

They claim Melissa is a monster, an evil witch, or a demonic demon cursed. Alison Ferrer, a second-year Walter Academy student, began having a scary encounter when she first saw a mysterious woman. Later on, Alison met David Gomez, a guy who introduced himself as a pure human with no magic; her encounter with David would be the key to unlocking a truth buried in the pit for a long time, a hundred years ago. A secret that will change Alison's life because of Melissa.

rediousinpaper · Fantasie
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12 Chs


I smiled when I glanced at myself in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful, Alison." I gazed at Franxine in the mirror. She was smiling at me, and she approached me, and I turned to face her.

"You are stunning." She said, smiling, I smiled and looked in the mirror again.

Franxine also gazed in the mirror while resting her hand on my shoulder.

"You look like a goddess in that dress, it fits you perfectly." That made me smile when he said that.

"Thank you, Franxine; you're also lovely. Whatever you're wearing is always fit for you." I laughed when I stated this.

"Don't flatter me, Alison, you're making my head grow bigger again." I laughed at her humor.

"By the way, your partner is already waiting for you outside." She claimed that was why I had lost my smile.

"You're turning back into a monster, Alison; smile just for this night. Don't be mean to David tonight," she murmured, prompting me to exhale deeply.

"What else can I do?" I said.

"You know he's nice, try to get close to him, I'm sure you'll be able to get along with him." So I stared at her and stepped to the side to get my handbag,

"You know, it's enough for me that you're the only one who makes noise with me. I don't want to aggravate the situation." She just sighed and laughed,

"Anyway, Alison, I'll go first because Wayne is outside. He doesn't want to wait, you know." I nodded in response to what she said.

At Franxine's residence, I was left alone in the dressing room. Franxine sent me here to make over me because she doesn't believe that I know how to make over myself.

I sighed again when I stared in the mirror.

I began to exit Franxine's dressing room and searched for David in the living room. From where I was, I could see David sitting on the sofa, sipping drinks from the maid who assisted him. He was staring at the photograph on the wall of Franxine's home.

I was in awe of him this time because of how wonderfully he dressed. He was dressed in a crimson tailcoat jacket, and his hair was similarly styled, so I couldn't identify him.

When he glanced at me, I swallowed. I noticed that he instantly rose up and looked at me. I took a step closer to him.

"Have you been for a while?" I asked him. He shook his head and didn't take his gaze away from me.

"Come on, we might get late," I pleaded, but he remained motionless. "David, I said let's go," I say again. He grinned at me before taking something from behind him. Red roses. When he handed it to me, I grimaced.

"What exactly is this for?" I inquired and accepted what he offered.

"Franxine said I should give it to you," he explained, making me giggle.

"Thank you," I answered with a smile.

"You're… You're stunning." Because of what he said, my cheeks quickly burned up, and I swallowed when I saw how he stared at me.

"T-thank you," I muttered, averting my gaze.

"Let's go?" he said. In response, I nodded. He extended his hand in front of me, and I stared at it first, then at him.

"I can walk alone," I said as I prepared to walk when my foot tripped over the leg of the tiny table in the center.

When I felt David catch me, who was now extremely near to me, I swallowed.

"Don't put pride this time." He then assisted me in standing up.

When I noticed he was chuckling, I turned away.

"Don't laugh at me, David, I didn't give you permission to laugh at me," I remarked before looking at him and tormenting him.

He extended his hand in front of me again, and I accepted his assistance this time.

We exited Franxine's house together. Outside, a white limousine is waiting.

Before he climbed aboard, David assisted me in getting inside.

We were both silent during the flight.

"Alison." When he spoke, I turned to face him. When he abruptly caressed my cheek, I was surprised and felt a strange energy run through my body.

"There's some dirt." He said this while smiling at me. I basically rolled my eyes and then looked in front.

We arrived at the Academy a few minutes later. Some pupils who had just come were standing at the gate.

David exited the car first, then opened the door for me. He quickly extended his hand in support, which I accepted.

After getting out of the car, I searched for Franxine, but she wasn't there.

"Alison, you're stunning." I shifted my gaze to the speaker. Someone from our class.

"You and your boyfriend are really something, you both look amazing tonight." Because of what she said, my blood immediately began to boil.

David took my arm in his and spoke to me.

"Don't let it ruin your night because of what she said." Simply let it go. I looked at him because he was whispering. When he smiled at me, I took a big breath and smiled back.

"Come on, let's go find them, Franxine." I nodded as he stated.

We were ready to enter the gate when something flashed before my eyes, causing me to close my eyes.

"Hello, a photograph is being taken here. Please take a step closer to your partner." I opened my eyes and examined the speaker. A witch armed with a camera.

David drew my waist closer to him, which shocked me and caused me to gaze up at him.

When I noticed that he was looking at the camera and smiling, I also found myself smiling.

When I realized we had been photographed, it was too late.

"This is your picture. Enjoy the occasion." The photographer said and gave David the picture. I took a glance at the picture David was holding.

"Oh, there are two copies." He then handed me one.

I grinned as I realized I was acting like a lady in love, enjoying David's beauty.

"There they are, Franxine." When I looked at what David had pointed out, Franxine was at the academy door, frowning.

David helped me to get closer to Franxine once more.

"Alison! I'm glad you're here!" Franxine stated cheerfully before hugging me. She abruptly seized the photograph I was holding and examined it.

"Wow, you guys look fantastic here. You look like a couple!" Franxine said as she took the picture from her pocket.

"Unlike us, the sky and the earth have both crashed." She then showed me a photo of her and Wayne.

Franxine crossed her arms and glanced at Wayne as Wayne grimaced.

David and I both burst out laughing.

"Alison, you look absolutely stunning tonight." When Wayne spoke, I looked at him. He grabbed my left hand and kissed the back of my palm, forcing me to swallow.

"And you're looking like shit tonight." David drew me closer to him, and I stared at David, who now had a severe expression on his face.

"David, as you mentioned. Don't let him ruin your night because of what he said." I muttered. When he turned to face me, I smiled, forcing him to smile back.

"Let's go inside, Alison," Franxine whispered, taking my hand and pulling me inside. Thank goodness I was still holding on to David. Otherwise, the heels I was wearing might have caused me to trip.

"Franxine walks slowly," Wayne, who was walking, commented.