
The Rebirth of the Divine Healer: Miss Shen Changes Her Fate with Extreme Prejudice

# CHANGINGFATE Defiled and murdered before having her corpse thrown out in the middle of nowhere, Shen Wan reincarnated after her wretched death! She arrived in another world, learning medical skills and magic, but her soul was disembodied by accident when she was spectating the battle between two titans. Her soul, mastery, and spatial abilities were reborn unto her original world before her tragic end, and her two sisters had yet to marry some lame men! Their father, who valued his reputation and favored boys, had not given his disability compensation to his uncle, and things were not at their worst yet! Perfect! This time, Shen Yuan swore to protect his mother and sisters from harm and to get revenge for all grievances! Now that she was blessed with good fortune, she used her divine medical scales, exceptional martial prowess, and void space containing copious Spiritual Qi to become the head of the family and the untouchable lady in her village! Avenging herself and torturing scum, she seized and amassed a grand fortune at the same time! However, despite her beauty and wealth, her fearsome reputation meant no one proposed even as she came of age, and everyone started to call her a spinster. But one day, the bigwig who returned with Shen Yuan to this world appeared in a beautiful sedan before her. "I came to demand that you take responsibility," the handsome bigwig said, blushing. Question marks appeared all over Shen Yuan's head.Responsibility? She had no idea what he was talking about!

Mountain Spring · Allgemein
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40 Chs

On the other side, Luojie's roommates were a little unhappy to see Luojie being embarrassed. They stood up and said, "Shen Wan, it's not that we want to criticize you, but your family doesn't look rich. Even having enough food is a problem, but Luojie's family is so rich. If you become his girlfriend, you will be able to get many benefits. Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Yeah, there are many girls who would want to date Luojie, but he's only willing to date you. Doesn't that show his sincerity?"

"Stop, stop, stop."

Shen Wan was too lazy to listen anymore. She crisply interrupted the young people who wanted to brainwash her and replied in a calm tone, "Luojie didn't refute anything you said at all. It seems that you agree with this, right? Since you're so serious in trying to reason with me, then I'll give you a good lesson."

With a clear cough, Shen Wan said word by word, "First of all, my family is indeed poor, and sometimes I don't have enough to eat. But I'm different from you guys, eating isn't necessarily the first physical need. On the contrary, being able to study hard and get into a good school is what I value the most, understand? If you don't understand, then shut your mouth. Don't casually discuss or give pointers to others if you don't know what to say.

"Second, do the right thing at the right time. Our age happens to be the time when we have the best memory and the fastest reaction. Don't you think it's a pity that you want to use it to date girls instead of studying? Even if you're willing, I don't want to waste my time dating. Please don't impose your views on others. It's shameless, okay?

"Thirdly, you're still young. You can't even tell what like is, let alone love. When you're older and more mature and have the ability to take care of your own life, then you can talk about these things. As young people, your mission is to strive to enrich yourself and then build our country's foundation. You should not waste your time and precious educational resources!"

Shen Wan's impassioned speech caused the four boys' faces to turn red. They could not say a single word to refute, especially Luojie who was standing in the middle. In front of Shen Wan, he felt that the power of his courtship was as great as the shame he felt now.

After holding it in for a long time, Luojie was so embarrassed that he was about to cry. He lowered his head and said, "I... I... I'm sorry, Shen Wan!"

Seeing that Shen Wan was able to control the situation on her own, Lin Weihan relaxed. She couldn't help but have a new level of respect for this girl who was strong and upright even though she was from a lowly village.

"Shen Wan, it's late. Are you not going back to the dormitory?" Lin Weihan smiled and spoke when she saw that everyone was silent.

"Teacher Lin!" Shen Wan said in surprise and joy, her eyes bright.

Shen Wan was so focused on educating the four rebellious youths that she did not notice that Lin Weihan had driven the car to the side. It looked like she had been waiting there for a while.

Lin Weihan was a teacher who had once guided her. She was very knowledgeable and had been specially hired by the school. She was about 40 years old and maintained herself very well. She was modest and interesting. No matter if it was teaching or doing things, she was extremely serious and strict. She was a teacher that Shen Wan greatly respected and liked.

"I'm just passing by, so I'll give you a ride. I'll send you back. Get in the car." Lin Weihan nodded at the other four boys and then blinked at Shen Wan.

Even though Shen Wan had resolved the matter on her own, it was still safer to safely escort her to the dormitory out of consideration for safety and avoid any other trouble.

Of course, Shen Wan understood Lin Weihan's good intentions. Her heart felt warm and she did not decline. She smiled graciously at Lin Weihan and then quickly opened the rear door. "Okay, thank you, Teacher Lin!"

The car started up quickly. Shen Wan turned her head slightly and saw Luojie and the other three's figures gradually become smaller behind the car. She smiled sweetly and took the initiative to say to Lin Weihan, "Teacher Lin, why were you in school this late? Did you have something important to do?"

"More or less. A few days ago, I went out of the city to handle some matters. Previously, the school gave me the task of invigilating the exam again. I couldn't make it back in time, so I let my nephew invigilate in my place. My nephew's health isn't good, so I can't keep troubling him to do such a thing. Today, I finally finished dealing with my matters and came back overnight. I'll be invigilating the exam tomorrow." Lin Weihan explained to Shen Wan in a gentle voice as she turned the steering wheel.

"Nephew? This is the first time I heard that you have a nephew." Shen Wan added. In the past, she only knew that Lin Weihan was married but had no children. She did not know that Lin Weihan had a nephew.