
The Reality of Vosh

"So this is my story description in the mind of this person?" he thinks to himself, looking the page up and down. he finds it interesting that his awareness of his existence stretches even to the description of the novel he's written in or at least how each person reading this perceives it. "I can't perceive anything outside of the words however." He thinks to himself still trying to decide whether he is a projection of a personality by the reader in direct reference to the lines written on a page. "I speak in an uncertain voice that changes with each of the reader's perceptions. I can't understand why I was made like this. I'll ask the author when I finally find the reality he exists in." He thinks as he continues scanning through the unsurmountable amount of existences within the void of nothingness. Whether those existences were inanimate objects or beings like him who suddenly came to exist for no reason other than no rules against them existing, it did not matter. Vosh dedicated himself to seek answers for all the questions he needs answers for and he'd never allow anything short of the author that wrote him into existence to stop him.

AuthorofVoids · Aktion
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12 Chs

Insubordination, Needles and Dead Bodies

Amanda finally casts a spell to link the minds of her teammates to a makeshift false and empty consciousness made of mana, excluding the two currently incapacitated.

It essentially acts as a room for the thoughts of all who are linked to it. All connected in the same way your brain is connected to your spine but not in a physical sense. It's called [Psychic link room]

She asks the other two available, "So what do you think about this, Helfried?"

The blonde hair spearman named Helfried mentally conveys to the room, "I wa'a trust dis guy, buh we ain' got a rea'on to trus'em. Same time we don giv'em wha he wan's we'll be havin a bad time."

"I vote for us to just give him what he wants. Even if it's the location of our city, after all we've prepared for hundreds of years in case the conceptuals found our sky cities." Amanda communicates.

"But those preparations will go smoother if they knew he was coming." Says the long haired club user man.

Helfried adds, "The o'ly one ov us tha cah ma'e it back in time is Villa...."

They all take a second to look back at Villa who flinches in surprise at the sudden increase in eyes on her.

She shouts, "W-why? W-hy are y-you all l-l-looking at me like that???" Her eyes widen even further and she starts crying, "No.... Dont leave me here and run!!" She falls to her knees begging Amanda, who is the closest to her "Please I won't even be able to hinder him for a moment!!! I-"

Amanda walks over to her and slaps her across the face then extends the mental connection to her. "Snap out of it! We're adventurers! Even if we are low class adventurers we have a duty to protect this place! So stop pissing yourself and pay attention!" Amanda proceeds to upload the information on the plan they've formed directly to her mind, despite mind magic not being her specialty no less.

Meanwhile Vosh thinks to himself, "I wonder how they'd feel if I told them I read the outline of their plan and telepathized thoughts? Wait, how do I know what telepathy is? Ah right. I was written with certain knowledge. Dedicating my subconscious to operating this avatar seems to have its drawbacks it seems. Like forgetting things." Vosh sighs which alerts the group. He continues to ask, "I just have some questions, do you mind answering?"

The long haired club user replies, "Yes but it depends on what you're asking rea-" he's interrupted by a fireball to the back of his head.

Amanda speaks, "We'll answer to the best of our abilities."

The long haired man looks back at her in anger then looks back at Vosh. "Yeah, what she said."

Villa walks over, still shaking but not even nearly as bad as earlier. She can at least walk somewhat normally, which is an improvement to the stumbling and tripping she was doing earlier.

She opens her mouth wanting to say something but finds herself completely lost for words. Everyone watches her intently waiting to hear her talk.

"So my first question....." Vosh says waiting for all of them to pay attention to him. "Where am I?"

Amanda clears her throat, "You are on the hidden sky civilization of [Atlatude]. Specifically you are in the [Serpent Forest] to the east of the [Atlas]."

Vosh asks, "Why are you guys out here?"

The long haired club user replies, "We're adventurers! We hunt the beasts of this forest then sell their corpses for profit."

Amanda adds to what he says, "What he means to say is that we belong to a group of competent people that keep the population of dangerous animals on this floating isle in check as to not overrun citizens with monster problems. Strong and unique monster's are made of exotic materials that can be repurposed and manufactured into various useful items, thus, professionals at this, exchange these materials from adventurers like us, with an item of specified and imperial value that can be used to further exchange. This item they give us in exchange for the materials is a special type of item in our society that has its own widely agreed on value and is used to exchange for almost anything. This item is called "money" and without it you won't even be able to obtain basic needs like food and clothing."

The club guy looks at her slightly annoyed, "Isn't that a bit too wordy?"

