
The Rebellious Son of Lucifer

Don't Bully me, I am a Bull.

JOJO99 · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Interlude 3

"So, Kokabiel has died." sighed Azazel, the Governor General of the Grigori and leader of the Fallen Angels.

The one who gave him the news was a silver gray haired young man, also the host of Divine Dividing Longinus Gear, Vali Lucifer.

"Son of Maou Sirzechs Lucifer." Vali frustratedly clenched his fists and frowned at Azazel, "Why haven't I been told about this?"

"That's because the news is even a shocker for me, you brat." Azazel gave Vali a smug look, "Sirzechs has played us well this time, both the Grigori and Heavens. No." He solemnly shook his head upon realisation, "I doubt that even the Devils of the Underworld know about this boy's existence."

"He wields the Holy Longinus Incernate Anthem." Vali replied, "He was able to combine the power of Destruction and Holy Flames. Not to mention, he has the lost Excalibur Ruler."

Azazel took a deep breath and calmed his nerves, "Fucking ridiculous." He whined annoyingly, "A Half-blood Devil with the power of Destruction, the Holy Longinus and the Holy Sword Excalibur!"

"I want to meet him." Azazel remarked with an excited laugh, "Possibly, this is the person who will decide the future for us."

"Azazel, I am going to challenge him." Vali declared in a stern tone, "The Host of Boosted Gear is weak, he can wait."

"Don't be stupid." Azazel reprimanded his step son, "The relations between the Three Factions is already weak. The last thing we need is for you to provoke Sirzechs by challenging his Son."

"Whatever." Vali snorted and left the living room of the house, where Azazel was staying at the moment.


"Alexander Kitagawa." Michael hummed thoughtfully after he heard the Church's report.

The Four Great Seraphs were gathered at the conference room of the second Heaven, to discuss the matter of the anomaly Devil that holds the power of the Heavens.

"He was the one who killed the Fallen Angel, Kokabiel." Raphael stated, "He's also the wielder of the Holy Cross, and the Exorcists in Kuoh have discovered he possesses the Excalibur Ruler as well."

"The other Six Fragments are with him." Gabriel informed in a passive tone, "He has claimed to be the rightful owner of the Excalibur Swords."

"What's even the meaning behind all of this?" Uriel raised his voice in frustration, "Sirzechs had a son with a human? Is this part of some grand conspiracy from the Devils?"

"I believe not." Michael the Archangel shook his head, "Alexander Kitagawa is the friend of Irina Shidou, one of the Brave warriors we have. According to her, Alexander did not know he was a devil and has only recently discovered his powers."

"That could be a lie." Uriel frowned, "You know Devils are good at manipulating people. If not with thier words, then with their disgusting powers."

"I agree with Uriel." Raphael took Uriel's side this time, even if the Angel had a hot headed personality, "This could be a conspiracy to steal the Holy Sword Excalibur from our possession, because its one of the Devil kind's greatest weakness."

"This could also be something Father has decided." Gabriel had an positive outlook on the situation and desperately looked at her brothers, "This boy, he's been chosen by the Excalibur and the Holy Cross." She turned to their eldest with an eager smile, "The Holy Cross, Michael."

"Yeah, you're right." Raphael saw her point and calculatively thought about it, "Holy Cross, the Longinus that is able to change its host on its own consciousness."

"Even it doesn't possesses a soul like the Namaen Lion, Holy Cross judges the righteousness of the heart." Gabriel nodded at Raphael with a bright smile, "We shouldn't be hasty about this situation, everyone."

"The Devils and Grigori do propose a Peace Treaty." Michael stated thoughtfully, "The Leviathan has called a meeting at the town of Kuoh to discuss the future relations of the three Factions."

"Kokabiel, a general has been killed." Uriel pointed out with a frown and folded his hands, "Do you think that Grigori would accept peace now?"

"It's Azazel we are talking about." Michael answered with a meaningful smile, "Don't forget, he was the one who offered to stop the Great War and call a truce, even when the Victory was in thier hands."

The Death of God and the Four Great Satans was the deciding factor, because both the Heavens and the Underworld were weak after the loss of thier respective leaders.

Although, how they died, was still unknown.

"I am going attend the Meeting at Kuoh." Michael informed and looked at his siblings, "Any objections?"

"None." Raphael answered easily.

"If the War can be avoided, then so be it." Uriel groaned.

"Can I join you brother?" Gabriel asked innocently, "I wish to meet this human. I am curious about him."

