
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 3 The Coming Storm Part Two

-Three Hours later-

After three hours of non stop running at her top speed Yoruichi stopped when she was in the middle of the large mountain valley she knew that she was near the village since she could see the Genjustu of Clouds that cover Kumo right ahead of her. It was a special Genjustu that was created by one of The Raikage former sensei's who was a master at Genjutsu the Cloud cover Genjutsu truly gave the village it name as the village Hidden in the Clouds. Not even the famed Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan that Konoha loved to brag about could see through this Genjutsu.

As she walked forward into the Cloud cover Genjutsu she then felt four chakra signatures near her although they were well hidden where even the most skilled Shinobi could easily miss them if they were not looking out for them. She then stopped and spoke in a confident and calm voice.

"You can all come out now I know your there"

As soon as she finish speaking four Kumo SHOCK Shinobi's appeared in front of her all wearing their Yellow animal shaped masks with Black lines around them shaping the face. Most of the ANBU divisions in Kumogakure wore animal masks to conceal their identities but each division had different colours for their masks SHOCK would wear masks with Yellow and Black, BOLT would wear masks with Red and Black while STORM would wear masks with Blue and Black, while CIND didn't wear any since they did not need to.

"Forgive us Yoruichi-senpai we did not realise it was you until just now, we did not expect you back till this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest" said the Boar masked SHOCK member who was clearly the captain of the group

"That ok! I didn't plan to come back so quickly but I have urgent information that The Raikage must know immediately" said Yoruichi in a serious tone which was unlike her usual cheerful and playful self that everyone knew her for.

Knowing that it must be serious consider her tone the SHOCK members quickly allowed Yoruichi walkthrough.

As she continued to walk on the Genjutsu soon started to dispel in which she could finally see the Gates of Kumogakure or as many people would call it New Kumogakure. The village in front of Yoruichi was not the original Kumogakure village since that had been destroyed during the last battle against The Godaime Raikage.

After the Civil War The Rokudaime Raikage had New Kumogakure built in this valley for several reasons one of those reasons was because like the original village. New Kumogakure had mountains on both sides and there were few paths both large and small that led to the valley where the village was and all were easily defendable. The village had mountains on both it sides and one large mountain behind it, the main front wall (or outer wall) of the village was at lest thirty meters thick of solid stone and was a hundred meters high and the wall stretch from one end of the valley to the other. The main village Gateway had a large metal gate that had two crouching Dragons on either side of it the gate would be left open during the day and closed at night, in which in the event of a siege the gate would be bolted down and a Fuuinjutsu called Fuuin Teppeki (Sealed Iron Wall) that was on the two Dragon Statues that flanked the entrance would activate sealing the gate shut.

As soon as Yoruichi went through the main entrance to village she started to run along the roof-tops of the Civilian District which was not an uncommon thing to happen in the village since Ninja's would often do that. As she ran Yoruichi looked around New Kumogakure she could not believe that they had built all this in just under three years since they had only just fully finished building it a month or two ago.

New Kumogakure was easily five times bigger than any other village in the Elemental Nations. The village itself was split in four large Districts with a wall dividing each District the inner walls themselves were no were near as thick as the main one but were at lest a few feet thick and quite strong and were just as high as the outer wall.

The first District which was directly behind the outer wall was the Civilian District where the Civilians lived in whether they be rich or poor all Civilian lived in this District in which they had their own Schools, Hospitals, Gardens, Parks, Police force and stores to shop since this District was also where trading for goods was mainly done.

The second District was the Industrial district were the village had its machinery built such as Kumo airships, war balloons, weapons, armour, siege weapons, trains, and other types of machinery, there was even several large landing platforms for the Airships to land on in this District.

The third District was the Shinobi District where all Shinobi's and their families as well as Shinobi Clans lived in this District and like the Civilian District the Shinobi District had their own Academies to learn their Ninja skills (Civilians were also allowed to join if the they wanted to), Hospitals, as well as weapons and gears stores to get equipment from, there was even a large stadium built for torment fights and the Chunin exams.

The fourth and final District was the ruling District where The Raikage was in as well as the Daimyo due to the fact that during the Civil War the former Daimyo Yoshiaki burned down the palace and the capital of Kaminari no Kuni when he realised that he was losing the Civil War and didn't want it to fall into Rebel hands. After the Civil War when New Kumogakure was being built it was decided that the new palace of the Daimyo would be built in New Kumogakure and rule the county from New Kumogakure although New Kumogakure itself would stilled be ruled by The Raikage in which the Daimyo could not interfere with anything that went on in the village unless it greatly effected the Daimyo or the rest of the people of Kaminari no Kuni.

When Yoruichi arrived at the ruling District she looked up at The Raikage tower or to be more precise The Raikage mountain tower since The Raikage tower was the mountain that was directly behind the village. The Raikage had tunnelled into the mountain and hollowed it out to allow people to be in it in which he then spent several months making it suitable for people to work in it since the tower would be the main focus point for everything that happens in the village whether it being Civilian matter or Shinobi matter.

