
The Rebirth of the Divine Healer: Miss Shen Changes Her Fate with Extreme Prejudice

# CHANGINGFATE Defiled and murdered before having her corpse thrown out in the middle of nowhere, Shen Wan reincarnated after her wretched death! She arrived in another world, learning medical skills and magic, but her soul was disembodied by accident when she was spectating the battle between two titans. Her soul, mastery, and spatial abilities were reborn unto her original world before her tragic end, and her two sisters had yet to marry some lame men! Their father, who valued his reputation and favored boys, had not given his disability compensation to his uncle, and things were not at their worst yet! Perfect! This time, Shen Yuan swore to protect his mother and sisters from harm and to get revenge for all grievances! Now that she was blessed with good fortune, she used her divine medical scales, exceptional martial prowess, and void space containing copious Spiritual Qi to become the head of the family and the untouchable lady in her village! Avenging herself and torturing scum, she seized and amassed a grand fortune at the same time! However, despite her beauty and wealth, her fearsome reputation meant no one proposed even as she came of age, and everyone started to call her a spinster. But one day, the bigwig who returned with Shen Yuan to this world appeared in a beautiful sedan before her. "I came to demand that you take responsibility," the handsome bigwig said, blushing. Question marks appeared all over Shen Yuan's head.Responsibility? She had no idea what he was talking about!

Mountain Spring · Allgemein
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40 Chs

Human Face, Beast Heart

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Deng Ying saw this group of people's posture, she quickly held Shen Miao in her arms and wanted Shen Wan to hide in the room, "Shen Wan, don't go head to head with them! If the house is destroyed, then so be it. We'll call the police to arrest them after..."

"Right! You bunch of hooligans are going too far! When the police come, none of you will be able to escape!" Shen Gang straightened his neck and said loudly. The hand holding the walking stick was trembling slightly.

At this moment, although he was extremely afraid, he did not retreat. After they barged into his house twice, even the most cowardly person should have a temper and courage! Furthermore, this group of people was bullying his daughter!

However, Shen Wan knew that it was useless to call the police.

First of all, it would take half an hour to drive to the nearest police station in the village. By the time the police arrived to arrest them, most of them would have run away and it would be useless.

How could a hooligan like Chai Jin, who specialized in breaking and entering, be afraid of the police? When he enters the detention center, it would be as if he had returned home. This group of people was certain that the four members of the Shen family were soft persimmons that could be easily bullied, so they came to their door!

"Then go ahead and report it. Your family beat my cousin up like that yesterday. When the police come, you'll have to pay us the money we deserve! "Chai Jin had a disdainful expression as he rubbed his nose and said smugly.

Shen Wan patted Deng Ying's hand to comfort her and indicated for them to hide further away. She walked in front of Chai Jin and then raised the butcher knife to stab it into the wild boar's artery. She said coldly, "Is that so?"

The butcher knife cleanly entered the wild boar's body, leaving only half of the handle. Then large amounts of blood spurted out, splashing onto Shen Wan and Chai Jin!

The eye-piercing blood instantly caused the surrounding people to take a step back. Chai Jin wiped the stinky pig blood on his face and cursed, "D*mn it, you b*tch!"

Halfway through his scolding, he wanted to wave the stick in his hand and hit Shen Wan.

Yet Shen Wan's reaction was faster than his!

She pulled out the butcher knife from the wild boar's neck with a backhand and used the back of the knife to ruthlessly smash Chai Jin's hand. At the same time, she snatched the stick from his hand.

There was the clear sound of bones cracking. Chai Jin had seen with his own eyes that his right hand had been smacked into a strange angle by Shen Wan's pig slaughtering knife. Only after that did the intense pain follow. Chai Jin gave a sharp cry and took half a step back.

Shen Wan hated him to the bone. A simple broken hand could not resolve her hatred. If it was not for the fact that she would go to jail for killing people, Shen Wan would have cut him into pieces long ago!

Even though Shen Wan intentionally held back her strength and tried not to beat him to death or cripple him, she still attacked ruthlessly. She hit Chai Jin until he was scurrying all over the ground and shouted anxiously, "What are you all standing there for? Get her!"

The surrounding hooligans who had retreated in fear from the pig's blood finally reacted. They all wailed and waved their weapons as they charged at Shen Wan.

Finally being able to see Shen Wan suffer a loss, Grandma Shen clapped her hands and shouted, "Fight! Kill her! Good fight!"

Grandpa Shen and Shen Qiang were also full of smiles as if they were extremely happy to see Shen Wan being beaten to death.

"Hurry up! Quickly go out and call for help!"

When he saw that the one-on-one fight had turned into a group fight, Shen Gang was so scared that his face turned pale. He quickly shouted for Deng Ying, who had been scared out of her wits. At the same time, he limped as he raised his walking stick and tried to hit someone at the edge. "You bunch of b*stards. Let the little girl go! And you, if you want to fight, then come and fight me. Are you even human for bullying Shen Wan?"

Shen Gang regretted it to death at this moment. He thought, 'Why didn't I realize that I had such a bestial family before?'

However, everyone present underestimated Shen Wan's fighting ability. She was extremely steady and did not panic at all. She tilted her waist and dodged a few stick attacks. She then raised her leg and kicked away a hooligan who wanted to back throw her. She felt that it was not good to hit people, so she threw away the pig slaughtering knife and used the stick to hit one person with each hand.

When Deng Ying brought the neighbors over, she saw Shen Wan standing in the center with her arms crossed. She was covered in blood like a demon that had climbed out of Hell. Around her, a group of hooligans with bruised faces were sprawled on the ground. Shen Qiang, Grandma Shen, and Grandpa Shen, who had been swaggering around, were all cowering in a corner, afraid that they would be attacked by Shen Wan.