Gabriel was the Angel of Purity and Innocence. If there was someone who could judge the Righteousness of a person, then it would be her. Michael knew that very well.

"Alright." Michael nodded in agreement, "We would need representatives, so it's also time we reveal our cards on the table." He stated meaningfully.


In a Luxurious Mansion of the Underworld, a family sat quietly after a heated argument amongst them.

"I have a Grandchild and you didn't tell me about him?" The Martriach of the family glared at her son in disappointment, "Sirzechs, why?"

"I have the same question." Zeoticus nodded in agreement with his wife, "You never told us about your human wife and your son, who is our grandchild."

"I had.. My reasons." Sirzechs shamefully lowered his head to his parents, "I didn't wanted to endanger Alexander's life. Grandfather wouldn't have allowed him to live and it would've started another Civil War."

Zeoticus gulped fearfully when he realised what Sirzechs meant.

"Still.." Venelana sighed by stressfully massaging her head, "You could've at least told me, your own mother?"

"You have a loud mouth, mother." Sirzechs pointed out with a smirk, "I am not sure how long you would've waited until bragging about your Gradson to your friends."

Venelana pouted and noticed the sour expression on the head maid of their House, "Grayfia." She called out to her with a sad smile, "What do you feel about this, dear?"

"I don't know." Grayfia shook her head with an expressionless face, "I have met the child several times over the years and according to what I've come to know, he despises us all. Most of all, his own father." She glanced at Sirzechs with a meaningful gaze.

"Did you.. Try conceiving another child, Sirzechs?" Zeoticus questioned his son with a nervous smile, "We have Rias as the Heir to our Clan, but I want to see our family grow."

"We have tried." Sirzechs replied and glared at Grayfia from the corner of his eyes, to stay quiet.

"That's all we want." Venelana sighed in relief and smiled excitedly, "Now, bring my Grandson to me."

"It's not easy as you say, mother." Sirzechs grumbled, "He has killed Kokabiel, one of the leaders of the Grigori and Governor of the Old War. Serafall is busy managing our relations with the other Factions and we haven't decided how to approach him yet."

"What's there to hesitate?" Zeoticus scowled in confusion, "Just ask Rias to call him over for a Dinner. They are friends who study at the same school, right?"

"Yeah, even Sona is there." Venelana nodded in agreement and smiled fondly, "Its been while since I have met that chess nerd."

"I need to leave." Sirzechs stood up from the Dinner table by taking a deep breath, "Serafall needs my help." He excused himself and left the Dinning Hall.

Grayfia followed right behind him and snorted mockingly, "You have tried." she called out with a smirk, "When was the last time you touched me, Sirzechs? Lying so innocently to your own parents?"

"Our marriage was political." Sirzechs replied with a straight face.

"You fell in love with that human woman, even when you knew she won't live long." Grayfia aggravatedly narrowed her eyes at him and clenched her fist in rage, "Marine Kitagawa."

"You don't know a thing about how it feels, Sirzechs." Grayfia remarked with a tearful expression.

"And you don't know how I feel for staying away from my own son for so long." Sirzechs replied in a calm tone, "Because of my duties and responsibilities to the Underworld, I had to stay away from my wife even when she was in labour, when she gave birth to my child, and when she died."

"Marine saw you as her friend for being there with her, Grayfia. And I know you share the same feelings." He gently patted his Queen's shoulder, "She was glad that you were with her when I couldn't be. And you don't know how grateful I am to you, Grayfia."

"Then prove your responsibilities to me and bare me a child." Grayfia's emotions bursted into tears.

"You know, I can't." Sirzechs replied with a sad smile, "The effects of the King Piece won't allow me to conceive a child. It's even a miracle to Ajuka how Alexander was born."

"You idiot." Grayfia sobbed by hitting her fists on his chest.

"Become Alexander's mother, Grayfia." Sirzechs ordered with a fond smile and Grayfia froze for a moment, "I know that's what Marine would've wanted, because believe it or not, you were her best friend."

"He won't accept me." Grayfia lowered her gaze.

"He will." Sirzechs replied and encouraged her with a bright smile, "Show him the photos."

"Wh-What photos?" Grayfia looked away in embarrassment.

"The ones that you're always hiding from me." Sirzechs replied with a meaningful grin, "We are going to Kuoh in a few days to attend Rias' Open House and the Peace Treaty conference. I am excited to meet him."

"Do you really think he will accept you?" Grayfia questioned, while wiping her tears with an handkerchief.

"Honestly, I don't care." Sirzechs shrugged with a bright smile.