obviously he was wrong. Suddenly he heard familiar voices echo in his ear, he hadn't heard them since he used the Juggernaut Drive.

"Say the chant, use the power of domination." It was Ddraig's past hosts.

Issei: "Shut up!"

"Make them regret turning their backs on you. They don't care about you, you're nothing but a tool for them."

Issei: "N-No you're wrong! It can't be!"

"I who shall awaken"

Issei: "No!"

"You know it's true, accept it"

Issei: "I-I just want the pain to end. I don't want to be alone, all I wanted was to be loved."

"To love is to rule, to be loved is to rule, say the chant and you will be loved forever."

Issei: "Yes, y-you're right." He raised his arm summoning his sacred gear; the boosted gear, and he began the chant. "I who shall awaken."

Ddraig: Partner!

A familiar voice called out, it was Issei's partner: Ddraig the Red Dragon Emperor also known as the Welsh Dragon.

Issei: "Am the heavenly dragon who stole the principle of domination from God."

Ddraig: Partner don't do it! Do you really want to throw your entire future away?! Think about your parents!

Ddraig was worried about Issei. He had already lost 99% of his life force from the previous Juggernaut Drive. Luckily, he and Koneko were able to recover a good 10%, but that was over several sessions, and it wouldn't be enough to save Issei this time around, if he activated the Juggernaut Drive. Issei's rage clouded his mind. All he could think about was how nearly everyone in the Orc turned on him, he wanted to hurt them, make them suffer; he wanted to kill them. He constantly put his life on the line to protect them, went to great lengths to help them overcome their problems, but now they treated him like trash. Issei spoke again, this time saying more of the chant.

Issei: "I mock the infinite and fret over the dream."

Ddraig: "Don't you dare say it! Partner, I know you're hurt by what the Gremory girl and your friends said, but you're not alone. You still have me and always will. No matter what the world says or does, I'll believe in you, Issei. Please don't finish the chant. You're a good person and the best host - no, the best friend I've ever had." Ddraig's voice was filled with emotion as he pleaded with Issei, hoping that his words would reach him.

Issei was about to continue the chant but his lips didn't move, instead they quivered with emotion. Despite the negative emotions he was feeling, Issei didn't want this; he didn't want to hurt anyone, he was simply alone and scared. Ddraig saw this and continued speaking, he could tell his words were reaching Issei even if only a little.

Ddraig: I don't want to lose, Issei. Please, think about your future, your parents, and the other people who care about you. You have so much potential and there are still so many things you can accomplish. Don't let this moment define you. Rise up like you always have and keep on fighting, don't give up.

After hearing that, Issei was silent for a few moments. Then, he let down his arm and started to break down and cry. Ddraig's words managed to reach him, and he was so hurt that he didn't have it in him to finish the chant. Ddraig let out a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt distraught. He couldn't stand to see his partner in this state. He had come to know Issei for who he is and truly saw Issei as a best friend. Before Issei, most of Ddraig's previous hosts used him only as a tool. They never bothered to speak with him or call him by his name; they simply called him dragon and used his power. But Issei was different. Issei saw Ddraig as a partner and friend. He'd ask Ddraig for advice, and he respected him. In the beginning, when Ddraig looked into Issei's mind, he was disappointed. He thought Issei was going to be a useless pervert and like most of his other hosts, use him as a tool, nothing more, nothing less. However, slowly over time, Issei proved him wrong. While Issei may not be the strongest Red Dragon Emperor, he was the best host Ddraig ever had, even compared to Elsha, the second strongest or smartest Red Dragon Emperor in history, and Belzard, the strongest Red Dragon Emperor in history.

Issei sat there and cried for a while

Issei: "Ddraig are you there?"

Ddraig: "I'm here partner, you almost used the Juggernaut Drive but luckily I managed to stop you. I'm glad you're alright-"

Issei: "I'm not alright! I'm not alright at all! I just don't understand what I did wrong. If they just would have let me finish I would have-ugh! Why, I just don't understand! Why did they berate me like that? I-I feel like someone tore a hole in my soul."