Whenever she looked at it Yoruichi could not help but laugh remembering when The Raikage first told her his plans for New Kumogakure and what he would do. She remembered how she called him and baka to think he could do that. She also remembered how he just laughed and said that he be able do that and build New Kumogakure in just under three years after which she replied that if he did do that in that time frame she tongue kiss her former second in command Soifon(6) in public. Thinking of which she could not help but then laugh at all the men that had went to the hospital due massive nasal haemorrhaging when she did it not to mention Soifon could look at her in the face for a week after it without blushing of embarrassment. Since not only had The Raikage done what he said he do he even tunnelled into the sides of the other mountains on New Kumogakure side and made the sides of the mountains into docking ports for the Kumo Airships. He also made several underground tunnels and bunkers under the village for the Kumo ANBU units and underground tunnels and bunkers for the Civilian to use should the village come under attack.

She also remembered several times when foreign dignitaries from other members of the Heavenly Alliance came to New Kumogakure and they would gazed at it in wonder, where they would often ask how he was able to build this massive size village (or city as some would call it) so quickly in which The Raikage would just laugh each time and reply "Jutsu's can be used for more than just fighting".

Yoruichi quickly went into The Raikage tower/mountain through the massive double stone doors that had two Giant stone Tigers flanking the doorways in which the two stone Tigers had Fuuin Teppeki on them so that the doorway would be sealed shut when needed.

When inside it was not want most people would expect it to be instead of being dark, dank, and cold. The main hall of the tower/mountain looked like a palace hall in the middle of it was a beautiful foundation with cool clear water and statues made of pure marble that resembled Dragons Tigers and Falcons. There were benches made of solid marble in which the seats themselves were covered in soft leather. Light was coming through several large openings and was distributed all over the halls by both water and special light emitting crystals that glowed softly giving the tower/mountain a very soft but strong amount of light. The walls were smooth and covered in small gems and inlaid with copper mirrors which appeared to be well polished, as well as silver and gold designs that made the place even more grandiose than before and in the areas were healthy trees and bushes giving out a sweet scent to the tower/mountain. The floors were made from tiles that combined, marble, jade, and smooth limestone and were very strong all in all, the main hall was impressive to say the lest.

When a person looked up they would see all the different floor levels where different departments were on each level dealing with the different affairs in the running of the village both civilian and Shinobi matters. There were stairs and even lifts to get a person up to certain levels faster which was a good thing since The Raikage tower/mountain was always busy with activity. At the top roof point of the tower/mountain was a large glass dome that was directly above the fountain and shone more light down on it and the rest of the tower it also allowed the stones in the fountain to sparkle in the light. Not only was tower/mountain magnificent in the inside it was also easily defendable where just three squads of Ninja's could easily hold out for months against an enemy army, since the main doors were made of stone and when shut could take massive poundings they even had special seals on it that made them highly resistant against most Jutsu. The inside of the tower was also covered ten feet of solid rock there was even several small openings for the defenders to fire arrows, spears or Jutsu from down on the enemy as well as many traps inside the tower for the enemy which could be activated should the enemy be able to breach the doors or somehow enter in tower/mountain.

Yoruichi quickly got on one of the lifts and soon arrived at The Raikage office which was at the top floor of the tower/mountain. She greeted his secretary Ise Nanao who was an old friend of hers after which Nanao told her to go right a head into his office.

The Raikage office was simple it was a large double O circler shaped room with his desk facing the main double door to his office and with a large widow behind the desk so that The Raikage could look out the window and over the village. On both sides of the wall of the circler room in front of The Raikage desk were bookshelves filled with scrolls and books as well as a small spiral stairs that would allow The Raikage to go to the platform of the second level of his book shelf's as well as go onto the balcony that was right above The Raikage desk. It was then when she looked up to her left on the second level of the book shelf's that she saw him reading a scroll after which she made herself notice since he had yet to do so since he was focus on the scroll he was reading. When he did notice her he looked up and had a small smile on his face he then spoke.

"Good day Yoruichi I'm surprised that you arrive back so soon I did not expect you back till at lest this evening. I trust that the talks with the Saitō Hajime went without much difficulty" said The Raikage politely as he made is way down the spiral stairs and seated himself in his seat behind his desk facing her

"There was no real problem with the talks although Saitō and the Rebel Factions are hesitant to join forces with us as you expected. But I was able to arrange an agreement with Saitō were in return for supplies of food, medicine as well as a few other things he and the other Rebel Factions are willing to give us detail information on The Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo which includes any and all plans that they are making and information of their military strengths" said Yoruichi

This caused The Raikage to smile since he knew that the information from Saitō and his people would very useful in the near future against The Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo not to mention that this arrangement with the Rebel Factions would be a important stepping stone for a full Alliance with them.

"Good work Yoruichi you did an excellent job! I knew you would even if the Rebel Factions in Mizu ni Kuni are not fully Allied with us. They are at lest willing to share information with us and with this agreement we can slowly gain their trust and where we can then get a full Alliance with them later on" said The Raikage

"Raikage-sama there something else that you should know Princess Sachi of Umi no Kuni has been captured by The Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo forces five days ago" said Youruichi

"WHAT?" shouted The Raikage in disbelief

Yoruichi then went and explained what her summon Hina had told her about what had happen to the Princess

When she finished The Raikage spoke in a serious tone of voice "Yoruichi did you give Saitō the Projection Ball like I asked you to?"

