
The Reality of Vosh

"So this is my story description in the mind of this person?" he thinks to himself, looking the page up and down. he finds it interesting that his awareness of his existence stretches even to the description of the novel he's written in or at least how each person reading this perceives it. "I can't perceive anything outside of the words however." He thinks to himself still trying to decide whether he is a projection of a personality by the reader in direct reference to the lines written on a page. "I speak in an uncertain voice that changes with each of the reader's perceptions. I can't understand why I was made like this. I'll ask the author when I finally find the reality he exists in." He thinks as he continues scanning through the unsurmountable amount of existences within the void of nothingness. Whether those existences were inanimate objects or beings like him who suddenly came to exist for no reason other than no rules against them existing, it did not matter. Vosh dedicated himself to seek answers for all the questions he needs answers for and he'd never allow anything short of the author that wrote him into existence to stop him.

AuthorofVoids · Aktion
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12 Chs

Good Morning

Vosh wakes up feeling the most relaxed he's ever been. As if the concept of [Bliss] itself was embracing him. He was awake, but he didn't want to open his eyes because he was afraid it was actually just a dream and he didn't want to wake up. 

"You're quite the over indulgent brat aren't you?" Amanda asks him sarcastically.

Vosh replies in [Telepathy], "Please, just a few more minutes. In all the five months I've been alive, I've never felt more complete in life than right at this moment. Please, let me have this cacophony of nervana attacking my face and wrapping around my body. I don't care about anything else right now." The last phrase was referring to the fact Vosh isn't aware what incredibly soft surface his face is stuff in.

Little did he know that he has his face planted in Amanda's breasts and her arms are wrapped around him in a cuddling embrace.

"..... Author-san stop messing with me. Amanda would rather commit murder than let me plant my face in her voluptuous flesh in such a manner. Much less be cuddling me like this." Vosh thinks, suddenly realizing what he was feelings was the majestical feeling of skin on face contact, yet it was soft to a point that it sunk and smelt like Amanda usually did; various strange but not bad smelling chemicals of herbal origin. "Even more reason not to get up."

He decides to be bold then puts his hand around her waist then pulls her closer into an even tighter embrace to which Amanda responds by turning the cuddling embrace into a suplex on the floor from off the bed. Of course, he's durable enough to not feel terrible pain from it, but it does hurt to have his posture change so quickly and to have the momentum press down on his spine so suddenly. The supplexing did indeed knock the air out of him.


"Well you planted my face in your breasts without my permission so technically I'm the one that was sexually harassed." Vosh states while catching his breath.

She pauses, unable to argue with his logic, because he was in fact correct. Her anger leaves her body as she goes in thought, "Wait is that true?" She then realizes, "Wait a second, what were you even doing in my bed?!" She winced from the slight headache she still had and decided to not raise her voice anymore.

Vosh replies, "You spilt coffee all over mine. I also wanted to keep an eye on your condition because I was worried you had some terrible virus since you suddenly collapsed out of nowhere. It really frightened me."

Amanda teases, "hOh? You were worried about me that much?"

Vosh replies bluntly, "Yes."

Amanda, blushing but annoyed at how invulnerable he still is to teasing, "Tch. Well played."

"Well I did tell you I do in fact have romantic feelings for you haven't I? I've turned out to be quite the sapiosexual it seems." Vosh states. Which was true because over the last 2 months Vosh realized he did in fact have romantic feelings for her after having someone describe what romantic feelings are to him. He felt quite relieved because he thought he was gaining some mental illness he wasn't aware of.

Unnecessarily nervous around her, getting excited over spending time with her, self aware of his behavior around her, always wanting to do things for her to impress her among other complicated feelings towards her, strangely overly conscious about what she thought of him. It was all quite bothersome for him at the time as it felt quite out of character for him and thoughts of her distracted his studies constantly.

After realizing what he was feeling, his emotions no longer stirred easily and what he felt for her brought him calm instead of nervousness. Well, that's mostly because he confessed and he found out how she felt.

"And I've told you before, I don't feel the same." She quickly dismissed him everytime he told her of his feelings. "Well I've properly compensated you for looking after me. Get out. I have lots of womanly things to look after that a man shouldn't know about."