Ddraig: "I'm sorry for saying you were alright, that was wrong of me. And I'm sorry about what happened to you. I saw everything that happened and I am deeply disappointed in them, I never would have thought that the girls would react like that. But listen Issei, what happened was not your fault they're the ones that are a fool not you. They were concerned about you confessing your love to your master so they could deepen their relationship with you, that they failed to recognize or even consider your trauma from the fallen angel. I thought if anything the Gremory girl would understand your trauma; since she's the one that revived you into a devil and killed the filthy crow with her own hands. If anything, the former nun and hybrid-fallen angel should have recognized the suffering you've been going through. After all, whenever they offered themselves to you, like how the hybrid-fallen angel did when she was having issues with her father, you never took advantage of their vulnerability. And you never did once touch the girls without their consent, and if anything did happen it was an accident. This is all happening because they didn't let you finish your confession, but had they been patient this would have happened."

Issei: "It doesn't matter now; the damage is already done. I screwed up. It's not just their fault. This is all because I couldn't get over what that stupid fallen angel did to me! Why me? What did I do to deserve dying in such a way? And while I was dying, the only thing I could think of was boobs and my virginity. I didn't even think about my parents and how they would feel. I'm such an idiot."

Ddraig: "Partner, I respect you for trying to be responsible in this situation but this was really not your fault. There was nothing that could be done about your death, it was inevitable, and you have to stop thinking about the past. So what if you didn't think of your parents while you were dying, am I saying that you were right for doing that? No, I am not. I am telling you that you should spend your time focusing on the future, spend as much time with your parents as possible. They aren't devils or supernatural beings so they won't live for thousands of years."

Issei: "I-I just can't get it out of my head Ddraig, *voice cracking* I can still hear her cruel voice mocking me, asking me to die."

{Come on Issei, please die for me}

{Please save me and I promise to love you forever.}

{I don't want a filthy low ranking devil saying my name}

Issei: "Shut up!"

Ddraig: "Partner calm down!"

{You were already pathetic as a human, you're even more pathetic as a devil. The white dragon emperor was right about you.}

Issei: "Ahh! Just leave me alone! Just die!"

Ddraig: "Partner get a hold of yourself she's not here, she's dead remember? The Gremory girl killed her!"

{Maybe after you were turned into a devil, I should have killed your parents and friends. Hahaha. Maybe I could have had a better time with them, who knows they may have gotten some.}

Issei: "No! Go away! Go away!"

Ddraig: "Partner snap out of it! *Roarrrrr!*"

Ddraig roared loudly trying to shake Issei out of his mental state. Right now Issei was having a panic attack, his heart was beating faster than it ever had before, his breathing was shallow, and his vision was becoming blurry. Issei felt like he was suffocating, as if the weight of the world was crashing down on him. He couldn't seem to stop the flood of negative thoughts racing through his mind.

But then he heard a small choked voice, I managed to reach him and snap him out of his mental state.

???: *strained voice* "Issei please let go, you're hurting me."

Ddraig: "Partner snap out of it and see what you're doing! Are you really going to harm the same girl you just promised her mother that you'd protect?!"

Hearing Ddraig's words and the strained voice Issei snapped out of it, and to his shock and horror he was choking Ravel her feet were dangling in the air.

Ravel: *strained voice* "Issei..."

Issei: "Ravel!" He immediately released his grip on her, Ravel hit the ground and Issei backed away in horror and fear of what he had just done. He was unconsciously choking the life out of Ravel and for some reason she didn't try to fight back. Ravel sat on the ground, gasping for air, her eyes fixed on Issei with a mix of fear and understanding. Issei's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the consequences of his actions unfold before him.

Ravel: "Issei.... *coughing*"

Issei: "Ravel, I-I didn't mean to... I don't know what came over me, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you" Issei stammered, his voice filled with remorse and desperation. He felt a surge of panic and shame wash over him. How could he have let himself lose control like that? He had promised to protect Ravel, yet here he was harming her himself.

Ravel: "Issei, are you okay?" She started to get up and walk towards him.

Issei: "R-Ravel s-stay back. I don't wanna hurt you."

Ravel: "I know it was an accident, please let me help you. You need to calm down."

She continued to approach him and Issei backed up even more, his breathing was shaky.

Issei: "Just stay away Ravel! I don't want your help, go back home!" Issei shouted at Ravel and she flinched. Issei didn't really want her to leave, right now he wanted comfort and support but he was afraid of hurting Ravel any more than he already had. Despite Issei saying those harsh words to her, Ravel continued walking towards him.