"Yes of coarse" answered Yoruichi "I even showed him how it works and what to do" she continued

The Raikage nodded and then went and opened up a small box on his desk, in the box was a small glass ball that had several seals craved on it, the ball was small enough to fit perfectly in the palm of his hand.

Although The Raikage was not they type of person to brag about how skilled he was he had to complement himself on his skills in creating the projection ball.

The Projection Ball worked as a two way communication link for The Raikage where if he needed to speak to one of his commanders or the leaders of an Alliance member Country or an Allied Country. All he would need to do would be to place the ball in his hand and think of the person he wanted to speak with in which the other person ball would start to glow and heat up telling them that someone wanted to speak to them in which once they picked up the ball in their hand an astral projection of The Raikage would appear in front of them as would an Astral Projection of them appear to The Raikage. It would even work for other holders of the Projections Balls where they could not only make contact with The Raikage but they could also make contact with one another. It also had a security measure where when a person first gets a projection ball all they need to do would be to spread some of their blood on the ball and it would connect them with the other projection balls and the ball they got would only work for them since it only works for the person whose blood was spread on it first.

The Projection Ball was based on a Jutsu that he read about in one of his old sensei scrolls that was called the Gentōshin no Jutsu (Magic Lantern Body Technique) although the scroll explained the basic of how the Jutsu worked it did not tell him how it was done, in which The Raikage then spent several years creating his own version of it with seals which in the end proved successful.

The Raikage quickly picked up the Projection Ball and closed his eyes and then reopened them again when an astral projection of Saitō Hajime appeared in front of them.

"Hmmm!... So this is how this thing works I hate to admit it but this is an impressive piece of Fuuinjutsu" commented Saitō in which he then looked up at The Raikage and raised his eyebrow

"Huh! So you're the famed Rokudaime Raikage I being hearing so much about the famed The Raiden no Kami (The God of Thunder and Lightning) or as many Shinobi in Kiri call you The Arashi no Oni (The Demon of Storms). I have to admit I pictured someone a bit….. different from all the stories I heard about you especially that rumour I heard recently where you defeated-"saidSaitō but before he could continue The Raikage interrupted him

"Forgive me Saitō-san but as much as I like to have a pleasant conversation with you about the things you heard about me I must interrupt you since I wish to speak to you about the information that you had sent to Yoruichi"spoke The Raikage seriously

"Fine! What is it that you want to know?" asked Saitō

"I would like you to give me a more detail account on what happened and what The Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo are planning on doing since I guessing what you told to Yoruichi was just a basic overview of what happened" said The Raikage

Saitō just nodded and then spent the next half hour explaining in detail what had happened since an agent of one of the Rebel Factions in Mizu no Kuni was on board one of the ships when they attacked the Princess ship. He also told them the names of Konoha Ninja's that had been captured with her and that they were all being held in "The Hold" Mizu no Kuni strongest Prison. When Saitō finished The Raikage thanked him and told him that he send medical and food supplies to him and his forces within two weeks and said that he may call on him for more information soon which Saitō just nodded and his Astral Projection disappeared.

When Saitō Astral Projection disappeared a harden look came across his face.

Yoruichi knew this look well since she had fought with him in many battles during the Civil War. During the Civil War she became close friends with The Raikage and was considered one of his closest friends as did she, hence she was able to know when he was anger or extremely serious about something and the look on his face told her that he was planning something big and it would be serious.

The Raikage quickly called for his secretary Nanao in which she quickly entered the room

"Nanao! I want to you to send a message to all Shinobi Commanders and all major Shinobi Clan Heads as well as Lady Daimyo Kicho and Sensei. I want you to tell them that we are convening a War Council in two hours time" order The Raikage

This of course got a surprise gasp from both women since there had not been a War Council since the Country final stabilised when The Raikage was able to get all the remaining forces of The Godaime Raikage and Daimyo Yoshiaki to surrender and join the Rebel Factions. The only reason a War Council would be held would be either to declare War on another Country or a plan a major military operation either of which was possible right now.

It took a few minutes for the two women to get out of their shock states but they eventually did in which Nanao quickly nodded her head and went to do want The Raikage ordered. The Raikage then turned to Yoruichi and told her to go a get a bite to eat and have a shower and be ready for the War Council since she would be expected there, after which the Woman nodded and left the office leaving The Raikage alone with his thoughts.

"Things are moving much faster than I had expected them to but if I plan this right I can turn this to our advantage and the Heavenly Alliance will have a few new members as well as an new ally" thought The Raikage as he started to work on the plan to rescue the Princess and make both Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance stronger

-Two Hours later in The War Council Room-

The War Council room of Kumo was a large room inside The Raikage tower/mountain it had a thirty foot tall entrance with two equally sized double wooden doors to close it to outsiders. Inside the middle of the room was a large wooded round table that would allow up to thirty people to sit around it, one of the chairs around the table was larger than the others and more elegant in design. That seat was reserved for The Raikage there was also another seat behind The Raikage seat which was on a large stone pedestal with a seat on it which over looked the War Council table this seat was for the Daimyo in which the Daimyo would be allowed to watch over the council meeting if she wished to and could add her input if it was required or asked. Also on the wall of the Council Room on the Right hand side of the War Council table was a map of the Elemental Continent and the entire island Nations near it. The room itself had also seals in its to prevent any anyone to outside the room to hear what was being said or what was going on in the room.