Amanda smiles, "No. I'd rather not spare any details for our new friend here."

Vosh says to Amanda, "Thank you for all the precise details Amanda."

The club user and spearman look at her disappointingly but say nothing in protest.

The spearman thinks to himself, "Wah is she doin? Wah is wrong wih al'em womens t'day?"

The clubman thinks to himself, "Is she dumb? Giving so much information of ourselves to the enemy."

Amanda's thoughts however were much different than the two, "Even though they understand that they couldn't win against this guy even if they tried, they still think they're in a position where they can fight back?! Do they not realize that if we give him unsatisfying, vague or confusing information it might make him angry and we don't know what he'll do if he gets angry! If we're really his first impression of the citizens of this world then it's best if we don't behave in a horrible manner but these guys...." She gritted her teeth looking at the two men gripping their weapons tighter despite having let them down.

Vosh thinks to himself, "I get the feeling I should definitely not tell them I'm literally reading their thoughts about me like a book." He of course realizes that Amanda is the only one who wants a peaceful solution. "But what the hell are these "conceptuals"? Are they the group of people that threaten the potential author that created me. if that's the case, then we have a common enemy."

Clive asks a question, "Who are these "Conceptuals" you kept speaking about?"

Vosh noticed a momentary tension sweep over them which gave him the impression that whatever they were, they were a big deal.

Amanda explains, "The conceptuals..." She stares at Vosh as if trying to figure something out, "..... Essentially they're incredibly dangerous beings that honed a form of [Concept Magic] to the point that they can bypass the natural laws of reality like [Causation]. In fact, it's recorded that their magic costs no magicubes, activates involuntarily and embodies a non magic based concept. For example, one of the conceptuals known as [Racism], when he hits you, everyone that belongs to the race(s) you can identify as takes that exact same amount of damage."

Vosh thinks for a moment, then comments, "I don't know why, but that just sounds incredibly ridiculous in various ways I myself can't understand. I see why you guys were cautious when approaching me. But no worries, I was only born 5 days ago."

"Bloo'y ell ar yah talkin bout yah twat? Who yah foolin wih suh a bad lie?!" Helfried remarks angrily to which Amanda throws a needle in his ass cheeks for saying.

"Excuse his manners, he doesn't know when to shut up sometimes." Amanda apologizes to Vosh.

Vosh replies, "I can't understand anything he's saying anyway so it's fine."

Helfried reaches out into the [Psychic link room] and asks, "Wah da fuq wah thah Amanda?!!?!"

Amanda retorts, "Are you trying to get us killed you fucking Neanderthal?!??!!"

The club user says, "Thinking about it this guy could destroy us in 4 seconds and if he really wanted to, he could just search the island for the city afterwards, yet he asks us questions and patiently listens. Could it be, he's telling the truth about himself?!"

Amanda retorts once more, "Well it seems the two braincells you use to swing that club has a friend you're using to think for once!"

Outside of the [Psychic link room], they're all having a glare off which Vosh can only watch play out.

Helfried replies in the [Psychic link room] "Oi don be le'in ya guard down, he prolly jus fu'in wih us."

Club user replies, "But if he's really just some powerful, lost naked guy that's less than a week old, shouldn't we help him?"

Helfried retorts, "Do ya e'en here the wor's commin out ya pie hole?!"

Amanda complains, "Helfried you're as stubborn as the sun's position!"

Club user questions, "Isn't the sun always moving though?"

Amanda facepalms in real life then says in the [Psychic link room] "I'm surrounded by fuckin idiots!!! Why did the only two people aside from me with a brain have to short circuit now of all times??!!!"

Club user asks angrily, "Who are you calling stupid now?"

Helfried follows, "Yeh! Who yah ca'in stoopit?!!"

Amanda replies, "Both of you weapon maniac retards!!"

Club user responds, "Fuckin nurd!"

Helfried follows, "Chemical pervert!"

From there on out it became a room of echoing angry thoughts. In the physical world, they were just standing there angrily glaring at each other.

Vosh breaks the silence, "Are you all always like this?"

Amanda walks over to him with a smile on her face, she stands in front of him and asks, "Would you like to visit our city? I'm sure you'll find all your answers there!" In the [Psychic link room] she shouts, ""Cum inspector" this Helfried!!!!"

Helfried says aloud, "Are you fucking insane??!??!"

Amanda responded with needles which he catches with his hand this time. But they explode in his face which burns his eyes.