Vosh sighs knowing by now that it's just an excuse she uses to get him to leave, which she's done multiple times. Knowing well not to argue or ask about it he then walks out of the room. "I'll see you in the kitchen. I'm making bacon pancakes and coffee sweetened with coconut milk instead of beast milk."

After the door is locked behind him, she walks over to the other side of the room where a large painting was.

It was a new addition to her room and looked quite out of place seeing that it was the only painting in the room.

She removed that painting to reveal a wall of broken concrete in it. Cracks forming around a specific area.

It seemed like the wall suffered various impacts over time. Crators inside crators suggest different amounts of force at times but it was all concentrated in the same spot.

In related news.

Last night, was a unique situation where her judgement was impaired due to her nausea and headache so she could not properly apply her usual thoughts to her situation properly. Now that her mind was clear and she remembered everything.....

"I.... MUST NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR A CHILD!!!!" She smashes her head on the wall while shouting it in her mind, the impact reverberates through the one meter thick concrete.

She thinks it again and then smashes her head repeatedly, as if trying to purge her head by beating the unwanted thoughts out of her head. "He's only a couple months old, that's infantilism which is worse than pedophilia. You must not have such feeling AMANDA!!!" She screams in her mind trying her best to perceive Vosh in a non attractive light. "He's supposed to be like an adopted son! That's incest on top of it! What's wrong with my brain??!" She for some reason couldn't help but feel utter disgust for herself and has been using that apprehension to keep Vosh at an even further away distance since she found out he also feels the same.

She also knew that it was very likely that he knew about how she REALLY felt about him. She felt really bad about lying to him like this.

The temptation to accept him was too strong. Yet, she couldn't explain her own attraction to him. It was as if everything about him was cute, cool or attractive in some manner. Whether he was fighting monsters with his bare fists while covered in their blood, talking to customers as a salesman with almost perfect courtesy seemingly developed over night, paying attention closely to her lectures and showing amazing genius toward topics or even just when he's sitting beside her, reading a book in the library blob coach with her, it was all that she wanted from a man or so she realized just a month before Vosh confessed to her.

"Not to mention how he pays such fine attention to my every wants and needs. A massage when I'm tired, a warm bath when I need it or a cold one if I'm in the mood for it. I don't even have to say anything, it's as if he can read my mind. It's as if he knows me just as well as I know myself and he's so intelligent and hot while somehow remaining strangely manly. May-"

She stops her thoughts, realizing how dangerous they are. "HE'S AN INFANT!!! AN INFANT!!!" she reminds herself while smashing her head in the wall again. She cries internally, wanting to curse a higher force for making the man of her dreams an infant, as if it was some cruel joke. But she knew very well that [God] has nothing to do with this.

"[God] is dead. I killed him."

Her mind has the vague memory of those words alone reverberate in her skull and she remembers those words that erected so much.... Elated emotions within herself that she couldn't explain.

Strangely, this is the first she's had such a memory.

She didn't particularly hate or like [God], she even remembers fighting for him thousands of years ago. Though it was a out of a necessity to unify the nations at the time to fight the [Conceptuals].

But the fact that Vosh was [God's Chosen] likely meant he wasn't actually dead in any case, she already knew this yet this memory of this phrase echoed in her head and even stranger; excited her.

She feels worried in her gut, but feels compelled to try and remember the source of these memories

She sits there wondering what she should do about this for the rest of the morning and forgets to cook breakfast.

"I didn't see the rest of the dialogue, but author-san, you mean to tell me she does in fact feel the same as I do? But doesn't because I am legally an infant??! Is there something in the blank paragraph you're not letting me see? Because that sounds like a badly written joke." Vosh asks the narrator, unaware of the incredibly serious thing that just happened with Amanda, now he could only make guesses. "You leave for five fucking months and come back just to mess with me?" Vosh annoyed at the author, wishing he could find him to tell him a piece of his mind.

Currently he's in the kitchen making breakfast for Amanda. "Where is she? She's late." He wonders to himself.

He was making pancakes that were shaped like bacon strips while thinking about the blissful embrace of the morning. It was quite the nice feeling, her breasts that is. "I want to stay planted in them forever...." He says, daydreaming about her.

As he continues to stack another pancake Amanda walks into the kitchen looking unsettled. Vosh using [Multivision] sees her goosebumps and becomes worried.