Issei: "Why? Why won't you just leave? Why do you keep coming towards me?! Leave before you get hurt! P-please leave"

Ravel: "You're not feeling well Issei, I can tell by your body's behavior. And I know that you didn't mean to hurt me, you'd never hurt an innocent or defenseless person. I won't leave you, I'll stay by your side no matter what and bring you back to your senses."

Issei: "N-No, stay away." He was baffled, he couldn't understand why she was so determined to help him. After all, wasn't he just a useless pervert? Issei kept backing up until he tripped over a stone and fell backwards.

Ravel: "Issei!"

She reached out and tried to help him up, but Issei tried to push her away. But Ravel didn't give up, she clung to him with all her might.

Issei: "Just leave before-"

Ravel: "No I refuse to leave, I told you I'm going to bring you back to your senses and I mean it. You can threaten me all you want but I refuse because I know you won't hurt me, and-and I-I care you." She said blushing.

Issei's eyes widened in disbelief as Ravel's confession hung in the air. He never would have thought she'd say such a thing. His mind raced with confusion, unable to comprehend how someone could care for him in such a vulnerable state; right now he felt like a helpless loser that can't control himself.

Ddraig: "Partner snap out of it!"

Issei: "Ddraig?"

Ddraig: "You're having a panic attack, you need to calm down. Focus on the sound of my voice and take deep breaths."

Issei's breaths were shallow and rapid as he struggled to regain control of his racing thoughts. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on Ddraig's steady voice, but it was barely working.

Ddraig (mentally): 'Damned at this rate he might go into shock from a heart attack.'

Ravel: "Please come back to us." She said, hugging him even tighter and pressing her breasts against his chest.

He closed his eyes, feeling Ravel's comforting embrace and her steady heartbeat against his own. As his racing thoughts started to slow, he focused on the rhythm of her breathing, finding solace in the simple act of being held. Slowly, he began to regulate his breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. With each breath, he felt the tightness in his chest begin to loosen, and the overwhelming fear that had gripped him started to ebb away.

Ddraig (mentally): 'You've got to be kidding me, well this is Issei so of course breasts played a role in helping calm him down. Honestly I don't know why I'm even surprised at this point, but he's calming down and that's all that matters to me. I will have to thank the Phoenix girl for her help.'

After a few minutes, Issei's racing heart began to slow, and his breathing steadied. He opened his eyes, feeling drained but also relieved that he had managed to regain control of himself.

Issei: "Ravel?"

Ravel: "I'm here Issei." She got off him so he could sit up, then they sat on the fountain.

Issei: "Ravel, I'm so sorry for hurting you. And thank you for your help, I'm undeserving."

Ravel: "There's no need to thank me Issei, how could I possibly turn a blind eye when I see that you're in so much pain? And you're wrong Issei, you do deserve help."

Ddraig: "Partner."

Issei: "I'm here Ddraig, thanks for the help and sorry for scaring you and Ravel."

Ddraig: "It's alright, as long as you're alive that's all that matters. Your vitals have called back down and are now stable."

Ravel: "Issei, what happened to you? You were yelling at someone telling them to shut up, and you were very afraid."

Issei: "I-I...." His hands began shaking and his lips quivered, he had never talked to anyone about Raynare and what she did to him before.

{I don't want a filthy low ranking devil saying my name}

Those cruel words ran through Issei's mind. He was afraid Ravel would mock him and turn on him like the majority of the orc did.

Ddraig: "Partner."

Issei: "Ddraig?"

Ddraig: "You should tell her about what happened, I know it hurts but keeping it bottled up won't solve your problems either. Trust me on this, I haven't steered you wrong so far, have I?"

Issei: "No you haven't but-"

Ravel: "Issei, I don't know what's going on with you but please let me help you. I promise I'll listen to whatever you have to say, I won't laugh or anything. Just take your time and tell me." She said taking Issei's hand in hers, his hands were shaking

Issei sat there for a moment thinking over Ddraig and Ravel's words, he wanted to talk about it but it hurt so much. But at the same time, he could feel the sincerity in Ravel's words, he looked into her eyes, seeing the genuine concern and care reflected in them. Her touch was comforting, and he knew that she was offering him a safe space to share his pain. Issei took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his emotions pressing down on him.

Issei: "Ravel, do you know how I became a devil?"

Ravel: "No, I've never heard that." Very few knew in 'detail' how Issei became a devil, those few being Azazel, Vali, Rias, and the orc.