He gets on the ground screaming, "Ahhhhhhh MA EEEEEYYYYEEES!!!" he starts twirling in pain and agony as the other party members (that are conscious) could only watch.

Amanda wraps her hand around his and escorts Vosh towards Villa, which startles her to no end.

Amanda says with needles in hand and smile on her face, "Open a portal to home. NOW."

Villa, who for a moment left her body behind to run faster after she saw Amanda's expression, opened a portal to the city.

Amanda looks back at the club user and says, "Dale be a dear and carry August and Helfried home. I've honestly had enough of insubordination and shenanigans today, do you understand?"

Dale; the club user was flabbergasted and frightened at her threatening smile, though he was unsurprised. He replied, "Sure, whatevs."

He suddenly finds two needles have pierced his shoulder which frightens him.

Amanda asks, "What was that?" While giving him the craziest glare he's ever seen in his life.

Dale straightens his back and says, "Yes leader!"

Also Villa has started crying in fear in the background. "I'm going to die!" She says in distress.

Amanda turns around and walks through the portal along with Vosh who couldn't help but think, "Wow! That's a seemingly easy way to get people to cooperate?"

He stepped through the portal and onto what seemed like a grassy hill and was immediately met with a dazzling sight of a strangely familiar city made of tall skyscrapers and concrete. It, however seemed very in sync with nature, with trees growing out windows and vines, flowers and moss growing everywhere.

"Why does all of this look familiar though?" Vosh thinks to himself.

Amanda interrupts his line of thoughts, "Welcome to the [Sky City of Atlatude] in the central region of [Atlas]! Though strangers are quite rare here, as long as you stick with me, a renowned and trusted chemist, you should be fine."

"That blonde haired man called you "cum inspector", why is that?" Vosh asks without knowing what the word "Cum" was after all.

Her tone turns monotone, "False accusations and unwanted scandals from when I was young. Don't believe anything anyone tells you regarding that. It's all lies."

A silence weighs in.

That silence is broken when Amanda says, "Well! Let's head to the gates!" She drags Vosh along while she walks.

Vosh looks behind him to see Dale walk with a limp body on each shoulder, mumbling something under his voice, obviously upset about something. He saw me looking and shot a glare at me, which I ignored because of what I saw behind him.

It was Villa, crawling out of the portal, sobbing still. She faceplants on the ground then the portal closes behind her.

"I wanna go home." She says in a muffled voice. A portal opens up below her and she falls right through it, ending up who knows where.

"That seems very useful." Vosh thinks to himself.

They were actually a bit more than 200 meters away from the actual city and were steadily approaching the city gates.

"So those are the gates you say?" Clive thinks in his mind as if to ask the narrator.

Amanda says, "You know, thinking about it.... Maybe we should at least get you some pants?"

Vosh suddenly remembers he's still completely naked. He then asks, "Will it pose a major problem?"

Amanda in an annoyed tone replies, "No. Male nudity is quite normal in the city. No one really cares." It seemed she was remembering some bitter memories.

Vosh says without even blinking nor hesitation, "Oh.... Then as long as no one cares then it's fine." As if being naked in public meant nothing to him. As if having people staring at his swaying unclothed appendage was of no consequence to him.

"But it's not though? I can't see the significance." Vosh thinks after reading the sentence.

He'll come to regret that.

"Wait wh-"

They arrive at the gates and Vosh immediately senses intense hostility.

Suddenly a beam of light scorches his shoulder at a speed he couldn't react to and without further warning a sword approaches his neck at much speeds.

Vosh prepares to intercept the sword by activating various skills. But Amanda steps forward and throws a needle at the holder of the sword and instead end up crashing into Vosh.

Vosh's entire world was spinning again, this time with an unknown being flying with him. He decides to kick the person off of them into an unchecked direction then rebalanced himself by kicking off of the ground. He eventually regains his sense of direction and balance then goes into a series of backflips to slowly kill the momentum, when the momentum was half way gone he disrupted it entirely by kicking into the air, performing a perfect summersault a dozen meters into the air then landing on both feet.

He stands there panting heavily after an extremely well coordinated only to be knocked off of his feet once more by the same body but at a slower speed.

Once again, Vosh's world was spinning. But this time he wasn't spinning or moving as fast and all he had to do was wait until the momentum died out.

He takes a look at the body and turns out, it was an unconscious, shirtless man who.... Was actually not breathing.

"Ah. Did the fall kill him?" Vosh thinks to himself. But then he takes a closer look and sees a small hole in the centre of his chest and a small half a centimeter thick needle protruding of his heart.