"Amanda? You ok? You have goosebumps, did something happen?" Vosh asks her.

She seemed to be mustering up her courage to say something. Vosh, with his sharp senses hears her heart beating faster and her blood rushing. It distinctly reminded him of something he himself did before, but he just couldn't put his fingers on what.

"Vosh...." She timidly says while blushing red. "I-I haven't been honest about how I feel. You know what I want to say right?"

Vosh's eyes widen in surprise so much he almost dropped his spatula. He remembers he had the same physical reaction when he confessed to her.

Though he knew what she meant, he couldn't help but ask just to make sure, "I.... Don't know what you mean."

She flinches for a second, annoyed at him because despite him knowing her almost quite well, he's saying that. Which means he's either trying to milk her for a proper confession or he completely did not expect her to say this.

Secondly, she was angry at herself for feeling so shy that she was behaving like a 15yr old girl who can't confront her own feelings. She realized she was just really out of practice with being straight forward with me , after all she's spent a very long time being an purposefully unattractive businesswoman.

But instead of saying anything more, she decides to rob him of the satisfaction of hearing it and instead walks up to him and licks his lips.

Vosh drops his spatula at the unusual show of erotic affection. Her saliva was still on his lips, and didn't know whether he should wipe it off with his hand or lick it off to assert his feelings.

"You know how I feel now right? Are you really going to make me say it?" Amanda stands in front of him, unusually shy and weirdly bashful.

Vosh, realizing what's going on, realizing how uncharacteristically shy but simultaneously physically assertive she was being just to not say the proper words smiled sadistically, "I don't know what you mean."

That seemed like a last stroke for her but she really didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing her say it. She hated the idea of a smug child getting the better of her, "Merely a virgin" she thought angrily to herself.

So instead she pulls him closer and extends her tongue down the back of his throat while her lips pressed on his. In contrast, his tongue wasn't nearly as long and he found himself unable to return the favor due to how much space she took up in his mouth because her tongue was unusually big.

"Do you understand now?" She asks him telepathically, unable to speak right without her tongue

He replies, "Not quite."

She rolls her eyes realizing he's quite intent on milking the experience until he's had enough.

She turns off the stove behind him and this time drags him to the concrete table still in a French kiss with him, he kisses back this time but she wasn't going to let him get back in control. She's decided to establish her dominance on this cheeky brat. She trips him and throws him on the ground.

Vosh was not expecting it. While it did hurt, he was still surprised by the unusual sensuality of it and that she did that while she still had her tongue still down his throat and going deeper down.

He was caught off guard and yet, he didn't dislike it in the least. The intensity of her actions showed how badly she wanted him and he really found that hot for some reason.

She mounts him then pulls out her tongue from out of his throat and sits straight up as if to get a better view of him. "Whats with that stunned look you have on your face? Never been kissed by a long tongued beast person before? Oh right. You're a virgin, I guess that was your first time." She says with quite the sadistic tone, playful even while still having her long tongue leaving his throat, which was a first time seeing her like that for Vosh.

From Vosh's view she looked almost imposing, her relaxed eyes and a slightly raised chin said that. Only her red cheeks and sloppy tongue betrayed her true intent along with her gaze and snake like grin. Then whatever imposing visage she had soon became quite utterly erotic. It seemed as if she had changed into a different person that was stuck in a trance.

Then from out of nowhere she slaps him across the face for seemingly unannounced.

"Are you satisfied?" She asks him, still blushing from ear to ear but still managing to keep a sadist's smile.

Vosh asks, stunned by the sudden violence asks, "What was that for?"

She replies, "For taking advantage of my feelings for your own personal satisfaction. You're quite the horny pervert."

Vosh replies, "You're the one that ransacked my throat though?"

She slaps him again, "Maybe you're right. It has been a very long time since I've been with a man. Maybe I'm just so pent up that I've been looking at a child like you with such thirsty eyes. I really want to.... ravish you boy. But make no mistake my sadistic boyfriend....."

The last words reverberated in Vosh's mind.

She she slaps him again but it was to turn his head, Vosh feels the sting on his face once again.

Then she whispers in his ear in such a smooth and affectionate voice that contradicted her words, giving him goosebumps all over his body, "I'm the top. You're the bottom."

