

"Twins?!" My voice cracked, reeking of disbelief.

"Yes, but you're so skinny. Don't you watch your diet? You have to eat more and buff yourself up. Having one kid is already a pain in the butt. Having two will definitely need more fuel in the tank. Where's your husband? Is he here yet? Let the doctor give him the lowdown later." The ultrasound doctor said to me. She was very nice and kind about everything.

I was drowning in that unexpected joy, but when she brought up my husband, my mood changed.

I guessed I was just cut out to be a solo mom. When I walked out on Damon, life threw a baby at me.

"I'm divorced. It's cool, I can handle the kid on my own." I didn't sugarcoat it. I just laid out my situation as it was. I didn't want to answer any future "Where's your husband?" questions.

Some things only need to be spelled out once.