Yoruichi was the first person to arrive in the War Council room and as she entered the two STORM members guarding the door saluted her which she replied in just. She then went and took her seat and put up her legs on the table to wait for the others to arrive which was not long since about two minutes after she arrived in the room her former second in command Soifon entered the room.

Soifon was a relatively short and petite woman with lightly tanned skin and black hair. She wore sleeveless white haori and a yellow obi tied around her waist. Underneath it she wore a tradition Ninja outfit that has no sleeves and didn't cover her back. Her hair was worn short with two long braids covered in cloth. Soifon and Yoruichi had been friends for many years even before the beginning of the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni. Before the Civil War Yoruichi was a ANBU captain of Kumo Assassin division much like want she was now Soifon had joined her division as a young gifted prodigy who saw Yoruichi as her hero and idol Yoruichi later on took her on as an apprentice in which they grew close and Yoruichi saw her as a younger sister while Soifon thought of her as both an order sister and her idol. When the Civil War started Soifon followed Yoruichi along with many others from Yoruichi division and fought for the Rebels after the Civil War ended Soifon became the captain of the SHOCK division. But even though they were equal rank Soifon continue to regards Yoruichi as her superior and continued to call her Yoruichi-sama which annoyed Yoruichi since she hated being called by old traditional tiles like sama and Soifon knew that well.

"Hello Youichi-sama it good to see you back!" said Soifon politely Yoruichi just signed and said

"How many times do I have to tell you Soifon to stop calling me that we are equal rank now and even when I took you as my apprentice I told you not to call me that you know how much I hate being call by those stuffy old title names even that husband of yours doesn't like being called like that when he off duty"

"But what's wrong with calling you Yoruichi-sama? Yoruichi-sama? I'm only showing you respect Yoruichi-sama. You can't possible hate being called Yoruichi-sama that much? Yoruichi-sama?" said Soifon with a small smirk on her face when she saw Yoruichi eyebrow twitch with annoyance since she loved to annoy her like this after all the times Yoruichi use to tease and annoy her since Soifon knew how much things like that annoyed her former sensei and surrogate big sister.

Yoruichi just sighed again with annoyance and said "I swear your getting more and more like that husband of yours especially when he gets in the mood to annoy someone. Whatever happened to that stiff ass young girl who always followed orders and didn't question why and hardly ever lightened up?"

"I believe she left after a few years of being your apprentice since a bit of you had to rub off me as well as when I got married" answered Soifon with a small smile after which the two women then started to laugh a bit but soon after stopped and got serious.

"So The War Council has finally been called again do you know why?" asked Soifon to which Yoruichi nodded and said

"Yes I do but I believe that it best to wait till he and all the others arrive since he can give you the full detail of what happening and what he plans to do."

Soifon just nodded understanding that she would find out what was happing soon enough.

The two women were soon joined by Hayabusa Ryūhead of the STORM ANBU division of Kumo as well head of the Hayabusa Clan. Although the Hayabusa Clan held no blood limit they were the best Assassins and Fighters in all of Kumo which Yoruichi new well since most of her best men and women were from that Clan. The Hayabusa Clan Ninja's also made up a large fraction of the STORM division as well, this was because at a very young age all children in the Hayabusa Clan were train to be Shinobi's where they went through harsh training so that they would be as strong and skilled as they could be. The Clan was also extremely loyal to The Raikage due to that fact that during the Civil War the Hayabusa Clan sided with the Rebels in which at a late point in the war The Godaime Raikage found the secret base of Hayabusa Clan were their families stayed. He then tricked most of the Clans Shinobi to leave it in which he sent a large force of his Ninja's to attack the base and destroy it and captured as many of the women and children as possible so to hold them as hostages so to force the Hayabusa Clan to fight for him and control them. Fortunately The Raikage had been near the base and was able drive back The Godaime forces and when the Hayabusa Clan Shinobi's returned and found out what happened Hayabusa Jô (Ryū father and Clan head of the Hayabusa Clan before he was killed in battle near the end of the Civil War), swore a blood oath that he and his Clan would serve and protect The Raikage and his future Clan until they repaid the depth that they owed him for saving their families.

Despite his age Ryū had the demeanour of a man far older than himself and often spoke with great wisdom which many people would stay silent to listen to. This was due to his prolific lineage and mantle of station as the head of a highly respected Shinobi Clan in Kumo as well as in other nations. His exploits from the Civil War and before it had given him an attitude far removed from most others, and he understood things in more abstract and philosophical terms. He had a tranquil nature, much akin to water; free flowing most of the time, but unforgiving and crushing when roused in which many people would often try and stay on his good side. Although not often he would join many of Shinobi Commanders in a few social drinks of sake now and again, he was even married to the daughter of the head of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan Kasumi since both their Clans had always good strong relations with one another.

Ryū wore a tight black leather outfit with no sleeves, black leather boots, fingerless gloves on his hands, gauntlets on his arm, a cape on his back and wore a mask to cover most of his face as well as wear his own Clan unique headband with the Kumo symbol on it. He also carried a sword on his back and Kunai's on his left leg. All together Ryū was dressed like what most people expected a Ninja to look like which was not surprising since the Hayabusa Clan took there title as a Ninja Clan very serious.