She smiles sadistically, feeling him get hard expectantly beneath her. But she decides to discontinue and stands up, then walks off, leaving him on the floor.

He's confused, "W-what? Aren't we...."

Amanda walks over to the counter to take herself a seat. "What? Were you expecting sex? You realize we have a lot to do today since yesterday was cancelled? You have to go adventuring solo. You said you'd get a [Job] and I need to synthesize [Earth Demon Blood] into [Demon Cells] for a client. We can't afford to waste time under sheets."

Vosh sighs then looks to the side in disappointment.

Amanda rolls her eyes, "Ugh. Stop being childish. Tactics like puppy dog eyes won't persuade me. It's a frequent client. I cant ignore him."

Vosh, who was unaware of what he was doing smiles, realizing he has gained a new weapon.

Amanda, sighs as she realizes she may have just armed him unknowingly. She decides to tease him a bit, "Nice gag reflexes by the way." She touches the tip of her thumb and index and pushes her tongue through it

He blushes.

She retracts her tongue while wide eyed and freezes for a second but in her mind she's freaking out, "OMGHEJUSTBLUSHEDITSSOFUCKINGCUTEOMGSJDDBDGKDDNDABRSBG" outwardly she puts her hand down, turning a shade of red that concerns Vosh.

He comes closer to her worrying if she properly recovered, "Are you alright?"

She sees the slight blush still left on his cheeks and averts her eyes, "No. Its nothing." that was indeed the first time she saw him blush, like, ever. It was a bit overwhelming for her.

She decides to spend the rest of breakfast explaining why their genitals are incompatible in the first place, which is mainly due to his size and that's why they can't have sex. Vosh was of course not happy to hear this.

After eating breakfast and feeling denied of a potentially thrilling humanoid experience, bathing and tongue activities they both go off on their daily duties.

Vosh knew his way around most of the city now, he may not know certain areas but he knows his way to the guild.

"I wonder what [Job] should I pick?" He thinks to himself as he walks to the guild in his [Black Mammoth Skin Pants] wrapped below his knees with [Grey Tropical Dragonskin] and wearing [Goliath Demon Rib Boots] that matched his [Green Air Dragon Turtleneck].

Vosh opens his status.


Name: Vosh [Void]

Race: Void person

Age: ???

Job: none (37 New Jobs Available)

Titles: [God's Chosen] [Foreigner] [Mana Lord] [Genocide Enthusiast] [The Defyer] [Medicine Expert] [Object of Public Lust] [Magic Expert]

Level: 1462/????

Weight: 187kg


•Health Points: 11,904,390

•Strength^: 692,689kg

•Resistance^: 760Adm

•Mana affinity: 100% (↑Channeling)

•Mana Capacity: 17.73 trillion (↑Focus)

•Auxillary Stats^(New Available!)

»Active Skills«


•Detect:max--->Awareness:max--->Notice:max--->See:lvl06(New Advanced)

•Strength Burst:max---> Strength Blast:max--->Muscle Control:lvl56(New Average!)

•Enduring body:max--->Sturdy physique:lvl23 (New Average!)

•Transcend Strength:max---> Eclipsing Power:lvl34 (New Advanced!)

•Robust Skin:max--->Durable Skin:max--->Dense Skin:lvl12 (New Mega Innate!)

•Dense Magic Barrier:max--->Durable Magic Barrier:lvl45---> Absorbent Magic Barrier:lvl09 (New Mega Innate!)


•Reverse Perfect Mana Channel:max

•Infuse Element:lvl89 (New Sub-Advanced!)

•Muscle Control:lvl754



•Gather Focus:max--->Focus:max--->Super focus:lvl28 (New Advanced!)

»Passive Skills«

•God's blessing:lvl01

•|????????????| Link:lvl?? (????)

•Pain Resistance:lvl520

•Mana Perspiration: lvl56

•Outer Mana Enticement:max

•Constant Magic Barrier:max

•Body Coordination:lvl62



<[Perfect Mana Channel]


Vosh ponders to himself, "Weird.... I have new [Auxiliary Stats]? I haven't opened my status sheet since a couple weeks ago but I definitely didn't have any new ones aside from [Intuition].

He then realizes, "Oh wait, the readers haven't seen these new skills since the author skipped so much of the time I was here. I'll just show the audience real quick."