
The Rebirth of the Divine Healer: Miss Shen Changes Her Fate with Extreme Prejudice

# CHANGINGFATE Defiled and murdered before having her corpse thrown out in the middle of nowhere, Shen Wan reincarnated after her wretched death! She arrived in another world, learning medical skills and magic, but her soul was disembodied by accident when she was spectating the battle between two titans. Her soul, mastery, and spatial abilities were reborn unto her original world before her tragic end, and her two sisters had yet to marry some lame men! Their father, who valued his reputation and favored boys, had not given his disability compensation to his uncle, and things were not at their worst yet! Perfect! This time, Shen Yuan swore to protect his mother and sisters from harm and to get revenge for all grievances! Now that she was blessed with good fortune, she used her divine medical scales, exceptional martial prowess, and void space containing copious Spiritual Qi to become the head of the family and the untouchable lady in her village! Avenging herself and torturing scum, she seized and amassed a grand fortune at the same time! However, despite her beauty and wealth, her fearsome reputation meant no one proposed even as she came of age, and everyone started to call her a spinster. But one day, the bigwig who returned with Shen Yuan to this world appeared in a beautiful sedan before her. "I came to demand that you take responsibility," the handsome bigwig said, blushing. Question marks appeared all over Shen Yuan's head.Responsibility? She had no idea what he was talking about!

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40 Chs

Laws of Nature

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, just as she gathered her magic and was about to kill Shen Gang, there was a sudden thunderous roar. Shen Wan immediately felt a throbbing sensation in her head that foreshadowed death.

'Oh no,' Shen Wan thought to herself. 'That's not good.'

Although she could still use the skills that she had learned in the magical world, she was still suppressed by the laws of nature here. If she killed Shen Gang without regard for the laws, she would also be punished and die!

When she learned of this situation, Shen Wan quickly withdrew her magic and directed it to kick away Shen Gang's walking stick.

This kick was so powerful that it knocked Shen Gang's walking stick out of his hand and made him lose his balance. His body tilted and he fell on his butt.

Looking at her palm, Shen Wan realized that the power she currently possessed was not something a normal person could match. She could tell that with this punch, she could kill an adult man.

With absolute power to suppress anyone, Shen Wan ignored Shen Gang while he sat on the ground cursing. She turned around to help up the weak Deng Ying and her younger sister Shen Miao who was hiding in the corner.

"Mom! Shen Miao! Don't be afraid, I'm back." When Shen Wan saw her worried mother and her frightened little sister, her heart ached as she comforted them.

When Deng Ying saw her third daughter, she immediately wailed in agony. She told Shen Wan intermittently, "Your dad wants to take all our money to give to his eldest uncle's family to get a wife..."

That sc*mbag of a family?!

Shen Wan laughed coldly. She knew that in reality, after Shen Gang lent out all the money to that family, they never returned!

They did not pay a single cent back!

To think that her st*pid father even believed in her uncle's family's lies and thought that her uncle's son would take care of him when he was old and send him off... He foolishly believed anything they said!

"Who gave you the right to decide on such a thing? If it wasn't for the fact that your useless body can't give birth to a son, and that there's no man in the family to carry on the family line, would I have to count on my nephew to take care of me when I'm older?"

The more Shen Gang thought of this, the angrier he became. He got up and saw Shen Wan standing in front of the mother and daughter with a frown. He picked up the rolling pin beside his hand and pointed it at Shen Wan as he scolded, "You b*tch, are you trying to rebel against me? I'll teach you a good lesson right now!"

Before Shen Wan could do anything, Deng Ying wailed and spread her arms in front of her husband. She begged, "I'll give it to you! I'll give you the passbook! Please, don't hit me!"

Seeing Deng Ying take out the crumpled passbook from her pocket with trembling hands, Shen Gang snatched it back without hesitation. "D*mn it! Only when I get angry will they listen to me! I had no choice!"


Shen Wan naturally could not stand his attitude of only knowing how to bully women. She was just about to open her mouth to fight back when she felt her mother pull on the hem of her clothes.

Sensing that her mother was currently trembling in fear and was in a state of extreme shock Shen Wan gritted her teeth. Her eyes filled with killing intent toward Shen Gang and she forcefully swallowed the ridicule on the edge of her mouth.

If she wasn't worried for her mother's well-being, she would definitely teach this useless father a good lesson!

Shen Gang was still cursing, but when he looked at Shen Wan again, he was met with fiery eyes. Where was her usual weak and easy-to-bully appearance?

Thinking of the strength of the girl's kick, Shen Gang subconsciously took a step back and fear grew in his heart.

Since he had already gotten the passbook, he might as well give himself a way out. "I don't want to be involved with you girls anymore. I'm going to quickly send the money to my big brother!"

After he finished speaking, Shen Gang picked up his walking stick, turned around, and hurriedly walked out of the room.

When Shen Gang walked to the door, a thunderous roar rang out. In an instant, heavy rain poured down, forcing Shen Gang to retreat back into the house.

"Bah! This st*pid bad weather!" Shen Gang was so angry that he spat on the ground.

Sensing that her mother and sister were nervous, Shen Wan sighed. Although her face was tightly furrowed, she still softened her tone and advised her father, "It's raining so heavily outside. You might fall on the slippery roads. You can just deliver the money tomorrow."

"Hmph," he snorted.

Shen Gang snorted coldly and didn't reply. However, from the way he turned around and went into the room, and sat down on the bed, it was clear that he had agreed to the suggestion of delivering the money tomorrow.

After a while, Shen Gang's voice came from the back room, "Deng Ying! Why aren't you cooking? Are you trying to starve me to death?"

"Okay!" Deng Ying quickly responded and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. She casually wiped them on her grey apron and whispered to her two daughters, "I'm going to make dinner. Don't make your dad angry, okay?"

Shen Wan intended to carry out her little plan of teaching Shen Gang a lesson, so she raised her voice and replied, "Mom, it'll take too long for you to cook alone. Shen Miao and I can help you!"

The mother and daughter trio left the main room which was filled with an oppressive atmosphere. They only felt a little more relaxed when they arrived at the small kitchen outside the house.

Even though Shen Miao was only 10 years old, she was a very sensible child. After bringing small stools for Deng Ying and Shen Wan to sit down, she obediently squatted at the side and quietly plucked the vegetables.

As Shen Wan worked, she looked around for an opportunity to strike.

Just as her eyes fell on a jar of Shen Gang's favorite wine in the cabinet, Deng Ying suddenly broke her train of thought, "Shen Wan, I know that you've been wronged at home. It's all my fault."

Shen Wan paused. She looked at Deng Ying, whose tears had gathered again, and replied, "It's not your fault, Mom. Don't worry, sometimes we suffer too. I'll take care of you and your children in the future!"

Since she had been reborn by chance and all her skills were transferred over to her too, she would take revenge and make up for all the regrets in her previous life. She would lead her family to a happy life!

Deng Ying was in tears, but she still forced out a gratified smile. She said while choking with sobs, "I know that you're both good children. Dad can't see through you. He's old and listens to your grandparents. He thinks that only a son can take care of him when he's old, so he did the st*pid thing of lending out our family's money. Shen Wan, don't hate your father for this one..."