
The Reawakening of the Mysterious

Delve into a world where the veil of the ordinary is ripped apart, unveiling the chilling resurgence of the supernatural in "The Reawakening of the Mysterious." I am the voice of the unseen, the echo of the ancient, and the harbinger of a new age where the dormant forces of the beyond stir once more. This tale follows the journey of Yang Jian, an unlikely hero thrust into the heart of a spectral uprising. In a society where the lines between reality and the supernatural blur, "The Reawakening of the Mysterious" presents a chilling hierarchy of ghosts and spirits, each with their own terrifying abilities and enigmatic rules that govern their existence. Yang Jian, armed with an extraordinary gift to command these entities, leads a team of misfits, each possessing unique skills to combat the otherworldly threats. They navigate a labyrinth of fear, unraveling mysteries that threaten to consume the sanity of the brave and the foolish alike. This is not just a battle for survival; it is a strategic game of power and wit, where every move can either quell the darkness or unleash an even greater horror. Join us on this electrifying adventure where the supernatural is the new frontier, and the only certainty is the unexpected. Will you stand with Yang Jian and face the shadows of "The Reawakening of the Mysterious"? Or will you become one with the darkness that now stirs?

three_fat · Fantasie
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77 Chs

Red Paper Covers the Eyes

In a public restroom.

Water gushed out as Yang Jian washed away the stinking blood from his face.

Feeling the cool tap water, he felt much calmer.

"Indeed, there is something wrong with me... That ghost could alter a person's memory, forcibly insert a non-existent person into my mind, and I didn't feel anything strange. Even with this eye, I couldn't detect any clues."

"If it weren't for Liu Xiaoyu's reminder, I would probably still be living at home with that ghost."

He looked up at the mirror in front of him.

The eyes on Yang Jian's face had disappeared, and he had temporarily returned to normal.

"Hey, Yang Jian, if you hear this, please respond. This is Liu Xiaoyu." Suddenly, the satellite phone next to the sink rang.

The call had not been hung up from before until now.

"It's me." Yang Jian picked up the phone and said.

"What happened on your side?" Liu Xiaoyu asked.

Yang Jian said: "You're right. My father did die in a car accident when I was in elementary school. That thing in the room just now was not a person... it was a ghost."

"Did you escape?"


Yang Jian wiped the water from his face. At this moment, he suddenly saw a piece of red paper stuck on the back of his hand.

This is... a fragment from the newspaper before.

"Okay, as long as you're fine. Can you tell me about the ghost?" Liu Xiaoyu asked.

Yang Jian said: "The ghost can tamper with people's memories. The pattern of action is unclear, and the way of killing is unclear. But I was almost suffocated to death by a blood-stained newspaper wrapped on my face before. I only know this for now."

"Okay." Liu Xiaoyu quickly recorded on the other side.

"Since my dad is a ghost, what about my mom? Where is she? And when did this ghost appear? You should be able to pull up the surveillance around here, can you check for me?" Yang Jian said.

Liu Xiaoyu said: "I can check for you, but you must cooperate with our work in the future."

"What work is there to do?" Yang Jian asked.

"It's just some simple information collection work for now. As long as you find the existence of any fierce ghost, you must report it immediately." Liu Xiaoyu said.

"What are the benefits?" Yang Jian said.

Liu Xiaoyu said: "To a certain extent, take care of relatives and provide a generous monthly salary. However, you are not a criminal police officer, and there is no monthly salary for the time being. But I can help your mother find a safer job."

"No salary, and you want me to work for you? I have seen that website. The reward for solving a fierce ghost incident is at least tens of millions of dollars. After becoming a ghost tamer, I won't live for long. If there are no substantial benefits, I refuse to work for you."

Yang Jian said very seriously.

Liu Xiaoyu on the other side of the phone was a bit anxious: "The high reward abroad is because the ghost tamers abroad are almost all mercenaries. They work for the reward, so the spread of supernatural events abroad is far higher than that in the country. You should be very clear living in Dachang City. Apart from the supernatural events you have encountered, you should rarely know which large-scale fierce ghost killings."

"This is due to the hard work of the ghost tamers in our country. If everyone thinks like you, what peace can the country have?"

"Don't talk about this topic for now. I have a little more situation here, and I will contact you next time."

Yang Jian didn't continue the conversation but hung up the phone.

"Beep..." Liu Xiaoyu on the other side heard the phone hang up and was angry.

Yang Jian hung up the phone, not to make an excuse, but because he needed to deal with the red paper stuck on the back of his hand at this time.

He tore off the red paper and was ready to throw it away.

This thing has been in the ghost's hand, revealing a kind of strange and evil nature. It's probably not a good thing to carry on the body.

However, just as he had just torn off the red paper.

The place where it was stuck immediately had a sharp pain on the skin and opened a gap.

A red eye appeared again.

At the same time, there was a strange wriggling feeling all over the body.

The eyes in the body began to be restless, as if because they had used their power before, they had awakened them from sleep.

"Could it be..."

