
The Rebirth of the Divine Healer: Miss Shen Changes Her Fate with Extreme Prejudice

# CHANGINGFATE Defiled and murdered before having her corpse thrown out in the middle of nowhere, Shen Wan reincarnated after her wretched death! She arrived in another world, learning medical skills and magic, but her soul was disembodied by accident when she was spectating the battle between two titans. Her soul, mastery, and spatial abilities were reborn unto her original world before her tragic end, and her two sisters had yet to marry some lame men! Their father, who valued his reputation and favored boys, had not given his disability compensation to his uncle, and things were not at their worst yet! Perfect! This time, Shen Yuan swore to protect his mother and sisters from harm and to get revenge for all grievances! Now that she was blessed with good fortune, she used her divine medical scales, exceptional martial prowess, and void space containing copious Spiritual Qi to become the head of the family and the untouchable lady in her village! Avenging herself and torturing scum, she seized and amassed a grand fortune at the same time! However, despite her beauty and wealth, her fearsome reputation meant no one proposed even as she came of age, and everyone started to call her a spinster. But one day, the bigwig who returned with Shen Yuan to this world appeared in a beautiful sedan before her. "I came to demand that you take responsibility," the handsome bigwig said, blushing. Question marks appeared all over Shen Yuan's head.Responsibility? She had no idea what he was talking about!

Mountain Spring · Allgemein
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40 Chs

Early Encounter

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Wan would never expect to meet Lin Weihan on the road at the village entrance. She greeted her in surprise. "Teacher Lin, why are you here? "

"I'm going to see my nephew." Lin Weihan was just about to explain when she suddenly saw the large and small wounds on Shen Wan's body. "Ya! What's with your wounds? Who hit you?"

As she spoke, Lin Weihan quickly got out of the vehicle and moved over to check on Shen Wan's injuries.

On the other hand, it was Shen Wan who felt embarrassed. She usually had the image of a good student and an obedient baby in school. If she told her respected Teacher that she had fought with two families and injured them, that would be too shameful!

Thus, Shen Wan could only smile drily and scratch her head. "I'm fine. It's just a small injury, a small tiny injury."

"It's such a big wound, and it's still bleeding!" Lin Weihan's expression became serious. She frowned when she saw Shen Wan move away and the wound on her wrist started to bleed even more.

"I'm fine, don't worry, Teacher Lin." Shen Wan still wanted to comfort her, but Lin Weihan was extremely determined and forcefully dragged her into the vehicle.

"My nephew's house is just ahead. He must have medicine at home. I'll take you to bandage it!" Lin Weihan quickly started the car.

Nephew? Wasn't that Xu Heng's home? The guy actually lived near her house? Shen Wan was slightly surprised.

What surprised her, even more, was that the car had only driven for a minute, and Shen Wan was almost able to see her own courtyard. Lin Weihan turned the steering wheel to the right, and the car went up a small slope. After driving around the small slope for a while, they arrived in front of an extremely large villa.

She thought it was close, but she didn't expect it to be this close! Shen Wan was even more surprised by the distance.

Xu Heng's house was only half a mountain away from her house, which was the distance of a small hill!

However, this villa had its back to the mountain and was covered by lush vegetation, so it would not be easy to find. If Lin Weihan had not brought her here, Shen Wan would not have noticed that such a luxurious villa had been built near her house.

Lin Weihan drove the car into the large courtyard and quickly called for Shen Wan to get off and take her to bandage her wound.

When Shen Wan got off the carriage, she was shocked by the luxurious and beautiful villa in front of her. Compared to her small, broken tile-roofed house, this was a whole new world! From this, it could be seen how rich the guy's family was.

As she looked towards the door, a young man quickly walked out and glanced at her.

Zhou Cong politely nodded at Shen Wan, then turned to Lin Weihan and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Weihan held Shen Wan's hand and hurriedly led her into the room. At the same time, she said, "This young lady is injured. Zhou Cong, hurry up and bandage her wound. By the way, where's Xu Heng? "

"He just woke up from his afternoon nap. Please wait a moment." Zhou Cong immediately understood. He nimbly took out the first aid box from a cabinet in the living room. After washing his hands, he prepared to help Shen Wan bandage her wound.

Shen Wan was forced to sit down by Lin Weihan on the soft sofa in the living room. She curiously looked around at the decorations in the room. It was a modern style that looked simple, but when further inspected on it, it had intricate details. It was obvious that the owner had a high taste.

Then, she saw the elevator door beside the living room open slowly, and a man in a wheelchair moved out.



The two of them said in unison.

"Do the both of you know each other?" Lin Weihan was slightly surprised. She saw that Shen Wan and Xu Heng's expressions were slightly unnatural and immediately smelled something fishy.

"Hello." Xu Heng clenched his fist and lightly coughed. His eyes were no longer on Shen Wan as he greeted Lin Weihan.

Seeing that Shen Wan was still winking at him, Xu Heng could only helplessly explain, "I got to know her at the exam hall when I invigilated your exam."

"Oh, I see. I was worried that you two wouldn't get along well when you met. It turns out that you've already met. That's good." Lin Xiao smiled, looking very kind and gentle.

Not getting along well? Xu Heng's mood was very complicated. Last time, this little girl talked back to him with all kinds of words and almost made him angry. This was already considered as not getting along well with her!

Thinking of this, Xu Heng moved his wheelchair to Zhou Cong's side, who was busy, to see what he was doing.

Zhou Cong was Xu Heng's personal assistant. Ever since his legs were injured, Xu Heng moved into this villa to recuperate. Since his legs were paralyzed, Zhou Cong was the one who usually took care of him, so he was still somewhat dependent on Zhou Cong.

Xu Heng didn't know what was going on, but he was shocked when he saw it.