Issei: "About four months ago, I was asked out on a date by a fallen angel named Yuuma, her real name was Raynare. I thought things were finally going my way, as you can tell being asked out on a date meant the world to me, especially considering my reputation as a pervert. I even sold all my porn for some extra money so I could look my best. The day of the date everything went perfectly, but then at the end of the date when we were in a park, she said to me, 'Will you die for me?' Afterwards, she revealed that she was a fallen angel. Then she stabbed me in the gut and said it was God's fault for giving me the sacred gear. After that, she flew away, and then Rias came and revived me into a devil. Luckily, I happened to be one of the people to receive a flier from her familiar. The memory of that day has deeply scarred me down to my very soul. It's why I'm afraid of women, and the perversion was pretty much just a cover-up to an extent."

Ravel: "Issei I'm so sorry that happened to you, no one should have to go through that, and I'm sorry for asking about that. How the hell did Rias and Sona let this happen?"

Ddraig: "Both the Gremory girl and Sona Sitri didn't have a choice in the matter.

The fallen angels happened to make a move on Issei before the Gremory girl and Sona did, and at the time it was unknown that the fallen angels were rouges, had the Gremory girl and Sona acted rashly it could have been seen as them trying to steal potential sacred gear users from the grigori which has been researching and recruiting. As a result the Gremory girl and Sona had to act cautiously and be patient, had they done the wrong thing it could've potentially restarted the Great War, especially them both being little sisters of the current Devil Kings. This of course all happened before the peace treaty was signed by the three factions.

Ravel: "I understand but still, Rias and the girls not knowing about Issei's trauma is no excuse to berate him like that."

Issei: "I know that I screwed up by not confessing the way they wanted me to, but they didn't have to treat me so harshly. We've been through so much together, all the times I put my life on the line time and time again. Sure I made mistakes but I kept going and didn't give up, I fought to the very end. If only I hadn't screwed up, maybe Raynare was right. Maybe it is my fate to be alone and never be loved."

Ddraig: "Partner you know that's not true, just because things aren't going right doesn't mean you're never going to be loved. As I already stated, despite being a pervert you're still loved by your parents and if that isn't enough you're adored by the children of the underworld."

Issei: "Yes it is, I'm a pervert yet I'm afraid of women, do you know how crazy that sounds. Who would want to love a pervert like me?"

Ravel: "I agree with Ddraig. Issei it's not your fault, stop trying to bear the blame, you're traumatized it's no surprise that you couldn't confess. That's like trying to force someone who became traumatized of Heights climb A mountain and expect them not to fall. Issei, you are a kind, sweet, caring, and determined person who makes the impossible possible. In my opinion, they were too concerned with themselves and what they wanted to see that you're in pain. Especially after what they said after you left."

Issei: "Huh? What did they say?"

Ravel: "Well..."

Issei: "Ravel please tell me, I need to know."

Ravel: "Alright, but it's going to hurt."


Akeno: "Honestly I can't believe Issei, how dense can he be? He's such a brainless dildo."

Xenovia: "I agree that was way out of line, even though I'm dense, I know what he did wrong."

Koneko: "It's because he's a useless pervert"

Ravel: "Shut up!" Ravel's sudden outburst caught everyone off guard. "How can you speak about him like that after everything he's done for you!?"

Akeno: "Ravel listen-"

Ravel: "No, Akeno, you listen! Issei may be a pervert, but he's also one of the most loyal and caring people I've ever met. He's always looking out for you. And now you're all sitting here badmouthing him just because he made a mistake? It's not fair."

Xenovia: "Ravel, we didn't mean to upset you. We're just frustrated with his behavior lately.

Ravel: "That's still no excuse."

Akeno: "We just wanted Issei to acknowledge Rias feelings. There's no reason to feel upset."

Ravel: "How's badmouthing him going to help? And don't you think you went a little too far?"

Koneko: "No one asked for your opinion Yakitori. Why you even upset?"

Ravel: "Tch, call me what you want but it doesn't change to fact that Issei didn't to be treated like that. He seemed really hurt when you guys said those things to him. And why am I upset? It's because he's a good person, and he's done countless things for the underworld. You of people should know that." She started to leave the room.

Xenovia: "Wait, where are you going Ravel?"

Ravel: "To go find Issei."

