

Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sanctuary that Andaherr said turned out to be a hibernation chamber. He had been hearing the demon hunter talking about a magic realm, but what he saw now was a sci-fi-like, high-tech facility. He was a little surprised. But what surprised him, even more, was the name of the facility: Hibernation Freezer. It reminded him of the hibernation on a spacecraft.

Hao Ren was wondering if this underground facility was a part of a spaceship.

Lily peered through the window glass, her tail wagging in the air. "Whoa... look at that high-tech stuff."

Andaherr came before the metal door and clumsily fiddled on the control panel on the side of the door. "Why didn't you go in with them?" Hao Ren asked.