When Ryū saw both women he greeted them politely and then settled down in his seat on the table

Soon after they were joined by Shiden leader of the Mugen Tenshin Clan who were among Kumo top Ninja Clan's they were well know for their unique fighting styles the Tenjin Mon and the Hajin Mon which allowed them to gain incredible strength and power. LikeHayabusa Clan the Mugen Tenshin Clan fought with the Rebel Factions due to their close ties with the Hayabusa Clan which only got stronger with the marriage between his daughter Kasumi and Ryū.

Just after Shiden arrived two other people arrived they were Akechi Mitsuhide and Miyoshi Saiyuri.

Akechi Mitsuhide was the Co Chief of operations for all the Shinobi forces where he would help decided who would go on what missions and could only be overruled by The Raikage, also should The Raikage be unable to run or organise the Shinobi forces Mitsuhide would take full control of the Shinobi forces.

Mitsuhide was a very handsome man despite being in his early thirties he still looked like a man in his mid twenties he had a narrow but well sculpted face and had long black raven coloured hair and clear blue eyes. Mitsuhide wore white Shinobi pants with sliver kneepads and boots, he also wore a white shirt with silver samurai like armour and had a white cloak and carried a long Katana that he called Gilded Talon.

Mitsuhide was also one of the first teachers to The Raikage back before he became Raikage. Mitsuhide was a former member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist) before he became a missing-nin Mitsuhide was credited with being one of the greatest prodigies of his time in Kiri since at age thirteen he became head of the Oinin division. When he was fifteen he became a Jonin and a member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū, it was also said that he was a prodigy of the sword in which he mastered at a very young age the fighting style of his Clan the Taka Kyuukouka (the Swooping Hawk). He also earned the nickname of Shirotakai no Kiri (Mist White Death) since he wore a White cloak and armour. During his time as Head of the Oinin division virtually all of Kiri missing-nin were eliminated within weeks of going rogue but after he went rogue himself the efficiency of Kiri Oinin division went down greatly which caused for Kiri to have the highest amount of missing-nin from it village than in any other Shinobi Nation.

Mitsuhide also had a Doujutsu called the Takagan (Hawkeye) which gives the user the ability to see great distances, keep up with great speeds, see through Genjustu and see through objects much like the Hyuga Clan Byakugan and the Uchiha Clan Sharingan as well as allowing the user to hit a object with 99.99% percent accuracy no matter how small or how far the object was which was why the Akechi Clan were so famed in Kiri as Assassins. Mitsuhide was also one of the few in his Clan to activate the second level of the Takagan which allowed the user to see even greater distance than before but also allowed him to see a object or person weakest points which if hit he could destroy a boulder with just hitting it weak point with a single strike as well as disable or even kill a person with one strike whether it be a hand strike or a sword strike by seeing the weakest point of their body. Unfortunately Mitsuhide was also the last of his Clan since during the early parts of the bloodline crusade in Kiri his Clan was wiped out in which he was forced into hiding until near the end of the crusade, where he avenged his Clan by killing three hundred bloodline hunters (which was nearly the entire Bloodline hunter division) in a single night when they were at their main base in Kiri. After the attack Mitsuhide was declared an S rank missing Ninja with an engaged with caution warning on him. Later on during the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni he won great fame and respect when he joined the Rebel Factions of Kaminari no Kuniand Kumo as well as earned the nick name Kumo no Shirotaka (White Falcon of Cloud).

The Woman with Mitsuhide was his long time childhood friend and partner Miyoshi Saiyuri who like Mitsuhide helped to train The Raikage back before he became The Raikage. Also like Mitsuhide she was the Co Chief of operations for all the Shinobi forces she was also formerly of Kiri where she was his Genin partner back when they were younger. Both rose through the ranks and both became members of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū. Like Mitsuhide Saiyuri was a highly gifted Shinobi in which she mastered the sword art of Dual bladed sword fighting. She also had a Bloodline called Shitaikiri Kitai(The Mist Body Vapour) which allows her to turn her body into a mist like vapour when in this form she couldn't be harmed by any physical weapon and it allows her to go through even the smallest of cracks and holes to infiltrate enemy Bases. Forts and Castles, she could also enter a person body through their mouth and drain all the liquids from the person body leaving the person noting more than a dry husk.

This of course made the Miyoshi Clan valuable Infiltrators and Assassins and like the Akechi Clan her Clan had been wiped out quickly by the Bloodline hunters in which later on she avenged her Clan by killing the entire Kiri Council who supported the Yodaime Mizukage slaughter of Bloodline users and had ordered her Clan's massacre. After Slaughtering the Kiri Council Saiyuri was made an A rank missing Ninja and like Mitsuhide had engaged with caution warning on her. Back when she was with Kiri Saiyuri was known as the Kiri no Shinkutakai (Crimson Death of Mist) and when she joined the Rebel Factions in Kaminari no Kuni and Kumo she become know as Shinkukiri no Kumo (Cloud's Crimson Mist).

Saiyuri wore brown leather pants with brown leather boots; she also wore a white midriff top with long sleeves (that showed her figure quite nicely) and had a short cloak; she also carried to short curved swords that she had holsters for each one on her legs. Saiyuri had a sharp yet attractive face, short Crimson Red hair in which it fell down her face slightly and covered the left hand side of her face and she had bright green eyes.

