
Chapter 1: The 1st Chapter Begins

August 34, 2025. A date to be remembered by the people of Earth. However, this was the start of a change. A change that only one man, saw coming.

August 33, 2025. It was around 11:10 pm. In the city of Cebu, many late night business and shops were still wide awake. Midnight bars, 24/7 convinient stores and many women who work along the streets were awake.

Many civillians were still awake at the near peak of night. Students, workers and shady guys. One such individual was riding a taxi to go back home. This man's name was Angelo Reyes.

Reyes was you're regular office worker. A 30 year old office worker who had the face of what seemed like an idol from south korea. Reyes had a small percent of a korean lineage to him and his facial features represented that, but aside that, he wore the regular suit of a regular office worker. Suit and tie and that's it.

'I can't wait for the new chapter.' The thoughts of Reyes said.

Reyes was an avid novel reader. Well, only for one certain novel. A novel that was titled [The Earth's End]. The novel was a source of entertainment to Reyes. The novel's protagonist was someone he related to, a office worker who was tired of his bland life and was offered a new adventure, being both afraid and excited.

With that, Reyes pulled out his phone to read another chapter of the favorite novel of his. He opened his phone to read the novel of his liking. From there, he began to read the novel while waiting to be dropped off to his destination.

"...You addicted like the others, buddy?" Th driver asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You're phone. You addicted to it like the other highschoolers?"

Hearing this made Reyes a bit offended. "No. Just reading a novel." He said.

"A novel huh? Didn't know these had books in 'em. I always thought theu were only used for calling and maps." The driver showed his lack of knowledge in gadgets.

Reyes peeked through the rear-view mirror to see the man's features. The man looked as if he was in his mid 50's, doing taxi driving to make some extra money.

"Yeah...technology has really evolved, huh?" Reyes said.

After that little conversation, the taxi ride was all quiet. An awkward silence filled the car. So, Reyes decided to go back to reading and just ignore the awkward ambience that they both created.

However, after a few minutes, the taxi came to a full stop in an apartment complex. It was a 2 story apartment complex that was all cement.

"Okay...that's 98 pesos and 25 cents." The driver said.

Reyes reaches for his wallet and pulled out a 100 dollar bill. He paid the driver and was given change. He exited the taxi and went up the stairs to go the 2nd floor, where his room was located.

"Finally...home sweet home." Reyes said with a relieved tone.

He had just finished doing overtime at his office and wanted nothing more than to rest and sleep. Reyes went to the edge of the apartment complex's left side and took out a key. He opened the door to the very end of the left hall and entered.

He turned on the lights and revealed a relatively clean room. He let out a yawn as soon as he saw his bed. He took of his tie and blazer only for him to throw it on the ground and plop down on the bed tiredly.

However, Reyes remembers the chapter of [The Earth's End] that he was reading. Remembering it gave him some energy to continue to read it our of pure curiousity on what would happen. So, he took it out again to read.

He remembers that the author announced that they would be ending the novel around this night. And right on cue, a new chapter was published titled [The Last Chapter], which surprised Reyes. He only had a few chapters left to read, but decided to skip them and read the last chapter first out of curiousity.

"The last chapter...This is the end." He said with a bit of sadness.

Reyes began to read, a bit saddened that his favorite series was coming to an end. The series is what gave him entertainment and fullfillment. Characters that he liked and was relatable to him, especially the main character who he related so much. So, seeing the series come to an end was a bitter end to him.

And so, Reyes began to read it. The chapter started with the main character, seemingly in a sun-lit sky, standing on clouds, looking around, confused. Infront of him, was a girl who seems to be wearing the same outfit as the main character. He began to read out loud the dialogue.

[...You finally made it. You really are worthy.] The girl in the novel said.

[What do you mean? Who are you] The main character responded.

[That can be said later. What's more important is, you are here. That's all that matters. This one last attempt out of millions.]

[Millions? What do you mean millions? Just who are you and what are you talking about?] The main character said as he began to approach the girl.

[You have a bit of writing, Sir. To write a novel...for yourself.] The girl said.


[It's time to retire and replacr me. After all...you are us. Are me...Mr. Angelo Reyes.] The girl said.

As soon as Reyes red that, his face turned pale. The author knew about him and his name but how!? The main character was exactly named like him, Angelo Reyes. Reyes began to think on whoever this author was, maybe a friend or acquaintance, but all of his friend weren't interested in novels or even read.

To know more about this, Angelo decided to just continue reading. Maybe this'll answer his question.

[August 34, 2024...is where it all starts...again and again like it always does. But now...you and him can change it.] The girl said.

[Change!? Change what!?] The main character asked.

[Enough questions...It's time for you to write...and it's time for you begin the journey...Mr. Angelo Reyes.] The girl said as the book describes the girl to look into Angelo through the screen.

All of a sudden, as soon as the clock had hit 12:00 am. The ground began to shake. An earthquake was taking place as an alarm from the building rang. Reyes was frozen i shock. This...was all too familiar. This was the first chapter of [The Earth's End].

"No way...this can't be real!" Reyes shouted.

Reyes exited his room to see the sky was replaced by an all red, blooded sky. In front of him, were fellow tenants of the building. This was all the same in chapter 1 that he red.

"The 1st chapter! This is the 1st! Then that means..." He said.

Right on cue, a statuse window appeared infront of each person that was near him. The status window was blue to every person in the vicinity, however Angelo's was red, with white texts written on it

[Welcome Reader! The 1st Chapter of "The Earth's End". Has begun.]