
Chapter 1

I was just going with my dog outside and having a nice time, also listening to my music, not having a care about the world. I have gotten home and started playing some games, while talking on discord with my friends.

While I was gaming my friend out of nothing told me that he is feeling a earthquake and he logged out. I said ok, shit happens but then suddenly an earthquake happened also where I was living. And the internet suddenly stopped working and around five minutes after the internet stopped working, a kinda high-pitched sound was ringing in my ears and my dogs. My dog actually died, because of how high-pitched the sound was. I wanted to go and mourn him but I didn´t have te time to, because a blinding light appeared outside my windows.

As the light diminished an astral-like voice started speaking. `` Dear Humans your time has come. You´ll have to strenghten yourselves and also brace yourselves for the ragnarok that is incoming. You´ll have 1 month time to cultivate and ascend to greater heights. After the grace period of one month, the gods and goddeses you all recorded in your history will come down to battle you all. I have come to give you all humans a cultivation manual and a system that will become like a partner to you all.´´ said the god.

``Finally´´ I said as I started to get ready to cultivate. I was expecting something at the end of this year so I have gotten ready. I have quit my job and gathered enough supplies that could last me arould 3 months. 5 Minutes later the system was finally there.

``Hello Jim, I will be your assistant that will help you in your journey. You can give me a name or just call me system, both are good to me. To make it easier for the humans, the god that just ascended earlier made the system look like a RPG system.´´ said the system.

Ok system, how do I activate the tabs and look what the god had given me? `` you just have to call `Panel´in your mind and the system panel will appear. You can navigate the panel with your toughts or with your hands.´´ said the system.

So I opened the panel and there were like 4 categories and 2 more that were locked. I accessed the inventory where a beginner package was waiting for me. As I opened the page it said that I have a 90% chance to get a normal random cultivation technique, a 5% chance for a rare, a 4% chance for an epic and a 1% chance for a legendary. I was really hoping for a legendary but in the end i have actually gotten a rare. A rare! The chance was 5% to get one so I was pleasantly surprised.

The techniche was called Elemental Cultivation Technique. It was a technique that used the elements that were presend in the ``new´´ air that we have gotten. The system told me, that the air actually was now infused with spiritual qi. I was overjoyed. That meant spirit stones and the clance for animals to mutate and cultivate a spiritual core themselves. System what are the cultivation levels in this world from now on?

`` The cultivation road beginns with Body Strenghtening where every level is raising your body power by 1 to 5 bulls depending by your talent and willpower, then core creation, spirit core awakening, spirit core development, spirit ascension, spirit entity development, spirit soul creation, spirit body creation and spirit life. ( at spirit life the spirit within your body will become alive and help you along your journey.) as for the other cultivation stages, you are now qualified to know them yet.´´ said the system.

I actually enjoied this cultivation setting. I could actually be able to host a living spirit qi entity withing my body. I then stopped thinking and texted my family that I will be in cultivation for the next month and that they shouldn´t be leaving their homes at all. ( I have bought them food too for one month, even if they tought that I was crazy at that time, now they are greateful to me =)

I started cultivating the formula while sitting in the lotus position for maximal effect. As I started cultivating, I was struggling for a bit to recognise the elemental particles in the spiritual qi. Since they were even more fainter to recognise then spirit qi. But after like 3 hours I have finally gotten the first strand of elemental qi. It was mostly of the nature and watery type since I was staying in on a agricultural land type. And almost none of the fire or electricity type. After I got the string to the dantian the system suddenly popped and said.. `` Congratulations Jim, you ahve successfully cultivated the first strand of qi and have achieved the first level of Body Strenghtening. You we´re lucky and you have increased your strenght by three bulls. Keep up the good word and cultivate more.´´

I was a bit happy, beacause 3 bulls was quite nice, it seems that my luck wos on the good side today. I kept cultivating for the day and after like two more hours of focusing solely on cultivation, I started to get hungry. I opened around three cans of tuna and started wolfing them down, I also addend a bit of lemon to it, to add a better taste to it. I finished the food in like 15 minutes and I also drank a bottle of water. After that I saw that my internet was online again. The internet was overflooding with posts and the mass media was filled with posts and around most of them we´re terrified by whats to come. Actually none off those guys actually started to cultivate.