It had also be greatly rumoured that both Mitsuhide and Saiyuri were lovers since neither were very often seen without the other while others just believed that they were close friends but no-one had the courage to asked them straight out since they did not want to get on either of their bad sides.

Both Mitsuhide and Saiyuri greeted the members who had already entered the War Council Room and took their seats near The Raikage seat.

Not long after Mitsuhide and Saiyuri three more people arrived they were Zhou Yu, Gan Ning and Sun Li all three of them commanded aspects of Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni navel forces

Gan Ning was the leader of the Ning Clan and Commander of Kumo fleet he was also the best sea captain in all of the Heavenly Alliance and was also a former sea pirate. He was originally from Kiri and was from the Ning Clan who painted animal tattoo's on their bodies and used special Jutsu's, that were used by only their Clan that allowed the animals on their bodies to come to life (much like Chōjū Giga; Viz (Super Beasts Imitation Picture)) and return to their bodies when they were destroyed or were called back to their wielder they could also control the animals with their thoughts and see what their animals could see as well.

When the Bloodline Crusade began his Clan fled Mizu no Kuni since they feared people would consider their Clan Jutsu as a Bloodline and start to attack them. The Ning Clan fled to a small island where they were force to become pirates so that they would survive. During the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni he and his men tried to raid a dock belonging to one of the Rebel Factions but were captured by Denkou (the name The Raikage went by before he became The Raikage). WhenGan Ning explained why he was raiding their dock Denkou gave him a choice become the new leader of the Rebel Factions fleet and have his Clan join the Rebel Factions and have a chance of having a new home to live in or spend the rest of his life in prison while his Clan would be hunted down and destroyed by Kiri or some other nation or starve to death with no food or supplies, Gan Ning had little choice but to agree. During the Civil War he won great fame for his sea fairing skill and ability to command ships and men as well as leading raids on docks and ships belonging toDaimyo Yoshiaki and The Godaime Raikage. After the Civil War ended Gan Ning was made Commander of Kumo fleet and Captain of his own ship.

Personality wise Gan Ning was a man of action who didn't like to adjust to proper etiquette. He was also wild and fearless as well as a brilliant leader of men, and was only really satisfied with a good brawl or battle. He was also confident in his abilities and, though he seemed arrogant, he had a good head on his shoulders and proved it many times in battle and knew when to rely on teamwork. However, he was fickle about who he take orders from although there were several people he did not mind taking orders from for example The Raikage since Gan Ning respected him a great deal.

Gan Ning worn lose fitting Shinobi like pants and normal boots he also worn a sleeveless vest and a ribbon that acted as a belt for him, he also had bandages around his stomach and worn the Kumo headband around his head he even worn bells around his neck say that they allow his enemies to know when the bell tolls for them. Gan Ning had brown spiky hair and had a roughish looking face he also had tattoos of animals all over his body he even carried a large curved sword that looked like a large cutting knife and he called the sword Leviathan.

Sun Li was the Commander of Kumo submarine fleet and underwater Shinobi fighting force AQUA (which was a force created to counter Kiri underwater fighting force SHARK). Sun Li was originally from a well off sea merchant family and when the Civil War started her family sided with The Godaime Raikage and Daimyo Yoshiaki while she herself joined the Rebel Factions and became a very skilled Shinobi.

During the Civil War she became an excellent Commander of men and due to her experience in ships and was the one who suggested to create Kumo own counter forces of underwater fighters which she was given command of, as well as command of Kumo submarine fleet when the Civil War ended.

Personality wise Sun Li was upbeat and independent woman who was considered to be a tomboyish by many people. She was loving and loyal to her friends and family (who were pardoned for siding against the Rebel Factions). She was always eager to lend a helping hand to others and frequently wanted to prove her worth in battle which often caused her husband to worry.

Sun Li was also very beautiful she had short brown her and emerald green eyes and a curvy body, her clothing also reflected her personality since it gave her a tomboyish look she had a tight red top and shorts, with matching socks and shoes and wore a Kumo head band on her head with the Symbol cloth being red instead of brown.

Zhou Yu was the Supreme Commander of all Kaminari no Kuni naval forces and although he mainly only commanded Kaminari no Kuni navel forces, under wartime emergency's or events he would be given overall command of Kumo's and all the other members of the Heavenly Alliance navel forces. This was due to the fact that Zhou Yu was one of the most brilliant navel strategic commanders in the Elemental continent he was also highly skilled in the Ninja arts of combat but was not a ninja of Kumo he was also a highly skilled user in Fire Techniques.

During the Civil War Zhou Yu fought for Daimyo Yoshiaki and he commanded his fleets as well as Kumo despite not liking either Daimyo Yoshiaki or The Godaime Raikage he remained loyal to them due to they were still the rightful rulers of Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni, in which he won them many navel victories as well as nearly destroying the Rebel Fleet on severely occasions during the Civil War and kept the seas of Kaminari no Kuni virtually completely under Daimyo Yoshiaki and The Godaime Raikage control. It was not until Anisu the famed Kumo no Aisuryuu (Ice Dragon of Kumo) and Gan Ning joined the Rebel Factions did the tide turn against him in which during the battle of Eagles Peak most of his fleet had been destroyed by Anisu.

