
The Rebirth of the Divine Healer: Miss Shen Changes Her Fate with Extreme Prejudice

# CHANGINGFATE Defiled and murdered before having her corpse thrown out in the middle of nowhere, Shen Wan reincarnated after her wretched death! She arrived in another world, learning medical skills and magic, but her soul was disembodied by accident when she was spectating the battle between two titans. Her soul, mastery, and spatial abilities were reborn unto her original world before her tragic end, and her two sisters had yet to marry some lame men! Their father, who valued his reputation and favored boys, had not given his disability compensation to his uncle, and things were not at their worst yet! Perfect! This time, Shen Yuan swore to protect his mother and sisters from harm and to get revenge for all grievances! Now that she was blessed with good fortune, she used her divine medical scales, exceptional martial prowess, and void space containing copious Spiritual Qi to become the head of the family and the untouchable lady in her village! Avenging herself and torturing scum, she seized and amassed a grand fortune at the same time! However, despite her beauty and wealth, her fearsome reputation meant no one proposed even as she came of age, and everyone started to call her a spinster. But one day, the bigwig who returned with Shen Yuan to this world appeared in a beautiful sedan before her. "I came to demand that you take responsibility," the handsome bigwig said, blushing. Question marks appeared all over Shen Yuan's head.Responsibility? She had no idea what he was talking about!

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40 Chs

A Real Father

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as he saw his nephew who did not care about him in his dream, Shen Gang smiled and said, "I didn't do this. It's all thanks to Shen Wan."

"Oh, this... " Shen Shu turned his head and followed Shen Gang's gaze. He saw Shen Wan crossing her arms and looking at him with an unfriendly expression. 

He choked for a moment before saying, "How much work can that small body do? If her hands are rough, she won't be able to get married in the future. Uncle, since you're done with your work, I can't help you anymore. Remember to call me next time if you need help."

Shen Shu's smile was very bright as if he was really ready to help others. He said good things with his mouth, but he also disparaged Shen Wan between the lines, hinting that she was more valuable after she gets married.

Shen Wan had long been disgusted by these hypocritical relatives. Since Shen Shu's words were so nice, it was as if her family owed Shen Shu a favor. She picked up a plastic bucket and a wooden ladle from the corner of the wall and forcefully stuffed them into Shen Shu's hands.

"Didn't you say you like to help my family? You have long arms and legs, so you are the only one who can do this. I'll leave this to you!" Shen Wan's smile was bright.

"How can I do that!" When Shen Shu thought about how the bucket and ladle were used to scoop out feces, he felt disgusted and threw them on the ground.

Shen Gang saw the whole scene. No matter how st*pid he was, he could understand that his nephew was making empty promises and was not actually willing to sacrifice more without personal gain.

"Shen Shu, don't promise anything that you can't do in the future!" He said in a low voice.

"Uncle, you've misunderstood." Shen Shu originally wanted to court favor, but in the end, he was snubbed. He was put on the spot and did not know what to do.

It was still Grandma Shen who was good at reading people's expressions. When she felt that the situation was not in his favor, she quickly stood up and said, "Son, I'm here to talk to you about marriage. It's a joyous occasion in the first month of the lunar year. Everyone has a share of the good news, but this is still lacking..."

As she spoke, Grandma Shen winked and rubbed her fingers a few times at Shen Gang, signaling him to quickly hand over the money that he had promised.

After experiencing the terrifying yet realistic dream last night, Shen Gang did not dare to give away his family's money anymore. He continued to play dumb. "That sure is a good thing. It's worth a celebration."

When she heard Shen Gang playing d*mb and not mentioning the money at all, Grandma Shen immediately turned unhappy. She asked with a straight face, "Shen Gang, you agreed to it a few days ago. Why are you playing dumb now? Without your money, how can Shen Shu get married? I'm very disappointed in you!"

Usually, when Grandma Shen changed her attitude, Shen Gang would immediately become nervous and quickly apologize to please her.

This time, however, Shen Gang didn't even think and rejected the idea, "No, I won't lend it to you anymore!"

Shen Wan raised her brows. She originally thought that once Grandma Shen came, the foolish and filial Shen Gang would waver. She did not expect him to reject the suggestion so bluntly. Not bad, this b*stard father can still be saved!

"What did you just say? You're not giving us the money anymore?"

The moment she heard Shen Gang reject her, Grandma Shen's voice suddenly became sharp, like a kettle of boiling water ready to pop.

Thinking that she had yet to get the money, she quickly composed herself and said the words that she had always used to brainwash Shen Gang, "Shen Gang, I'm really doing this for your own good. Your four daughters will all be married off in the future, and you'll be left alone. In the end, you'll have to rely on your nephew to support you! Just treat Shen Shu as your own son, he will definitely treat you well!"

Usually, Shen Gang would definitely agree with her point of view and then fantasize with her about a beautiful future with his nephew.

However, this time, it would have been better if she did not mention it. Once she did, Shen Gang got angry. "You guys sure have a nice way of speaking! When I'm old, they won't care about me and let me freeze to death, starve to death, or be bitten to death by rats! Now, my daughters can support the family and work, but has Shen Shu really done anything for me?"

Seeing that Shen Gang, who had always liked him, suddenly became harsh and cold, Shen Shu felt embarrassed. "Uncle, how can you say that? I really treat you like my real father!"