Yang Jian looked at the red paper in his hand, did not choose to throw it away, but continued to stick it back on the back of his hand, just covering that eye.

The red eye immediately closed, and the strange wriggling feeling in the flesh and blood disappeared.

It seems that everything has returned to calm.

"Sure enough, this red paper can suppress the power of this eye. Although it's not complete... it can slow down the recovery of this eye."

Yang Jian saw this and was immediately a little surprised.

Then he thought of that sentence again: Only ghosts can deal with ghosts.

If the eyes in the body are considered a ghost, then the red newspaper is also a ghost.

The power of the two ghosts collided with each other and were restrained.

Perhaps this is the key to survival.

No, it's not right.

Then Yang Jian frowned: "If this guess is correct, why didn't the eyes get suppressed when I was bitten by the ghost baby in the teaching building before, but because of the stimulus, they recovered faster?"

Red newspaper... ghost baby.

What's the difference between these two.

After thinking about it.

Yang Jian thought this question can be saved for later, since the red newspaper can suppress the six eyes in his body, it must be taken back at all costs.

Because that's his chance to survive.

"I have to go home again."

Yang Jian's eyes were heavy, he took a deep breath, strode out of the public toilet, and prepared to go home to take a risk.

But just as he had just come out of the toilet, he was greeted by four or five young people who looked a bit ruffian-like.

"Brother, going to the toilet? Don't go, meeting is fate, how about discussing something with you?"

A young man saw Yang Jian's eyes light up and walked towards him immediately, reaching out and putting his hand on his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Yang Jian asked with a glance.

"It's nothing, just getting to know each other. My name is A Fei. I don't know what this brother's name is?" said the young man who claimed to be A Fei.

"Yang Jian."

A Fei said with a smile: "Then we are friends. Since we are friends, if a friend is in trouble, should you help? It just so happens that I am a bit tight today. Can Yang Jian lend me some money? Don't worry, I will return it with interest. Tomorrow when you come here, I will return it to you, not a penny less."

Yang Jian looked at him sideways and said, "Borrow money? I think you want to rob and extort. But if you want to rob and extort, can't you choose a more normal person to start with? I haven't been normal recently, you'd better stay away from me, I'm afraid I can't control myself and commit a crime."

"Kid, you are quite arrogant. A Fei asking you for money is giving you face. Don't be ungrateful. If you want to die, just say it, and I will fulfill you."

A young man with a knife patted Yang Jian's face.

"Friend, don't do this. It would be bad if something happened. Let me go, and let today's matter be as if it never happened, how about that?" Yang Jian said.

"Not good, don't think about leaving without taking out the money today." The young man with the knife chuckled.

"Brother, even if I ask you to lend it to me, I will return it to you next time we meet. Don't be so ruthless, we are friends." A Fei said with a mocking smile.

Yang Jian said: "Since you put it that way, I have no choice. The money is in the pocket of my pants, take it yourself."

"Consider it wise of you."

The young man with the knife got a little excited. He reached into the pocket to get the money.

But when he reached in, he suddenly felt something cold, like a glass ball, in the pocket.

He took it out subconsciously.

However, the young man with the knife soon found himself covered in blood, holding a red eye in the palm of his hand. The red eye slightly rotated, staring at him with a bizarre gaze.


The young man with the knife immediately screamed in horror, his face pale as he retreated.

But as he retreated, everything around him had turned into a bright red without him noticing.

Residential buildings, streetlights, the moon in the sky, even the ground... everything seemed to be shrouded in a layer of red light.

"Since we are friends, it should be fine for you to test the Ghost Domain for me, right?" Yang Jian slowly walked out of the restroom.

A Fei's eyes widened instantly.

Who was the person he was talking to if Yang Jian had just come out of the restroom?

At this moment, he didn't dare to look back, only feeling the person on his arm was cold... like a corpse.

"Ghost, it's a ghost!"

A Fei's face turned extremely pale with fright, and he turned around and ran, fleeing from the public restroom. The other thugs also turned around and ran in fear.

Yang Jian looked at the back of his hand at this moment.

Where the red paper was pasted, the outline of an eye showed through, but was quickly pressed down by the red paper again, then the eye emerged once more, seemingly in a struggle with each other.

"Growing six eyes allows me to use the Ghost Domain, but with one eye covered by the red paper, five eyes enable me to use the Ghost Domain, and the revival of the fierce ghost is stopped."

He felt pain from five parts of his body splitting open.

Five fields of vision were transmitted into his mind.

Everything around him was clearly under his control.

"Six eyes are the limit my body can withstand, but with five eyes, the situation is much better. Although there are still side effects, they are not as obvious." Yang Jian's gaze flickered, roughly understanding his own limits.

"If I get that red paper and cover all six eyes, does that mean I can use the power of the fierce ghost without side effects? No longer having to worry about the consequences of the fierce ghost's revival."

"But before that, I must master this Ghost Domain."

Yang Jian looked at the fleeing thugs; using them for testing was perfect.

Mastering the Ghost Domain was the capital for his next dealings with fierce ghosts, so using the power of the fierce ghost once was necessary, not a waste.