When the Civil War ended Zhou Yu had been taken Prisoner in which he was later on offered the rank Supreme Commander of Kaminari no Kuni naval forces which natural caught him by surprise since he had expected to be executed or in Prison for the rest of his life for siding against the Rebel Factions. It was later on that he learned that despite the fact he fought against them he had earned a great deal of respect from The Raikage and other Rebel Factions due to always taking Prisoner from destroyed enemy ships instead of letting them drown, giving plenty of food, clothing and medical supplies for the Prisoners and always fought with honour and allowed enemy ships to surrender and did not fire on retreating ships or Civilian ports and ships carrying Civilians like some fleet Commanders did.

Personality wise he was a man who valued honour most of all, he was also very loyal to his friends and Country, as well as very intelligent man and a keen strategist he was also a lover of music and was known well for playing the flute extremely well. Zhou Yu was also an extremely attractive man; he had long brown hair, dark brown eyes and was very handsome where many girls tried to win his affection. He wore tradition clothing for someone of the royal court (7); Zhou also wielded a straight thin narrow sword with a Red Dragon craved on the blade.

All three quickly sat down greeting the people who were in so far in their own way with a slight nod of the head in greet from Zhou Yu, a friendly smile from Sun Li and a grin Gan Ning.

The remaining other seven Clan heads entered right after Zhou Yu and the others they were Kuchiki Byakuya of the Kuchiki Clan, Godō Kisaragi of the Kisaragi Clan, Cai Wengi of the Wengi Clan, Ishida Ryūken of the Ishida Clan, Tatara Raito of the Tatara Clan, Yūki Nadie of the Yūki Clan and Zhao Yun of the Yun Clan.

Godō Kisaragi was leader of the Kisaragi Clan he was a fiercely proud man as were his Clan members, they had fled their Country Wutai when it was conquered by a more powerful Country in which they became a wandering Clan. It was just when the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni ended and the rebuilding and stabilization of the Country was beginning that Godō Kisaragi and his Clan offered their services to help the Country in return of allowing them to stay in which both Lady Daimyo Kicho and The Raikage agreed to. The Kisaragi Clan was well know for having several very powerful summoning contracts that they could use which made them quite powerful in their own right.

Cai Wengi was the leader of the Wengi Clan she was a powerful women who had an aura of strength and nobility around her and was well respected by everyone. She was a powerful Genjutsu Mistress as well as an extremely powerful Wind Mistress, Cai Wengi was a women of strong conviction and always did what she believed to be best for her Clan no matter what it cost her, she also valued loyalty and showed respect to those who she believed worthy of it.

Originally she and her Clan were from Suna but were force to leave the village when they learned that the Yondaime Kazekage was planning to have them killed and claim that they were traitors. For about fourteen years Cai Wengi and her Clan wandered around the Elemental Continent where they eventually joined in the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni with the Daimyo Yoshiaki and The Godaime Raikage with the promise of a new home and a position as a powerful Clan when the Civil War ended. Although when they lost they were forgiven by The Rokudaime Raikage and he offered them the same deal which the Wengi Clan accepted and swore loyalty to The Raikage since they had been touched by The Raikage forgiveness and generosity.

Although it was not well know the reason why the Wengi Clan fled Suna was because the Wengi Clan had been the Guardians of the Demon Ichibi no Shukaku (One-Tailed Shukaku) and were sworn to keep it from harming the people of Suna. After seeing the destruction that the former host of the Ichibi no Shukaku caused the Wengi Clan pleaded with The Sandaime Kazekage to not create another Jinchuuriki since all it would do would drive the host mad like it did to the monk that the Ichibi no Shukaku was sealed in and create another unstable Jinchuuriki that would threaten Suna. The Sandaime Kazekage eventually agreed to seal up the demon back into the tea kettle but when The Sandaime Kazekage disappeared (secretly killed by Sasori) and replaced by The Yondaime Kazekage the agreement was nullified. The Yondaime Kazekage sealed the Ichibi no Shukaku into his new born son despite the Wengi Clan objections and warnings, eventually when The Yondaime Kazekage realised that the Wengi Clan had been right all along he ordered for his son to be killed but all attempts failed.

When the Wengi Clan heard what the The Yondaime Kazekage was planning they offered to take Gaara into their Clan and train him and help him control the Ichibi no Shukaku (since they saw how bad his life was and how he struggled to control his power and knew he wasn't a demon and they felt responsible for him), but The Yondaime Kazekage forbid this, since back when he had the Ichibi no Shukaku first sealed into his son he forbad that any member of the Wengi Clan to come near his son. The reason for this was because The Yondaime Kazekage feared that the Wengi Clan would use their knowledge of the Ichibi no Shukaku and build a bond between Gaara and their Clan in which they would train him to become a weapon for them to use to take control of the village for them. Eventually The Yondaime Kazekage had order for the Wengi Clan to be wiped out under the guise that they were planning a Coup D'état fortunately they were able to find out about it before the order could be carried out. They had even tried to take Gaara with them but on the night they fled Gaara Uncle Yashamaru tried to kill him under the orders of his father and the men that were sent take Gaara could not get near him since he became completely unhinge by his Uncle betrayal and attack and could not get near him which resulted in them leaving him in the village.