With that, Ravel walked out of the club room to find Issei so she could talk to him.

Flashback end

Issei: "Thanks for standing up for me Ravel."

Ravel: "Of course Issei, they had no right to talk about you like that."

Issei: "Even so, that's how they really feel about me. But maybe I deserve it, I've let them down so many times."

Ddraig: "Issei that's enough of that foolishness this isn't like you, what happened to the Issei that was willing to defy fate?"

Issei: "He's dead, listen Ddraig you should find a new-"

Ddraig: "*Loud growl* Listen here, you brat! I won't tolerate you acting like this. After everything we've been through, are you really going to give up!? Even though it has been a short time that I've been with you compared to my other hosts, I'm proud of you. You're a true Dragon in every sense; you're kind, courageous, determined, awe-inspiring, and most of all, you're pure-hearted, a rare quality among all beings, including dragons.

And your will is simply incredible. Despite being a newly reincarnated devil for not even a month, you managed to take down Phoenix, who was rumored by the devils to be immortal, which should've been impossible for someone of your strength, but that didn't stop you. You gave it everything you had. Next, you managed to fight Kokabiel, a cadre class fallen angel that survived fighting against God and the original Four Devil Kings. Even though the odds were against you, you didn't give up, and not many can say that they fought against someone like that and lived to tell the tale.

After that, you took on Vali, who is a direct descendant of the original Lucifer and proclaimed to be called the Strongest White Dragon Emperor past, present, and future. You managed to fight him to a standstill. Then, you proceeded to fight Loki, the God of Mischief, and his son Fenrir. You took an attack from Fenrir that was meant for your master, which nearly resulted in your death. Thankfully, that was avoided thanks to Ravel; although I might've been able to save you by turning you into a dragon. You were also able to wield Mjölnir, which requires one to be worthy, and not to mention it was extremely heavy, especially after being bitten by a God-killing dog. Once that vermin was dealt with, you then entered the Juggernaut Drive, killing Shalba Beelzebub, and you managed to survive it, with some help from our rival. In most cases, other White Dragon Emperors or Empresses would've let you die. Most importantly, you are the first to ever survive the Juggernaut Drive.

After that, you saved your master from the dimension gap and attracted Great Red, which very few have been able to do. You could almost say it's his principle to ignore things that don't interest him. Lastly, but perhaps your greatest feat yet, you managed to make the wielder of the true Longinus run with his tail between his legs. Your will is what will make you truly dangerous and the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor. Whatever you choose to do, I'll stick with you all the way. I refuse to turn my back on you. While you may not be my most powerful host, you're definitely the best host I've ever had."

Issei: "Thanks, Ddraig. That means a lot to me."

Ddraig: "I always care for my hosts, partner. Now stand up and quit moping around. Sure you may have not been able to help the girls out the first time around, but you never gave up and you always came through. Besides, not all of the girls badmouthed you."

Issei: "What are you talking about Ddraig? Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Koneko, and Iri-. Oh man, how could I forget about Irina?!"

Ddraig: "She's up in heaven doing something for Michael, remember? So though the girls feel that way about you it doesn't mean Irina does. In fact if she knew about your trauma and heard what the other girls said she'd probably be furious, she's your childhood friend after all."

Ravel: "Ddraig has a point Issei, besides....."

Issei: "Besides what?"

Ravel: "Huh? O-Oh it's nothing, just forget I said anything, it's not important." She said slightly blushing.

Issei: "Okay if you say so."

Ddraig: 'We definitely need to get rid of his trauma, it's seriously blinding him, but it won't be easy. After hearing what the girls said his self confidence has been fractured more than it already was, but even so I have faith in Issei. I have a feeling he'll emerge from this stronger than ever.'

Issei: "Ravel I know I apologized already, but I'm really sorry for hurting you."

Ravel: "It's okay Issei, I know you didn't mean it....." Her face turned red and she looked away from him

Issei: "Ravel, are you alright? Your face is red."

Ravel: "I-I'm fine there's no need to worry about me." In truth She was blushing because she kinda liked it when Issei choked her, it turned her on a bit. Ravel wasn't a masochist or anything, but there was something about Issei being in control that excited her.

Issei: "Well let's head home, I-oof!" he had tried to stand up but he fell on his face.

Ravel: "Issei, are you alright?!"

Issei didn't respond, he had passed out.