The Wengi Clan also were the only people known except for Gaara to be able to use Sabuton (Sand Release) it was believed that due to their knowledge of the Ichibi no Shukaku and it's abilities that they knew how to do Sabuton although despite this knowledge they are not able to use Sabuton to the same level as Gaara could. Cai Wengi wore (8). She also carried a long straight narrow sword and a large battle fan on her back.

Kuchiki Byakuya was the leader of the Kuchiki Clan which was one of the founding Clans of the Kumo and one of the five Clans in Kaminari no Kuni or Kumo that had a Kekkei Genkai (although that had changed after the Civil War ended). The Kuchiki Clan had a Bloodline that was similar to the of tThe Shodaime Hokage Mokuton (Wood Release) their abilities was to be able to control plants and do Plant Jutsu the ability was called Koubaton (Plant Release) similar to The Shodaime Hokage Mokuton the Koubaton allowed a person to create Plants out of the ground and control them in anyway they wish to they could even create giant plants that could devour a man if they wish to. Although despite their ability only a quarter of the Clan could do it with the majority being unable the only ability that all members of the Kuchiki Clan shared was their high control over their Chakra.

Byakuya was a very handsome man where many women from important families often tried to gain his attention but failed since he had never gotten over the loss of his wife during the Civil War.

During the Civil War the Kuchiki Clan fought for The Godaime Raikage due to despite what he did he was still the rightful leader of Kumo but eventually when they learned some of the other crimes that The Godaime Raikage and Daimyo Yoshiaki had done after which they sided with the Rebels Factions near the end of the Civil War and helped give them valuable information on The Godaime Raikage and Daimyo Yoshiaki plans.

Byakuya himself was by far the most powerful and gifted member of his Clan and was said to be the greatest Prodigy to be born in the Clan in almost a hundred years it is also said that he was strongest member in his Clan to be ever born. Since he had complete mastery of the Koubaton to a level far beyond any other Clan member where he could channel his Chakra into thousands of flower petals or even tree leaf's and control them all at once and have them spin so fast and that they would act like thousands of small blades cutting his enemies to pieces he is even a master Genjutsu user.

Personality wiseByakuya acted in an aristocratic manner he seemed always serene and apathetic towards other people, even when he was deeply conflicted. He was also extremely calm, even in battle, and was very seldom surprised by even the most drastic of actions. This was due in part to his status in Kumo as the leader of one of Kumo most Noble Clans, he generally acted indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations that he faced where he rarely viewed his enemies or other people worth his time. But despite this trait, Byakuya was a very perceptive man and was fully aware of the limits of his abilities and usually anything he would state in comparison to a person was justified. Byakuya also strongly believed in law and order and believed that Shinobi's should do whatever it takes to protect their home and their people from harm. In spite of his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cared for and protects those important to him which includes family and friends (since despite his cold manner he dose have several friends that he cares about).

Byakuya wore a White Shitagi, a Black Kosode, a Black Hakama, a white Hakama-Himo, white Tabi, and Waraji and a white Haori over the black Kosode he also kept his long shoulder length Black hair in a white headpiece called a Kenseikan. He also wore fingerless White gloves that covered only the back of his hands and wore a scarf made from the silver-white, windflower light silk which was a family heirloom that was handed down from generation to generation and was given to each Kuchiki family head. The scarf alone was worth enough to buy ten mansions in New Kumogakure. Byakuya was also a highly skilled sword master where he carried a regular katana, with a simple cross guard, which is a simple open frame, much like a four-pane window. It had a light blue handle.

Tatara Hamrio was the leader of the Tatara Clan, Hamrio only recently became the leader of the Tatara Clan since his grandfather retired as head of the Clan and handed it to him. Although Hamrio was the youngest member of the War Council (since he was only eighteen) he was a competent leader and an excellent fighter which earned him some respect from the other members although he did not enjoy meetings like these since he preferred to be out on the field doing missions.

The Tatara Clan was a new Clan that join Kumo during the Civil War, originally the Tatara Clan isolated themselves from the world when the Shinobi villages were first formed since they did not want to join any village but knew that they would either be forced to join or wiped out encase they became a threat to one of the villages. The Tatara Clan hid themselves in a small hidden valley in the Mountain ranges of Kumo it was not until the Civil War began that they were discovered by The Godaime Raikage forces. When he learned of their existence he offered them a place to join Kumo but they refused not wanting to join the Civil War. Soon after The Godaime Raikage sent a large force of Ninja's to destroy them and capture a few members of the Clan so that he could breed a new Clan under his control later on. Although the attack on the Clan was successful where three hundred members of the Clan were killed and about seventy others were taken prisoner two hundred members of the Tatara Caln were able to escape. Hamrio father as well as most of his family had been killed in that attack where only his Grandfather had survived and led the remainder of their Clan to the Rebel Factions and joined them to avenge what The Godaime Raikage had done and to rescue their captured Clan members which they eventually did.

During the Civil War the Tatara Clan won great respect and renowned by using their Kekkei Genkai to great effect. The Tatara Clan bloodline was called the Kōton(Steel Release) this Bloodline allowed them tomanipulate anything metal into any form they want it to be. They could reform metal into almost any kind of weapon or tool they needed, they could also make their bodies as hard as steel. This of course made the Clan extremely valuable as Ninja's and allies where after the Civil War they joined Kumo.